Journalist and Director of Somali Cable TV Abdifatah Moallim Nur (Qeys) was killed on October 16 in a suicide bomb attack at Blue Sky restaurant in…

The Managing Editor of state-owned New Era newspaper, Johnathan Beukes, was suspended from work on 2 October after publishing an editorial critical of…

Con motivo del Día Internacional para el Acceso Universal a la Información, celebrado el 28 de septiembre, la FIP pide a los gobiernos de todo el…

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in partnership with the US Embassy in Mogadishu is hosting a National Forum on Access to Information…

The military junta in Burkina Faso has suspended, until further notice, the print and online operations of French news outlets Jeune Afrique. The…

The owner of online news media platform Mankajang Daily, Bakary Mankajang, was detained by the Gambian police on 20 September, in connection with his…

L'Union des journalistes Tchadiens (UJT), en collaboration avec la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ) a organisé un atelier de…

The Head of the Agency of the newspaper, L’Oeil du Sahel, Bertrand Ayissi, has been arrested and detained in an apparent attempt at intimidation. He…

The Sierra Leone Association of Journalists’ (SLAJ) has launched its new gender equality guidelines on 13 September. The policy aims to make an…

[UPDATED 20.03.2024] Authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have arrested and detained journalist Stanis Bujakera, who works for the…

L’Union Nationale des Journalistes de Côte d’Ivoire (UNJCI) en collaboration avec la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) a organisé un…

[MISE À JOUR 07.03.2024] Le journaliste Khalifa Guesmi, travaillant pour Radio Mosaïque, a été arrêté par les forces de sécurité tunisiennes le 3…

Quatre journalistes comoriens ont été condamnés le 24 août à 9 mois de prison avec sursis et à une amende de 150.000 francs comoriens (environ 300…

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) in collaboration with UNESCO under the Global Media Defence Fund (GMDF) Project held a one- day…

On August 17, journalist Mohamed Ibrahim Bulbul, Editor in Chief of Kaab Somali TV, was arrested and taken into custody in Mogadishu after allegedly…

Journalists Fortune Francis and Sunday George were assaulted and their mobile phones stolen while covering a political rally on July 22 in the capital…