Schirlei Alves, periodista independiente del medio The Intercept Brasil, fue condenada por “calumnias e injurias” a un año de prisión domiciliaria y a…

Fourteen years on from the single worst massacre of journalists in history, only “partial justice” has been delivered for the families of those killed…

Join us and the Brussels branch of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) on Monday 27 November for a candlelight vigil. When? 16h30-19h00 Where?…

[UPDATED 22.11.2023] On 21 November Abzas Media chief editor, Sevinc Vaqifqizi, was detained at the Baku airport upon arrival. A day before, on 20…

El líder de los y las periodistas de Palestina, Nasser Abu Baker, ha lanzado un emotivo llamamiento para ayudar a las y los trabajadores de los medios…

Citizen journalist and activist Sun Lin was killed following an altercation during a police raid on his home on November 17. The International…

Las máximas autoridades de los medios públicos que corren riesgo de ser privatizados en la próxima gestión del presidente electo Javier Milei, se…

[Translate to Spanish:]

La reportera Farah Omar y el cámara Rabih Me'mari, que trabajaban para el canal libanés Al Mayadeen TV, murieron el 21 de noviembre en un ataque…

Ismael Villagómez, fotógrafo de El Heraldo de Juárez, fue asesinado dentro de su vehículo de un tiro en la nuca. Fuentes policiales aseveran que…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

The Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) temporarily took down its website on November 15 amid an active hacking attack. The…

Aminou Alioum, correspondent of Canal 2 International in Cameroon was ambushed and arrested by plain-clothes police officials in his hometown, Maroua,…

Police in India’s Kerala state have summoned former politician and actor Suresh Gopi in relation to a complaint launched by an Indian journalist…

On November 7, Malaysian authorities revoked the press passes of journalists with the Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS)-affiliated news services Harakah…

Former Russian detective Sergei Khadzhikurbanov, convicted for his participation in the killing of the investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya in…

El comunicador Héctor Noguera Trujillo fue encontrado sin vida en su domicilio en Veracruz, en condiciones que indicarían una muerte provocada por…