More than eight million people living in Kashmir are unable to access reliable health information about COVID- 19 as the seven month long internet…

IFJ in the news!

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Trabajadores de Notimex denuncian que la dirección despidió más de 200 periodistas, contrató a otras personas y trasladó parte de su redacción a otro…

As the coronavirus outbreak continues to sweep the world, the Chinese authorities’ response to the crisis is being closely monitored for undue…

Protesters targeted the Indonesian magazine company, Tempo following the paper's publication on a politician allegedly involved with money laundering.…

Egyptian photojournalist Mohammed Hassan has been in jail on trumped-up terrorism charges since September 2019. The International Federation of…

Investigative journalist Slavi Angelov was assaulted near his home in Sofia on 17 March by two unidentified masked men while another filmed the…

Myanmar’s military withdrew two lawsuits against The Irrawaddy and Reuters News Agency on March 18, following the involvement of the Myanmar Press…

Journalists in the Philippines covering Luzon’s quarantine area were ordered on March 16 by the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO)…

Independent journalist Afgan Mukhtarli was released after three years in arbitrary detention in Azerbaijan. The International and European Federation…

The body of the journalist Aziz Memon was exhumed on March 15 after a joint investigative team (JIT) found the initial post mortem report…

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on March 18 that all US journalist working in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau for the New York…

The Yangon court accepted the Myanmar military’s legal dispute against The Irrawaddy over the newsroom coverage of the conflict in Rakhine State. The…

A jihadist propagandist offered on his Telegram channel a 50,000$ reward for the killing of two Russian journalists covering the Syrian war. The…

Malaysiakini journalist Kow Gah Chie has been targeted in an online hate campaign after publishing a story on the country’s new environment minister…

A group of local and international freedom of media organizations wrote a joint letter to Press Advertising Agency (BİK) on 16 March 2020, calling for…