Des journalistes qui couvraient une marche organisée par le parti Ennahdha à Tunis le samedi 27 février 2021, ont été agressé(e)s verbalement et…

El Sindicato Nacional de Periodistasn de Reino Unido (NUJ) ha sido muy activo en la lucha por la igualdad salarial en los últimos años, especialmente…

Journalists covering protesters standing against Myanmar’s military coup have been detained by security forces with reports of up to 25 journalists…

Bangladeshi writer Mushtaq Ahmed, who was detained under the Digital Security Act (DSA) in May, 2020, for allegedly posting criticism of the…

La Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador (APES) ha denunciado distintos tipos de restricciones y agresiones a la prensa durante el proceso…

Un photographe du quotidien régional L'Union, Christian Lantenois, a été grièvement blessé samedi 27 février alors qu'il couvrait les tensions dans le…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Four journalists arrested in 2015 by Houthi forces in the Yemeni capital Sana’a will launch their appeal hearing on 28 February against a death…

Kosovo Investigative journalist Visar Duriqi was left with a broken nose and teeth following an assault by three masked men on 25 February. The…

Indian police filed the First Information Report (FIR) against journalists Barkha Dutt and seven other Twitter users on February 20 for allegedly…

Almost one-third (29 per cent) of the NUJ members surveyed during February’s LGBT+ History month and in the run up to the TUC’s LGBT+ conference said…

Jammu & Kashmir police opened criminal investigations against two journalists on January 30, while the Jammu & Kashmir administration filed another…

The central offices of the Geo and Jang media group in Karachi were vandalized by a group of protesters from the Sindhi community on February 21, in…

Vincent Muscat, one of the three presumed murderers of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, has been sentenced to 15 years in jail after…

Former Chinese journalist Qiu Ziming has been detained by authorities for his social media comments in relation to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)…

El periodismo es un bien público. El periodismo es esencial para una democracia.