Plusieurs journalistes ont été pris pour cible en marge des manifestations contre la réforme du régime des retraites qui agite la France depuis les…

Results of an Association of Indonesian Journalists (AJI) 2022 research on "Sexual Violence against Indonesian Female Journalists" has shown that 82.6…

At least three people have been killed, including two journalists, and over 30 injured in an Islamic State (IS) bomb attack at a press award ceremony…

The Pakistani news and current affairs channel ARY News has had its license suspended for broadcasting clips of former Prime Minister Imran Khan,…

A case has been registered against a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) official after television journalist Devendra Khare was shot twice by two…

Journalist Dylan Lyons from the media Spectrum News 13 was shot dead on 23 February in Central Florida while reporting on a shooting incident. The…

[Translate to Spanish:]

Cuando el conflicto de Ucrania entra en su segundo año, los y las periodistas rusos/as críticos/as con el Kremlin saben que les puede pasar cualquier…

El comunicador fue baleado por personas a bordo de una motocicleta cuando se encontraba circulando con su vehículo por las calles del departamento de…

Maharashtra-based journalist Shashikant Warishe has been killed by a local realty broker hours after releasing a report alleging the broker had…

Rwandan journalist John William Ntwali, founder and editor - in –chief of Irene and Pax TV Youtube channel which publishes investigative news…

The managing director of Yaounde-based radio Amplitude FM, Martinez Zogo, and host of popular daily programme, Embouteillages, was abducted on…

Italian freelance journalist Claudio Locatelli was injured by Russian fire on December 19 in the southern city of Kherson, while driving a car marked…

Journalist and media activist Hala Fouad Badawy, who was arrested due to her reports and social media posts in December 2021, has been acquitted of…

Sixteen journalists and media workers lost their lives in the Asia Pacific region in 2022, the second highest rate of killings globally, the…

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ha renovado hoy su llamamiento a la comunidad internacional para que adopte medidas concretas que…

Fifty-five journalists have been detained in Iran since the beginning of the national protests following the death of Mahsa Amini on 16 September. The…