Pakistani journalist Abid Hussain Abidi, affiliated with local newspaper Jurm-o- Saza, was shot dead in Mandi Bahaudin in the Malikwal district on…

Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ/FEJ) s'associent à leurs affiliés français, le SNJ, le SNJ-CGT et la…

Ante la decisión de una fiscalía argentina, que el miércoles último imputó por “homicidio en grado de tentativa” a los agresores que golpearon al…

Le journaliste marocain d'investigation Omar Radi a comparu le 22 septembre devant le juge d'instruction à Casablanca pour trois chefs d'accusation,…

IFJ in the news !

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Lawyers for the US government wrangled for days to prevent Julian Assange's extradition proceedings hearing Kahled El-Masri’s evidence. When…

UNESCO is partnering with the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the IFJ branch in Africa, and the Media stakeholders across the continent, in…

We, the undersigned affiliate members of the International Federation of Journalists, welcome the decision of the United Nations Educational,…

Ehtisham Kiyani, a reporter for Channel 24 was arrested on false charges for allegedly bearing weapons in Islamabad’s High Court. The International…

Las iniciativas para regular el teletrabajo no paran de crecer en todo el mundo: debates sobre nueva legislación, negociación de convenios colectivos…

Journalists Asad Toor, Bilal Farooqi, and Absar Alam have all been charged with sedition between September 11 and September 16 for publishing…

The cyber wing of the Jammu and Kashmir Police summoned and abused Auqib Javeed, a Kashmir based journalist, over a news report about police…

Under a new policy, Hong Kong’s police will cease to recognise press accreditation issued by local media or journalist associations unless they are…

Indian Police have arrested journalist Rajeev Sharma over allegations of espionage. Sharma stands accused of passing ‘sensitive information’ to…

Una coalición de sindicatos mundiales, que representan a casi 21 millones de trabajadores y trabajadoras en todo el mundo, pone en marcha hoy una…

El miércoles el presidente guatemalteco Alejandro Giamattei reclamó trabajar “con seriedad” la libertad de expresión. Sin embargo, periodistas…