IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 8 June to 14 June 2024.


Chinese journalist who raised alarm over COVID is in hiding: is the world noticing? - The Conversation 

Briefing of KUNA main news - Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)

Controversial Defamation Bill Becomes Law in Punjab - Global Village Space

Opinion: Chinese journalist who raised alarm over COVID is in hiding: is the world noticing? - AJU Press

Ethics for protecting vulnerable sources - IJNET

Global crackdown on freedom of expression - NewAge

A Global Crackdown on Freedom of Expression - Dissident Voice 

Intl' journalist organisation urges Hong Kong authorities to allow coverage of 35th anniversary of Tiananmen crackdown - ANI News

Intl’ journalist organisation urges Hong Kong authorities to allow coverage of 35th anniversary of Tiananmen crackdown - The Print

Chinese Journalist Who Raised Alarm Over COVID Is In Hiding: Is The World Noticing? - MENA FN

Tharindu files FR petition against his arrest: IGP among respondents - The Island


France Télévisions débranche l’écologie, des militants verts de rage - Reporterre 

Des associations disent non à l’arrêt du magazine “Vert de rage” sur France Télévisions - Télérama

17 journalistes formés pour un traitement médiatique dynamique des questions migratoires - Agence de Presse Senegalaise (APS)

Réponses au questionnaire du Comité de soutien Assange adressé aux 38 listes candidates ux élections européennes en France - Pressenza 



Nada que celebrar: un Día del Periodista sin libertad de expresión - ANRED

Extremistas israelíes acosan a periodistas que cubrían una marcha nacionalista en Jerusalén - Periodistas

Hallan los restos del periodista Víctor Manuel Jiménez en Villagrán-Guanajuato, desaparecido desde el 2020 - Somosel Medio

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