FAJ stands in solidarity with Palestinian Journalists amid the escalating violence in Gaza

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) strongly stands with the Palestine Journalists Syndicate (PJS) and all journalists in Palestine amid the escalating violence in Gaza. FAJ expresses its deepest concerns about the tragic loss of lives and the ongoing attacks on journalists in Gaza.

Recent reports have shown that at least thirty-five Palestinian journalists and media workers have tragically lost their lives, while others have been injured and some still unaccounted for  during the current conflict between Israel and Hamas. These acts are not only a violation of human rights but a direct attack on media freedom.

FAJ President, Sadiq Ibrahim Ahmed, said  "The targeting of journalists in Gaza is an assault on the principles of a free press and must not be ignored. As journalists, it is crucial that we stand united with our colleagues in Palestine, most especially the Palestine Journalists Syndicate and demand justice for these terrible acts."

In addition to strongly condemning these killings and attacks, FAJ joins forces with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in demanding a thorough and impartial investigation into the deaths of these brave journalists. Accountability for these grave offenses is of utmost importance.

FAJ also calls for an immediate end to hostilities in Gaza, and the creation of a safe and secure environment for journalists to execute their duties. The international community must come together to provide urgent assistance and support to journalists operating in Gaza and other conflict-affected areas.

 FAJ fully supports the ongoing efforts led by the IFJ and calls on governments and relevant multilateral organizations to swiftly act in ensuring the safety and well-being of Palestinian journalists who have faced oppression and brutality for many decades.

President Ahmed further emphasized the strength found in collective solidarity amongst the global movement of journalists. He noted that our solidarity is a source of strength for us as journalists. ‘We appeal to media organizations, journalists, and societies across Africa and beyond to come together in support of our Palestinian colleagues. Together we can strengthen their voices and advocate for their safety and protection’.

“Our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of the fallen journalists, who bravely sacrificed their lives in their pursuit of truth and informing the world about the conflict. We firmly believe that press freedom and the safety of journalists are essential pillars for peace and justice” he declared.