Sempurna Pasaribu

Tribrata TV journalist Sempurna Pasaribu and three members of his family were tragically killed on June 27 in a fire at their home in Karo Regency, North Sumatra, allegedly in connection with his investigative reporting on drugs and gambling.

Sempurna Pasaribu had recently reported extensively on illegal gambling and drug activities that allegedly involved certain officials. One of his colleagues mentioned the victim had expressed worries about his safety.  He said he would spend the night at the police station with his wife and children if his safety was threatened. Before the incident, he had avoided staying at home as a precautionary measure due to his sensitive reports. On the night of the tragedy, he had returned home briefly to provide his family with financial support.

AJI Chairperson Nany Afrida said: "This incident is a severe violation of press freedom in Indonesia and sets a dangerous precedent. We urge the authorities to conduct a completely transparent investigation, and those responsible, including the masterminds behind this murder, must be brought to justice. There should be no concealment in the investigative process."

SINDIKASI Chairman Ikhsan Raharjo said:"We denounce the attack on Sempurna and his family. This brutal act is not just a crime against an individual but an assault on freedom of the press, as protected by our nation's constitution. We demand the authorities conduct a thorough investigation to identify and prosecute those responsible for this tragedy. We express our deepest sympathy to the family and colleagues of the journalist who died."