15057 results:

2801. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 5 and 12 February, 2021 English: UNESCO supports continent-wide digital platform on the safety of journalists in Africa (INDIA EDUCATION DIARY) Alarming notification within Council of Europe on situation around media freedom in Ukraine (112 NEWS) Police drop case against photographer at Kent barracks protest (THE GUARDIAN) Internet Shutdowns Plague and Paralyse Parts of India (THE LEAFLET) Charges dropped against Kent protest…  
2802. China: IFJ and NUJ condemns ban of BBC World News  

Following the decision by the Chinese authorities to ban BBC World News from broadcasting in China, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its British affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) have condemned the move as a serious infringement of global media freedom. It follows on from Ofcom's decision to revoke the UK broadcast licence of the China Global Television Network (CGTN) earlier this month and is clearly designed by the Chinese government as an act of retaliation. The media regulator, China's State Film, TV and Radio Administration, said BBC World News reports did not meet broadcasting standards including "the requirement that news should be truthful and…  
2803. Haití: en medio de fuertes represiones a la protesta social, periodistas son víctimas de la brutalidad policial durante las coberturas noticiosas  

El lunes 8 de febrero, los periodistas Jean Ril Meus y Destiné Alvarez fueron baleados por fuerzas militares mientras se encontraban cubriendo una manifestación popular en Port-au-Prince. El hecho se suma a las agresiones que desde hace semanas sufre la prensa presente en las manifestaciones que exigen la salida del poder de Jovenel Moïse. En el medio de la aguda crisis política y social que atraviesa el país caribeño ante la negativa de Jovenel Moïse de abandonar el poder, tras el fin de su mandato constitucional, periodistas que se encuentran en la primera línea de la cobertura noticiosa han sido agredidxs y violentadxs por las fuerzas de seguridad en distintos episodios. Por esto, el día…  
2804. Ethiopia: Journalist attacked and threatened with death  

Ethiopian freelance journalist Lucy Kassa was attacked at her home in Addis Ababa on 8 February by three unidentified armed men in plain clothes who threatened to kill her for her reporting. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attack and demands the government take urgent steps to ensure her safety. Lucy Kassa has worked for various international media including Los Angeles Times, Al Jazeera and the Norwegian magazine «Bistandsaktuelt»  for several years. Since armed conflict broke out in the Tigray region in November between the Ethiopian government and the local authorities, Kassa has reported extensively on the human…  
2805. Myanmar: Concerns for media amid peaceful protests as military clamps down  

Incidents of violence and restrictions towards journalists and media workers covering protests in Myanmar have been documented, as hundreds of thousands of people demonstrate against military rule following the coup on February 1. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the threats to press freedom violations and calls for safeguards to protect the safety of reporters admid the protests. Police in Myanmar reportedly used water cannons, rubber bullets, live ammunition and teargas to disperse protesters. Than Htike Aung, a reporter with local news website Mizzima, was hit with rubber bullets at a demonstration in Naypyidaw on February 9, but was able to return to work the…  
2806. China And East Asia Bulletin - February 2021  

When the first cases of a novel pneumonia were reported in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019, few could have imagined the mass consequences of a pandemic that has since claimed more than 2.2 million lives worldwide. This IFJ bulletin provides a glimpse at how Covid-19 has impacted press freedom and journalism in East Asia in that time. Combined with the effects of Hong Kong’s controversial national security legislation, it has been one of the toughest years for journalists in the region. Read our latest newsletter here. Subscribe to our newsletters.  
2807. Bangladesh: Three journalists charged under Digital Security Act  

Bangladesh police this week formally charged three journalists under the Digital Security Act (DSA) for publishing material alleged to have the potential to ‘destroy communal harmony and create unrest’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the charges under the draconian act and the flagrant and ongoing intimidation by police against Bangladesh media workers. Photographer Shafiqul Islam Kajol was charged on February 8, while cartoonist Ahmed Kabir Kishore and writer Mushtaq Ahmed were both charged on February 4. Bangladesh’s DSA, adopted in October 2018, puts dangerous restrictions on freedom of expression and is regularly used by authorities to silence…  
2808. Colombia: Union documents sharp deterioration of journalists' human rights  

The Colombian Federation of Journalists (FECOLPER) has exposed a sharply worsening human rights situation for journalists, a crisis exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. In a new report, Journalists in a pandemic - the virus of indifference published on 9 February, the union documents increasing cases of journalists being regularly threatened by violence, intimidation, illegal interceptions and judicial harassment. Fecolper denounced the human rights crisis in Colombia, noting that at the time of publication, there had already been 12 mass killings costing 39 lives in 2021. 91 massacres were reported…  
2809. México: director de medio informativo sufre dos intentos de asesinato en una semana  

El periodista Edgar Leyva Mendoza, director del medio informativo Urbano 24 horas de Veracruz, fue víctima entre el 3 y el 10 de febrero de dos intentos de asesinato. El 3 de febrero, fueron asesinadas su hermana Rosa Isela y su tía Antonia Bernarda Ramírez, en un ataque del que el comunicador salió ileso. Tal como lo denuncia el Sindicato Nacional de redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) y reportan distintos medios locales, el periodista se encontraba comiendo en Tuxpan (Veracruz), cuando dos hombres a bordo de un vehículo sin placas le dispararon en repetidas ocasiones. El ataque anterior, donde resultaron asesinadas sus dos familiares, se dio en Ocotlán de Morelos, Oaxaca. El SNRP ha…  
2810. Syria: Journalist detained accused of “spreading disinformation”  

State-TV journalist Hala Al-Jarf was detained on January 23 in the centre-west city of Salamaniyah, accused of “spreading disinformation and misinformation on digital media platforms with the aim of causing confusion and distort public opinion.” The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for her immediate release. Before the detention Al-Jarf, one of the most recognized journalists in Syria and presenter of TV programme ‘With you on the air’, she published a post in her Facebook account in which she said: "Let your motto for the next stage be (Stay at home) and remain completely silent”. She was arrested the following day by the government’s cybercrime division and…  
2811. Hong Kong: Pro-democracy radio host arrested on allegations of sedition  

On February 7, the Hong Kong Police Force arrested Wan Yiu-sing, an online radio host for channel D100, on suspicion of sedition. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arrest and calls on the authorities to immediately drop any imminent charges against Wan. The Hong Kong authorities made the arrest on February 7 and the case against the radio host, known as “Giggs”, was listed for mention at West Kowloon Magistracy on February 8. However, Wan had been admitted to the hospital on health concerns, and his case was adjourned to February 11. In response to IFJ’s inquiry regarding Wan’s case, the Hong Kong Police said: “The 52-year-old man was charged with four…  
2812. Join the trade union movement fighting for democracy in Myanmar  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the global labour movement in raising a racket to support Myanmar's trade unionists taking to the streets for democracy, human rights and press freedom. International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) statement: On 1 February 2021, a day before the newly elected Parliament convened, the Tatmadaw – the Myanmar military – arrested President Win Myint, State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, and more than a hundred elected lawmakers from the National League of Democracy (NLD), which scored a landslide victory in the November 2020 election. Claiming last November’s election fraudulent, the Tatmadaw declared a one-year state of emergency. The…  
2813. UK: BBC Journalist threatened for working on a documentary about Ireland’s mob leader  

A BBC journalist in Northern Ireland received threats for working on a documentary about alleged connections between Irish mob’s leader, Daniel Kinahan, and elite boxing. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its British affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) condemn this attempt to muzzle the press and investigative journalism. The journalist, whose name hasn’t been revealed, worked for ‘Panorama’, the oldest documentary TV-show, which is broadcasted by the BBC since 1953. He was working with the program’s team on investigating the role played by Kinahan in the boxing industry for an episode that aired on 1 February. Four days later, the police warned him…  
2814. Congo Brazzaville: Satirical newspaper's director arrested  

The Director of the weekly satirical newspaper, Raymond Malonga, aged 60, was arrested on 2 February on libel charges following the publication of an article about the wife of a high ranking official in Congo Brazzaville. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this deliberate act of intimidation and harassment against the Congolese media and calls for respect for journalists' independence. The satirical magazine Sal Piment ,which is highly critical of the government of President Denis Sassou Nguesso, was suspended several weeks ago by the country’s media regulator, High Council for Freedom of Communication (CSLC). According to media reports, Raymond…  
2815. China: Australian journalist Cheng Lei formally arrested in China  

Australian news presenter Cheng Lei, who has been detained by China’s authorities since August 2020, was officially arrested on February 5 for allegedly supplying state secrets to an overseas organisation or individual. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns Cheng’s arrest and calls for her immediate release. The Chinese-born Australian has been an anchor and reporter for China Global Television Network, the English-language services of the Chinese state media, China Central Television (CCTV), for eight years. Previously, she also worked for CNBC Asia in China and Singapore. Cheng’s niece, Louisa Wen, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) that she didn’t…  
2816. Cambodia: Journalist’s associations express concern over police press directive  

Cambodian media bodies have expressed deep concern over a new directive from Cambodian police that bans journalists from filming, recording and live-streaming active police investigations of criminal activities. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Cambodian affiliate the Cambodian Journalists Association (CamboJA) in calling on authorities to ensure journalists’ rights and press freedom are upheld in Cambodia. The directive, announced by Phnom Penh municipal police chief, Sar Thet, on January 21, will prevent journalists from capturing footage of police investigations, identifying or locating suspects, or recording officers performing “other duties”. Any journalist…  
2817. Journalists in prison in Belarus: call for journalists’ organisations to take action  

A few days before the trial of journalists Catarina Andreeva and Darja Chulcova, on 9 February, the Belarussian Association of Journalists (BAJ) calls on journalists’ organisations across the world to mobilise and demand the immediate release of the 11 journalists imprisoned in Belarus. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join the call: take action to support BAJ! Belsat journalists Catarina Andreeva and Darja Chulkova have been kept behind bars since 15 November. They were detained for broadcasting live a violent dispersal during a protest in Minsk. The journalists are accused of taking an active part and even leading “group actions that grossly violate…  
2818. China: Authorities accuse the BBC of pushing “fake news”  

China has accused the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) of creating fake news and has threatened to take measures against the public broadcaster. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on Chinese authorities to stop interfering in news organizations’ reporting and to respect media freedom. On February 4, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed that a report on COVID-19 in China aired by the BBC on January 26 was “fake news.” It said in a statement that the UK public broadcaster had politicised the pandemic in its reporting and had held ideological bias against China. Beijing demanded an apology from the BBC and warned that it reserves the right to take a…  
2819. Myanmar: IFJ Asia-Pacific members condemn attack on Myanmar democracy and press freedom  

Media unions and journalist organisations across the Asia-Pacific region have issued a joint statement of solidarity with their journalist colleagues in Myanmar, while also condemning the Myanmar military’s imposition of power and the detainment of democratically elected government officials. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Asia-Pacific affiliates’ call to safeguard Myanmar’s press freedom and urge Myanmar’s military to respect the established democratic process. IFJ affiliates in the Asia-Pacific represent 29 national journalist organisations, representing more than 70,000 journalists across the region. IFJ and its affiliates today called on Myanmar’s…  
2820. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 29 January and 5 February, 2021 English: IFJ criticises China's move to ban self-publishing by journalists, censor online content (THE WIRE) International Federation of Journalists condemns press freedom violations in Myanmar (UNITED NEWS OF INDIA) International Federation of Journalists condemns Pakistan SC's decision to release Pearl's murder accused (UNITED NEWS OF INDIA) Crackdown on Ukraine's three TV Channels is attack against freedom of…  
2821. Egypt: Journalist freed after four years in prison on “false news” charges  

Al-Jazeera journalist Mahmoud Hussein has been released on 5 February after spending four years in prison on allegations of spreading “false news”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes Hussein's release which puts an end to his 1500 days ordeal and urges Egyptian authorities to release all imprisoned journalists in Egypt. A Qatar-based journalist and an Egyptian national, Mahmoud Hussein was initially arrested on 23rd December 2016, while on vacation with his family. Since then he has been detained facing accusations of “incitement against state institutions and broadcasting false news with the aim of spreading chaos”. He never faced formal charges or a…  
2822. Julian Assange bientôt adopté par la Ville de Bruxelles ?  

Au nom de la liberté d'expression et afin de garantir la future protection de Julian Assange, fondateur et ancien rédacteur en chef de Wikileaks, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et le collectif Belgium4Assange ont écrit au bourgmestre de la Ville de Bruxelles et aux élus communaux, afin que Bruxelles adopte officiellement Julian Assange, à l'instar d'autres défenseurs de la liberté d'expression. Assange, dont la demande d'extradition vers les Etats-Unis a été rejetée par la justice britannique le 4 janvier 2021, est toujours incarcéré à Londres dans la prison de haute sécurité de Belmarsh.  Le journaliste, détenteur de la Carte de presse internationale de la FIJ,…  
2823. Russia: A court sentences prominent journalist Sergey Smirnov to 25 days in jail  

On Wednesday 3 February, Moscow’s Tverskoy District Court sentenced Mediazona editor-in-chief Sergey Smirnov to 25 days administrative arrest for retweeting a reference to an anti-Kremlin protest. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) condemn this abusive and disproportionate sentence and support the appeal filed by the journalist’s lawyer, Fyodor Shirosh, from the human rights organization Apologia Protesta. Police officers in Moscow arrested Smirnov outside his home on Saturday 30 January while he was on a walk with his young son. Smirnov spent several hours in police custody before being released pending trial. Smirnov was accused of…  
2824. Ecuador: alerta por amenazas y denuncia del ex presidente Abdalá Bucaram a la periodista Dayanna Monroy  

El expresidente ecuatoriano Abdalá Bucaram denunció judicialmente a Dayanna Monroy por el presunto delito de revelación ilegal de base de datos; demanda legal interpuesta durante el mes de enero luego de que Monroy presentara investigaciones periodísticas sobre casos de corrupción en los que estarían involucradxs integrantes de la familia Bucaram. El hecho se enmarca en un historial de amenazas de Bucaram a Monroy, situación que en los últimos días escaló a una velada amenaza de muerte en redes sociales. Abdalá Bucaram, expresidente del Ecuador y actual candidato a la Asamblea Nacional, interpuso una demanda contra la periodista de Teleamazonas Dayanna Monroy por una supuesta revelación…  
2825. Ukraine: President bans three television channels  

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has banned three television channels from operating in Ukraine by revoking their broadcast licences and blocking assets after accusing them of being pro-Russian. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) condemned what they called "an extra-judicial and politically motivated ban and a blatant attack on press freedom that must be urgently reversed". TV broadcasters ZIK, NewsOne and 112 Ukraine have been forced off the air for a period of five years following a decision by Zelensky that critics said stifles freedom of speech. The three broadcasters employ around…  
2826. LuxLeaks: FIJ et FEJ appellent la Justice française à protéger les sources journalistiques  

Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ-FEJ) condamnent le refus de l'avocate générale de la cour d'appel de Metz de prendre en considération la violation des sources du journaliste Edouard Perrin, qui avait révélé le scandale fiscal LuxLeaks. Le journaliste a assigné le cabinet d'audit luxembourgeois PWC pour une atteinte manifeste au secret des sources journalistiques. L'audience de ce mardi 2 février, devant la Cour d'appel de Metz, ne rassure pas la FIJ et la FEJ, le ministère public refusant manifestement d'aborder la question de la protection des sources du journaliste. Ce mardi 2 février, Edouard Perrin était à l’audience devant la Cour d’appel de Metz.…  
2827. Russia: Violence against journalists intensifies  

At least 120 cases of detention, obstruction and violence against journalists have been recorded on 31 January as a result of media coverage of protests in support of jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and their affiliate the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) call on Russian authorities to stop intimidating journalists and let them do their job. On Sunday 31 January, tens of thousands of protesters took to streets across Russia to show support to the jailed opposition leader Aleksei Navalny. By late evening, more than 5,000 people had been detained in at least 85 cities across…  
2828. Hong Kong: RTHK strips journalist of contract for critical reporting  

Public broadcaster Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) terminated journalist Nabela Qoser’s three-year civil service contract, citing an ongoing investigation into her reporting as justification. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), condemn the political interference in RTHK and calls for the journalist to be fully reinstated. The 35-year-old program officer for RTHK regularly aimed hard-hitting questions to Hong Kong Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, and other government officials in the live-streamed press conferences during the months-long pro-democracy protests in 2019. Her work, particularly, also drew the ire of…  
2829. Australia: Chinese-Australian businessman wins defamation case  

A Chinese-Australian businessman was awarded $590,000 (USD 449,255) on February 2 after the Australian Federal Court found he was defamed by an investigative program describing him as a Communist Party member. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Australian affiliate the Media Entertainment Arts Alliance (MEAA) in calling for urgent reform to Australia’s defamation laws and stronger measures to safeguard journalistic freedom. Dr Chau Chak Wing won the case against the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Fairfax Media (now owned by Nine) and investigative journalist Nick McKenzie over a 2017 episode of ABC’s Four Corners program titled “Power and Influence”. The…  
2830. Syria: TV cameraman assaulted in north-eastern Syria by armed group  

Syrian television cameraman Tamir Al Hammad was assaulted during an attempted kidnap by personnel from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on January 28 in the north-eastern city of Qamishli, according to the Syrian Journalists Union (SJU). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) backed its affiliate, the SJU, in condemning targeted attacks on journalists while performing their duties. Tamir Al Hammad was assaulted while covering demonstrations against SDF, he was beaten but managed to escape arrest. Qamishli is mostly under the control of the SDF with the exception of the centre of the city and a few neighbourhoods which remain under the control of the Syrian government and its…  
2831. Editorial: Unions in Africa take major step towards accountability for crimes against journalists  

The IFJ and FAJ will now have the possibility to post alerts on this Platform to denounce an attack on a journalist, a violation of the right to inform, online harassment and all other rights violations January 29, 2021 will be remembered as a historic date for African journalists. On that day as part of an online event the IFJ and the FAJ, the Federation of African Journalists, its regional group, joined forces with UNESCO, the African Union, NGOs and employers' organisations to launch the Digital Platform for the Safety of Journalists in Africa, similar to the one existing since 2014 in Europe under the aegis of the Council of Europe,…  
2832. Myanmar: Political leaders detained in military coup  

Myanmar’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint and other government leaders were detained on February 1 by the country’s military, who have seized power and declared a state of emergency for at least one year on the basis of allegations of voter fraud. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the military’s interference in the democratic process and the severe implications for press freedom. At least a dozen soldiers and military vehicles took up positions outside City Hall in Yangon in the early morning, after politicians and prominent political activists were arrested in a series of raids across Myanmar. The coup comes after escalating tension between the…  
2833. Pakistan: Man accused of beheading Daniel Pearl set to walk free  

Ahmad Omar Saeed Sheikh, who was previously convicted in the 2002 murder of Wall Street Journal correspondent Daniel Pearl, is set to walk free after Pakistan's Supreme Court on ordered his release January 28. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) opposes the order and calls on the Supreme Court to review the ruling. The ruling, issued by a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court headed by Justice Mushir Alam, has shocked not only the family of the murdered journalist Daniel Pearl but also the whole media community. The court did not furnish a clear justification for the ruling, saying only that the reasons would be “recorded later”. The government…  
2834. Chile: Se anuncian casi 200 despidos por parte del grupo Copesa  

La Federación de Trabajadores de las Comunicaciones, la Gráfica y Servicios Conexos -FETRACOSE-, denunció esta mañana el despido de casi 200 trabajadorxs por parte del consorcio Copesa. Según lo dispuesto, 194 trabajadorxs serán despedidxs en las próximas horas, y hacia marzo esa cifra se elevaría a 230. Se trata de una decisión empresarial drástica e insensible, que se enmarca en un contexto general de fuerte crecimiento del desempleo. La compañía justifica los despidos debido a “lo mal que está el mercado de las comunicaciones”. Desde el Sindicato 3 de Periodistas y Afines, en cambio, adjudican la crisis financiera de la empresa a la negligencia de su gerente general: Andrés Benítez.…  
2835. El Salvador: APES presentó el informe anual de Libertad de Expresion 2020  

En el día de hoy, la Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador (APES), organización afiliada a la FIP, presentó el informe de libertad de expresión 2020, bajo la consigna “La libertad de expresión es un derecho de la ciudadanía”. La presentación se realizó mediante una conferencia de prensa, a donde fueron invitados diversos medios de comunicación del país, y estuvo dirigida por la Presidenta de APES, Angélica Cárcamo, y de Susana Peñate, miembro de la directiva de la organización. De acuerdo a los datos presentados en el informe, se destacan los casos de vulneración a la libertad de expresión, ejercida principalmente por funcionarixs públicxs, encabezados por la persona del Presidente de…  
2836. Burundi: President calls on regulator to ease crackdown on media  

President Evariste Ndayishimiye instructed the National Communication Council (CNC) on 28 January to settle differences with banned independent media outlets and to discuss their reopening . The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) urge the authorities to turn their words into action and calls on the Burundian media regulator to lift all the bans. Burundi's media have faced a serious crackdown and harassment by the authorities since a 2015 crisis when the government of former president Pierre Pierre Nzurunziza provoked the destruction and shut down of several radio and TV stations and forced over 100 journalists in to…  
2837. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 22 and 29 January, 2021. English: Historic launch of the digital platform for the safety of journalists (THE AFRICAN MIRROR) Bangladesh: Journalist’s killers sentenced to life in prison (IFEX) Freedom of the press: the legacy lives on (THE NEWS) IFJ alarmed by growing attacks on journalists in Netherlands during anti-lockdown riots (URDUPOINT) Local media loses a giant, and The Post a great friend (THE PHNOM PENH POST) IFJ criticises…  
2838. India: Journalists harassed and attacked during farmer protest  

Several journalists from Indian media group iTV were threatened, heckled and physically assaulted by unidentified assailants during a Republic Day tractor rally in New Delhi on January 26. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate the National Union of Journalists – India (NUJ-I) condemn the attacks. Aishwarya Jain, Ajit Shrivastava, Priya Singh and Aditya Nair, working for the iTV-owned NewsX and India News outlets, suffered verbal abuse, pelting with stones and intimidation during the rally by members of the crowd. Jain was caught and beaten while Shrivastava was thrashed with sticks. Thousands of farmers, protesting controversial agricultural reforms,…  
2839. India: Attempted break in at journalist Neha Dixit's home  

Neha Dixit, a freelance journalist known for her investigative reporting, revealed on January 27 that she and her partner, filmmaker Nakul Singh Sawhney, had received ongoing threats, harassment and stalking since September 2020, including a recent break-in attempt at their home. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Indian affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) strongly condemn the physical and online attacks and call for an urgent investigation. In a social media statement, Dixit revealed that at around 9pm on January 25, an unidentified person attempted to break into her house in Delhi, fleeing when she shouted and opened the door. The incident follows a series of…  
2840. France: tentative de torpillage du Conseil de déontologie journalistique et de médiation  

La direction de l'hebdomadaire français Valeurs Actuelles et le Syndicat français des éditeurs de la presse magazine (SEPM) ont lancé des poursuites judiciaires contre le Conseil de déontologie journalistique et de médiation (CDJM), l'organe indépendant de médiation entre les journalistes, les médias, les agences de presse et les publics sur toutes les questions relatives à la déontologie journalistique, en France. Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ/FEJ) dénoncent cette tentative de torpillage du CDJM et réaffirment leur soutien à une instance qui vise à restaurer la confiance et améliorer l'éthique professionnelle. Le tribunal examinera l'affaire le 2…  
2841. Tunisie : victime de violences policières, le photojournaliste a finalement été libéré  

Le photojournaliste Islam Al-Hakiri, arrêté le 25 janvier à Tunis alors qu'il remplissait sa mission d'informer, a vu sa peine de prison confirmée par le procureur du tribunal. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et son affilié, le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT), demandaient sa libération immédiate. C'est le cas depuis le 28 janvier (MàJ le 28/1 à 21h). Le photojournaliste tunsien Islam Al-Hakiri a été arrêté le 25 janvier par un policier dans le centre de Tunis, alors qu'il prenait des photos pendant le couvre-feu. Il possédait pourtant les autorisations nécessaires pour circuler. Dans son communiqué, le SNJT affirme que leur confrère a été agressé par…  
2842. China: Authorities ban self-publishing by journalists and censor online content  

China has tightened control over media workers with a new rule that bans journalists from self-publishing news via social media accounts. The Chinese cyberspace watchdog also amended its internet regulations to crack down on what it sees as fake news or harmful activities by public social media accounts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses grave concern over Beijing’s increasing grip on the press and stresses that a vibrant society in which citizens can express opinions freely is key to development and progress. On January 19, China’s National Press and Publication Administration announced that the annual review of journalists’ accreditation would be conducted from…  
2843. Africa: IFJ and FAJ join African leaders to launch new journalists' safety initiative  

The International Federation of Journalists and Federation of African Journalists will join the leaders of the African Union, UNESCO, editors from across the continent and media freedom campaigners to launch a new digital platform to protect and promote the safety of journalists in Africa on 29 January. African Union Chairperson H.E President Cyril Ramaphosa will officiate the launch. The IFJ and FAJ worked with the UNESCO Addis Office, The African Editors Forum (TAEF), AU Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) and Article 19 to create the Digital Platform for the Safety of Journalists in Africa. The aim of this platform is to…  
2844. FAJ mourns the death of its Steering Committee Member and Congolese Journalists’ Leader  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) is deeply saddened to learn of the passing away of its Steering Committee member and General Secretary of National Syndicate of Professional Press of Democratic Republic of Congo, Comrade Stanis Nkundiye. Comrade Stanis Nkundiye who was a long serving leader of the Union of Journalists in Central Africa (USYPAC) waged a relentless fight against oppression and exploitation of journalists in his country, Central Africa region and Africa. Having served twice as the Treasurer of FAJ and a founding member of this continental federation, Comrade Nkundiye will always be remembered as a stickler for the rules and always subjected himself to democratic…  
2845. Australia: Tech giants threaten to halt services if forced to pay fair share for news  

Tech giants Google and Facebook have threatened to stop offering their services in Australia if a new code, that will force them to pay a fair share for the news content they currently use for free, goes ahead. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Media Entertainment Arts Alliance (MEAA) deplore the attempted blackmail by the companies and calls on the Australian government not to be influenced by threats. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's (ACCC) code would require tech giants to pay news media for sharing their content. Under the proposal, digital companies like Google and Facebook would have three months to negotiate an…  
2846. Syria: Journalists' association and professional groups launch campaign for media workers' safety  

Four Syrian journalists’ professional groups, including IFJ affiliate, the Syrian Journalists Association (SJA) launched a campaign on January 25 to protest against security chaos in northern Syria, where crimes against journalists are on the rise. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands in solidarity with Syrian media workers and supports the association's call on the authorities to tackle journalists' insecurity. The ‘Who is to blame?’ campaign was launched as a response to increasing insecurity facing journalists' in regions in the north of the country under the control of Syrian armed groups backed by the Turkish army, where…  
2847. Netherlands: Journalists' safety increasingly under threat  

Riots, which took place in several cities in the Netherlands on 23 January following the government's decision to impose a 9pm curfew aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus, resulted in several journalists being physically attacked amid a growing hostility towards the media. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) join their affiliate in the Netherlands, the NVJ, in condemning the attacks and expressing alarm over the escalation of violence against media professionals since last year. The unrest started last weekend during protests against the curfew which came into force on Saturday. At least seven cases of violence against…  
2848. Philippines: Journalists falsely ‘red-tagged’ by military  

Two Filipino journalists were falsely labelled by the country’s military as being members of the Philippines terrorist group the New People’s Army along with other prominent graduates of the University of the Philippines on January 21. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning these unsubstantiated and highly dangerous claims. The Facebook posts named Agence France Presse bureau chief for Singapore and Malaysia, Roberto ‘Bobby’ Coloma, and business journalist Roel Landingin, along with 25 other graduates of the university as being New People’s Army members. The posts, which have since…  
2849. Ethiopia: Journalist shot dead in conflict-hit region of Tigray  

TV journalist Dawit Kebede Araya was shot dead in his car on 20 January near his home in the conflict-hit region of Tigray located in northern Ethiopia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the government to conduct an independent investigation and bring the perpetrators of this heinous crime to justice. Kebede, who worked for Tigray Television, the regional state media broadcaster, was killed at 8p.m. in an area known as Adi Hausi, located in Mekelle, Tigray’s capital city. He was killed along with his friend and private businessman Bereket Berhe. The journalist had previously been detained on unknown charges by Ethiopian security forces on…  
2850. Brasil: FENAJ presentó el Informe de Violencia contra Periodistas 2020  

La Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ) lanzó este martes 26 de enero el Informe "Violencia contra Periodistas y Libertad de Prensa en Brasil-2020”. El documento es el resultado del seguimiento a los ataques a la prensa y las agresiones directas a periodistas durante el reciente año, y sus conclusiones señalan que han aumentado considerablemente. La actividad integra la programación del Foro Social Mundial de 2021. Durante el año 2020, los ataques a la prensa y las agresiones directas a periodistas explotaron en Brasil. Este fenómeno se produjo incluso en los peores momentos de la pandemia, y a pesar del reconocimiento esencial que debieran tener las coberturas periodísticas durante…  
2851. Global Trade Union Movement Demands Freedom for Jailed Egyptian Journalist Ahmed Khalifa  

The Global Unions Federations and the International Trade Union Confederation call on the Egyptian president to order the immediate release of Ahmed Khalifa, social news editor at Egypt 360 website. Read the full statement here: Ahmed Khalifa, social news editor at Egypt 360 website, was arrested on 6th January after publishing a series of factual reports about workers’ protests.  He was charged on 16th January with joining a terrorist group, spreading false news, and using the internet to commit a crime, and remains in detention. The Global Unions Federations and the International Trade Union Confederation call on the Egyptian president to order his immediate release.  Before…  
2852. "It is a very defining moment for those of us who are closely following the vaccines and the pandemic"  

The launch of vaccination campaigns around the world has brought a ray of hope to end the COVID-19 pandemic but it has also become a major challenge for the media. Fighting against misinformation over vaccines and choosing the right sources and experts advice are the main challenges for journalists when covering the vaccines and the vaccination campaigns. The IFJ has interviewed Ronny Suárez, the deputy health editor of ‘El Tiempo’, one of the main newspapers in Colombia, who has more than 10 years of experience in health journalism and explains the key concepts when reporting on the Covid-19 vaccines. 1. How would you describe the current media coverage of vaccination…  
2853. Russia: Union takes up cases of journalists beaten and arrested while covering protests  

Dozens of journalists and media workers were arrested and beaten by the police on January 23 while covering protests in support of jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny in Russia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) in condemning violence against media workers and urges the authorities to respect freedom of information. On Saturday, across Russia, tens of thousands of people defied a heavy police presence to join some of the largest rallies against President Vladimir Putin in years. OVD Info, an independent NGO that monitors rallies, said about 3,100 people had been detained, more than 1,200 of them in Moscow…  
2854. Taiwan: ATJ monitoring shows layoffs and disruptions to reporting in 2020  

The disruption of the global economy due to COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 exacerbated the commercial challenges already facing the media industry around the world. In Taiwan, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)’s affiliate, the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ), documented the loss of more than 200 journalists’ jobs as a result of layoffs. On February 20, Next Magazine, a subsidiary of Next Digital, said it would cease publication on February 29. The ATJ found that the decision affected roughly 100 media workers, who were laid off without prior negotiations between the company and the labor union. On June 1, the United Evening News announced it would cease publication from…  
2855. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 15 and 22 January, 2021 English: Indonesia news outlets start 2021 with layoffs, as Covid-19 pandemic saps ad spending (THE STRAITS TIMES) Spanish government must use revenues from "Google Tax" to support journalism (MARKET SCREENER) IFJ remembers Ahmed Hussein-Suale (NEWS GHANA) Africa: Guidelines for Reporting On Covid-19 Vaccines (ALL AFRICA) Group: Angry mob targets radio station in north Afghanistan (TAIWAN NEWS) NUJ National Union of…  
2856. Egypt: Journalists face trial after two-week detention  

Reporter Hamdi Atef Abdel Fattah and online news editor Ahmed Khalifa went missing after being arrested between 4 and 6 January on charges of spreading false news around workers' rights and joining terrorist organizations. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands the Egyptian government reveal the exact location of our colleagues and release them immediately. On 4 January, police forces detained Hamdi Atef Abdel Fattah, a 23-year-old student and reporter of Al-Naba, Al-Bayan, and Misr-Al-Bayan newspapers. The journalist was arrested for publishing a video on social media, where he showed the lack of oxygen of Covid-19 patients at Zefta General…  
2857. India: Indian court issues warrant for journalist Paranjoy Thakurta  

A Gujarat court has issued a non-bailable arrest warrant against senior Indian journalist Paranjoy Guha Thakurta following the filing of a defamation case by mining giant the Adani Group. The case pertains to an article Thakurta co-authored about Adani in 2017. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn the widespread misuse of defamation law in India to target journalists and silence the media. On January 20, judicial magistrate Pradeep Soni issued a direction to Nizamuddin police in New Delhi to arrest Thakurta, the former editor-in-chief of the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW). He was charged with a defamation…  
2858. Spain: Government must use revenues from Google Tax to support journalism  

A new tax on some digital services in Spain - dubbed the Google Tax - is expected to generate huge revenues this year which journalists unions say should be used to help support media jobs. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Spanish affiliates welcomed the new tax on digital giants who pay little or no tax in the country and have called on the government to use this fund to support public service journalism. The so-called "Google tax" is similar to taxes already implemented in other European countries such as Germany, France or Belgium, which imposes levies on internet aggregators for linking to media content which is protected by intellectual property rights. This…  
2859. Guidelines for reporting on Covid-19 vaccines  

The recent approval of a number of Covid-19 vaccines all over the world has meant thousands of journalists are having to report on vaccines and scientific investigations. With audiences hungry for any information to better understand the vaccines and the way out of the devastating impact of the Covid-19 crisis, journalists have too often had to work to keep citizens informed on a fast-moving and complex story without prior experience of the science, logistics and potential concerns about the vaccination process. In parallel, there’s a wave of misinformation and sensationalism about the vaccines that needs to be tackled. Misinformation around COVID-19 has been rampant since the beginning of…  
2860. Bangladesh: Journalist killers given life imprisonment  

Five men have been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of journalist Humayun Kabir Balu, sixteen years after he was killed in a targeted explosion in Khulna in 2004. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the conviction of the killers and calls for stronger action against rampant impunity for crimes against journalists in Bangladesh. Balu was killed when his attackers threw two bombs in front of his house in Khulna City on June 27, 2004, as he returned home with his three children. He suffered serious injuries to his stomach and leg as a result of the bomb explosions and later died in hospital. His son, a journalism student, was also seriously injured. The…  
2861. Dawit Kebede Araya  

TV journalist Dawit Kebede Araya was shot dead in his car near his home in the conflict-hit region of Tigray located in northern Ethiopia. Kebede, who worked for Tigray Television, the regional state media broadcaster, was killed in an area known as Adi Hausi, located in Mekelle, Tigray’s capital city. The journalist had previously been detained on unknown charges by Ethiopian security forces on 17 January and released later that day. Kebede's colleagues and relatives have claimed that local security forces were involved in the murder, according to testimonies published by local and international media. Journalists' safety, Ethiopia, IFJ, Impunity  
2862. Palestine: PJS reports 608 cases of media rights violations in 2020  

There were more than 600 violations of media and journalists’ rights during 2020 in Palestine, according to the latest report from the Palestine Journalists Syndicate (PJS). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the PJS in condemning these attacks and urges the authorities in the region to take steps to end the impunity with which they are carried out. The report documented 490 violations by the Israeli army and security forces, 76 cases in the Gaza Strip by Hamas' security forces and 42 attacks in the West Bank perpetrated by Palestinian security forces. Among the violations registered by PJS, the most common was the detention of…  
2863. Turkey: Five journalists attacked in first 15 days of 2021  

In the first 15 days of 2021, the Turkish Journalists Union (TGS) has already recorded five physical attacks against journalists in Turkey. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) together with their affiliate in Turkey condemn the assaults and call on Turkish authorities to conduct thorough investigations and hold the perpetrators accountable. In a tweet, the Journalists' Union of Turkey (TGS) strongly condemned the attacks and denounced the government's absence of reaction: "Five journalists and media workers have been attacked in 15 days. There are no government convictions and no sanctions by the judiciary. This is intended to encourage the attackers." The…  
2864. Afghanistan: Zohra Radio vandalized  

A mob of nearly a dozen people led by the imam of a local mosque attacked Zohra Radio in north eastern Kunduz province on January 15 damaging the radio’s equipment and vandalizing the office. The International Federation of journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA) condemn the attack and urge the Afghan government to investigate the case. According to Mohsen Ahmad, the director of the Zohra Radio, the Imam of Firooz Kohi Mosque directed a crowd to  attack the radio station at around 13:30 pm accusing the station for playing the music and songs that disturbed Friday prayer. Ahmad said the mosque followers vandalized the station even…  
2865. Turkey: IFJ calls on authorities not to extradite Iranian journalist  

A journalist, persecuted on fabricated charges, was arrested on 17 January as he fled Iran to escape a jail sentence, and now fears being handed over to the Iranian authorities. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Turkish authorities not to extradite him and provide him with urgent protection.  A court in Teheran sentenced Mohammad Mosaed on 25 August to four years and nine months in prison and banned him from any journalistic activity for two years, ordering the confiscation of his communication devices for allegedly "colluding against national security" and "spreading propaganda against the system." Mosaed works as a freelance economic journalist reporting on…  
2866. Malaysia: Union calls for cooperation amidst national lockdown  

Malaysia’s national journalism union has requested cooperation from Malaysia’s government as well as media and non-media workers in addressing restrictions to media freedom under Malaysia’s latest emergency order. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists Malaysia (NUJM) in calling for greater focus on journalist safety and the introduction of measures such as online press conferences be implemented. Due to a rapid increase in Covid-19 infections, NUJM has requested that all press conferences, including those of government and private agencies, be conducted online and ‘in person contact’ limited. Those asked to provide comment to…  
2867. Belarus: IFJ and EFJ demand immediate release of Andrei Alexandrov and other journalists imprisoned  

Criminal prosecutions of journalists are increasing in Belarus. Journalby editor Andrei Alexandrov was arrested on 12 January. Eight other journalists are still behind bars in Belarus, just for doing their job. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) once again call on the OSCE, the Council of Europe and the European Union to intervene with the regime of disputed President Lukashenko to secure their immediate release. Andrei Alexandrov has been detained as part of a criminal case initiated by the Minsk City Investigation Committee. He is considered as a suspect under article 342 of the Belarusian Criminal Code for “organization and preparation of actions,…  
2868. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 8 and 15 January, 2021 English: Federal Court to deliver decision on Mkini contempt case on Friday (MALAYSIAKINI) Murder the media: journalists targeted again as "the enemy of the people" by pro-Trump insurrectionists (MILKWAUKEE INDEPENDENT) Bahraini journalist bullied online seeks support from Jewish colleagues (MIDDLE EAST MONITOR) Injustice flourishing in Turkey, international pressure increasing on Belarus (IFEX) Int'l…  
2869. España: Condenan a una revista por el estilo de redacción de una noticia  

Una jueza española condenó a la revista CTXT a indemnizar a un personaje público y a silenciar sus informaciones sobre el mismo tras publicar una noticia veraz pero cuyo estilo de redacción afectaba al prestigio profesional del denunciante. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) rechaza junto a todas sus organizaciones afiliadas en España una condena abusiva que pone en peligro la libertad de información en España. El 13 de enero, la magistrada Ana Mercedes Merino Melara aceptó parcialmente la demanda interpuesta por un conocido actor español contra la revista CTXT por una información publicada en 2016 que “vulneró el derecho al honor del demandante”. En su auto, la jueza…  
2870. France: ‘L’Equipe’ and France TV journalists strike over working conditions and redundancies  

Journalists at sports newspaper ‘L’Equipe’ and France TV channels have taken strike action in a dispute over a job protection plan and dismissals. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) stand in solidarity with striking workers and their French affiliates. France’s public TV, France Télévisions, has seen strikes over the past two weeks at its headquarters in Paris, due to the unfair dismissal of four sound illustrators by video-conference, staff opposition to the arbitrary redefinition of working conditions and the excessive workload. In parallel, the unions are to hold a 24-hour strike on 18 January…  
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