At least 43 journalists were prevented from carrying out their work by protesters and police officers at an anti-lockdown demonstration in the eastern…

Ante el asesinato del periodista Israel Vázquez Rangel, el tercer comunicador asesinado en México en los últimos 15 días, la Federación Internacional…

Here is a round up of IFJ affiliates' activities during the #EndImpunity campaign running from 2 to 23 of November 2020.

Journalist Virgilio Maganes, a member of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), was shot dead by motorcycle-riding gunmen in…

G. Moses, a reporter for Tamilian TV, has been hacked to death in the western suburb of Kundrathru, Tamil Nadu, allegedly for his coverage of illegal…

Two videographers were arrested on 4 November by Los Angeles police while New York police arrested several journalists for not having press…

Voters across Myanmar went to the polls on November 8 in an election that is expected to see the return to power of Aung San Suu Kyi’s party. In the…

Yama Siawash, former TOLO news television journalist in Afghanistan was killed on November 7 in the targeted explosion in Makrorayan-e-Char area of…

Luego de que Radio Pública de Uruguay anunciara que no renovará los contratos de más de 40 trabajadores que finalizaban sus tareas el 31 de diciembre…

IFJ in the news !

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Media columnist and social media activist Bayazid Kharoti, who was reported ‘missing’ since November 4, had actually been arrested in Quetta on…

El pasado 21 de octubre, el Congreso mexicano votó la eliminación de aproximadamente 100 fideicomisos que, con fondos públicos, financiaban el…

As part of its 2020 campaign to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has sent a letter to…

UPDATED 4 NOVEMBER A Harare court banned prominent lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa from defending journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, ruling she was in contempt of…

Hong Kong police arrested producer Choy Yuk Ling on November 3 in relation to a Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) documentary about the 2019 Yuen Long…

Four journalists, including and editor and publisher, from Lakshmipur district in South Eastern Bangladesh are the latest media workers to be pursued…