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Los afiliados españoles de la Federación Internacional y Europea de Periodistas (FIP-FEP) han alcanzado un acuerdo histórico con el Gobierno para…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) remains deeply concerned at the ongoing destruction of independent media and press freedom in Hong…

La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) alerta sobre la violencia que se está ejerciendo sobre lxs trabajadorxs de prensa que se…

Sixteen journalists and media workers lost their lives in the Asia Pacific region in 2022, the second highest rate of killings globally, the…

Hong Kong media magnate and Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai has been sentenced to five years and nine months imprisonment on December 10 for breaching…

The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliate, the Myanmar Journalists Network (MJN), have today launched a campaign to end the…

The Indonesian government has passed a controversial new Criminal Code that seriously violates international human rights standards and will…

Wilder Alfredo Córdoba fue hallado muerto en el municipio de La Unión, al norte del departamento de Nariño. Si bien todavía se desconocen detalles…

Suite à la victoire du Maroc sur la Belgique lors d’un match de la Coupe du Monde de football, de violentes émeutes ont éclaté à Bruxelles, dimanche…

Two foreign journalists, Ed Lawrence of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Michael Peuker of Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS), were detained…

The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) has announced the launch of a campaign fighting against impunity in the case of senior journalist…

Six former Apple Daily staff have pled guilty to collusion charges at Hong Kong’s High Court on November 22, with one set to appear at Jimmy Lai’s…

As impunity runs rife for crimes against journalists in the Philippines, November 23 marks the thirteenth anniversary of the nation’s Ampatuan…

Mis à Jour le 30.11.2022 Le 18 novembre 2022, le média en ligne Mediapart a été informé de la décision du Tribunal judiciaire de Paris lui…

Amid rising incidents of harassment towards media workers in Indonesia, the chief editor of online media outlet Kabargayo.com received a death threat…

Myanmar’s military junta announced the release of Japanese documentary filmmaker, Toru Kubota, and three other foreign nationals on November 17, as…