On June 16, Sri Lankan journalist Kusal Perera was faced with charges for commenting on the development of religious rivalries after the April 21…

IFJ in the news!

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

El Congreso de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), reunido en Túnez del 10 al 14 de junio, aprobó hoy por unanimidad una moción instando…

Here is the list of the IFJ board including the 5 administrative committee members and the 16 advisers elected on 13th June 2019 as well as the list…

On June 9 over 1 million people took to the streets of Hong Kong to protest against the proposed extradition law that was about to be debated in the…

El 12 de junio fue asesinado por sicarios el periodista y locutor de la emisora comunitaria Samaniego Estéreo, del departamento de Nariño. El crimen…

254 delegados de la FIP reunidos en Túnez para su Congreso Mundial eligieron hoy al periodista marroquí Younes M'Jahed como nuevo presidente de la…

IFJ World Congress meeting in Tunis from 11th to 14th June adopted a motion proposed by the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) to condemn the…

Delegates at the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) World Congress today backed a motion to promote the IFJ campaign for a UN Convention on…

Russian authorities detained on Wednesday 11 June hundreds of people, including at least 10 journalists, following a protest in Moscow in support of…

El día 11 de junio, Norma Sarabia Garduza fue asesinada en la puerta de su domicilio por hombres armados que le dispararon desde una motocicleta. Su…

IFJ gender council members elected on 11th June their new executive committee. The vote took place as the council convened for its general meeting…

Since Saturday, June 8, four journalists have been arrested in Uttar Pradesh for sharing a video deemed to be ‘defaming’ the chief minister on…

Philippe Leruth pronunció hoy su último discurso como Presidente de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ante los 254 delegados reunidos…

El periodista Rospide Petion fue atacado por personas armadas y asesinado a balazos el día 10 de junio, cuando conducía a su domicilio luego de…

Hoy es el último día de Philippe Leruth como presidente de la FIP. En este vídeo comparte sus pensamientos sobre su legado, el futuro de la FIP y el…