Iniciativas de los afiliados de la FIP

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y sus afiliados trabajan diariamente para que los ciudadanos/as reciban la información más equilibrada y actualizada sobre el Covid-19 así como para informar a los/as periodistas sobre sus derechos y las medidas de precaución que deben adoptar en esta crisis.

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El acceso a la información y el derecho a ser informado son cuestiones fundamentales en momentos de crisis. Al mismo tiempo, los medios de comunicación tienen el deber de cumplir una serie de precauciones que protejan a los/as trabajadores, ya sean en plantilla o freelance, y que todos los sindicatos deben exigir para sus afiliados.

Esta página tiene como objetivo destacar las acciones e iniciativas que sindicatos, organizaciones de medios de comunicación y grupos de libertad de prensa están realizando para garantizar que la información se proporciona con el máximo cuidado y profesionalidad y con plena seguridad para el personal de los medios de comunicación. También ofrece recursos clave que todos/as los/as periodistas deberían consultar antes de informar sobre el Coronavirus.

¡Manténgase seguro e informe de forma ética!

Actividades sindicales:

Unions' actions:


United Kingdom: Advices for freelances, National Union of Journalists (NUJ) - Language: English

United Kingdom: The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) called on the government “to step up” for freelancers to ensure they are not a “forgotten” group during the coronavirus pandemic - Language: English

Sweden: The Swedish journalists' union (SJF) started a special "Corona" page on its website, which provides useful information, tips, advices, and news related to COVID-19. SJF is pushing the government to protect media workers. The union achieved so far (Language: Swedish):

Bosnia and Herzegovina: BiH issued guidelines for journalists - Language: English

France: Letter by the National Union to all journalists on coronavirus crisis - Language: French

  • The SNJ launched a petition to authoirities to include freelance journalists in the government aid packages.

Austria: GPA-djp has negotiated a “Corona short-time work” package for 3 months, in which all employees receive 80-90% compensation. The union informed their members about home office working conditions.

Belgium: Association des Journalistes Professionnels (AJP) is listing all the measures taken in French-speaking newsrooms to fight the spread of COVID-19 (work in progress). A good way to learn from each other, improve ourselves and get inspired - in French.

Belgium (Wallonie): the AJP is working on the creation of a solidarity fund for freelance journalists, who have been hard hit by the crisis: many of them have lost all or part of their collaborations -Language: French

Belgium (Flanders): Unions ensured that freelance journalists receive a monthly allowance from the first day they stop their activity because of the coronavirus crisis.

Italy: The FNSI urged the government to support journalism during the exceptional emergency plan and in particular local news facing unprecedented problems - Language: Italian

Ukraine: The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) is demanding government action to support the media sector and declare journalists key workers

Portugal: Sindicato des Journalistas (SJ) has an special section on his website on the coronavirus crisis - Language: Portuguese 

SwitzerlandImpressum union publishes a report to support journalists. Language - French

The NetherlandsFreelance journalists and photojournalists who have to deal with cancellations of assignments can report them via the NVJ hotline. The NVJ asked the central government and municipalities to come up with special measures, which they did - Language: Dutch

North MacedoniaThe Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia (CMEM) joined forces with the Association of Journalists of North Macedonia (AJM) and released specific ‘Guidelines on ethical, accountable and professional reporting on the coronavirus’ in Macedonian, Albanian and English.

Greece: The Journalists' Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN) offered to its members financial aid and super market vouchers - Language: Greek. Greek newspaper workers union JUADN announced it will pay health insurance for long-term unemployed members from April until June. Language: Greek

Norway: The Norsk Journalistlag (NJ) has created an online page responding to all the questions posted by its members on how the crisis is affecting their jobs. Language: Norwegian 


Australia:Coronavirus advices for MEAA Media members - Language: English

Indonesia: The Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) has taken action to ensure journalists’ safety who are covering the Covid19 crisis. The union published a Safety Protocol and helped to provide all its members with safety material such as masks and hand sanitizers, among other actions - Language: Indonesian

Pakistan: Union secures Punjab Covid-19 relief package

Sri Lanka: The Free Media Movement of Sri Lanka sent a letter to all the media outlets calling on their responsibility  to guarantee journalists’ safety - Language: English

Sri Lanka: FMM demands a shared social consciousness to tackle pandemic

Philippines: The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines urged the government not to use the emergency as an excuse to curtail media freedom.

The South East Asia Journalists Unions (SEAJU) network remains concerned for the physical and financial safety of journalists reporting in South East Asia during the Covid-19 pandemic


United States: Newsguild demands public stimulus funds for media. Language: English

Canada: Unions seek coronavirus income support for entertainment industry workers, CWA - Language: English

República DominicantaSNTP aboga por mejores condiciones para periodistas; pide a medios proteger a profesionales para evitar contagios de Covid-19

Uruguay: APU guidelines facing Codv-19 - Language: Spanish

Colombia:  FECOLPER union has set up a solidarity fund for journalists in economic difficulties due to the pandemic. Language - Spanish

Ecuador: Manifiesto público de FENAPE en defensa de la libertad de prensa, los derechos laborales y la seguridad de los y las periodistas. Language: Spanish

Panamá: The Sindicato de Periodistas de Panamá (SPP) urges the government to protect journalists' jobs as essential service to ensure the free right to be informed - Language: Spanish

Paraguay: SPP, Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay reaction to coronavirus - Language: Spanish

PerúANP llama a no legitimar el maltrato laboral ya que éste es tan lesivo como la pandemia - Language: Spanish

FEPALC: Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe, FEPALC, safety guidelines - Language: Spanish


Ivory CoastThe Intersyndicale du secteur des médias called on authorities to respect the free flow of information - Language - French

Sénégal: Liberté de circulation pour les journalistes

Somalia: NUSOJ publishes a new COVID-19 guidance published for journalists and media houses in Somalia

Africa: FAJ calls for heightened protection for frontline journalists

Other entitites initiatives:

UNESCO:Resource Center of Responses to COVID-19. Actions to Support Media, Enhance Access to Information, and Leverage Digital Technologies in the Fight Against the Pandemic.

International Labour Organization (ILO) resources:

UNI Global UnionFighting the COVID-19 crisis in the media & entertainment sector

Norway: The Fritt Ord Foundation will support journalists and other with 3.2 million euros – to projects that “can secure spaces of expression, develop new channels of expression and help a vibrant and vital public”.

Hacked-Off: Campaign for a free 

New York Times provided free access to the main news and for useful guidance on the coronavirus outbreak

Latin American newsrooms adapt operations as new coronavirus spreads across the continent, Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas

Resources and best practices from Public Media Alliance.

Reporting and Covid-19: A Webinar Series for Journalists. Dart Center

News Media Association, reaction to coronavirus

Community radio broadcasting coronavirus prevention education in Bangladesh:

Argentinian newspaper "Clarín" decided to allow unlimited access to its digital content on the pandemic

Access Now Response

Access Now recommendations on privacy and data protection in the fight against COVID-19

Global investigative journalism network, COVID-19 resources:

International Center for Journalists COVID-19 resources

Association of Caribbean Media Workers safety tips



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