Entre los 180 trabajadorxs de prensa de todo el mundo espiados con el software israelí se encuentra Cecilio Pineda, periodista freelance que fue…

Al menos 180 periodistas de todo el mundo han sido espiados con el programa informático Pegasus, un software de espionaje desarrollado por la empresa…

On July 15, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) published their 2021 annual report on the effects of a repressive government on the media.…

Danish Siddiqui, an Indian photojournalist with Reuters news agency, was killed in crossfire while covering a fierce battle between Afghan security…

Police have arrested three people in connection to an attack on Bahannor Alo correspondent Selim Shamrat, who was attacked while investigating an…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Trabajadorxs de prensa que se encontraban realizando la cobertura de manifestaciones de simpatizantes fujimoristas, fueron agredidxs por miembrxs de…

Aung Mya Than, a reporter for the Ayeyarwady Times, was arrested at 11:00pm on July 10 at his home in Maubin following his reporting of a bombing by…

On July 10, Bangladesh authorities launched investigations into journalists, Tanvir Hasan Tanu, Rahim Shuvo, and Adbudl Latif Latu, under the Digital…

El medio de comunicación será multado por haber reemplazado trabajadorxs durante una huelga en 2019 que se desarrolló durante 15 días. Según la jueza…

Successful unionisation campaigns among journalists in the US have seen record numbers of media workers win new rights in newsrooms across the…

[UPDATED 14.06.2024] Dutch journalist Peter R. de Vries has died on 15 July at the age of 64, days after being shot five times in the street in…

A workshop on the professional and economic rights of journalists in online media was organised by the IFJ in collaboration with its affiliate, the…

La Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador (APES) condenó las propuestas de modificación a la Ley de Acceso a la Información Pública que impulsó el…

The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) is to report incidents of violence against journalists and videographers covering the Euro 21 football final…

The sixth edition of the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) released today shows only limited progress has been made on the presence of women in…