The body of the journalist Aziz Memon was exhumed on March 15 after a joint investigative team (JIT) found the initial post mortem report…

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on March 18 that all US journalist working in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau for the New York…

The Yangon court accepted the Myanmar military’s legal dispute against The Irrawaddy over the newsroom coverage of the conflict in Rakhine State. The…

Malaysiakini journalist Kow Gah Chie has been targeted in an online hate campaign after publishing a story on the country’s new environment minister…

A District Court in Virginia, United States, ordered the release of whistleblower Chelsea Manning on 13 March. Manning, was jailed in March 2019 for…

Kurigram based journalist, Ariful Islam was arrested at midnight on March 13 and sentenced within a few hours by a “mobile court”. The International…

Eight years on since unidentified gunmen fired upon journalist Tongam Rina in Arunchal Pradesh, the country’s media community is speaking out on the…

The editor in chief of Pakistan's largest media group was arrested over a 34-year old property deal following an investigation by the country's…

Shafiqul Islam Kajol, a photographer and editor of Pakkhakal Shafiqul  is reported missing after being accused by the ruling Awami League of…

Tuti Nurkhomariyah, a journalist with RMOL Lampung, was verbally assaulted by Lampung’s governor, Arinal Djunaidi, at a press conference on March 3.…

President Rodrigo Duterte’s legal assault to silence the Philippines major national broadcaster ABS-CBN is following the playbook on modern…

Over the last nine months, journalists in Hong Kong have faced obstruction, interference, violence, verbal abuse and humiliation by the police while…

Myanmar’s Army filed a defamation lawsuit against Reuters news service for its coverage of the shelling of a Rohingya village in Rakhine State that…

Ongoing retaliations between the U.S. and Chinese government prevent journalists from working and threaten to critically impede the flow of…

The number of citizen journalists to disappear in China in the last month after reporting on covid-19 has risen to at least three, with reports that…

A journalist from Frontier Myanmar and a news photographer from The Myanmar Times were detained, beaten and interrogated in the jungle of Kayin State,…