​Luís Manuel Medina, Leo Martínez

Luís Manuel Medina, the presenter of the news programme Milenio Caliente – or Hot Millennium – was killed while on air at the radio station FM 103.5 when gunmen opened fire during a news bulletin which was being broadcast on Facebook Live. Producer and director Leo Martínez was also shot dead in an adjacent office at the radio station FM 103.5.

Gunfire could be heard during the Facebook Live video, along with a woman yelling “Shots! Shots! Shots!” before the transmission abruptly cuts off.

The station secretary Dayaba Garcia was also injured in the attack and taken to hospital where she needed emergency surgery.

Police said the shooting occurred in San Pedro de Macorís, a small city 45 miles east of the capital, Santo Domingo. The radio station is located within a shopping mall.

Three men have been arrested, but none has been charged. Police say they do not yet have a motive.

Milenio Caliente is a popular local radio programme recognised for its lively political analysis and social campaigns. In recent weeks, Medina had repeatedly condemned pollution in Laguna Mallen, a protected lake in San Pedro.

Source: The Guardian

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