The Chinese Government’s online crackdown has continued with the shutdown of thousands of social media accounts. The International Federation of…

Zou Guangxiang and Liu Chengkun were sentenced to one year and eight months in jail respectively for defamation and causing a disturbance in Inner…

During the APEC Summit that was held in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea between November 12 to 18, 2018 accredited non-Chinese media were barred from…

Nepal government withheld the decisions of the meeting of the Council of Ministers from the media on November 11. The International Federation of…

Following the dismissal of Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) managing director and the resignation of the chairman in September 2018,…

A dozen cadres of ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP) attacked journalist Lokendra Khanal of Nagarik daily in Rukum distrist in west Nepal on November…

In South East Asia, one in two journalists have felt insecure because of their work, in the past year. Today, on International Day to End Impunity for…

Press freedom is derived from the fundamental human right to freedom of expression and is the foundation of a free and democratic society. Writes…

Indonesialeaks, an online collaborative whistleblower platform, has been accused of publishing a non-credible report and one of the founders,…

In less than 24 hours, two journalists have been killed in attacks in Chhattisgargh and Jharkhand, India. The International Federation of Journalists…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Newsrooms of the state-owned media in Sri Lanka were targeted and editorial staff harassed following the controversial appointment of former president…

Japanese journalist Jumpei Yasuda was released, three years after he was abducted in Syria. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins…

Number of journalists killed since 1994: 89. Prosecutions: 4. 53 journalists killed in last 5 years, on average 10 journalists a year. Most…