Iraq: Journalist killed in Sinjar after alleged drone attack by Türkiye

Çira TV reporter Murad Mirza Ibrahim succumbed to his injuries on 11 July, following a suspected drone strike by Türkiye that hit a vehicle where a team of journalists were travelling on 8 July in Sinjar, northern Iraq. Woman journalist Mydia Hussen from Çira TV and driver Khalaf Khdir were also wounded during the attack. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the journalist's killing and urges the authorities of Türkiye and Iraq to launch an immediate investigation to hold the perpetrators accountable.

Credit: IFJ.

The vehicle where TV reporter Mirza Ibrahim and Mydia Hussen, who both worked for Kurdish satellite broadcaster based in Germany Çira TV, were travelling was hit by a drone strike allegedly perpetrated by Türkiye on 8 July, when returning from covering the tenth anniversary of an ISIS massacre in Tel Qasab, according to media sources

On 11 July, Mirza Ibrahim succumbed to his serious injuries in the hospital of Mosul, and was buried one day later at Girê Gewir cemetery, Çira TV reported. He is the first journalist killed in Iraq in 2024. 


The driver, Khalaf Khdir, and reporter, Mydia Hussen, who were also injured in the attack, are undergoing treatment at Sinjar hospital. 

IFJ Deputy General Secretary Tim Dawson said: “We are deeply troubled by the killing of TV reporter Murad Mirza Ibrahim while on assignment in Sinjar, northern Iraq, and we send our condolences to his family and friends. More protection is needed at the international level to ensure that journalists’ and media workers can carry out their duties without risking their lives. The IFJ calls on the authorities to investigate the killing and bring the perpetrators to justice”.

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