Désiré Oué

The editor-in-chief of ‘ Tomorow ‘, a popular magazine among the Christian community in Ivory Coast and reportedly close to former President Laurent Gbagbo, was killed at his home located in Cocody-Angré , a district of the economic capital Abidjan.

According to media reports confirmed by the National Union of Journalists in Ivory Coast((UNJCI), armed men shot him dead as he was arriving at home.

Family sources, quoted in media, claim that the armed men forced their way into his home but did not find him there. They laid in wait and shot him when he got home.

For more information, please read the IFJ's statement here : http://africa.ifj.org/fr/articles/la-fij-condamne-lassassinat-dun-journaliste-en-cote-divoire

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