Tamer Abdel Raouf

The regional bureau chief of Egypt's daily Al Ahram was shot by soldiers at an army check point shortly after the start of the curfew in Damanhur in the Nile delta province of Buheira. Another journalist, Hamed Al Barbari, a reporter for the daily Al Gumhuria, who was travelling with him in the car, was also shot in the hand and leg and has beeen hospitalised.

"It is shocking that trigger-happy security forces shoot to kill without any attempt to establish the identity of the journalists. This seems to be a case of shoot first and ask questions later, which is unacceptable," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "If journalists and media personnel, who are officially exempt form curfew, are to be allowed to move freely and safely at night, the security forces must establish clear rules to enforce the curfew."

According to the Egyptian Journalists' Syndicate, the two journalists were travelling back home in Kafr Al Dawwar, after an assignment at the Beheira governate and decided to take a turn as they approached a military checkpoint. Soldiers fired at the car.

The International Federation of Journalists has joined the Syndicate in urging Egyptian authorities to carry out an independent investigation on what had happened.

"We have reiterated our advice to journalists in Egypt to exercise extreme caution and our call for media organisations to ensure the safety of their journalists during this extremely dangerous period," said IFJ General Secretary Beth Costa.

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