Mohamed Ibrahim Rageh

The newscaster, reporter and program producer for state owned Radio Mogadishu and Somali National Television (SNTV) was shot dead in Mogadishu by two men armed with pistols, NUSOJ said.

Rageh was shot dead around 6 PM in front of his house while he reached home after his work. He was shot in the chest and head seven times, his family was quoted as saying.

The journalist was one of the members of NUSOJ’s Banadir Branch and he was among the fifteen journalists who resigned from their work in 2009 due to increased killings and deadly threats he received from Al-Shabaab militants  when he was working for Radio Shabelle.

In August 2009, the union with the help of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) evacuated him to Kampala, Uganda, for safety reasons. But he recently came back from Uganda to take up job at Radio Mogadishu.

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