On April 4, Bhutan’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forests issued a compulsory retirement order to two of its staff after they were seen speaking with…

Ce 20 avril 2022, la justice britannique  se penchera à nouveau sur le sort de Julian Assange, le fondateur de WikiLeaks, traqué, emprisonné, torturé…

Le syndicat des journalistes libanais (SJL) a adopté le 19 avril une déclaration enjoignant les candidat.e.s aux prochaines élections législatives à…

Since the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, the IFJ has received thousands of requests for assistance from journalists and media workers on the…

IFJ affiliate E tū union has secured the evacuation of Afghan journalists to New Zealand and is working on their integration in the country.

The Taliban take-over of Afghanistan in August 2021 witnessed extremely repressive measures towards the media. The need for support and solidarity was…

Con este arresto ya son cuatro las personas que están vinculadas a proceso por el crimen de Jacinto Romero, periodista que murió tras recibir varios…

Solidarity centers just launched by the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), with the support of the International and European…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Journalist Mohiuddin Sarkar Nayem was allegedly shot dead by drug dealers near the border with India in Cumilla city on 13 April. The International…

Somaliland police arrested 16 journalists and raided the headquarters of Horn Cable TV on 13 April. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)…

Journalist Thanasis Koukakis was allegedly spied on by a new surveillance software named Predator for at least three months, a report revealed. The…

The Dorogomilovsky District Court in Moscow sentenced on 12 April four journalists from student magazine, DOXA, to two years of forced labour.…

The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) has documented 20 violations of press freedom in the country between 1 January and 31 March 2022, ranging from…

[Translate to Spanish:]

Karine Barzegar es periodista y miembro de la dirección del Sindicato Nacional de Periodistas (SNJ) de Francia. Desde mediados de agosto de 2021, ella…

Phan Bui Bao Thy was sentenced on April 7 by the People’s Court of Quảng Trị to one year of mandatory ‘re-education’ classes for alleged defamation.…