Syrian freelance journalist Bakr al-Kassem was freed on 2 September, one week after he was arrested by Türkiye-backed local authorities in the city of…

Journalist Asif Himadri was assaulted by paramilitary personnel outside the Secretariat Complex of Dhaka, Bangladesh on August 25. The International…

The President of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) Omar Faruk Osman Nur, addressed the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union…

The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) and its Romanian affiliate FAIR MediaSind express alarming concern for both…

As many as 11 journalists and media workers employed by Cable News Network (CNN) Indonesia were illegally terminated on August 31, less than a week…

Journalists Myo Myint Oo and Aung San Oo, associated with the independent online media outlet Dawei Watch, were sentenced to life and 20 years…

Former editors of defunct independent news website Stand News, Chung Pui-Kuen and Patrick Lam, were found guilty of sedition by Hong Kong’s District…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

[UPDATED 12.09.2024] The military junta in Mali suspended, on 23 August, the operations of the French news channel La Chaine Info (LCI) for two months…

Approximately 11 journalists were attacked and had their equipment damaged while covering a demonstration at the House of Representatives (DPR) in the…

Con apoyo de FEPALC, UNESCO y acompañamiento de FIP, la asociación Comunicar Igualdad realizó una encuesta entre trabajadorxs de de medios de…

Local television journalist Muhammad Bachal Ghuniyo was shot and killed in the riverine area of Rounti in Sindh’s Ghotki district of Pakistan on…

Tras décadas de impunidad, el caso de los cuatro periodistas holandeses asesinados por fuerzas militares en El Salvador en 1982 avanza hacia la…

The President of the Sindicato de jornalistas e Tecnicos de Comunicao Social de Guine- Bissau (SINJOTECS), Indira Correia Balde, was asked, on 22…

La Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) y la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) reiteran su preocupación ante…

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) are deeply shocked by the deadly Russian missile attack in the eastern Ukrainian…