Mahmoud Natouf

The reporter for Sana al-Thawra , a self proclaimed Syrian Arab News Agency for the Revolution) was killed during government shelling of the Damascus suburb of Moadamyat al-Sham, according to his employer, Sana al-Thawra, and media reports. He was filming government shelling in a residential area near the neighborhood mosque when he was hit by rocket fire, the Moadamyat al-Sham Media Center reported on its Facebook page, CPJ said.

According to CPJ, the Syrian Arab News Agency of the Revolution is considered a rival pro-opposition news agency to the pro-government Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). The agency provides news and reports from around the country and covers the conflict, politics, clashes, and protests. Its broadcasts are picked up by several regional news outlets including Al-Jazeera.

Natouf was also a contributor to the local media collective, the Moadamyat Al-Sham Media Center, a group of opposition citizen journalists who cover the Syrian revolution in Moadamyat al-Sham and publish unattributed videos online. The center has published hundreds of videos and reached almost a million views since the establishment of its YouTube channel in September 2012.

The Moadamyat Al-Sham Media Center posted a video on its Facebook page that it said was taken by Natouf the day he died. The video captured the explosion of a building after a rocket attack.

Source: CPJ

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