15063 results:

12112. IFJ Protests As Militants Threaten Journalists Over Reports of “Secret Deal” with Indian Regional Government  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned threats from an outlawed militant group in India to a private satellite channel after it reported that the group and the government in the northern Indian province of Assam may have links and warned that authorities must not join forces with the group to intimidate media in Northern India. North East Television (NETV), the only private satellite channel in Northeast India, said that the outlawed terrorist outfit United Liberation front of Assam (ULFA) told station director Manoranjana Sinh to prove allegations that the group is working with the government or stop broadcasting and to leave Assam or “face dire…  
12115. IFJ Urges French Authorities to Give Accreditation to Journalists for Upcoming Franco-African Summit  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on French authorities and the Organising Committee of the Franco-African Summit to review its unfair accreditation procedures for the meeting, which will prevent many African journalists from covering the event. The IFJ is backing a call by the Association of the Pan-African Press (APPA) and by its French affiliate SNJ to change its conditions for accreditation for the Summit, which currently exclude many African correspondents who are not official press cards holders and therefore have to show that they earn more than €1000 per month in order to get accreditation. “The majority of African correspondents have…  
12119. IFJ Condemns Illegal Sacking of Seven Employees of Nation Media Group in Kenya  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today vehemently condemned the unlawful sacking of seven members of the Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ) from the Nation Media Group who lost their jobs because of their involvement in the union. According to the KUJ, there has been a systematic pattern of harassment and intimidation targeting the KUJ leadership and its members that work for the Nation Media Group. The Group not only provides poor working conditions for journalists and media workers, but has also instituted a clause in the contract of its employees that bars them from joining a trade union. “This is a flagrant violation of the fundamental human and labour…  
12121. IFJ Demands Release of Journalist Held Secretly For 7 Months in The Gambia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for the the immediate and unconditional release of journalist Chief Ebrima Manneh, who has been missing since July 2006 and is reportedly being held in a provincial police station in The Gambia. Manneh, a reporter with the pro-government Daily Observer newspaper has been missing since 7 July and is said to be held by the National Intelligence Agency (NIA). The agency has repeatedly denied that it is holding the journalist but reports from local media and other sources confirmed that Manneh was held incommunicado in different locations by the NIA. “We demand the immediate and unconditional release of Chief Ebrima…  
12122. IFJ Condemns Bosnian Serb Ban on National Public Broadcaster  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the Republika Srpska government after the Vice President, Anton Kasipovic, announced a boycott of Bosnia Herzegovina’s state-wide public broadcaster, BHT 1, on 12 January. Initially the boycott was restricted to requests for interviews, but appeared to be have been extended to a total ban when a BHT 1 journalist crew was refused access to a government press conference in Banja Luka on Wednesday. “This is a direct attack on the independence of the public service broadcaster and its ability to cover political affairs” said Oliver Money Kyrle, IFJ Director of Programmes. “The public broadcaster is there to serve and…  
12123. NUJ Press Release: NUJ condemns cut in BBC licence fee  

The NUJ has condemned the below-inflation rise in the BBC licence fee announced by the government today (18) and is due to meet with Director General Mark Thompson to discuss how to minimise its detrimental effects on staffing levels and the quality of its journalism and programmes. As feared, Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell has announced that the BBC licence fee will increase by 3% in the next two years, by 2% in the following three years, and by up to 2% in year six (2012-13), in effect vastly reducing the Corporation’s resources over the next six years. NUJ National Broadcasting Organiser Paul McLaughlin said: “A sad day for broadcasting in the UK. The BBC is the cornerstone of…  
12127. IFJ Condemns “Intolerant Culture” After Turkish-Armenian Editor is Shot Dead in Turkey  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the killing of Hrant Dink, an outspoken Turkish-Armenian journalist, who they say has fallen victim to a “culture of intolerance” in Turkey which made him the target of nationalist extremists. Dink, the editor of the newspaper Agos, was shot outside his offices in Istanbul. Just over a year ago he was given a six-month suspended sentence in October 2005 after writing about the Armenian "genocide" of 1915. The Turkish Journalists’ Union also condemned the murder saying, “This attack has targeted directly the freedom of press and expression. It is a profoundly provocative political murder. It…  
12129. FEPALC: cárcel o secuestro para acallar las voces de los periodistas  

(Bogotá, Caracas, Lima) A pocos días de la liberación en Colombia del periodista Fredy Muñoz, que permaneció en prisión durante 52 días y se desempeña laboralmente en ese país como corresponsal del Canal Estatal Telesur de Caracas, la Sala Sexta de la Corte de Apelaciones de Venezuela confirmó la condena carcelaria a 2 años y 11 meses para el periodista Julio Balza, por difamación en agravio al ministro Ramón Alonzo Carrizalez Rengifo, sentencia dictada por el Tribunal Noveno de Juicio. La pena contempla asimismo el pago de 12.500 dólares por reparación civil. En marzo de 2006, Balza,…  
12131. Journalists Protest over “Disturbing” Comments of Romanian Justice Minister  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is backing the Romanian media’s protests over “disturbing and inappropriate” comments made by Romanian Justice Minister Monica Macovei, which they say violate the rights of one of the country’s leading journalists by publicly questioning his newspaper’s right to criticise her. Following comments by Justice Minister Macovei, veteran journalist Sorin Rosca Stanescu, director of the newspaper ZIUA, lodged a complaint accusing her of abusing her authority. His action follows public comments by the minister that suggested Stanescu and his newspaper have no right to criticise her ministry while he is a…  
12133. Journalism Put to the Sword in 2006: The IFJ Report on Journalists and Media Staff Killed  

IFJ Report: Journalism Put to the Sword in 2006      
12135. IFJ Says Sentence Imposed on Moroccan Journalists over Joke Issue “Punitive and Unfair”  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said the three-year suspended jail sentence and heavy fine imposed by a Moroccan court on two journalists for publishing a list of popular jokes about Islam, sex and politics is “punitive and unfair.” The decision by the Casablanca first instance court against the journalists of the Arab-language weekly Nichane, which was also banned for two months, has highlighted the “gaping chasm between free thinkers and an Arab-world old-guard that appears to have lost touch with reality,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. The court ordered Nichane Director Driss Ksikess and journalist Sanaa Al-Aji to pay a…  
12137. EFJ Supports Greek Affiliates in Protest Against 'Dafni Communications'  

Today the European Federation of Journalists expressed its support for its Greek affiliate, the Journalists’ Union of Periodicals and Electronic Press-ESPIT in their protest against the “provocative and abusive labour practices” of DAFNI COMMUNICATIONS, the local partner of German media company GRUNER + JAHR, which has laid off journalists at the company’s magazines. Despite strong opposition from the unions, company management laid off several senior members of staff without valid reasons. Harrasment, bullying and a “terrorizing work environment” are also part of unacceptable practices denounced by the unions. ESPIT and the Panhellenic…  
12138. IFJ Calls on Senegalese Government to Ensure Journalist Safety, Press Freedom in Upcoming Presidential Elections  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the government of Senegal to make sure that journalists are able to cover the upcoming presidential election safely and freely after recent attacks, harassment and death threats against journalists before voters go to the polls. “With less than two months until the presidential elections planned for the end of February in Senegal, we invite the government to calm the atmosphere by making sure that journalists can work in total safety and freedom,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office. “We await concrete actions like serious investigations into the barbarian aggression against journalist…  
12139. Ceso FIP welcomes release from jail of Telesur correspondent in Colombia  

Ceso FIP previously reported the journalist, 36, was captured by agents of the Administrative Security Department (DAS), last November 19, in El Dorado Airport in Bogotá, when he was returning to Caracas after receiving a training funded by a Venezuela state owned TV station, TeleSur. The journalist was charged with dynamiting energy towers during 2002 as militant of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). When Muñoz himself announced to his colleagues of the Atlantic coast he would be released in the afternoon, his attorney, Tito Gaitán said: "When the proceedings were reviewed by the Prosecutor, he considered the evidence was not sufficient to back…  
12140. IFJ Condemns Dismissal of 15 Staff at Private TV Channel in DRC Due to Pay Dispute  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the retaliatory dismissal of 15 journalists and other employees at private television channel Global Television (Global TV) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who were barred from their offices by management at the end of December after they asked for back pay. On December 26, 2006 Global TV replaced 15 employees who were claiming payments for unremunerated work for periods of six to nine months. After making their claims for their back pay, the employees were dismissed and barred from their offices. Global TV refused to respond to their claims, the DRC’s National Union of Media Professionals (SNPP) said.…  
12141. IFJ Demands End to Tactics of “Intimidation and Terror” As Photographer in Palestine is Freed  

The International Federation of Journalists welcomed the decision by Palestinian extremists to free Peruvian photographer Jaime Rázuri, kidnapped in Gaza a week ago. The IFJ says this kidnapping, which ended in Rázuri’s safe return yesterday, must be the last after a series of abductions of media staff by Palestinian groups. “These tactics foment terror and intimidation and seriously damage the Palestinian cause,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “We are delighted that our colleague Rázuri has been freed, but this must never happen again.” Rázuri, a 50-year-old Peruvian national working for Agence France-Presse…  
12142. IFJ Renews Calls for Implementation of Seventh Wage Award in Pakistan  

Seven years after the promised implementation of the Seventh Wage Award for Pakistani journalists, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has again called for action from the Pakistan government to address the dreadful working conditions journalists face. An IFJ affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), and the All Pakistan Newspaper Employees Confederation (APNEC) announced on January 4 their threat to boycott the National Assembly’s sitting, in protest of the Pakistan government’s repeated failure to respect the unanimous resolutions passed in favour of the Award, as well as the government’s unfulfilled promises for its…  
12143. IFJ and Palestinian Journalists Join Forces in Call for Release of Kidnapped Peruvian Photographer  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and journalists across the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza Strip today demanded the immediate release of Peruvian photographer Jaime Rázuri, kidnapped in Gaza on Monday. “Free him now and stop this cat-and-mouse intimidation of journalists and media staff,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. The IFJ says kidnapping of journalists, which has been a feature of tactics used by political extremists, only damages the Palestinian cause. Rázuri, a 50-year-old Peruvian national working for Agence France-Presse (AFP), was abducted by gunmen on 1 January as he was about to enter his office in Gaza.…  
12144. IFJ Calls for Regional Action as Journalists Face Trial in Row over Serious Article on Moroccan Humour  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused the Moroccan authorities of an “exaggerated, disproportionate and absurd” response to an article that exposed how people make jokes over religion, sex and politics. A decision to prosecute a journalist and an editor and to close their magazine over an article on common jokes that Moroccans tell is a threat to press freedom, says the IFJ, and should lead to protest across the region. Editor Driss Ksikes and reporter Sanaa al-Aji face jail terms of up to five years on charges of attacking Islam and going against morals and customs. Their magazine Nichane was closed over an article published on 9 December…  
12145. EFJ Financing  

The EFJ is mainly financed by membership fees of journalists' unions and associations across Europe, which represent around 60% of the budget. In 2007, the European Federation of Journalists has a provisional budget of € 289,000. The EFJ also receives support for specific projects from the European Commission under the budget line for social dialogue managed by the DG EMPLOY, from the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, the Open Society Fundation or other donor organiations. This external financing is linked to call for tenders in order to fulfill specific projetcs. It does not provide support for the core activities of the organisations (rent, salaries, etc) and does not interfere with…  
12147. Journalism Put to the Sword in 2006: IFJ Reports 155 Murders and Unexplained Killings in Year of Unprecedented Brutality  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said today that 2006 was a year of tragedy for the world’s media as killings of reporters and media staff reached historic levels with at least 155 murders, assassinations and unexplained deaths. “Media have become more powerful and journalism has become more dangerous,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “2006 was the worst year on record – a year of targeting, brutality and continued impunity in the killing of journalists.” During the year the numbers began to accumulate with civil strife and resistance to military occupation in Iraq. The IFJ says media became prime targets of terror…  
12148. Ceso FIP Alert: Masked gunmen insist on threats against a journalist in Sincelejo, Colombia  

The Center of Solidarity of the International Federation of Journalists, Ceso- FIP, expresses concern for the safety of journalist Robinson Ruz Ruz, in the city of Sincelejo, northern Colombia, after the police took away his safety measures and five days later, he was once again threatened directly by two unidentified armed men on motorcycles. As Ceso-FIP informed last November 29 through an alert, the colleague Ruz Ruz, a guest journalist for Radio Piragua and counselor for a congressman from Sucre, received at the radio station an envelope with his name on it and inside a mortuary message, short time after Ruz Ruz was granted a regional journalism award for his work on links between…  
12154. IFJ Welcomes “Historic Action” by United Nations as Killing of Media Staff Hits Record Levels  

The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed a ground-breaking decision by world leaders calling on all members of the United Nations to act over impunity in the killing of journalists just as 2006 is turning out to be the worst year on record for media casualties. The United Nations Security Council yesterday unanimously adopted a resolution calling for more action to protect journalists in conflict zones. The decision reflects the crisis in Iraq where more than 60 journalists and media staff have died this year alone -- out of a record 163 media killings recorded by the IFJ during 2006. “At last the international community has woken up to the crisis caused…  
12158. Ceso – FIP condemns police attack cameraman in Valledupar, Colombia  

Donald Montaño, a cameraman working for Caracol, was attacked and beaten with guns by agents from the police transportation unit, while covering protests of motorcycles taxis in the city of Valledupar, capital of the department of Cesar, on December 21. The attack took place on one of the city’s main roads, when protesters began to run away after the police made several shots in the air, according to witnesses. The journalist was filming the protest and five police agents tried to take his camera away. When the colleague protected his work team, he was beaten several times with guns. Two other police agents attempted to remove the aggressors. During the beating, the…  
12162. EURONEWS auf Deutsch - Dezember 2006  

Euronews ist das Bulletin der Europäischen Journalisten Föderation . PDF Datei hier herunterladen Weitere Informationen über: Renate Schroeder and Marc Gruber – European Directors    [email protected]   [email protected]   European Federation of Journalists International Press Centre Residence Palace Bloc C, second floor Rue de la Loi, 155 1040 Brussels Tel: 32-2-235.22.15 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19  
12164. The 'Culture First!' Coalition greets the European Commission's decision to defer the adoption of a draft recommendation on private copying  

The EFJ is an active member of the 'Culture First!' Coalition. This alliance was launched by the creative and artistic community and the content industry in order to counter the ICT industry relentless lobbying of the European institutions on the copyright levies issue. Writers, journalists, composers, performers, songwriters, screenwriters, visual artists, music publishers, audiovisual and music producers and collecting societies have joined forces under this banner to defend the right to be compensated for private copying. Following the European Commission's decision to defer the adoption of the draft recommendation on fair compensation for private copying, the 'Culture…  
12166. IFJ Welcomes Plan for Wage Standards for Newspaper Staff in India  

19 December 2006 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the announcement by the government of India that it will set up wage boards for newspaper employees, which will provide a nationally negotiated agreement on wages and working conditions for the country’s media staff. “This announcement is a good start to setting fair and equitable standards for journalists and other newspaper staff in India and hopefully will lead to better employment conditions for all media workers in the country,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. The decision came after the country’s three major journalists groups – the Indian…  
12167. IFJ Condemns Arrests of Journalist, Union Leaders in Somalia  

18 December 2006 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today renewed its call for an end to the violence and threats against journalists in Somalia, a day after the arrests of a journalist and two union leaders. The journalist, Mohamed Amin Adan Abdulle, was arrested and detained on Sunday related to accusations of biased reporting. The reasons for the arrest of the two leaders of the National Union of the Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) are unknown. They were later released but authorities are now searching their personal and union documents and communications. “The Islamic Courts must immediately stop their examination of NUSOJ’s professional and private…  
12171. Anupama Jayaraman Memorial Award for Young Women Journalists  

For young women journalists The Anupama Jayaraman Memorial Award, 2007   The Jayaraman family and the Network of Women in Media, India (NWMI) are collaborating in instituting the Anupama Jayaraman Memorial Award for young women journalists. The Award has been set up in the memory of Anupama Jayaraman, a young and promising Bangalore-based journalist who passed away in January 2006.  Anupama was not only multi-talented and energetic, she also demonstrated a keen interest in issues of human rights and social justice. The Award is one of several efforts undertaken by her family to keep her concerns and ideas alive. It is meant to encourage and honour…  
12172. IFJ Calls for Global Support as Journalists in India Demonstrate for Justice at Work  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on its network of more than 100 unions and associations around the world to give their backing to a nationwide series of unified protests in India on Thursday. The country’s three major journalists groups – the Indian Journalists’ Union, the National Union of Journalists, India and the All India Newspaper Employees Federation – have formed a confederation to demand that the government makes good on promises to relaunch the country’s unique wage board system, which provides a nationally negotiated agreement on wages and working conditions for the country’s media staff. Demonstrations…  
12177. Manifesto for Gender Equality in Indian Media  

 Manifesto for Gender Equality in Indian Media Adopted at the EU-India Final Conference on Gender Equity in Media,New Delhi 9-10 December, 2006 Indian women have greater visibility and voice than ever before – and they exercise influence in every sphere of public life. Strong and engaged movements of women work on issues of vital importance not only in their own lives, but to the country as a whole. The issue of women’s rights is today, 60 years after independence, a central pillar of political, social and cultural life and a key to continued development. Nevertheless, there is no denying the evidence of the huge gaps between constitutional and legal guarantees…  
12180. Journalists Injured by Police in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is angered by the failure of Indian police to ensure journalists’ safety, after three journalists were injured in West Bengal on December 8 when police resorted to a lathi (baton) charge during a protest. The Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU), an IFJ affiliate, reported that the journalists, who were reporting on the protest, were hurt when police charged a group of Naxalite protesters in Seoraphuli, in West Bengal’s Hooghly district. “Journalists have a right, and indeed a duty, to report on events such as this protest with the knowledge they will not be attacked or injured while doing so,” said IFJ…  
Search results 12111 until 12180 of 15063