15057 results:

2941. India: Journalist attacked by mob for reporting on illegal slaughterhouse  

Senior journalist and editor of Vijaya Times, Vijayalakshmi Shibaroor, was allegedly threatened and physically assaulted by a violent mob, while reporting on illegal slaughterhouses in Pension Mohalla in the Hassan district of Karnataka state. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists India (NUJ-I) condemn the attack. The female journalist was attempting to visit the illegal slaughterhouse and five other cattle hoarding spots with a team of police and animal rights activists who were aiming to rescue the animals. As the group attempted to gain access to the building on December 1, a…  
2942. Guatemala: nuevas amenazas a periodistas que investigan al poder político  

Los periodistas Marvin del Cid y Sonny Figueroa, reconocidos por sus investigaciones sobre corrupción en el poder político de Guatemala, recibieron el lunes una carta amenazante que los conminaba a dejar de publicar. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y organizaciones defensoras de Derechos Humanos repudian estas intimidaciones y exigen protección para los reporteros. Tanto del Cid cómo Figueroa suelen reportar para los portales Artículo 35 y Vox Pópuli y la semana pasada habían revelado una investigación sobre una presunta maniobra con la obra pública en beneficio de la familia del presidente Alejandro Giammattei. Fue luego de la difusión de este reportaje que del Cid recibió…  
2943. United Nations complaints seek justice over Israel’s killing and systematic targeting of journalists  

Israel’s systematic targeting of journalists working in Palestine and its failure to properly investigate killings of media workers are a violation of the right to life, freedom of expression and in breach of international law and may amount to war crimes, according to two complaints submitted to the United Nations today by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The complaints – submitted to Irene Khan, UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression and Agnès Callamard, Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions – are made jointly with the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) representing the victims and their families and were drafted by leading…  
2944. Iraqi Kurdistan: Broadcasting ban threatens media freedom  

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has suspended the broadcasts of local network Nalia Radio and Television (NRT) for one week from December 7 for "irresponsible behaviour", according to the Ministry of Culture and Youth. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and its affiliate, the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate (KJS) condemn this decision and call for its immediate annulment to comply with the region's media laws. Before dawn on 7 December, local security forces from Iraqi Kurdistan interrupted NRT’s live broadcast from its bureau in Sulaimaniyah, a city located in the east of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, not far from the border with Iran, taking it…  
2945. India: Police register FIR against four journalists  

Gujarat Police registered a First Information Report (FIR) against three reporters and a photographer who entered the Rajkot Taluka police station on December 1. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists India (NUJ-I) condemn the attack and call for increased measures to protect journalists in India. Reporters Pritipalsibh Gohil, Mahedrasinh Jadeja and Imran Hothi, along with photographer Prakash Ramesh, conducted a ‘sting’ operation in connection with a fire at the Intensive Care Unit of a designated Covid-19 hospital in Rajkot in November that killed five patients. Police alleged the…  
2946. Greece: Huge victory for unions in protecting journalists' pensions and welfare  

The Greek Supreme Court has rejected attempts by media employers' organisations to slash pensions and welfare payments to journalists in a major victory for the Journalists Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN) following a two and a half year fight. The International Federation of Journalists congratulated the Journalists Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN), which led the campaign, and other IFJ affiliates in Greece, on their victory over plans to cut the 2% employers contribution to EDOEAP (Press Medical Care and Supplementary Pension Fund) which would have forced the scheme's closure leaving thousands of journalists and media workers without medical care, supplementary…  
2947. Europe: Growing attacks against journalists covering Covid-19 protests  

Attacks against journalists covering anti-lockdown protests and demonstrations by Covid-sceptics are on the rise in Europe, a new report has revealed. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its deep concerns over this growing violence towards media workers and urged governments and media employers to guarantee journalists' safety. Since the beginning of the second Covid-19 wave in Europe and the enforcement of new mobility restrictions, public anger and violent mprotests have grown over the handling of the crisis, leading to multiple attacks on journalists. The International Press Institute (IPI)'s Covid press freedom tracker, thas…  
2948. Slovenia: news agency funding cut puts press freedom at risk  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined calls to repeal a decision to cut funding to the Slovenia Press Agency (STA) in a row over its alleged failure to respond to what media freedom campaigners describe as reckless and unlawful information requests. The Slovenian government confirmed on 30 November a decision by its communication office (UKOM) to cut STA monthly funds for October for allegedly failing to answer information requests related to its editorial content. The IFJ joined the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its affiliates, the Slovenian Journalists' Association (DNS) and the Slovenian Union of Journalists (SUJ) to demand an immediate repeal of the…  
2949. Qais Javed  

The 37-year-old cameraman affiliated with Ehadnama  media news, who also worked for many other media outlets including Geo News, was shot dead in front of his home in the north western city of Dera Ismail Khan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province.   Unidentified gunmen riding on a motorcycle shot Qais Javed multiple times around his stomach before fleeing the scene. He was rushed to a nearby hospital in Dera Ismail Khan but died on the way. Police are yet to make any arrests.   No group claimed responsibility for the murder, but the region has a history of militant attacks on journalists and people from religious minorities. Javed belonged to…  
2950. S V Pradeep  

The Thiruvananthapuram - based broadcast journalist, was killed in a hit-and–run road accident in what sources describe as suspicious circumstances. According to police and onlookers, a Swaraj Mazda truck hit Pradeep’s two-wheeled vehicle which was travelling in the same direction near a Karakkamandapam traffic signal. Instead of stopping, the driver sped away. Pradeep was severely injured and died later from the injuries he had sustained in the incident. Local police set a special investigation team and said they were considering the option of a targeted attack as a motive and were focused on tracing the vehicle, media reports added. The journalist’s family alleged that…  
2951. El Salvador: periodistas denuncian al Estado salvadoreño ante la CIDH  

Comunicadorxs nucleadxs en la Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador (APES) y otras entidades denunciaron ayer en una audiencia con la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) constantes ataques por parte de funcionarios del Poder Ejecutivo, una estrategia de polarización que preocupa a los veedores del organismo internacional. La denuncia se produjo horas después de que, en un ataque directo y que demuestra un total desconocimiento de las libertades democráticas, el secretario de Prensa de la Presidencia de El Salvador, Ernesto Sanabria, tratara de distorsionar el trabajo de APES al afirmar que la organización se dedica “a las relaciones públicas con organismos…  
2952. Algérie: nouvelle vague de censure pour les médias en ligne  

L'accès à plusieurs médias en ligne a été bloqué le 2 décembre en Algérie, une situation qui s'est déjà produite plusieurs fois cette année. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) dénonce un blocage injustifié et rappelle le gouvernement algérien à son obligation de respecter la liberté d'informer. Ce 2 décembre, plusieurs médias en ligne algériens ont été arbitrairement bloqués par le gouvernement. Ce blocage concerne les sites « Maghreb Emergent », « Radio M Post », « Tariq News », « Shihabpresse », « Casbah Tribune », « Ultra Sawt », « Algérie TSA », « Interlignes…  
2953. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 28 November, 2020 and 4 December, 2020. English International Federation of Journalists condemns attack on NewsOne journalist Violetta Tovkes, calls for urgent investigation (112 UKRAINE) With the Rajapaksas at the Helm, press freedom in Sri Lanka takes a hit (THE DIPLOMAT) Indian Journalist Union demands ratification of ILO Convention to eliminate gender-based violence (NORTHEAST NOW) Journalist Federation slams paramilitary threats to…  
2954. Sri Lanka: BBC closed Sinhala radio broadcast  

The BBC has closed the Sinhala Radio service broadcast due to financial crisis, effective from November 30. The International Federation of Journalists and its Sri Lankan affiliates the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Federation of Media Employees Trade Union (FMETU) express concern at the closure of BBC’s Sinhala broadcast and urge the media organisation to reconsider its decision. The BBC made the urgent ruling to cease the broadcast from the end of November, stating that the closure would save £180,000 (242,000 USD) annually, despite original intentions to close the radio service from March 2021. Employees who were expecting to work till March, 2021, were informed of the decision on…  
2955. Hong Kong: Jimmy Lai detained and denied bail  

Hong Kong media magnate Jimmy Lai has been denied bail after being formally charged with fraud on December 3. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns Lai’s arrest and continued incarceration under the growing climate of control on press freedom in Hong Kong. Lai, the founder of media institution Next Digital, which manages pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, is known for regularly criticising the Hong Kong government and China’s authoritarian rule. He was earlier arrested under the Hong Kong’s controversial national security law in August, although is yet to be charged for these offences. Two other executives of Next Digital, director Royston Chow and administrative…  
2956. UK: Journalists with IFJ Press Card to be exempted from Covid quarantine rules  

The IFJ has welcomed confirmation from the UK government that foreign journalists travelling to the UK will be exempted from the country's quarantine restrictions  from 4am on Saturday 5th December if they hold an IFJ International Press Card. The new rules were secured thanks to negotiations involving IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ).  NUJ General Secretary Michelle Stanistreet said: “This is welcome news for all those journalists who cross borders as part of their work, at a time when news and reporting is more important than ever. It’s a particularly welcome measure for freelances who have lost work and income as a result of having to quarantine. We’ve…  
2957. Zimbabwe: Press freedom under attack  

The charges against journalist Hopewell Chin’ono exposed the increasing harassment of media workers by the Zimbabwean government during the Covid-19 pandemic. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliated the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) remind the government of its obligation to respect Constitutional rights, including press freedom. Three years after Emerson Mnangagwa became the president of Zimbabwe, replacing Robert Mugabe, press freedom fundamentals haven't been respected as promised. One of the most notable examples of this situation is the case of journalist and documentary filmmaker Hopewell Chin’ono, who was arrested twice this year…  
2958. Iran: Journalist arrested after tweets  

Iranian journalist Vida Rabbani was arrested by security forces on 22 November and remains in detention, reportedly over tweets over the nationwide protests to mark the anniversary of the shooting down of the Ukrainian commercial flight by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in November 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands in solidarity with Vida and her family and calls for her immediate release. Vida Rabbani, who works for Seda magazine and before worked for Shargh, a leading newspaper in Iran, has been under solitary confinement in Evin Detention Centre in Tehran for over 10 days. She was only allowed to make a short phone call with her family to inform…  
2959. Sri Lanka: Tamil journalist arrested for social media posts  

A Tamil journalist locally known as Gokulan, affiliated with Battinews.com was arrested by the Sri Lankan Terrorism Investigation Division (TID) on November 29 for posting pictures on his personal Facebook page. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lankan affiliates the Federation of Media Employees' Trade Union (FMETU) and the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) express serious concern at the arrest and urge authorities to withdraw the case. Gokulan, a photographer affiliated with the Batticaloa Press Club, was arrested at his home in Batticaloa in Sri Lanka’s eastern provinces for alleged crimes under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) for…  
2960. Ukraine: Journalist attacked live on air  

TV Journalist Violetta Tovkes was attacked by an unknown man in the middle of a live broadcast on 28 November, resulting in severe damage to her equipment. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) condemn these acts and called for an end to any kind of aggression against journalists in the line of duty. Ms. Tovkes, a reporter for the national TV channel NewsOne, was attacked in the middle of a broadcast in Kiyv during a ceremony honoring the Holodomor victims. This killing, which took place between 1932 and 1933 and left from three to 12…  
2961. India: Journalist in arson attack after reporting on corruption  

Rakesh Singh Nirbhek, a reporter working for Rashtriya waroop newspaper and his friend Pintu Sahu were assaulted and suffered fatal burn wounds when his house set on fire by three assailants in the journalist’s house in Kalwari village. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and National Union of Journalists (NUJ-I) condemn this heinous murder and urge the authorities to hold its perpetrators accountable. On November 27, Singh’s house was burnt down,  causing serious burn injuries to him and his friend Pintu Sahu, who died on the spot , while Singh died hours later at King George's Medical University’s…  
2962. Hong Kong: Radio host arrested under national security law  

Wan Yiu-sing, an online radio host for channel D100, was arrested on suspicion of money laundering and incitement of secession under Hong Kong’s new national security law on November 21. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arrest and calls for Wan’s immediate release. The radio host, known as ‘Giggs’, was arrested with his wife and a female assistant at their house in North Point, after being allegedly linked to a funding campaign for young protesters to leave Hong Kong and study in Taiwan. An administrator’s post on Gigg’s Facebook page said the trio were arrested on charges of providing financial support to separatist activities and money laundering. Wan’s…  
2963. Northern Ireland: Two journalists threatened by loyalist paramilitaries  

On Sunday, two journalists working for Sunday World newspaper in Northern Ireland were intimidated by loyalist paramilitary groups, including through death threats. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) condemn the permanent harassment of journalists in Northern Ireland and call on the authorities in the province to guarantee journalists' safety. Two journalists working for the ‘Sunday World’ newspaper were contacted by police on Sunday about “imminent threats” of attack by loyalist paramilitaries, including the West Belfast Ulster Defence Association (UDA), a loyalist paramilitary group.  A NUJ member was contacted in…  
2964. Rakesh Singh Nirbhek  

The journalist for a daily publication in Lucknow, Nirbhek was burnt alive in Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh along with his partner. In a statement given before his death at the hospital, Rakesh asserted that he was writing ‘big news’, and was attacked for this reason. Journalists' safety, India, IFJ, Impunity  
2965. Black Friday as a reminder for multinationals to pay their fair share of taxes  

Black Friday, celebrated every November 27, is a date that e-commerce platforms like Amazon usually take advantage of to obtain strong income due to the massive purchases of the world population in dates previous to Christmas. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins other Global Unions to remind multinationals, including technology giants like Google and Facebook, that they need to pay taxes. On Black Friday, workers, activists, and citizens and unions, including the UNI Global Union and the IFJ, are joining together to #MakeAmazonPay its workers fairly, pay for its impact on the environment and pay its taxes. In the same vein, the IFJ has repeatedly called on all…  
2966. Tunisie: les journalistes exigent l’application de la convention collective  

Les journalistes tunisiens ont manifesté massivement ce jeudi 26 novembre pour dénoncer la non publication par le gouvernement de la convention collective des journalistes. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié, le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT), et exige du gouvernement tunisien son application immédiate.   Depuis le lundi 23 novembre, le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) organise différents mouvements de protestation dans les rédactions du pays, appelant les journalistes des médias publics et privés à porter un brassard rouge jusqu’à ce jeudi 26 novembre, décrété « jour de…  
2967. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 21 and 27 November, 2020. English Thousands in France protest bill that would criminalize sharing images of police (YAHOO NEWS) France: Security bill adopted, to media groups' dismay (ANADOLU AGENCY) Twitter reveals plans to bring back verification applications in early 2021 (ADWEEK) End impunity for crimes against journalists: IFJ (UNITED NEWS OF INDIA) Belarusian journalists are technically and ethically ready to combat…  
2968. Prison Covid spread poses serious threat to Assange’s health  

Covid-19 infection rates have soared to 25% among inmates at Belmarsh prison where Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is being held, putting his already delicate health at further risk. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), along with its American, Australian and UK affiliates, condemns his treatment and denounces the judicial and political harassment against him. Assange, a member of IFJ Australian affiliate MEAA and holder of the IFJ International Press Card is facing more than judicial harassment. Besides the long wait for a decision about his extradition to the United States, which the IFJ has strongly opposed, he is facing…  
2969. IFJ calls on world governments and social media platforms to take immediate steps to eradicate gender-based violence  

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and girls on 25 November, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Gender Council call on world governments to act responsibly to eradicate violence against women by ratifying the ILO Convention 190 on harassment and violence in the world of work and urge social media platforms to introduce binding steps to act against online violence. According to an IFJ survey published in 2017, 48% of women journalists claim they have faced gender-based violence in their work and 44% have faced online abuse. The survey revealed that two thirds of those who suffered gender-based violence did not make a…  
2970. 8 tips on how to report harassment on social media  

The IFJ tips to report harassment and abuse on social media platforms. Online bullying, doxxing, threats and sexual harassment are serious problems that impact female journalists in the course of their work. Abuse on social media has led many female journalists to close their accounts and remain silent. Those identified as LGBTQIA+ and persons of color have been specifically targeted.  According to IFJ statistics, 44% of women journalists have experienced some form of harassment online.  Bullying is any behaviour that the bully knew – or ought to have known – would humiliate, intimidate or demean another person.  Sexual harassment is generally defined as unwelcome sexual…  
2971. Guatemala: Fuerzas de seguridad agreden a periodistas durante manifestación  

Ante la represión de agentes de seguridad pública a periodistas y trabajadores de prensa que cubrían las manifestaciones populares contra el presupuesto 2021, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) repudia estos casos de violencia institucional e insta a las autoridades del país a velar por los derechos de lxs comunicadorxs. Según la organización Periodistas Unidos al menos tres comunicadores fueron golpeadxs por la Policía y otras fuerzas mientras trabajaban en la transmisión de las protestas que se organizaron en todo el país. Esta entidad también denunció que personas ajenas a las causas defendidas por lxs guatemaltecxs provocaron desmanes y difundió videos donde el accionar…  
2972. France tramples on press freedom  

As the vote on the first reading of the "Global Security" law achieved a majority in the French National Assembly on Tuesday 24 November, the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ), as well as other representatives from the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) called on the French Prime Minister, Jean Castex, to withdraw three articles from the text, and on journalists and democracy activists to demonstrate on Saturday 28 November. On Monday 23 November, a coalition composed of the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ), together with their French affiliates, the SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT-Journalists, and several journalists' societies,…  
2973. India: Journalist bound and beaten for gambling reports  

Milan Mahanta, a correspondent for Assamese daily newspaper Assomiya Pratidin, was tied to a post and beaten by numerous assailants on November 16, allegedly for his reporting on gambling activities in the town of Mizra in the Kamrup district of Assam. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins it affiliates the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists India (NUJ-I) in condemning the journalist’s assault and urge authorities to enact swift justice on the perpetrators. Mahanta had stopped at a local supermarket around 35 kilometres from the state capital, Guwahati, when he was confronted by a group of men, led by suspect Sanjay Thakuria. The group…  
2974. Hong Kong: High court rules against police  

The Hong Kong High Court granted a judicial review application regarding police operations during the 2019 protests, describing the current police complaints system as “inadequate” on November 19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the review and calls for the introduction of measures to safeguard against police interference for journalists in the field. The case was brought to the Court by the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in 2019, after Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam denied the need for a complaints system separate to the existing Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC). Judge Anderson Chow found the existing police complaints department…  
2975. Philippines: 11 years after Ampatuan massacre, impunity remains rife  

Eleven years on from the Ampatuan Massacre, the world’s deadliest attack against journalists, impunity for crimes against journalists continues in the Philippines. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) to call for stronger efforts to end the country’s entrenched culture of impunity. On November 23, 2009, 58 people - including 32 journalists - were shot and murdered in Maguindanao, on the southern island of Mindanao. The killing was the single worst massacre of journalists in the history and today media defenders joined the families of the victims in the ongoing fight for justice. Sadly, the spread of…  
2976. Indonesia: Members of the military assault journalist  

Nirmala Maulana, who works for a national online media Kompas.com, was assaulted by members of the military when covering the removal banners of Islam Defenders Front (FPI) Leader Rizieq Shihab in Jakarta on November 20. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia to denounce the assault and urge the head of the military to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident. Nirmala was covering the removal of the controversial FPI banners by military forces in Central Jakarta. When he finished the assignment, he was attacked by members of the military on this way to his motorcycle, who pushed Nirmala to the…  
2977. Taiwan: Pro-Chinese cable news TV licence rejected over disinformation claims  

Taiwan’s media regulator announced on November 18 it would not renew the broadcast licence of Chung T’ien Television (CTiTV) over disinformation claims. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ) express regret over the regulator’s decision, but also urge media businesses to uphold news professionalism, autonomy and self-discipline. After five months of investigation, the National Communications Commission (NCC) announced it had ruled unanimously against the renewal of Chung T’ien Television’s broadcasting license, which will expire on December 11. The regulator argued the broadcaster, which is known for its pro-Beijing…  
2978. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of the IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 14 and 20 November, 2020. English Political will needed to halt crimes against journalists: IJU (THE ARUNACHAL TIMES) Between Covid-19, censorship & criminals, Indian media struggles to survive (MEDIA INDIA GROUP) National Press Day: Read about journalists who were jailed and killed in India (THE FREE PRESS JOURNAL) India a sick man of South Asia (PEOPLE’S REVIEW) 'Govt Committed To Press Freedom, Opposes Those Who Throttle It', Amit…  
2979. Solomon Islands: Cabinet readies for ‘temporary’ Facebook ban  

The Solomon Islands’ government is considering a ban on social media platform Facebook, citing deterioration in civic behaviour and access to harmful information as instigating factors. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the proposed attack on freedom of expression, accountability and access to information. The proposed ban was brought to Cabinet by Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and Communication and Civil Aviation Minister, Peter Shanel Agovaka, on November 16. The ministers claim the social media platform lacks essential laws and regulations and is propagating abusive language against ministers, character assassination and defamation. Despite the proposal,…  
2980. United Arab Emirates: Journalist sentenced to prison for spreading false news  

A TV journalist and his interviewee have been sentenced to two years in prison for spreading false news that claimed that five members of an Emirati family had died of Covid-19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) acknowledges that the broadcasting of misinformation infringes journalism ethics and is a professional error but condemns the jail sentence as disproportionate and supports its affiliate, the UAE Journalists Association, in its efforts to free the journalist. In August, Mondhir Almuzaki had interviewed an individual who claimed that five members of one Emirati family had died of Covid-19. The report was broadcast on Abu Dhabi Sports channel, Almuzaki’s employer,…  
2981. #PERU: Las fuerzas de seguridad agreden al menos a 40 periodistas  

Durante las manifestaciones de la semana pasada en favor de la democracia la Policía agredió por lo menos a 40 trabajadorxs de prensa, según informó la Oficina de Derechos Humanos de la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP). Tanto la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) como su afiliada en el país condenan estos actos y exigen que la fuerza policial sea investigada. La represión policial a lxs miles que durante una semana se movilizaron contra el proceso de destitución presidencial y toma del Poder Ejecutivo por parte de un sector de la clase política peruana, resultó no sólo en dos manifestantes muertos sino también en decenas de reporterxs, camarógrafos y…  
2982. Noor Hassan Lanjwani  

The senior reporter for Sindh Express and secretary of the Press Club in Jacobabad, was shot dead by two armed assailants on a motorcycle while returning to his home near Jacobabad. The journalist was visiting the city to attend the hearing of a murder case in which his brother was among four suspects. He died of his injuries at the scene. Journalists' safety, Pakistan, IFJ, Impunity  
2983. AJG et la FIJ organisent un atelier sur la couverture des changements climatiques  

L'Association des journalistes guinéens (AJG) en collaboration avec la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) dans le cadre du projet Union To Union (UTU) 2020 a organisé un atelier de deux jours sur la couverture sur les changements climatiques du 12 au 13 novembre dans la capitale guinéenne, Conakry. Vingt jeunes journalistes travaillant pour des radio et télévision privées et publiques et des journaux papiers et en ligne ont participé à l'atelier qui visait à renforcer leurs compétences en matière de couverture des changements climatiques en plus de les sensibiliser aux effets des changements climatique sur les populations ordinaires et leurs moyens de subsistance, plus…  
2984. Philippines: Journalist shot dead by soldiers  

Ronnie Villamor, a freelance journalist in Masbate province, was shot dead by soldiers in Milagros, on the island of Masbate, on November 14 in an alleged “encounter”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) to condemn the killing and demand a thorough investigation to deliver justice. According to NUJP, a spot report on the incident from Milagros police chief Major Aldrin Rosales quoted army troops, led by 2nd Lieutenant Maydim Jomadil, as saying they were investigating the presence of five armed men in Barangat Matanglad who fled as they approached. Villamor, who was described as a "suspect,"…  
2985. Sudan: Journalist arrested for reporting on anti-corruption committee  

Prominent columnist Ishaq Ahmed Fadlallah was arrested on 12 November after writing an article criticizing the practices of a member of the Empowerment Removal and Anti Corruption Committee. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports its affiliate the Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU) in calling for an immediate and unconditional release of Fadlallah. The police force which implements decisions by the Empowerment Removal and Anti Corruption Committee arrested Fadlallah. He was charged with “work to undermine the regime” and placed in a detention center in Khartoum. The arrest of Fadlallah is an extension of the Empowerment Removal and Anti Corruption Committee’s repression…  
2986. Brasil: Asesinan a periodista en Mato Grosso  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y la Federación Nacional de Periodistas de Brasil (FENAJ) condenan el crimen del reportero Edney Menezes, acribillado en Mato Grosso, y exigen que las autoridades logren dar con lxs autores materiales e intelectuales del crimen. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y la Federación Nacional de Periodistas de Brasil (FENAJ) condenan el crimen del reportero Edney Menezes, acribillado en Mato Grosso, y exigen que las autoridades logren dar con lxs autores materiales e intelectuales del crimen. El comunicador, que trabajaba para TV Miragem, se desplazaba en su auto por la ciudad de Peixoto de Azevedo, en el Estado de Mato Grosso,…  
2987. Guatemala: Muere periodista que había sido baleado al llegar a su casa  

Tras conocerse el sábado la noticia del fallecimiento del comunicador guatemalteco Mario Arturo Ortega, asesinado a tiros en su casa de Escuintla, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) condena este crimen y exige que lxs responsables de investigar e impartir justicia en Guatemala den con lxs culpables y protejan a familiares y colegas. El periodista era propietario del canal de televisión San José Total y había sido baleado por desconocidxs en las inmediaciones de su casa. Según las primeras investigaciones, Ortega habría sido extorsionado por dinero durante los días previos a su asesinato. Al respecto, el reportero y miembro fundador de la organización Periodistas Unidos, Rony…  
2988. India: IFJ calls on Indian government to end impunity for crimes against journalists  

As part of its 2020 campaign to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has sent on 17 November a letter to Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, calling on the Indian government to take swift action to improve the state of impunity in India. Concern: Call to End Impunity for crimes against journalists in India Your Excellency, We are writing as the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest organisation of media professionals representing over 600.000 members in more than 140 countries, to urge your government to address the issue of impunity for violence against journalists in India. On UN International Day…  
2989. India: Senior journalist killed in road accident  

Parag Bhuyan, a senior journalist and vice president of Tinsukia District Journalists’ Association (TDJA), was fatally injured in a road accident on November 11, in Assam’s Tinsukia district. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned that the death of Bhuyan occurred under suspicious circumstances and calls for a thorough investigation. Bhuyan was a senior correspondent of the Pratidin group and a local reporter of Axomiya Khabar. Reports allege the journalist attained medicine from a pharmacy and was talking to another journalist when a vehicle, carrying TATA Xenon tea leaf, knocked down the pair from behind. Bhuyan was flung a distance of 15 feet and suffered severe…  
2990. India: #EndImpunity campaign continues  

To mark the occasion of National Press Day on November 16, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) sent a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Information & Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar calling for all efforts to end impunity for crimes against journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate IJU in condemning the rampant violence against journalists in India and urges the government to take swift measures to ensure the continuation of press freedom and end impunity. India, the world’s largest democracy, has a grim record of at least 55 journalists killed between 2010 and 2020, according to IFJ data. Of the long list of murders and targeted…  
2991. México: secuestran y liberan a reportero gráfico en Sinaloa  

Luego de que el fotógrafo mexicano Carlos Zataráin fuera secuestrado en su casa de Sinaloa y posteriormente liberado, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y su afiliado mexicano, el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) exigen a las autoridades el esclarecimiento de este atentado y el debido castigo a lxs culpables intelectuales y materiales. Zataráin se desempeña como reportero gráfico en el diario El Nordeste, editado en Mazatlán. En un comunicado sobre el caso, el SNRP afirmó: “El medio informativo donde trabajaba Zataráin y familiares del periodista dieron a conocer que alrededor de las 23:00 horas de este sábado hombres armados a bordo de un vehículo se…  
2992. Yemen: IFJ calls on Yemeni authorities to end impunity for crimes against journalists  

As part of its 2020 campaign to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, the IFJ has sent on 16 November a letter to the Yemeni Prime Minister Maïn Abdelmalek Saïd and Mahdi Al-Mashat, the President of the Supreme Political Council, Ansar Allah Movement, calling for swift action to improve the state of impunity in Yemen. Concern: Call to End Impunity for Killers of Journalists in Yemen Your Excelleny, We are writing as the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest organisation of journalists representing over 600.000 members in more than 140 countries, to urge your government to address the issue of impunity for violence against journalists in Yemen. The…  
2993. Perú: represión policial deja dos manifestantes muertos y varios periodistas heridos  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y su organización afiliada en Perú, la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas (ANP) condenan los crímenes y la represión a periodistas durante las recientes manifestaciones, e instan a las autoridades y fuerzas de seguridad a respetar los derechos de ciudadanos y reporterxs. La represión policial, que fue registrada en múltiples videos por lxs manifestantes, fue desplegada durante las protestas contra la destitución del entonces presidente Martín Vizcarra y la llegada al poder del mandatario interino Manuel Merino, quien debió renunciar a su cargo tras el rechazo generalizado de la ciudadanía. Fue ese rechazo lo que motivó a miles de peruanxs a…  
2994. Ethiopia: Media crackdown amid military offensive in Tigray region  

The Ethiopian Government has launched a wave of arrests against journalists covering the ongoing conflict in the Tigray region. Since November 7, at least six journalists have been arrested on unknown charges. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arbitrary arrest of media workers and urges the Ethiopian authorities to immediately stop the crackdown on media covering the military conflict. Three journalists from the state-owned Ethiopia Press Agency (EPA) - Haftu Gebregzhiabher, Tsegaye Hadush and Abreha Hagos - were arrested along with Udi Mussa from the Oromia Media Network (OMN), Medihane Ekubamichael, editor from the Addis Standard and Bakalu Alamirew, of…  
2995. "Media employers can do more to protect journalists' safety"  

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought an increase in the cases of harassment and abuse against journalists. We interview the NUJ (UK) General Secretary, Michelle Stanistreet, who explains the main threats and challenges British journalists have faced during the pandemic and how the union took action to protect their safety and freedom of work. Since the pandemic began, what are the most reported abuses and threats against journalists? Has the pandemic affected journalists' online and physical safety when working? When lockdown hit in March we began to hear of cases of NUJ members being challenged in the course of their work. Our local branches swung into…  
2996. #EndImpunity: India  

Since 2010, 55 journalists have been killed with only one case resolved. India, the world’s largest democracy, has a grim record of 55 journalists killed between 2010 and 2020. Of the long list of murders and targeted killings, just one and only one case has been resolved. The remainder lie largely cold, waiting for authorities either unwilling or incapable (or both) to deliver adequate investigations at the outset, let alone bring perpetrators to justice. The end result of this inaction is that India’s media remains under grave threat through intensifying harassment and intimidation both online and offline – with perpetrators brazen in the knowledge that they can elude punishment. They…  
2997. Cambodia: Publisher Ros Sokhet sentenced for government criticism  

Cambodian journalist and publisher Ros Sokhet has been sentenced to 18 months in prison on November 11 for his criticism of government officials. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the restriction of press freedom and urges the Cambodian authorities to immediately appeal Sokhet’s conviction. Ros Sokhet, publisher of privately owned newspaper ‘Cheat Khmer’, was arrested on June 25 for using ‘sensational language’ in Facebook posts critical of several government ministers, including Prime Minister Hun Sen. The posts, published on Sokhet’s personal Facebook page with less than five thousand followers, disparaged the government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic,…  
2998. Australia: Public broadcaster faces intimidation and manipulation  

Australian national public broadcaster ABC faced pressure from government ministers and senators prior to the airing of an investigative program exposing misconduct and toxic behaviour in federal parliament on November 9. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) condemn the extraordinary coercion and political interference in the legitimate reporting of the ABC. The Four Corners investigation, titled ‘Inside the Canberra Bubble’, revealed a history of sexism and inappropriate behaviour by senior members of staff in the Coalition. Attorney General Christian Porter and minister Alan Tudge were both indicted for their…  
2999. Ronnie Villamor  

The freelance journalist Ronnie Villamor was shot by soldiers on the island of Masbate in the Philippines. The authorities claimed that the army was investigating the presence of five armed men in Barangat Matanglad, when Villamor allegedly drew a firearm and was shot dead. This has been vehemently denied by his colleagues who said he was there on request for media coverage of a land dispute that had be coordinated with local police. Villamor attempted to phone police when soldiers prevented the surveyors from working and he was shot dead. Journalists' safety, Philippines, IFJ, Impunity  
3000. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 7 and 13 November. The Repealed Criminal Libel Law: an Epoch of Media Emancipation in Sierra Leone (GUARDIAN POST NEWSPAPER) UP Journalist 'Assaulted' for Covering Illegal Use of Machines in MNREGA Work (THE WIRE) U.P. journalist assaulted by village Pradhan (THE HINDU) Journalist brutally stabbed to death near Chennai (INDIGENOUS HERALD) Julian Assange case could be deadly for journalism (CAMDEN NEW JOURNAL) United States. “The Obama-Biden…  
3001. United States: Los Angeles Times to pay settlement in lawsuit on pay disparity  

The Los Angeles Times and Tribune Publishing have agreed to pay US$3 million to settle a lawsuit over unequal pay for journalists of Color and women journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) congratulates the LA Times Guild for their victory for equal pay. The foundation for the lawsuit was laid in 2018 when Los Angeles Times journalists voted to form a union and join the News Guild, an IFJ affiliate. The union demanded the release of salary data, which revealed that women journalists and journalists of Color were paid significantly less than their white male counterparts. After the finding, LA Times media workers filed a lawsuit at…  
3002. Gender Council Declaration - Mid Term  

The IFJ's Gender Council adopted the following declaration at its online mid-term meeting on 27 October 2020. The Gender Council of the International Federation of Journalists notes that women journalists are particularly affected by the current pandemic as the conditions in which they work have worsened due to the widespread introduction of teleworking, cuts in working hours and wages and the stress of balancing work and family life.  The Council therefore urges IFJ unions to promote standards in their countries to regulate everything related to teleworking and to facilitate its introduction into collective bargaining. It also calls on the IFJ Executive Committee to increase its…  
3003. France: une proposition de loi menace la liberté d'informer  

Ce 17 novembre commenceront en France les débats parlementaires autour de la proposition de loi « Sécurité globale ». Le texte contient qui des dispositions liberticides et suscite l'émoi de toute la profession, y compris de la FIJ et de ses affiliés. Si la loi est votée en l’état, et notamment son article 24, les journalistes ne pourront plus filmer ou diffuser des images des policiers, gendarmes ou militaires en action dans les lieux publics. Le nouveau délit instauré par cette proposition de loi permettrait d’interpeller tout journaliste qui filme en direct une opération de police, de le placer en garde à vue et de l’envoyer devant un tribunal en saisissant son matériel professionnel.…  
3004. Elias Daei  

The 33-year-old correspondent of US-funded radio Radio Liberty (RFE / RL) was killed in an explosion in the Helmand province. According to Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA), the journalist was killed in an explosive device attached to his car exploded.  AFP quoted Human Rights Watch as saying that Daei had been "explicitly" warned not to report on the Taliban's operations in the province or that the group was "violating the agreement" it signed with Washington in February, that paved the way for withdrawing American forces from Afghanistan.  "The Taliban had searched his house, questioned him about his movements, and asked local residents to report…  
3005. Parag Bhuyan  

The senior journalist for the Pratidin group and vice president of the Tinsukia District Journalists’ Association (TDJA), was fatally injured when a vehicle struck him and a fellow journalist from behind, while walking on a highway near his home in Assam province. Bhuyan was flung 15 feet, suffering severe head injuries and died in a nursing home the following day. Journalists' safety, India, IFJ, Impunity  
3006. Afghanistan: Radio Free Europe correspondent killed by car bomb  

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE / RL) correspondent Elias Daei was killed in an explosion in the Helmand province of Afghanistan on November 12. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned about the deteriorating situation for journalist safety in Afghanistan. According to Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA), the journalist was killed when the car bomb exploded in his car. The IFJ and AIJA are gathering more information about the incident. With the targeted killing of Daei, the number of journalists killed in Afghanistan this week reaches two. Last week, Yama Siawash, former TOLO news television journalist was killed in a targeted explosion…  
3007. México: Balean a periodistas durante manifestación contra la violencia de género  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y su organización afiliada en México, el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP), repudian la represión de la Policia y la Guardia Nacional en Cancún a lxs manifestantes que exigían justicia por un femicidio. Entre lxs comunicadorxs agredidxs se encuentran Cecilia Solis de Radio Turquesa y Roberto Becerril de la Verdad, con heridas de bala de plomo en el hombro y en la pierna, y  Santiago Hernández Rodas y Selene Huidrobo, quienes fueron golpeadxs por los uniformados. En su comunicado al respecto de la represión, el SNRP "exige a las autoridades del municipio y al gobernador del estado, Carlos Joaquín González, que…  
3008. Perú: La Policía agrede a periodistas y trabajadores de prensa que cubren manifestaciones masivas  

Ante los hechos de represión a periodistas y trabajadores de prensa que cubrían las manifestaciones contra la vacancia del presidente peruano Martín Vizcarra, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) manifiesta su total repudio a la violencia contra comunicadorxs que están ejerciendo la crucial tarea de informar a la población peruana en un momento de crisis sanitaria e institucional. Junto con nuestrxs afiliadxs en el país, la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas (ANP), condenamos la represión de las fuerzas de seguridad e instamos a las autoridades peruanas a hacer valer los derechos y garantías que protegen a lxs periodistas en territorio peruano ya sea que estén consagrados en su…  
3009. India: Journalist attacked for reporting construction irregularities  

Vinay Tiwari, a journalist working for local Hindi news website Bundelkhand Times, was seriously injured in an attack allegedly by the family of Dhaurra village head and a number of other assailants in Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate National Union of Journalists- India (NUJ-I) denounce the attack and urge the Uttar Pradesh (UP) government to investigate the case and bring perpetrators to justice. The 35-year old journalist was violently beaten with sticks and batons reportedly by Dhaurra village head Babita Mishra, her husband Rameshwar Mishra, her son Vivek Mishra and other armed men as he was filming the…  
3010. Mexico: IFJ calls on Mexican government to end impunity for crimes against journalists  

As part of its 2020 campaign to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has sent a letter to the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and to the Mexican embassy in Belgium on 4th November calling on the Mexican government to take swift action to improve the state of impunity in Mexico. Concern: Call to End Impunity for Killers of Journalists in Mexico Your Excellency, We are writing as the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest organisation of media professionals representing over 600.000 members in more than 140 countries, to urge your government to address the issue of impunity for violence…  
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