IFJ Donates 10.000 USD for Emergency Assistance to Journalists in Gaza

The IFJ, through its International Safety Fund, has donated 10.000 USD to assist journalists and their families who have been affected by the current fighting between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza strip.

The Federation , the world's lagest organisation of journalists, has also launched an emergency appeal to its affiliates around the world, media workers and the general public, urging them to show solidarity with their colleagues in Gaza.

Donations can be sent to the IFJ International Safety Fund on the following account:

The Safety Fund
a/c BE64 2100 7857 0052
Swift Code: GEBABEBB

BNP PARIBAS FORTIS BANK, Rond Point Schuman 10, 1040 Brussels

Secure online secure donations can also be made through PayPal on this website by clicking on 'Safety Fund Donate Now' button.

Please indicate in your communication: “IFJ Gaza Solidarity Appeal“