IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 7-13 September 2024.


Media freedom: Brussels “keeps monitoring closely” Italian situation - EU News

Freedom of expression groups denounce death threats against journalist Murat Ağırel - Bianet

Türkiye: Alarm over death threats against journalist Murat Ağırel - Pen International 

Breaking newsrooms: Are Myanmar’s exiled journalists getting a fair deal? - Frontier Myanmar

Media survey ahead of Prez poll: Vital recommendations made - The Island

Somalia: Puntland Slams Unlawful Somali Media Council Formation - All Africa

Palestinian photographer Louay Ayoub wins prestigious award in France - Middle East Monitor

Israeli-US genocide in Gaza continues - The Manila Times 

PEN Sydney strongly condemns the killing of two female journalists in Turkish attack in Sulaymaniyah - ANF News

Omani Journalism Forum Gathers Media Professionals from 23 Countries to Discuss Investment and Tourism - Fes News 

Journalist unions 'concerned' over Richard Medhurst UK arrest on anti-terrorism charges - New Arab 

Deadly incidents involving Turkish aircraft point to shifting sands in Iraq - Amwaj Media 


Les syndicats condamnent la police britannique pour l’arrestation d’un journaliste - News 24 

SNJT : 80 % des médias tunisiens menacés de fermeture en raison de la crise économique - Directinfo

L’avenir de la presse en Tunisie face à la précarité économique - L'Economiste Maghrébin)

SNJT: 80 % des médias tunisiens risquent de fermer pour des raisons économiques - Réalités 

Les femmes journalistes manifestent contre le meurtre de leurs collègues au Kurdistan - Info Libertaire


¿Qué se celebra hoy 8 de septiembre? Día Internacional del periodista - Periodico Correo

Día internacional del periodista - Diario la Opinion

Brian Nichols pidió el “fin de la intimidación” contra periodistas en Venezuela - El Diario

Los sindicatos condenan a la policía británica por el arresto de un periodista – Titulares

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