Richard Nadjid

The 35-year-old community-based journalist in Bongao, Tawi-Tawi was gunned down by unidentified attackers a day after the UNESCO World Press Freedom Day. The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), IFJ affiliate, condemned the comments of the provincial police chief, Senior Supt Joselido Salido, who had ruled out the possibility of the Nadjid's murder being work-related, saying the victim was " just one disc jockey, a person who plays popular music on FM radio station. He is not a journalist."

The NUJP chairperson Rowena C. Paraan took objection to that, replying that " For Salido's enlightenment, Nadjid was not only the station manager of DxNN Power Myx FM Station in Bongao, he also managed the station's regular morning news and public affairs programme."

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