Uganda’s media regulatory authority, the Communications Commission (UCC), has ordered the suspension of over 30 broadcast managers on 1st May. The…

Para conmemorar el Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa el 3 de mayo periodistas de todo el mundo están uniendo fuerzas para presentar consejos para…

Suite à la mise à l’arrêt forcée de la chaîne de télévision privée Nessma TV, jeudi 25 avril en Tunisie, la Fédération internationale des journalistes…

The IFJ has urged the Transitional Military Council in Sudan to revoke a decree freezing the activities of trade unions, including the journalists…

South-Africa 58 million citizens will go to the polls on 8 May 2019 for general and regional elections. Tuwani Gumani, general secretary of Media…

The Steering Committee of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the regional organisation of the IFJ, pledged to tackle threats to journalists,…

Today marks 500 days since Tanzanian journalist Azory Gwanda disappeared. The IFJ is deeply concerned about his well-being and urges the government to…

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) a organisé ces 1er et 2 avril un atelier syndical à Tunis avec la participation de quatorze jeunes…

The International Federation of Journalists, together with a number of other organisations, is launching the News Organisations Safety…

The office of the Director of Press and Public Relations at State House has abandoned plans to allow Security Intelligence Agency (SIS) agents to vet…

The IFJ-affiliated Gambia Press Union (GPU) has called on journalists not to comply with new rules imposed on journalists seeking to cover events in…

Sudanese journalists took to the streets of the capital, Khartoum on Monday, 25 March to demonstrate against the continued incommunicado detention of…

On Sunday, 24 March, Somali authorities arrested two soldiers and officially charged them for torturing and threatening journalists Abdullahi Dahir…

Reconciliation and the fight against impunity will be key themes at the IFJ Congress in Tunis, which is on the horizon. With it comes the end of my…

Representatives from governments in every continent today joined the IFJ, journalists unions, editors groups, public broadcasters and media…

The International Federation of Journalists is looking for four media development experts to conduct a mapping of current trends in the media sector,…