Edgar Daniel Esqueda Castro

The body of a photographer was found Friday dumped in an open area near the airport tied and showing sign of torture in the northern state of San Luis Potosí, a day after he was abducted from his home by men dressed as police officers, media reports said quoting Mexican officials.

Mr. Esqueda’s wife repotedly said armed men broke into the couple’s house while they were sleeping and said they were government agents and took the journalist away. But, the state prosecutor’s office denied that any of its agents were involved in Mr. Esqueda’s abduction.

The journalist, who covered crime and social issues, had reported receiving threats from the police in the past, according to a statement released Friday by the federal government’s protection office for journalists.

Mr. Esqueda filed a complaint with the state human rights commission, which passed on the information to the federal protection office. Officials with the office, part of Mexico’s powerful Interior Ministry, approached Mr. Esqueda, who told them that he had filed a criminal complaint and that he had received no further threats.

The state human rights commission then apparently passed Mr. Esqueda’s complaint back to the same police agency that had first threatened him, according to the federal statement.

Source: The New York Times

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