Journalists have provided an essential service during Covid-19 by keeping public informed. With a spike this week in Covid-19 cases in the country, it…

Journalists and media workers face travel restrictions due to the government’s strict new stay-at-home orders. The restriction will also affect…

Malaysia's media reform trajectory has been stymied by political change and increased violations against media workers, according to an international…

The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated challenges faced by media workers and journalists in Malaysia, according to a new report released today by the…

Iranian censors have shut down Jahan Sanaat newspaper after it reported the comments of a health professional about the real number of Coronavirus…

Ika Ningtyas and Zainal Ishaq, two fact-checkers from and also members of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia, were…

According to a recent survey conducted by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) more than half of women journalists have experienced…

[Translate to Spanish:]

Más de la mitad de las mujeres periodistas han experimentado un aumento de las desigualdades de género debido a COVID-19 , según una nueva encuesta…

Three media workers have died due to coronavirus and dozens in cities across Indonesia have tested positive to the virus. The International Federation…

Kumparan, an online media based in Jakarta sacked almost 100 media workers on the basis of decreases revenue from the Covid-19 outbreak. The…

After being missing for four days, two Pakistani reporters reappeared on June 20 with their bodies covered in injuries. The International Federation…

Los afiliados de la FIP de todo el mundo han realizado acciones clave en defensa de los trabajadores/as de los medios de comunicación durante la…

Since the Indian government imposed Covid-19 restrictions on March 25, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has recorded 17 legal cases…

[Translate to Spanish:]

“El impacto de la crisis sanitaria y económica del Covid-19 tendrá sin duda consecuencias terribles para los hombres y mujeres periodistas. Pero ya…

Women trade union leaders and activists from all over the world met for the third and last webinar to address the effects of COVID-19 on women workers…

Ayúdanos a evaluar el impacto de la pandemia de la COVID-19 en las mujeres periodistas respondiendo a esta encuesta diseñada por el Consejo de Género…