Palestine: Journalists under fire amid escalating violence in occupied West Bank

On 19 June, journalist Hazem Nasser, cameraman for Al-Ghad TV channel, was shot at and wounded, despite wearing a vest labelled ‘press’, during a raid in Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank. Since early June, at least three journalists have been injured by Israeli fire in the occupied West Bank. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) in condemning the systematic targeting of Palestinian journalists and calls on the Israeli authorities to immediately halt its attacks on journalists and media workers.

Journalists rush for cover inside a hospital in Jenin in the occupied West Bank on June 19, 2023 amid an Israeli army raid. Credit: Ronaldo Schemidt / AFP.

The Israeli army stormed Jenin refugee camp on 19 June, using combat helicopters for the first time in years in the occupied West Bank. Palestinian journalist Hazem Nasser, who was covering the military raid and wore a vest clearly labelled ‘press’, was shot at the side while seeking refuge from gunfire. Another group of journalists came under fire from sniper shots while on the rooftop of a residential building, despite being properly identified with their press gear, according to the PJS. The journalists were later evacuated by the ambulance service. 

Far from being an exception, Israel’s violence against Palestinian reporters is a constant. On 8 June, Palestinian photojournalist Momen Samreen was shot in the head and seriously wounded with a rubber bullet fired by Israeli soldiers while reporting on a military raid in the city of Ramallah. In the same operation, local photojournalist Rabie Mounir was hit in the abdomen. Both journalists had to be hospitalised.  

The PJS issued a statement expressing solidarity with injured journalists and condemning Israel’s systematic targeting of Palestinian journalists and media workers. The union reiterated the urgent need to hold the perpetrators accountable. “We will redouble our efforts to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and bring them to the International Criminal Court. Violence against journalists must not go unpunished.” 

IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger said:“Israel’s attacks on Palestinian journalists are unacceptable and a clear attempt to silence media reporting on the ground. The Israeli army must immediately end the culture of impunity for those who attack journalists among its ranks.”

Attacks on Palestinian journalists by Israeli settlers have also increased. On 20 June, freelance photojournalist Khalid Taha was assaulted by Israeli settlers while travelling in his car between the towns of Hawarah and Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank. On the same day, a journalist working for Al Ghad TV channel was beaten up by Israeli settlers at the entrance of Nablus city, according to the PJS.

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