#WPFD: IFJ affiliates stand up for press freedom

Many IFJ affiliates took action to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May. Here is a non exhaustive list of their initiatives.

Credit: MEAA

Australia: MEAA released its annual press freedom report on World Press Freedom Day

Colombia: FECOLPER interviewed columbian journalists . Read the interviews.  

France: SNJ-CGT, SNJ: Liberté de la presse, une conquête permanente. Lire le communiqué ici et ici 

Ireland: NUJ, "From health crisis to good news. A recovery plan for the news industry in Ireland". Read the Full Text.

Italy: FNSI and ARTICOLO 21, The alarm of Anthony Bellanger, IFJ General Secretary. "Democracy in danger". Read the Full Text.

Malta: IGM, “A free and unhindered press is the only way we can have a functioning democracy...but there is still work to be done". Read the Full Text.

Norway: Nordic Unions, "Pressefriheten viktigere enn noen gang". Read the Full Text

Panama: SPP, "Libertad de Expresión en el siglo 21". Read the Full Text

Pakistan: PFUJ, Journalism without fear or favour.. See the initiative Here  

Pakistan: PFUJ, affiliates celebrate WPFD, See the initiatives Here

Peru: ANP, "63 ataques a periodistas y medios en Perú". Read the Full Text. Link to the online campaign. 

Portugal: SJ, "Jornalismo ameaçado por crise laboral". View the video and the picture

Balkans Unions : Safe Journalists Platform: BH Journalists Association, Trade Union of Media of Montenegro, Croatian Journalists’ Association, Association of Journalists of Kosovo, Association of Journalists of Macedonia, Independent Journalists Association of Serbia. "Media Freedom reflects freedom of society". Read the Full Text.

Slovenia: SAJ marked World Press Freedom Day with a comic strip by the renowned Slovene illustrator Ciril Horjak. It is available here

Switzerland: SYNDICOM, "Le 3 mai est la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse – l’occasion de souligner l’impact de la crise du coronavirus sur la situation en Suisse". Read the Full Text.

Somalia: NUSOJ, "Onslaught on press freedom weakens independent journalism". Read the Full Text

Sri Lanka: Free Media Movement, "Authorities should understand the social responsibility of the media in the present situation". Read the Full Text.

Sri Lanka: SLWJA, Facebook campaign on the occasion of WPFD. View the Video.

Uganda: UJU, "Journalism without fear or favour". Read the Full Text.  

Zimbabwe: ZUJ demands safe working conditions for Journalists in COVID19 fight. Read the Full Text

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