Una trabajadora de la TV Pública fue amenazada por un funcionario de recursos humanos tras participar en una actividad sindical contra el…

El pasado 21 de septiembre, un periodista fue asesinado a balazos en el estado de Chiapas. El reportero habría denunciado amenazas con anterioridad.…

Journalist Mohamed Ali Siad, deputy director of Radio Galkayo, was attacked by police officers on Sunday 23 September in the Somali city of Galkayo at…

Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has won the 2018 Maldives presidential election beating incumbent president Abdulla…

On May 9th, 2018, Najib Razak’s United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) Government was defeated in general elections that stunned the world. Today,…

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) joined today their Croatian affiliate, Croatia Journalists’ Association (CJA),…

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Former newspaper columnist has been jailed for seven years in Myanmar over Facebook post criticizing the country’s leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. The…

The draconian Digital Security Bill 2018 has passed the Bangladesh Parliament with provisions curtailing the freedom of expression and independent…

Do Cong Duong, Vietnamese land rights activist and citizen journalist was sentenced to 48 months jail for ‘disturbing public order’. The International…

Media in the Philippines has come under attack this week, both online and offline, raising serious concerns about the safety and security of the…

El periódico argentino hoy no lanzó su edición impresa tras decretarse un paro de 24 horas como medida de reclamo de sus trabajadorxs ante una…

Journalist Abdirisak Sa’id Osman, a radio reporter working for privately owned Radio Voice of Peace in Somali city of Galkayo, was stabbed to death on…

Freelance journalists in Belarus face increasing threats, pressure and censorship and this is a concern Europeans should share, said Belarussian…

Tras haber sufrido agresiones físicas en su ejercicio profesional, el pasado 15 de septiembre, periodistas y camarógrafos hondureños, denuncian ante…

Italian government threatens to cut indirect state funding to the press, accusing newspapers of “polluting the debate”. The International Federation…