​FEPALC Seeks Protection for Journalists Labelled 'Traitors' in Dominican Republic

The Federation of Journalists in Latin America and Caribbean (FEPALC) has accused the self-proclaimed Independent Patriotic Movement in the Dominican Republic, of recklessness and incitement to violence after they threatened four Dominican journalists with death, calling them “traitors who should be killed."

The nationalist movement claimed at one of their events on 26 January that the journalists, Huchi Lora, Juan Bolívar Díaz, Roberto Cavada and Amelia Deschamps, all working for the television networks Teleantillas and Telesistema, were “traitors who deserved to be killed because they betrayed their homeland."

FEPALC has called on the authorities in the country to take immediate measures to guarantee the protection of the four threatened journalists and their families. It also urged the government to investigate the threat and take action against those who issued the threat and the incitement to attack the journalists.