The Albenian government is set on passing a new "anti-defamation" media law package on December 19. The European and International Federations of…

We, undersigned General Secretaries of the Global Unions representing sectors of activities where workers rights are denied, request the Duterte…

Philippines’ president, Rodrigo Duterte, has threatened to block the license renewal of the country’s largest broadcasting company, ABS-CBN. The…

Turkish journalist İdris Özyol who had been beaten up in May was found unconscious in the street in Antalya on 2nd December and rushed to hospital…

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) conmemoró hoy el Día de los Derechos Humanos condenando las violaciones de los derechos y libertades…

Israeli intelligence officers detained two Palestinian TV crews on 6 December in Jerusalem. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

L’Association pour la lutte contre l’impunité et pour la justice transitionnelle a été lancée à Bruxelles, mardi 3 décembre. Plusieurs responsables du…

A roadside bomb in Helmand province in Afghanistan seriously injured a reporter travelling in a military convoy on November 30, 2019. The…

A demonstration outside of Dawn newspaper’s Islamabad office in Pakistan on December 2 turned violent with demonstrators threatening staff. The…

Tim Dawson is a London-based journalist, and a member of the executive of the National Union of Journalists in the UK and Ireland. He traveled to…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will hold a special meeting on the issue of recent governmental and security threats to the Iranian…

Journalist and domestic worker, Yuli Riswati was deported from Hong Kong after a visa dispute. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and…

Recent reports have stated the Australian writer, Yang Zhengjun, who has been detained in Beijing since January 19, 2019, is now subjected to…

Ukrainian journalist Oleksandr Vlashchenko was assaulted on November 30th, in the port city of Mykolayiv. So far, the perpetrators have not been…

Egyptian journalists Hossam El-Sayed and Solafa Magdy have been arrested and charged with terrorism-related offences amid a crackdown on press freedom…