15063 results:


The General Assembly of the European Federation of Journalists Considers 1) That the protection of moral and economical Authors' Rights of journalists is an indispensable condition for preserving the independence of information professionals and for maintaining the quality of journals, magazines and information services like radio, television, agencies and other media of diffusion. 2) That the effective protection of journalists' Authors' Rights on their works is the imprescriptible condition for their responsibility concerning the sources of information, the persons and entities which are subject of their work and the public in general. 3) That information is not a…  
14704. Journalists Alarmed as Assassinations Accelerate Into 2001  

Attacks against media and killings of journalists are increasing during 2001 according to the International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists organization. In the last week alone, three journalists have been assassinated in Colombia. The IFJ publishes an annual review of journalists and media staff killed in the line of duty. Until publication, the majority of cases remain under investigation. The IFJ has counted 21 journalists and media staff killed since the beginning of the year. January saw the murders of Rolando Ureta, program director and broadcaster of Radio Mindanao in the Philippines and Salvador Medina Velazques, reporter and chairman of the board for…  
14707. IFJ Says Ten-Year Death Toll Tops 1,000 Warning Over New Threats From Global Media  

Violence against media staff and the "insidious agenda" of global media corporations pose twin threats to press freedom in the new millennium says the International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group. In the ten years since the United Nations declared May 3rd as World Press Freedom Day more than 1,000 journalists and media workers have been killed or suffered violent deaths in the exercise of their profession, says the Federation in its statement today to mark World Press Freedom Day 2001. "After a decade of democratic reforms, journalists are still routinely subject to brutal intimidation and independent media continue to be censored. In…  
14708. Open letter from civil society on the new code of access to documents of the EU institutions"  

To: All Members of the European Parliament from: European Citizens Action Service (ECAS) European Environmental Bureau (EEB) European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) Standing Committee of Experts on International Immigration, Refugee and Criminal Law, Utrecht (the "Meijers Committee”) Statewatch "We call on the European Parliament to reject the proposed "deal" offered by the Council of the European Union on the new code of access to EU documents. We believe this proposal weakens current rights of citizens, it does not fulfil the Amsterdam Treaty commitment to further the cause of open government and ignores important requirements of the Aarhus Convention on access…  
14709. The Electronic Rights War, Who owns the rights to new digital uses of existing works of authorship? P. Bernt Hugenholtz  

"(...)The rapidly emerging market for secondary electronic uses of existing works of authorship has led to disputes over the ownership of so-called electronic rights. Who owns the rights to reuse in electronic form an article originally written for a newspaper; a television program originally produced for broadcast television; or a film originally made for the screen? Is it the journalist or the newspaper publisher; the television producer or the broadcasting company; the film producer or the distributor? In recent years, a number of disputes over the ownership of electronic rights, mostly involving the works of newspaper journalists, have been decided by the courts. This article…  
14710. Journalists Newsline April 2001  

Journalists Newsline is the bi-monthly newsletter of the IFJ Media For Democracy in South Eastern Europe programme. April 2001 (PDF)  
14711. USA: Man Sues Site Over Autopsy Photos  

By Aimee E. Farr Does a dead man have interests in the physical integrity of his body? No. Nor does he have a cause of action that will survive his death for his heirs to assert if his body is injured - death has already occurred. To provide a remedy for this situation, the law has recognized the interests of family members through the 'ole "mistreatment/mishandling of corpse" actions, which the courts refer to as "a special case." In a like vein, courts have given special consideration to the circumstances surrounding a person's death by recognizing a privacy interest in the decedent's heirs. Heirs generally do not succeed to a privacy claim as it is a…  
14712. Journalists Condemn Putin Silence as Fears Grow for Press Freedom in Russia  

JOURNALISTS from around the world have condemned attacks on press freedom in Russia and demanded that President Vladimir Putin speaks out against "a media war against independent journalism". The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation, says that the takeover at the weekend of the leading independent television station NTV by the state-backed gas giant Gazprom and the subsequent closure of the independent newspaper Svodnya, the sacking of journalists on the news magazine Itogi and threats to close the respected Moscow radio station Ekho Moskvy all amount to "a declaration of war against independent journalism". The…  
14713. IFJ Condemns Political Interference at Bulgarian Radio As Court Backs Journalists  

19 Protesters Forced Out Supreme Court Declares Against the Managing Director Journalists Replaced by Workers Loyal to the Ruling Party In a letter to the Bulgarian Prime Minister today the International Federation of Journalists fiercely condemned the management at the Bulgarian National Radio, which has continued to sack protesting journalists even though a Supreme Court has backed their protests against the Managing Director. The IFJ also accused the management of replacing the BNR protesters with journalists loyal to the governing party. Journalists at the radio station have been protesting since February 6 against the appointment of Ivan Borislavov as the new Managing…  
14714. Journalists Condemn Secrecy in American Trade Talks: 'Threat To Foundations Of Democracy'  

THE WORLD'S largest journalists' group, the International Federation of Journalists, today condemned a "sinister process of secrecy" that has excluded civil society groups and citizens from negotiations on a new trade agreement between 34 countries to be discussed at the Summit of the Americas in Quebec next week. The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) is the name given to the process of expanding the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to all other countries of the Western Hemisphere except Cuba. With a population of 800 million and a combined GDP of $11 trillion (US), the FTAA would be the largest free trade zone in the world. In a statement issued today, and…  
14715. IFJ Supports Russia Media Protest and Calls for Charter for Editorial Freedom at NTV  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group, today gave its full support to the protesting journalists and media workers at the Russian television station NTV. "This is a moment of truth for press freedom and democracy in Russia," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ, "the struggle of NTV journalists and media staff is about defending editorial independence and the journalists' right to take editorial decisions according to conscience. They have the support of journalists throughout Europe and all around the world." The IFJ and its Russian affiliate, the Journalists' Union of Russia (JUR), condemned the…  
14716. Court Victory for Press Freedom: Luxembourg Journalists' Ten-Year Battle Vindicated  

The European Federation of Journalists welcomes the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights on the case of Luxembourg journalist Marc Thoma. The European Court has ruled that all counts of the conviction of Mr. Thoma constituted a breach of article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights. The Luxembourg radio journalist was convicted and sentenced for quoting a newspaper report in which Luxembourg forestry workers were accused of corruption. Luxembourg's courts had found Thoma guilty on all counts of the original conviction. The European Court has now decided that the "right of quotation" is covered by article 10 of the European Convention. On the announcement of the…  
14717. The Windhoek Seminar:  

The Windhoek Seminar: "Ten years on: Assessment, Challenges and Prospects" (PDF) Windhoek, Namibia May 3-5, 2001. Making Progress: The Changing Status of African Journalists. Background Paper. March 2001.  
14718. IFJ Calls for Full Inquiry Killing of Journalist in Macedonia  

MeThe International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation, today called on Macedonia to hold a full inquiry into the incident in which a journalist, Kerem Lawton a television news producer from Associated Press, was among three people killed in mortar fire in military action on the country's border with Kosovo yesterday. "The authorities must clear the air of uncertainty over this", said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. "We need a full statement of exactly what happened and who is responsible for this dreadful accident. In particular, we must know why a clearly marked press car was singled out as a target." So far…  
14719. Monitoring violations of media freedom in West Africa  

Regional Conference Bamako, Mali, March 29-30, 2001 The delegates of the following journalists associations, press houses and media observatories: The Union of Journalists of Mali, the Mali press house, Sierra Leone Association of Journalists, Gambia Press Union and Gambia Press House, Togo Press House, Press House Norbert Zongo, Burkina Faso, SYNPICS, Association of Journalists of Niger, International Press Center, Nigeria, Association of the Independent Press in Mauritania, Association of Journalists of Ivory Coast, CRED, Senegal, Media observatory, Benin, Ghana Journalists' Association, Ghana Journalists' Ethics Committee Coming together at the seminar on "monitoring…  
14721. IFJ Report Accuses Hungary of Mistreatment of Journalists  

THE International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group, today launched a hard-hitting attack on the government and authorities in Hungary over mistreatment of journalists and the ruinous state of the public broadcasting system. A 60-page report, "Television on the Brink", produced for the IFJ and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists, concludes that Hungarian public broadcasting, and public television in particular, "has been weakened to the point of destruction because of political manipulation and willful neglect by the responsible authorities." The journalists accuse the Government of Viktor Orbán of launching a…  
14722. EFJ Statement on Access to Information  

The EFJ rejects the proposals for a new regulation on access to information, now being discussed by the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, since these proposals do not fulfill promises made in the Treaty of Amsterdam to establish new rules creating genuine transparency and open government within the institutions of the European Union. The EFJ also deplores the fact that the legal process is being carried out in secrecy, giving citizens little opportunity to take part or to influence the process. The EFJ has made strenuous efforts to encourage and to assist the internal discussions within the EU on this issue, but given the current circumstances we demand that the…  
14723. IFJ Condemns Police Action and Sackings As Bulgarian Radio Crisis Intensifies  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group, today condemned the authorities in Bulgaria over an escalation of the crisis at Bulgarian National Radio on Monday when police moved into the station and barred journalists from their studios. Seven leaders of a protest by station staff have since been dismissed. "The management of Bulgarian National Radio have violated the right of journalists' to protest over what they see as clear political interference with the country's public service broadcasting system," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. Journalists and staff held protests at the station over the appointment of a new Executive…  
14724. Macedonia Journalists Under Siege: IFJ Calls for Safety Guarantees and Issues Reporting Alert  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists organisation, today condemned the shelling of independent media in the western part of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia around Tetova and called on all parties involved in the current crisis to guarantee the safety of journalists. "Journalists find themselves under siege in this conflict," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ, "More must be done to ensure that they are not made the innocent victims of this violence." In the last four days violent clashes between Macedonian security forces and Albanian rebels in Tetovo and the surrounding area almost all television…  
14725. Big Media v. Freelancers: The Justices at the Digital Divide - The New York Times  

By FELICITY BARRINGER and RALPH BLUMENTHAL For scholars, the electronic archives of contemporary journalism are a mother lode of history. For publishers and database owners, they are valuable intellectual property. But for a group of angry freelance writers, these archives are a legally dubious bazaar where their wares are peddled without their consent. So the writers sued publishing giants like The New York Times Company and Time Inc., arguing — as actors, screenwriters and musicians have argued elsewhere — that their work has been unfairly appropriated. On March 28, after a seven-year fight that produced contradictory lower court decisions, the freelancers' case will be argued…  
14726. IFJ Condemns Turkish Media Panic As Jobs Massacre Follows Cash Crisis  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists organisation, today condemned concentration of ownership in the Turkish media and said owners were guilty of "panic-stricken hysteria" after savage job cuts following the country's recent financial crisis. "Media employers are responding to the country's political and cash crisis with measures that show all the signs of panic and hysteria but very little humanity or common sense," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. In the last month up to 4,000 people working in media have lost their jobs. More than 1,000 journalists gathered in Ankara and met Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit, himself a former…  
14729. Ethics and Self-Regulation in Bulgaria (background document of the seminar, Sofia, March 2001)  

Sofia 1-2 March 2001 Background The Union of Journalists of Bulgaria - Podkrepa and the Union of Bulgarian Journalists jointly organized the seminar on Ethics and Self- regulation in Sofia 1-2 March. The seminar launched the Media Observatory, an office established to monitor both breaches of the journalists' ethical codes and attacks against media freedom. The seminar was organized as part of the IFJ's Media For Democracy in South Eastern Europe work programme. Summary The seminar was attended by over 30 participants from the UJB- Podkrepa and the UBJ, with further participants from the Centre for Independent Journalism, the Bulgarian Media Coalition, journalist…  
14730. Report of meeting: Call for an Open Europe: views from civil society on access to EU documents  

European Parliament, 27 February 2001 The meeting was organised by Statewatch and the European Federation of Journalists The meeting on access to EU documents by citizens, in relation with the "call for on open Europe" campaign, took place on 27 February 2001 at the European Parliament. Article 255 of the Amsterdam Treaty states that the EU has to adopt, by May 1st 2001, a code for access to EU documents. The meeting was opened with a welcoming by Tony Bunyan, Director of Statewatch, and Renate Schroeder, from the European Federation of Journalists. Graham Watson, Chair of the Committee on Citizens Freedoms and Rights at the European Parliament, said that…  
14731. IFJ Calls for International Action to Free Liberian Journalists Charged With Spying  

The IFJ, the world's largest journalists' group, today called for a wave of international protest to secure the release of four Liberian journalists arrested and charged with espionage, charges which the IFJ says are "blatantly false and an excuse for a wholesale assault on press freedom." Police in Monrovia on Thursday last week arrested four journalists from the Liberian daily News and charged them with spying apparently in reprisal for a story that challenged government spending on helicopter repairs, Christmas cards, and souvenirs. "It is an outrage that the Liberian government, picks up journalists and charges them with capital offences and refuses them bail because they have…  
14732. IFJ Call for End to Targeting of Journalists in the West Bank and Gaza  

The IFJ, the world's largest organisation of journalists, today accused Israel of targeting Palestinian media and called for an end to harassment of reporters in the West Bank and Gaza. According to leaders of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, more than 40 journalists, most of them cameramen and press photographers, have been injured, since September. The numbers include eight foreign journalists of different nationalities. "However, some reports have the numbers at twice that level", says the IFJ. "The attacks on media have continued throughout the unrest in West Bank and Gaza", says the IFJ. "There is a strong suspicion that media are being singled out for special treatment. This…  
14733. IFJ Backs Protest and a Strike Call of Bulgarian Radio Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest organisation of journalists, today gave its backing to the daily protests of journalists at the Bulgarian National Radio that could lead to a strike over the appointment of a new Director General. "This is yet another example of the political hands on the controls of public broadcasting", said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. The IFJ has carried out missions to the Czech Republic and Hungary in the last month to investigate problems over political management of public broadcasting. "It is evident that a widespread crisis over political influence in public broadcasting exists in the region",…  
14735. Agreement on Authors' Rights in Germany  

TARIFVERTRAG über die Urheberrechte arbeitnehmerähnlicher Personen des Norddeutschen Rundfunks Zwischen der Industriegewerkschaft Medien Druck und Papier, Publizistik und Kunst, dem Deutschen Journalisten-Verband e.V., der Deutsche Angestellten-Gewerkschaft und dem NORDDEUTSCHEN RUNDFUNK (NDR) 13/02/2001 Download the document (PDF)  
14738. Secrecy at the World Bank: Journalists Call for Open Government  

MThe International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest organisation of journalists, today called on the World Bank to follow its own policies of good governance and open up its own work to greater public scrutiny. In a letter to World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn, the IFJ says that current restrictions on access to information keep hidden from public view many vital documents that explain Bank policies. "Without the release of these documents, journalists cannot adequately fulfill their responsibilities to inquire and subject public bodies to scrutiny," says Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. The IFJ criticises a new disclosure policy that will keep…  
14739. IFJ Calls for Urgent Reforms In Czech TV Battle  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group, today called for urgent reforms in public broadcasting following six weeks of turmoil at Czech Television and on the eve of a vote in Parliament to appoint a new boss at the station. In a 20-page report, Striking News: Czech Television and the Struggle for Public Broadcasting, prepared by the General Secretary Aidan White, the IFJ says that the strike by journalists and media staff, which led to massive public demonstrations and political confrontation, emerged from attitudes deeply-rooted in notions of "authority and control over information that have no place in modern democratic society." The IFJ…  
14740. IFJ Condemns Mugabe Over "Climate of Fear and Violence" In Media  

THE International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest organisation of journalists, today condemned the Government of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe for "creating a climate of fear, intimidation and violence to silence journalists and media". The IFJ says that democracy is facing extinction in Zimbabwe after the government intervened to break up a peaceful protest by the IFJ-affiliated Zimbabwe Union of Journalists over recent attacks on independent media. "The sight of hundreds of police armed with rifles gathering to confront a handful of unarmed reporters and editors is a shocking indictment of the regime and illustrates the twilight nature of democracy in Zimbabwe," said Aidan…  
14741. IFJ Report on Journalists Killed 2001  

Click HERE to read the IFJ report on Journalists and Media Staff Killed in 2001  
14742. IFJ 2001 Seoul Action Plan on Gender  

Click HERE to read the IFJ 2001 Seoul Action Plan on Gender  
14743. IFJ Calls on Mugabe to Lift "terror siege" After Bombing of Newspaper  

THE International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest organisation of journalists, today demanded that Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe intervene to lift "a siege of terror" on The Daily News, an independent paper that suffered a bomb attack on Sunday. "Journalists and other staff now fear for their lives", said the IFJ, "the government must give absolute guarantees for their safety." The attack, on the paper's printing plant, caused no injuries, it was the second bombing of the paper and follows street demonstrations against the journalists by supporters of the ruling ZANU-PF party. They accuse the paper of "unpatriotic coverage". "This campaign against The Daily…  
14746. IFJ Calls on President Kostunica to Open Public Investigation Over RTS Bombing  

The International Federation of Journalists today made a new call to Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica, to hold a "public and independent inquiry" into the killing of 16 media workers at Serbian state television that was a NATO target during its 1999 bombing campaign. On 23 January, UN war crimes prosecutor Carla del Ponte said that NATO had told her that Slobodan Milosevic's authorities knew Serbian state television was a target during its 1999 bombing campaign. Del Ponte, on a visit to Belgrade, made the statement to a lawyer for families of the victims of the bombing who are already pursuing legal action against television management on the suspicion they knew the building was…  
14747. Declaration of Support from the Union of the Journalists in Bulgaria "Podkrepa"  

DECLARATION The Union of the Journalists in Bulgaria - "Podkrepa" supports the just protest and the demands of journalists, music editors, sound-producers and technicians in the Bulgarian National Radio, as stated in the Open Letter dated January 15, 2001. In its efforts to find an obedient Director of the National Radio, the National Council for Radio and Television beat all expectations! The competition they organized showed clearly who cannot be a Director of the media. It is already clear to everyone why the National Radio is still not public and who is to blame for that!? Any political insinuations, now attributed to the protest at the BNR, speak of party…  
14749. Striking News: Czech Television and the Struggle for Public Broadcasting  

IFJ Mission Report Striking News: Czech Television and the Struggle for Public Broadcasting [WORD] January 2001  
14750. The Athens Declaration 2001  

The Athens Declaration 3rd CONFERENCE OF MEDITERRANEAN REGION JOURNALISTS ATHENS 12-13 JANUARY 2001 Fifty professional journalists representing 15 Mediterranean countries and 28 trade unions conferred in Athens on 12th and 13th January 2001, consistent with the Conferences of Milano (1993-5), Zagreb and Florence (1998) and Rabat (1999) adopt this final declaration restating the following principles: - Democracy and editorial independence are fundamental principles in practising journalism. - Observe in certain countries of the Mediterranean basin obstruction in freedom of expression and the right to information. - Journalists express their grave anxiety over the…  
14751. Czech TV Strike Victory -  

The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed the strike victory of television journalists and media staff in the Czech Republic. "Your victory is a triumph for journalists and media workers everywhere," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, from Vienna where a meeting of international trade union leaders also voiced their support. The resignation of Czech TV boss Jiri Hodac was "an inevitable consequence of your solidarity and determination to fight for the principles of editorial independence and genuine public service broadcasting," said White, who visited the strikers and met with political leaders earlier this week. "The message from Prague is that politicians…  
14752. IFJ Welcomes End of Czech TV Blackout: Victory for Strikers and Broadcasting Reform  

The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed the decision by management of Czech Television to lift the blackout of broadcasts by protesting journalists as a "major victory" for striking staff who are demanding wholesale and democratic reform of the country's public broadcasting system. Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary who returned from Prague yesterday after meeting the strikers, the Prime Minister, and political leaders said: "The critical turning point has been reached. People are now apparently ready to stop playing political games with public television. This is the moment for cool heads to get together to put in place a serious programme of…  
14753. Czech TV Strike a 'Moment of Truth' for Press Freedom and Democracy says the IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group, today gave its full support to the strike by journalists and media workers at Czech Television in Prague. "This is a moment of truth for press freedom and democracy," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ, "the struggle of Czech journalists and media staff is about putting an end to censorship and political manipulation of media. They have the support of journalists throughout Europe and all around the world." The IFJ and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists, are calling on the European Union and the Council of Europe to press the Czech authorities to repudiate the…  
14755. The Maltese Copyright Act  

The 2000 Maltese Copyright Act as amended on 1st Januray 2001 is accessible here.  
14757. Journalists Call for Professional Solution to Czech TV Crisis  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group, today called for an end to political wrangling over the future of Czech TV. "Public Service Broadcasting must always be a cornerstone of editorial independence," said Gustl Glattfelder, Chairman of the European Federation of Journalists, "and the dispute at Czech TV raises the question of attempts to exert political influence on news broadcasting." The IFJ is fully supporting the Czech Journalists' Syndicate in its efforts to find a professional solution to the confrontation at Czech TV in Prague, where journalists and media workers are disputing the appointment of a new administration. The IFJ…  
14758. 62 Die as Assassins Target Journalists in 2000  

MThe year 2000 has been marked by a series of assassinations and targeted murders of journalists that highlight the dangers facing reporters around the world says the International Federation of Journalists, which today released its list of journalists and mediaworkers killed during the year. According to the IFJ, 62 killings took place, many of them directed against media exposing corruption or expressing political dissent. "The death toll speaks for itself - journalists risk their lives daily for expressing independent opinions and exposing wrongdoing," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. "In every corner of the world journalists have paid a terrible price in the…  
14759. World Journalists Condemn Middle East Violence  

Pledge of Support to Media Victims Repudiation of Military Strikes Against "Propaganda" Mission of Inquiry Over "Brutality Against Journalists" The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group, today issued a strong statement condemning attacks on journalists and media staff in Palestine. In a declaration issued from Sydney, Australia, where the IFJ's international Executive Committee was meeting, the IFJ said that the recent outbreak of violence in the Middle East has "led to widespread abuse of human rights, indiscriminate killing and numerous acts of brutality against journalists and media staff." The IFJ has called on all sides in the…  
14760. Journalists Demand Overturn of Newspaper Ban in Morocco  

IN A LETTER to the Prime Minister of Morocco, the IFJ has asked the government to overturn a ban imposed on 2 December on three independent weekly newspapers. The ban was imposed after Demain, Assahifa and Le Journal published reports which implicated the socialists in a failed attempt to assassinate the late King Hassan II in 1972. The current socialist government rejects allegations that the party was involved in a coup attempt. The IFJ has joined its affiliate the National Union of Moroccan Press (Syndicat national de la presse marocaine) in condemning this latest crackdown on the media. "These draconian measures are not acceptable in any democratic society", said Aidan White, IFJ…  
14761. Turkish Cypriot Newspaper AVRUPA Firebombed  

THE International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists organization and its regional organization the European Federation of Journalists have condemned the firebombing of the printing office of Turkish Cypriot daily AVRUPA. Extensive damage was caused and the printing house is no longer operating. AVRUPA's printing office was set on fire during the night of November 26th with a petrol bomb. The press printing machine and a large amount of paper were burned. The IFJ is concerned about the attack which follows a period of court fines and official harassment designed to try to close down the newspaper. The IFJ has been following the case of AVRUPA since January…  
14762. Defiant Journalists Condemn Assassination of Editor in Mozambique: "We will not be silenced"  

THE International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists organisation, has condemned the killing on November 22nd of Carlos Cardoso, one of Mozambique's most distinguished journalists. The editor of the independent daily Metical, Cardoso was gunned down in an ambush last Wednesday, near his office in the Mozambican capital, Maputo. Two vehicles drew level with Cardoso's car, at least two men got out and opened fire on him at point-blank range. A crew from Mozambican Television (TVM) arrived on the murder scene soon after the shooting and the main TV news began with the shocking images of the police removing Cardoso's bullet-ridden body from the car. In the first…  
14763. Independent Journalism and Freedom of Information in Eastern Africa: EAJA Initiatives to Improve the Status of Journalists  

Final Statement Regional Conference Nairobi, November 9-10, 2000 This meeting of representatives of the IFJ, EAMI, FES Kenya, UNESCO, International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Kenya and of journalists' unions and associations from Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania having discussed the issue of access to information and the status of journalists in Eastern Africa adopts the following final statement and plan of action: 1) Access to Information Reports from the region have shown that free access to information held by public authorities is not respected in law or practice. While some countries grant the right to access to information in the constitution, there is no country in…  
14764. Essays for an Open Europe  

Essays for an Open Europe by Tony Bunyan, Editor Statewatch, Deirdre Curtin, Professor of the Law of International Organizations, University of Utrecht and member of the Standing Committee of Experts on International Immigration, Asylum and Criminal Law, Utrecht and Aidan White, General Secretary of the European Federation of Journalists. European Federation of Journalists November, 2000 Download the publication  
14765. Moment of Truth For Transparency and Democracy in Europe  

CAMPAIGNERS for open government today called on members of the European Parliament and leaders of the European Union not to betray the promises made three years ago in the Amsterdam Treaty to give citizens greater access to official information. This week the European Parliament in Strasbourg will vote on plans to create new rules that could increase transparency surrounding the work of lawmakers in Europe. "Members of the Parliament have the chance to speak for all citizens and not for narrow political interests," said Gustl Glattfelder, Chairman of the European Federation of Journalists. "The Amsterdam Treaty promises a fresh start for open government and the…  
14768. Corporatisation of public services and the SABC : who benefits?  

Report by Anna Weekes, Media Officer, South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU), presented at the SABC stocktaking conference hosted by the Freedom of Expression Institute of South Africa Parktonian Hotel, Johannesburg. 4-5 November 2000. Download the report (WORD)  
14769. How Journalists Have Spiked NATO's Secrecy Guns  

Essay by Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary OVER the past three months a fierce battle has been fought within the European Union as military chiefs on both sides of the Atlantic try to stem the movement towards greater open government. Next year European Union leaders face a deadline set by the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1977 to put in place a procedure and policy to guarantee citizens' rights of access to documents of the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and the Commission. But the co-decision process to agree a new code strengthening peoples' right to know is in chaos. There have been allegations of skullduggery, threats of court action are in the air and a range of…  
14770. Journalists Voice Dismay at Inter-American Human Rights Declaration Over Media Concentration  

JOURNALISTS from throughout Latin America have expressed concern over a press freedom declaration by the Inter-American Human Rights Commission which, they claim, could encourage further concentration of ownership in the media. The Latin American regional group (GAL-FIP) of the International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation, said one of the principles set out in the declaration adopted by the Commission at its 108th session forbids governments from drafting special anti-trust laws to cover media. The GAL-FIP statement said: "The Human Rights Commission has failed, it appears, to recognise the special cultural, social and democratic role of…  
Search results 14701 until 14770 of 15063