A coalition of Pakistani media stakeholders and leaders is calling for the rejection of the proposed Pakistan Media Regularity Authority (PMDA) which…

Pakistani journalist, Kashif Hussain, was killed in Wanike Tarrar, a small town in the District of Hafizabad. The International Federation of…

One year on from her detainment by Chinese authorities on “suspicion of illegally supplying state secrets overseas”, a journalist and media collective…

La Coordinación por una Comunicación Democrática, de la cual forma parte la Asociación de la Prensa Uruguaya, expresó mediante un comunicado su…

The La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ha lanzado una campaña de solidaridad internacional para lxs periodistas afganxs a medida que…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined UNESCO in condemning the brutal murder of a journalist working with the Congolese…

The threat of extradition grew for Julian Assange yesterday as a judge ruled that the US could expand the basis of its appeal.

El Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) emitió un video en el cual su líder, Nemesio Rubén Oseguera Cervantes, amenazó directamente a la…

The Polish parliament is discussing measures to ban non-European owners from controlling more than a 49% stake in Polish media companies. The move,…

The preliminary hearing of the US government's appeal against the decision not to extradite journalist Julian Assange started on 11 August at the High…

Two Lahore-based journalists, Amir Mir and Imran Shafqat, were booked under the cybercrime act by the Pakistani Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).…

Con este número, el país sudamericano encabeza las estadísticas mundiales de trabajadorxs de prensa muertos durante la pandemia. Según el registro…

El 28 de julio, Andrés Cardona se encontraba realizando la cobertura de las manifestaciones en Bogotá cuando recibió un disparo directo de un…

Ivan Safronov, a former journalist imprisoned since 7 July 2020 on charges of "high treason", has been facing harsher conditions since the publication…

Chennakeshavalu, a reporter who worked for local television news channel EV5, was killed in Nandyal, a city in the southeastern state of Andhra…

Turkey's Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) has threatened broadcasters with sanctions if they are found to have covered wildfires raging…