15041 results:

911. El Salvador: El periodista Víctor Barahonda encarcelado durante casi un año por el régimen de excepción  

El comunicador fue liberado en mayo de este año tras su detención arbitraria ocurrida en julio de 2022. A pesar de haber salido de la cárcel, el proceso en su contra por “asociaciones ilícitas” y colaboración con las pandillas continúa y no se le permitió aun disponer de una defensa ni tener acceso al expediente judicial. Junto a la Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) repudia este hecho y exige que se retiren todos los cargos contra Barahonda y que se den las garantías necesarias para que pueda continuar con su labor informativa sin temor a represalias de ningún tipo. Tras casi un año detenido sin juicio justo por el régimen de…  
912. Kosovo: IFJ, EFJ and media freedom groups call for Klan Kosova business certificate issue to be resolved  

On 12 July, the International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) and the undersigned international media freedom organisations call for the updated business certificate of Klan Kosova to be accepted by the complaint committee and that all attempts by the Kosovo government to pressure the broadcaster are halted immediately. The latest call by our organisations comes after the unprecedented decision of the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, made on 14 June 2023, to suspend the business certificate of Klan Kosova LLC and bring criminal charges against its representatives. While we recognise the requirement for Kosovo authorities to enforce legal…  
913. Assange is the excuse for all who jail journalists  

Around the world, hundreds of journalists are in jail for doing their jobs. Quite how many hundreds is a matter of conjecture. The Committee to Protect Journalists has a tally of nearly 400, Reporters Sans Frontiers lists more than 500 behind bars – the differences can be explained by imperfect information and methodological differences. But what is most striking is the sheer number. Compared to other occupational groups, journalism is a tiny profession. My organisation represents journalists’ unions in 146 countries, with 600,000 members. At most, I estimate the world sustains a million journalists. By contrast, there are estimated to be 85 million teachers.  But search as I might, I…  
914. Palestine: International protection and justice for the people of Palestine, and an end to illegal settlements, demand Global Unions  

We, Global Unions representing hundreds of millions of workers around the world across most sectors, call for the United Nations (UN), its member states, and the entire international community, to take multilateral actions towards peace in Israel-Palestine. We join the UN High Commission for Human Rights (UNHCHR)’s call for an end to the “illogic of escalation” of violence and coercion. On 3 July 2023, Israel launched a military offensive into the West Bank, including into the city of Jenin. The offensive followed months of escalating violence; the death of hundreds of Palestinians; and the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank since 2005. This is a flagrant violation of…  
915. México: El periodista Luis Martín Sánchez Iñíguez fue hallado muerto  

Tras tres días desaparecido, el cuerpo del corresponsal del diario La Jornada fue encontrado el 8 de julio en Tepic, en el estado de Nayarit, donde había sido visto por última vez. Los rastros de violencia y un mensaje encontrado junto a los restos confirmarían que se trató de un asesinato ocurrido luego de su presunto secuestro. Otros tres trabajadores de prensa habían sido privados de su libertad en los últimos días, dos de ellos en la misma localidad, pero fueron recientemente liberados. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) junto al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) repudia este crimen y demanda que sea investigado aplicando el protocolo específico para…  
916. Luis Martín Sánchez Iñíguez  

El 8 de julio, tras tres días desaparecido, el cuerpo de Luis Martín Sánchez Iñíguez, corresponsal del diario 'La Jornada'. fue hallado en Tepic, en el estado de Nayarit, donde había sido visto por última vez. Los rastros de violencia y un mensaje encontrado junto a los restos confirmarían que se trató de un asesinato ocurrido luego de su presunto secuestro.  De su casa faltaba su computadora, un disco duro externo y su credencial de corresponsal del diario La Jornada.  Según las autoridades, el cuerpo del comunicador fue hallado con signos de violencia en una bolsa junto a un mensaje que no fue aun revelado a los medios de comunicación, lo cual confirmaría que se trató de un…  
917. México: El periodista Carlos Jiménez recibe amenazas y el gobierno dispone medidas de protección  

El periodista Carlos Jiménez recibió un video donde cinco hombres se muestran encapuchados y armados, mientras que uno de ellos lee un mensaje intimidatorio asegurando conocer los movimientos y lugares habituales del comunicador y su familia. El conductor del programa C4 en Alerta del canal 6 aseguró que continuará “mostrando la cara de lxs delincuentes” en su programa de temática “roja” o policial. El jueves 6 de julio el comunicador Carlos Jiménez recibió en sus redes sociales personales un video amenazante, donde cinco personas armadas y con el rostro cubierto amedrentan al periodista. Jiménez, conductor del programa especializado en casos policiales, difundio el material y afirmó que…  
918. Russia: The IFJ Gender Council says "no impunity" for the attack on Russian journalist Yelena Milashina  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)' Gender Council condemns the shameful attack on investigative journalist Yelena Milashina, who was brutally beaten and had her fingers broken by masked men on her way to a court in Grozny, Chechnya, on 3 July. The Council urges for a swift investigation into this vicious attack. Yelena Milashina, who writes for the Novaya Gazeta newspaper, was travelling with a lawyer, Alexander Nemov, to the capital, Grozny, to attend the trial of the wife of a former Supreme Court judge. Their car was stopped by three cars carrying armed men.  "It was a classic kidnapping," Milashina said. "They immobilised us and then threw our driver out of his…  
919. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from July 1st 2023 to July 7th 2023. ENGLISH Calls to halt deportation of Kurdish journalist amid safety concerns - Medya News The decline of Hong Kong’s press freedom under the national security law - Hong Kong Free Press Fatimah Abdul-Kareem Tasks Tinubu, Women - Just News  44 media rights violations in Iraqi Kurdistan in the first half of 2023, KJS reports - EKurd Daily On Julian Assange’s Birthday: SF Rally to Free him and Mumia Abu-Jamal -…  
920. Media pluralism at risk: Europe needs a stronger EMFA  

The results of the 2023 Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM), which have just been published, confirm the decline in media pluralism in Europe. Of the 32 countries analysed (the 27 EU Member States and the five candidate countries), barely seven present a satisfactory situation. For the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), this new study confirms the urgent need to considerably strengthen the provisions of the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), which is currently being examined by the European Parliament. “This scientific study is a real setback for European governments, who have just watered down the EMFA when the evidence shows that it should be considerably strengthened”,…  
921. Philippines: Photojournalist and family injured in shooting  

Joshua Abiad, a photojournalist for Remate Online, has suffered serious injuries after being shot by unidentified assailants while driving in Quezon City, along with three of his family members. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in condemning the violent attack and calling for an immediate investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice. On June 29, Abiad, a photojournalist for Remate Online, was the target of a gun attack in Quezon City, alongside three of his relatives, including his four-year-old nephew. According to police, the incident occurred at around 3:50 pm near Corumi Street in…  
922. Poland: Spanish journalist Pablo González in custody for 16 months with no trial in sight  

Spanish freelance reporter Pablo González, accused of spying for Russia, has been in pre-trial detention in Poland for more than 16 months without any evidence of the allegations against him being made public. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EJF), together with their Spanish affiliates and organisations that support this journalist, urge the Polish authorities to release González and ensure he receives a fair trial. Organisations and groups supporting Spanish journalist Pablo González gathered at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, on 4 July to denounce his detention. This is an unprecedented case; González is the only journalist imprisoned in an EU…  
923. Russia: Armed thugs beat up journalist and lawyer  

Prominent investigative journalist Yelena Milashina has been badly beaten and had fingers broken by masked men as she travelled to a court in Grozny, Chechnya, on 3 July. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) condemn this brutal beating and demand an investigation into this vicious attack. Yelena Milashina , who writes for Novaya Gazeta newspaper, was travelling with a lawyer, Alexander Nemov. Their car was stopped by three cars with armed men as they drove to the capital, Grozny, to witness the trial of the wife of a former judge of the Republic’s Supreme Court. “It was a classic kidnapping,” said Milashina. “They pinned down then threw our…  
924. Editorial- IFJ Voice July 2023- Responsibilities  

It will be too late when we learn that a plane has flown to the United States with Julian Assange on board.  Too late to reaffirm that we were right.  Too late to regret witnessing one of the greatest injustices our profession has ever known. Even if there are still appeals on European soil - notably to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg - it is now time to point the finger of blame at the bosses of the world's major media, after the politicians failed in their mission to defend freedom of expression. Just a few days ago, when the IFJ President proposed an opinion piece to two major French dailies - Le Monde and Libération - the latter politely replied "that they didn't…  
925. Palestine: Journalists targeted by Israeli forces during raid in Jenin   

Several journalists have been directly targeted by Israeli snipers as they were reporting on Israel's large-scale military operation in Jenin, Palestine, on 3 July. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), strictly condemn this deliberate targeting of journalists, call on journalists on the ground to take all necessary safety precautions and urge the Israeli government to respect its international obligations relating to  press freedom. Israel launched a large-scale military operation on 3 July in the Jenin refugee camp, in the northern occupied West Bank, killing at least 10 Palestinians and injuring over…  
926. Puerto Rico: UPAGRA denuncia maltrato a periodistas y secuestro de equipos en la aduana mexicana  

La Unión de Periodistas, Artes Gráficas y Ramas Anexas (UPAGRA) expresó en un comunicado su rechazo a la detención indebida y retención de elementos de trabajo que sufrieron lxs periodistas de Noticentro Natalia Meléndez y Jaime Delgado en la aduana de México, país al que estaban acreditadxs para cubrir el campeonato femenino de baloncesto de la FIBA Americup. El viernes 30 de junio lxs trabajadorxs de Televicentro Natalia Meléndez y Jaime Delgado fueron detenidxs por funcionarixs de la aduana mexicana, cuando se disponían a ingresar a ese país a realizar el reportaje del campeonato femenino de baloncesto de la FIBA Americup para el noticiario Noticentro y la cadena deportiva Wapa. Según…  
927. Russia: IFJ and EFJ remember journalist Yuri Shchekochikhin  

Russian investigative journalist Yuri Shchekochikhin, deputy editor of the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta, died suddenly on 3 July 2003 with what doctors said was an acute allergic reaction. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) denounce this case of impunity and reiterate their call on the Russian authorities to shed full light on Yuri Shchekochikhin’s death. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) commemorate the 20th anniversary of the death of Russian journalist Yuri Shchekochikhin today. Shchekochikhin, 53, then deputy editor of the independent Moscow twice-weekly Novaya Gazeta, died 12 days after…  
928. Iraqi Kurdistan: KJS reports 44 cases of media rights violations in first half of 2023  

There were 44 cases of media and journalists’ rights violations during the first half of 2023 in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, according to a report published by the Kurdistan Journalists’ Syndicate (KJS). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the KJS, in condemning the attacks on media freedom and calls on the competent authorities to take action to better protect journalists and media workers. The newly released report recorded 44 cases, some of them targeted at individual media professionals while others concern groups of journalists or media organisations. The media and journalists’ rights violations documented include eight arrests of journalists, 22…  
929. Happy Birthday Julian Assange!  

Today you are 52 years old and have spent nearly fourteen years deprived of freedom! What crimes have you committed? That of creating Wikileaks in 2006 to allow as many people as possible to have free access to information about actions carried out in their names? That of revealing war crimes by the American army in Iraq and Afghanistan? That of endangering the United States of America by revealing its hidden crimes? These are crimes only in the eyes of the American administration and their British allies. Who are you Julian Assange? To some you are a computer scientist and cyber activist, viewed by many as whistleblower.  In reality you are an Australian journalist, with…  
930. UK: IFJ and NUJ call on UK government to halt deportation of Kurdish journalist  

Journalist Ghazi Ghareeb Zorab, who is seeking asylum in the UK, was detained on 26 June at the Dallas Court Immigration Centre in Salford, near Manchester, and informed that he would be deported to Jordan on 1 July and Iraq on 2 July. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), in urging the UK authorities to stop the deportation of the journalist, who will face threats to his safety if returned to Iraq. On Monday 26 June, Kurdish journalist Ghazi Ghareeb Zorab was detained at the Dallas Court Reporting Centre in Salford, Manchester, where he was making a regular visit, as is required of him while his asylum claim…  
931. Ecuador: Periodista denuncia graves amenazas y accidente premeditado  

Lissette Ormaza, periodista del canal Majestad TV de Santo Domingo, sufrió un accidente con su vehículo el 20 de junio, cuándo otro automóvil desde el carril contrario la encerró, obligándola a desviarse hacia una zanja. Ormaza relata haber recibido amenazas previas y posteriores al choque, y las atribuye a una investigación que realizó sobre otro siniestro vial en el que murieron dos personas. El reportaje involucra a una empresa de transporte público que estaría en falta con las condiciones de la flota de autobuses. La periodista Lissette Ormaza sufrió un accidente cuando se encontraba manejando su vehículo y fue encerrada por otro automóvil que desde el carril contrario la obligó a…  
932. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from June 23rd 2023 to June 30th 2023. ENGLISH This may be our last chance to save Julian Assange - Morning Star The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate condemns Israel’s arrest of journalist Mohammad Muna - WAFA news agency NUJ demands authorities stop deportation of Kurdish journalist detained in Salford Prolific North - Prolific North   UK: Iraqi Kurdish journalist facing deportation fears being killed if sent home - Middle East…  
933. Nepal: Journalists threatened, harassed, and detained  

Nepali journalists and media workers have been subjected to a series of media rights violations in June by criminal groups, media outlet leadership, and law enforcement, amid a rising trend of attacks and harassment towards the media in Nepal. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), urge local authorities to swiftly investigate the incidents and ensure that the rights, safety, and security of journalists are not infringed upon. On June 21, Swasthayalive.com editor Sunil Sapkota was attacked by a group of assailants in Anamnagar, a suburb of Kathmandu, according to the FNJ. One attacker was identified as Hari Giri,…  
934. ‘Intense, discriminatory, vile’: Online trolling of women journalists in South Asia  

Every day, faceless online trolls launch attacks against women journalists – not just for doing their jobs, but simply for being women. These journalists and their support networks in South Asia call for more to be done to protect women in media from online violence, writes Olivia Cleal. It is not uncommon for women journalists in South Asia to wake up and open their social media accounts, only to be hit with a barrage of slurs, attacks and abusive messages.  Just weeks ago, Indian journalist Srishti Jaswal published an article interviewing the partner of a political prisoner, who has been detained for protesting a citizenship law which discriminates against Muslims in…  
935. Australia: MEAA Union Win for SBS Members  

On June 29, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) celebrated a massive union win for journalists and media workers at the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) in Australia. The win will see media workers receive a 9.5% pay rise over three years, casual loadings increased from 20% to 22.5%, 20 days of family and domestic violence leave, and an end to unequal pay grades through a new classifications structure. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) spoke with MEAA’s media director Cassie Derrick to learn more about the alliance’s organizing journey, and what this will mean for journalists and media rights in Australia. When and how did the campaign…  
936. Turkey : EU to prioritise media freedom reforms and human rights in relations with Turkey, ask journalists' groups  

The undersigned organisations call on the incoming Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union to place media freedom and human rights front and centre of relations with the newly re-elected Government of Turkey. The May elections, which saw a parliamentary majority for the AKP and its allies and the re-election of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as President, took place against a backdrop of a media landscape dominated by pro-government outlets, the smothering of independent voices and the repression of critical journalism. Over the past two decades, Turkey’s government has captured over 90% of the media landscape, including direct control over the country’s public media and…  
937. Viktorija Miktova, the youngest member of the SSNM Executive Board: “We need to prove to new generations that the union is here to help”  

With young journalists subjected to precarious working conditions and unions striving to prove their worth to a new generation of journalists, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), supported by Union to Union (UTU), has been working with the Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) of Macedonia to change the narrative and bridge the gap. Viktorija Miktova is a journalist at national TV station Alpha Television and a member of the Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) of Macedonia. She is the youngest representative of the union’s Executive Board since December 2022 and the coordinator of the young media workers’…  
938. Turkey: IFJ and EFJ demand release of journalist Merdan Yanardağ  

Journalist Merdan Yanardağ, editor-in-chief of Turkish broadcaster TELE1, was arrested on 27 June following a judicial investigation into his televised remarks about imprisoned Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) demand his immediate release. Yanardağ was charged with “praising crime and the criminal” as well as “propaganda for a terrorist organisation”, following his comments about PKK's leader Abdullah Öcalan during a television programme broadcast on TELE1 on 20 June. During his speech, Yanardağ said, “Öcalan is Turkey’s longest serving political prisoner. If normal execution laws were applicable, he…  
939. Northern Cyprus: IFJ and EFJ condemn firing of Ali Kişmir, censorship and political pressure  

The President of the Turkish Cypriot Press Workers’ Union (Basın-Sen), journalist Ali Kişmir, was forced to resign from the online channel TV20 because of his reaction to the censorship of a critical article on Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar published on the channel’s website. The information was made public last Friday. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) condemn this brutal dismissal as an act of censorship and intimidation, and call on the authorities to respect press freedom and to put an end to political interference in the media. Kişmir announced that following the censorship of his article, the channel’s directors put a stop to his television…  
940. Periodistas LGBTIQ+: Cuando el arcoiris forma parte de las redacciones  

En junio, es cada vez más común que los medios de comunicación se sumen al mes del orgullo. Pero, aunque visibilicen la diversidad sexual en sus titulares, mantienen en lo oculto a sus periodistas LGBTIQ+. "¡Cómo se te ocurrió ser mujer! Ya no vas a poder trabajar como periodista. Olvídate de que tus experiencias laborales sigan creciendo porque ya no. El Perú no está preparado para periodistas trans", le dijeron unos excompañeros de trabajo a la periodista Gianna Camacho. Era 2017, en ese entonces, ella estaba por cumplir los 30 y acababa de hacer su transición de identidad. Hasta ese momento, había acumulado bastante experiencia profesional tras graduarse en la universidad como alumna…  
941. Pakistan: Exiled Afghan journalist detained  

Exiled Afghan journalist Mohammad Tahir Sadid has been detained in Islamabad by local police, with some reports alleging a ransom was elicited for his release. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the journalist’s detention and urges both Pakistani authorities and international governments globally to increase their support of the Afghan media diaspora. According to The Independent Persian, Sadid, a reporter with TV One, was detained on the evening of June 23 by police for failing to have a valid visa, while walking to a local market with a friend. He was released around midnight the same evening following advocacy from Islamabad’s media community. The journalist…  
942. India: Journalist’s body found in Assam River  

The body of journalist Abdur Rauf Alamgir has been found floating in a river in the Indian state of Assam on June 26, after reports emerged of his alleged abduction two days prior. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), strongly condemn Alamgir’s death and call on law enforcement to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation into the killing. Alamgir, who worked with online news portal TNL, went missing on June 24, reportedly abducted near his residence in Jambari, around 60 kilometres from the Assam state capital Guwahati. His body was found two days later in the Kulsi River in the Boko District. According to The…  
943. France: il est urgent de renforcer l’indépendance des rédactions et le pluralisme des médias  

La décision de placer à la tête du Journal du dimanche (JDD) un ancien directeur d'un hebdomadaire d'extrême droite relance le débat sur l'indépendance éditoriale et le pluralisme des médias en France. La grève des journalistes du JDD décrétée le 22 juin et reconduite depuis est “une réponse ferme que le gouvernement français doit entendre et dont il doit prendre acte” , affirment les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ/FEJ). Le 9 juin dernier, la Commission européenne a autorisé, sous conditions, et en vertu du règlement de l'Union européenne sur les concentrations, le projet d'acquisition du groupe multimédia français Lagardère par le groupe…  
944. Assange: Last change to save Assange and safeguard press freedom  

For the past decade the pursuit Julian Assange has consumed me with fear – both for Wikileaks founder himself and for all the other journalists who would suffer were he convicted. With his appeal against extradition now rejected, the legal paths open to him to resist extradition are vanishingly small. There may be hope at the European Court of Human Rights – but a day in that court is never guaranteed. A Council of Europe resolution could yet call for the charges to be dropped. Just as likely, there will be a little-heralded court hearing in Westminster and moments later, Assange will be bundled on to a plane destined, in all probability, for a lifetime in US solitary confinement. So, as…  
945. Tunisia: The country is sliding into totalitarianism, warn the Global Unions  

A combination of unconstitutional legislation signed by the Tunisian President and administrative orders pushed by the Speaker of the Parliament and the judicial authorities are severely restricting the right of the Tunisian people to be informed, to monitor the work of public officials and to hold them to account. In September 2022, President Kais Saied signed Decree-Law 54 on combating crimes related to information and communication systems. It quickly became clear that the new law was designed to restrict freedom of expression and public debates. The legislation has been weaponized to detain, threaten and harass journalists, public figures and citizens for doing their jobs or expressing…  
946. Abdur Rauf Alamgir  

On 26 June, the body of journalist Abdur Rauf Alamgir has been found floating in the Kulsi River in the Boko District in the state of Assam, after reports emerged of his alleged abduction two days prior. Alamgir, who worked with online news portal TNL, went missing on June 24, reportedly abducted near his residence in Jambari, around 60 kilometres from the Assam state capital Guwahati.  impunity, journalist, killing, India, Indian, IFJ, union, Asia Pacific, Abdur Rauf Alamgir, crime,  
947. Abdur Rauf Alamgir  

The body of Indian journalist Abdur Rauf Alamgir has been found floating in the Kulsi River in the Boko District, in the Indian state of Assam, on June 26. Alamgir, who worked with online news portal TNL, went missing on June 24, reportedly abducted near his residence in Jambari, around 60 kilometres from the Assam state capital Guwahati.  The Journalists Union of Assam, an affiliate of the IJU, expressed ‘grave concern’ at the incident in a statement posted to social media, demanding authorities conduct an investigation into the killing and apprehend those responsible. IFJ, journalists, impunity, India, safety, journalist, Asia Pacific, murder, killing,…  
948. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from June 16th 2023 to June 23rd 2023. ENGLISH IFJ condemns journalist Nadim's death - The Business Standard  Bangladesh: Journalist killed in violent attack, IFJ demands immediate investigation - Mid Day Journo murder: Protests rage, 6 held, but UP Chairman Babu still fugitive - Dhaka Tribune Those behind forced disappearances, murders to face music in future: Amir Khasru - The Business Standard    Letter: Our last chance to…  
949. EU : Member States show dangerous disregard for media freedom principles  

EU governments want to authorise the spying of journalists and their sources on vague grounds of “national security”. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) strongly reject the position of the EU Council on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) on 21 June and denounce a blow to media freedom, arguing that such legislation would put journalists and their sources even more at risk. The Council reached an agreement on 21 June 2023  on the much-needed European Media Freedom Act, a legislation proposed by the European Commission on 16 September 2022 with the intention to introduce safeguards against political interference, media concentration, and to protect…  
950. LGBTQ+ rights are under attack  

While there continue to be terrible abuses of LGBTQ+ people in places like Uganda, where a new law instated the death penalty for ‘aggravated homosexuality, in liberal countries, like my home in Scotland, we pride ourselves on our progressive attitudes to sexuality and equality. However, with a rise in right-wing, populist administrations (Hungary, US), so has followed what’s been dubbed the ‘culture wars’ and the ‘war on woke’. What’s followed, even in places like my home in Scotland, and the wider UK, is nothing short of an erosion of our human rights – and the othering of some of our most vulnerable communities. After a lengthy – and at times vitriolic – debate, late last year, the…  
951. Afghanistan: Returning journalist detained and tortured  

Journalist Reza Shahir was reportedly detained by the Taliban for two days while returning to Afghanistan from Iran to renew his passport. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arrest and calls on the Taliban to cease its continued arbitrary harassment and arrests of Afghan media workers. On June 18, Shahir was detained by members of the Taliban as he crossed the border from Iran to Afghanistan in the Zabul district when he was detained by Taliban authorities. According to a statement from the Pak-Afghan International Forum of Journalists (PAIF), Shahir was arrested by Taliban intelligence forces while travelling to Kabul and taken to an unknown location, where he…  
952. Tunisie : un journaliste détenu 48 heures pour avoir critiqué le Président de la République  

Le 20 juin, le journaliste Ziad El-Heni, cofondateur du Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT), a été détenu pendant 48 heures par les autorités tunisiennes après avoir été accusé d’avoir critiqué le Président Kais El Saied. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié, le SNJT, pour dénoncer cette arrestation arbitraire et appelle le gouvernement tunisien à cesser de bafouer la liberté de la presse dans le pays. Ziad El-Heni a été placé en détention mardi 20 juin à la demande du Procureur de la République en attente de son procès pour insulte au Président Kais Saied. Il a été arrêté par une brigade en civil qui a pris d'assaut son domicile dans…  
953. EU: New toolkit to fight gender bias in portraying politicians  

Women politicians too rarely make the headlines in political coverage and when they do they are often subject to sexism and stereotypes. To combat gender bias in political reporting and improve quality journalism, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its partners COPEAM and the University of Padova have launched a new training toolkit to support journalists and journalism students in producing more gender inclusive news reports when covering politics. "When a journalist asked Prime Ministers Sanna Marin and Jacinda Ardern last year if the reason they met was because they were of similar age, we thought there was still a long way to go before sexist reporting is…  
954. Philippines: Labour board orders outlet to pay workers  

In an important win for regional journalists in the Philippines, the National Labour Relations Commission (NLRC) of the Philippines has ordered Sunstar Publishing Inc. to pay eleven media workers overdue wages and benefits following the closure of two of its outlets in 2020. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in welcoming the decision of the NLRC and urging Sunstar Publishing to abide by the court’s decision. On June 19, the eighth division of the NRLC issued a writ of execution requiring Sunstar  Cagayan de Oro Publishing Incorporated, a regional body controlled by the larger Sunstar…  
955. Myanmar: Junta revokes Ayeyarwaddy license  

Myanmar’s military junta has arbitrarily revoked the license of independent media outlet The Ayeyarwaddy Times in its latest crackdown on dissent. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Myanmar Journalists Network (MJN), condemn the decision and call on the junta to immediately cease its intimidation of the media and continued attacks on press freedom. On June 10, news outlets affiliated with the junta announced that authorities had revoked The Ayeyarwaddy Times’s media license for allegedly breaching Section 8 of Myanmar’s Printing and Publishing Law, which relates to publishing content. The reason for the license cancellation remains unclear. Despite the…  
956. Argentina: Periodistas heridos y detenidos en manifestaciones populares contra la reforma constitucional en Jujuy  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas expresa su más profunda preocupación ante el accionar de las fuerzas de seguridad que resultaron en un impacto de bala de goma en el rostro del fotoperiodista Daniel Bello de la agencia nacional Télam y en días previos la detención de Luciano Aguilar de La Izquierda Diario y Camilo Galli del portal El Submarino. Además, medios comunitarios denunciaron que el gobierno provincial bloqueó la señal de comunicación celular durante la represión, infringiendo el derecho a la comunicación e información. El fotoperiodista Daniel Bello, de la agencia de noticias Telám resultó herido en el rostro por el impacto de una bala de goma en medio de la represión…  
957. Palestine: Journalists under fire amid escalating violence in occupied West Bank  

On 19 June, journalist Hazem Nasser, cameraman for Al-Ghad TV channel, was shot at and wounded, despite wearing a vest labelled ‘press’, during a raid in Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank. Since early June, at least three journalists have been injured by Israeli fire in the occupied West Bank. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) in condemning the systematic targeting of Palestinian journalists and calls on the Israeli authorities to immediately halt its attacks on journalists and media workers. The Israeli army stormed Jenin refugee camp on 19 June, using combat helicopters for the first time in years…  
958. Pakistan: Four journalists accused of inciting unrest  

Pakistani authorities have registered sedition cases against four journalists based abroad for their alleged role in inciting unrest across Pakistan on May 9, following the arrest of former prime minister Imran Khan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the charges against Shaheen Sehbai, Wajahat Saeed Khan, Sabir Shakir and Moeed Pirzada, and urge the authorities to cease their targeting of journalists. On June 10, complainant Muhammad Aslam registered a First Information Report (FIR) at Islamabad’s Ramna Police Station against journalists Shaheen Sehbai and Wajahat Saeed Khan. The FIR, which also…  
959. Yemen : Journalist arrested again and imprisoned  

On 5 June, Yemeni journalist Fahd Al Arhabi was arrested and jailed by the Houthi security services in Amran city, in western central Yemen. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) in condemning the incessant harassment against Al Arhabi and calls on the authorities to release him immediately, as well as all other journalists in jail. Journalist Fahd Al-Arhabi was arrested by the Houthi security services on 5 June after having received multiple calls  and summons by the Security and Intelligence Service in the Amran Governorate. He was then directly put in jail. Al- Arhabi was arrested for revealing information on a…  
960. Turkey: International groups condemn attack against journalist Sinan Aygül  

Organisations defending media freedom, freedom of expression and human rights, including the IFJ, have strongly condemned the appalling attack on journalist Sinan Aygül that took place in Tatvan, a city in eastern Turkey, on June 17. Two people were arrested the following day charged with ‘intentional injury with a weapon’.  Authorities must take all measures to ensure safety of journalists and hold all responsible to account The undersigned media freedom, freedom of expression and human rights organizations strongly condemn the appalling attack on journalist Sinan Aygül that took place in Tatvan, a city in eastern Turkey, on June 17. Two people were arrested the following day charged…  
961. Artificial intelligence: Negotiations should be for everyone  

Imagine for the moment that all humanity has an enormously important decision to make. I’m talking about a choice with the potential to shape our entire culture, to determine who is rich and who is poor, and set the balance of power between corporations and individuals for the foreseeable future. This decision may well be the largest and most far-reaching resolution in the history of humanity. It is one that will affect everyone. And then think about what kind of person you would trust to make such a decision, on behalf of us all? Would you choose Rupert Murdoch? And would you allow him to carry out behind close doors the negotiations on which this decision will be based? In…  
962. 'Queering' the news  

In major newsrooms in the Philippines, I know of at least one queer person who is a quiet observer and chronicler of history. As much as we take pride in our identities as queer people, we know our places in the story — which is not in it at all. When we prepare scripts, shoot videos, write articles and perform other tasks demanded of us by a rapidly changing media landscape, we vanish into the background as the stories that we publish or broadcast take centre stage. Queer Filipino journalists are active in almost every journalistic beat, relaying stories from their daily coverage to the wider public. From ‘soft’ beats such as entertainment and lifestyle to ‘hard’ beats such as politics or…  
963. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from June 9th 2023 to June 16th 2023. ENGLISH Israeli soldiers shot Palestinian journalist Momen Samreen in the head while he was doing his job - Canary Journalist-Activist Nadezhda Azhgikhina on Global Journalism, Women’s Wartime Roles, and Why We Can’t Just 'Cancel Russian Culture and All Russians' - Ms. Magazine  ‘We are not cheap labor:’ BBC workers in Cairo strike over low wages, discrimination - MadaMasr  BBC Egypt Staff Announce…  
964. Kosovo: IFJ, EFJ and media freedom groups raise alarm over Klan Kosova business certificate suspension  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) joined the undersigned international media freedom organisations in expressing alarm over the Kosovo authorities’ unprecedented move to suspend the business certificate of major private television broadcaster, Klan Kosova, and bring criminal charges against its representatives. The actions of the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade are extremely serious and pose a serious threat to the exercise of media freedom in Kosovo. This is the first time in the country’s history that a broadcaster’s business certificate has been suspended in such a manner. Withdrawing the business certificate, which could lead to the…  
965. Syria: SJU reports 68 media rights violations in 2022  

In a seminar held on 13 June, the Syrian Journalists’ Union (SJU) highlighted 68 violations of media and journalists’ rights documented in their annual press freedom report. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the SJU, in condemning the attacks and urges the authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice. The meeting was attended by members of the SJU board and members of its press freedom committee, alongside IFJ representatives, who joined remotely. Discussions focussed on the 2023 press freedom report and addressed pressing challenges facing the Syrian journalistic community, such as daily threats, deteriorating working conditions that drive media…  
966. Reuters Digital Report 2023: Media outlets need to adapt to new generations  

The Reuters Institute, in collaboration with Oxford University, published today 14 June its global Digital News Report 2023, which focuses on how younger audiences consume news, and the trends of online engagement. It provides insights into the increasing prevalence of vertical videos and news podcasts. The influence of inflation, combined with an increasing phenomenon of “news avoidance”, is explained in the last part exploring the emergence of new sources of business models. Consumption of news  Overall trust in the news continues to decline. Combined with the rising of printing costs, news outlets need to find new ways to keep up with the demand. The media landscape is…  
967. South Korea: Freelance journalist charged for coverage of Ukraine war  

Freelance photojournalist Jang Jin-young is facing criminal charges for covering the war in Ukraine without permission from the South Korean government, with the People’s Coalition for Media Reform planning to appeal the charges in the nation’s Constitutional Court on June 23. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Journalists Association of Korea (JAK), in supporting the appeal and urges the Korean government to quash the criminal charges against Jin-young. The government of the Republic of Korea charged Jang Jin-young under Article 17(1) of the Passport Act (Restriction on the Use of Passports) on April 14, 2022, which gives power to the government to…  
968. Bangladesh: Regional journalist dies after violent attack  

Golam Rabbani Nadim, a Bakshiganj correspondent, died from his injuries on June 15 after being attacked by a group of assailants while returning home from work on June 14 in Jamalpur. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns this heinous killing and urges the Bangladeshi authorities to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation. On his return home from work on June 14 at 10 pm, a group of approximately 12 people attacked Nadim in the Bakshiganj upazila, or sub-district, in Jamalpur city in the northwest of Bangladesh. The assailants beat the journalist until he was unconscious before fleeing the scene. He was rushed to hospital in a critical condition on the…  
969. Kazakhstan: Third arrest for journalist sparks hunger strike  

Journalist Duman Mukhametkarim has been arrested for a third time this year under charges relating to terrorist and extremist activities, after calling for a memorial rally via his YouTube channel on May 31. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Federation of Equal Journalists in Kazakhstan (FEJK), in condemning Mukhametkarim’s arrests and calling on Kazakhstani authorities to ensure his swift, safe release. On June 9, Mukhametkarim, a journalist and operator of the Ne Deidi (ND) YouTube channel, was listed as a witness with the right to defence in a criminal case under two sections of Kazakhstan’s penal code. While initially listed under Article 405,…  
970. Australia: National broadcaster cuts over 100 jobs  

Australian public broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), has informed staff of 120 redundancies, including senior political reporters, ahead of a five-year ‘re-structuring’ of the organisation towards a digital-first model. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Australian affiliate, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), in condemning the decision’s impact on Australian journalism and urges the ABC to consider all alternative options for staff redeployment. On June 15, the ABC informed staff members of a number of jobs expected to be cut ahead of the organisation’s five-year ‘restructuring’, set to begin from the beginning of the…  
971. Guatemala: tras un proceso con serias irregularidades, una condena profundiza la judicialización del libre ejercicio de la prensa.  

Luego de un juicio sin las correspondientes garantías para José Rubén Zamora, fundador del medio El Periódico, fue absuelto de los cargos de tráfico de influencias y chantaje, pero condenado a seis años de prisión por lavado de dinero. Otros ocho periodistas, ex integrantes del mismo medio que debió cerrar tras verse desfinanciado, se encuentran enfrentando procesos jurídicos. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas rechaza el avance de los ataques a la prensa mediante herramientas jurídicas que atentan contra las fuentes de trabajo y obturan la libertad de expresión. El diario El Periódico es un caso testigo de cómo la judicialización de la labor periodística priva a lxs trabajadorxs de…  
972. Golam Rabbani Nadim  

Golam Rabbani Nadim, a Bakshiganj correspondent, died from his injuries on June 15 after being attacked by a group of assailants while returning home from work on June 14 in Jamalpur. A group of approximately 12 people attacked him in the Bakshiganj upazila, or sub-district, in Jamalpur city in the northwest of Bangladesh. The assailants beat the journalist until he was unconscious before fleeing the scene. Nadim was the Bakshiganj correspondent for Ekattor TV and Daily Manabjamin, as well as the Jamalpur correspondent for Banglanews24.com. His son, Abdullah Al Mamun, believes the attack may be in relation to the journalists reporting and Facebook posts regarding…  
973. Senegal : Walf TV broadcast programmes suspended for 30 days  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Syndicat des professionnels de l’information et de la communication (SYNPICS) have denounced the arbitrary decision to suspend Walf TV’s signal on 1 June 2023. The broadcast programmes of Walt TV, a privately-owned television, were cut off on 1 June as the station broadcast demonstrations following the sentencing of opposition leader Osman Sonok to two years in prison. The station's ability to broadcast has apparently been suspended for 30 days. The broadcast programmes of Walf TV, a privately owned television station have been suspended for 30 days following the cutting off of the signal of the television station…  
974. Pakistan: The Many Absurd Uses of Law  

Journalists and media workers in Pakistan continue to be silenced, harassed, and detained through several legal provisions. The historical and legal contexts behind these laws, however, must be understood to realise the significance of the law in censorship post-2018, writes Aftab Alam The Indian Penal Code was enacted by the colonial rulers in 1860 to control the masses in British India after a failed attempt for independence by the locals in 1857. This code was a major criminal law which defined crimes ranging from murder and robbery to dishonesty and nuisance. It empowered the colonial masters to control their subjects through a legal instrument. The code also included provisions such as…  
975. United States: Global Unions stand in solidarity with the Writers Guild of America  

The Writers Guild of America West and Writers Guild of America East (jointly, WGA) have been on strike since 2 May. Our brothers and sisters are fighting for the future of writing and for the ability to develop and sustain careers in the entertainment industry in the face of the pressures of streaming and the looming threat of generative AI. On this Global Day of Action, the global unions below stand in solidarity with the WGA in their fight for fair pay, decent working conditions and the protection of writers’ rights in the digital environment. This is a global fight. The streaming business model that has generated millions of hours of entertainment and billions of dollars for some of the…  
976. Switzerland: Women journalists on strike for better working conditions  

Switzerland will be on strike on Wednesday 14 June to demand better working conditions for women, including in the media sector. Four years after the first national feminist strike in 2019, women are still demanding better protection against harassment, more women in positions of responsibility and journalism free of sexism and racism.  “No women, no news – more women, more news". This slogan with which the Swiss journalists' unions are preparing to take to the streets to amplify demands about issues that have changed little since 2019.: Better protection against harassment Equal pay Reconciliation between work, family and mental health Women in positions of responsibility No sexism,…  
977. Tunisie: de nouveaux formateurs pour promouvoir la sécurité des journalistes en Afrique du Nord  

Après 3 mois de formation en ligne sur la sécurité des journalistes, un atelier s'est tenu du 5 au 10 juin à Tunis pour clôturer la formation de 9 journalistes en provenance d’Algérie, de Libye, du Maroc, de Mauritanie et de Tunisie. Objectif de l'atelier: renforcer les compétences des futurs formateurs et formatrices en matière de sécurité et leur permettre à leur tour de contribuer à renforcer les besoins de leurs collègues dans leurs pays respectifs. Du 28 mars au 16 mai dernier, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) a organisé une formation en ligne sur la sécurité des journalistes, supervisée par son réseau des formateurs en sécurité des journalistes du…  
978. Switzerland: IFJ Gender Council supports feminist strike  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) 's Gender Council (GC) supports the feminist strike scheduled on 14 June in Switzerland and in which its affiliates, Impressum, the Syndicat des médias et de la communication (Syndicom) and the Schweizer Syndikat Medienschaffender (SSM) are involved. The industrial action is aimed at curbing inequalities between men and women workers, including concrete demands for the media with the slogan "No women, no news". The GC is concerned about the decline of women's rights across the world. "We must support the feminist strike in Switzerland, which calls for closing the gender pay gap and taking concrete steps to put an end to sexism, racism…  
979. Yemen: Arrest warrants issued against journalists for investigating alleged corruption  

Since early June, at least five arrest warrants have been issued against journalists for investigating alleged corruption in the judiciary of Marib, a city located north east of Yemen's capital, Sana'a. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS), in denouncing the use of the judiciary to terrorise journalists and silence their investigations and raises concerns about the chilling effect that this practice will have on media professionals across the country. On 7 June, Ali Al-Faqih, editor-in-chief of the website Al-Masdar Online, and Ahmed Yahya Ayed and Muhammad Musad Al-Salihi, editors-in-chief of the news outlet Marib…  
980. Nicaragua: el periodista Victor Ticay fue condenado tras dos meses detenido sin acusación formal  

Fuentes cercanas a la familia del periodista afirmaron que fue condenado por “propagación de noticias falsas” y “menoscabo a la integridad nacional” durante la madrugada del viernes, tras permanecer detenido durante dos meses sin cargos formalmente presentados. El comunicador había sido arrestado al día siguiente de realizar la cobertura de una procesión religiosa por Semana Santa y fue encarcelado e incomunicado. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas demanda la liberación de Ticay y el respeto a las garantías constitucionales y el derecho al debido proceso. La criminalización de la actividad periodística es un ataque a la libertad de prensa y al derecho a la información. De acuerdo…  
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