The accreditation for two Taiwanese journalists to cover the upcoming World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland has been denied. The International…

Un conductor de radio y televisión fue acribillado el pasado 15 de mayo al salir de su casa, en el estado de Tabasco. La Federación Internacional de…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has praised the dedication and solidarity of journalists at Al Jazeera in London who have won a 9…

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) today supported the strike by 1,700 journalist members of their affiliate, the…

Just days after journalists were attacked in Sichuan covering the earthquake memorial, several Hong Kong journalists were manhandled and harassed by…

Nepali media were barred from covering some events during the visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Mustang and Kathmandu on May 12.

Thirteen journalists covering protests in Gaza were injured on Monday, 14 May when Israeli military opened fire on Palestinian protesters along the…

Two Hong Kong-based journalists were attacked and a Japan media outlet was blocked as they covered the 10th anniversary of the Sichuan earthquake on…

IFJ executive committee members gathering in Paipei, Taiwan for their Executive Committee meeting and annual meeting convened at the Taiwanese…

Alexander Lapshin is bereft. The Israeli travel blogger and journalist has been threatened and homeless for the past 17 months. The International…

On Thursday, May 10, Malaysia held the 14th general election (GE14) which saw the defeat of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) which has…

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

The International and the European Federation of journalists (IFJ/EFJ)joined their affiliate, the Trade Union of Journalists of Montenegro (SMCG) in…

Over 700 participants, representing journalists’ unions, media organizations, governments, human rights and freedom of expression organizations, in…