Kabul Shah Marai, Yar Mohammad Tokhi, Abadullah Hananzai, Moharram Durrani, Sabawoon Kakar, Ghazi Rasooli, Nowroz Ali Rajabi, Salim Talash, Ali Salimi

Nine journalists, including a female journalist, were killed in Kabul, Afghanistan in back-to-back suicide attacks, the second of which targeted the journalists who had gathered on the site of the first blast near the Afghan Intelligence services headquarters.

The two suicide attacks hit central Kabul, on 30th April. The first bomb was detonated by an assailant on a motorcycle and the second was detonated 20 minutes later among those who had come to rescue those targeted in the first attack, including a group of journalists..

Agence France-Presse (AFP) chief photographer in Kabul Shah Marai, Tolo News cameraman Yar Mohammad Tokhi, Radio Azadi correspondents Abadullah Hananzai, Moharram Durrani and Sabawoon Kakar, 1TV reporter Ghazi Rasooli and cameraman Nowroz Ali Rajabi, Mashal TV reporter Salim Talash and cameraman Ali Salimi were killed in the second blast when a suicide bomber disguised as a journalist detonated himself among the journalists who had gathered to cover the first attack.

At least 29 people were killed and dozens of others –including two journalists – were injured in the twin suicide blasts that took place in Shashdarak area, near the headquarters of the Afghan intelligence services. The so-called Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.

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