15063 results:

9591. IFJ Condemns Restrictions on Reporting of Suspicious Death of Chinese Activist  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the restrictions imposed by Chinese authorities on the media reporting of the death of a man shortly after he gave an interview to foreign press about his incarceration and torture following his connection with the 1989 Tiananmen Square student protests.   Li Wangyang, 62 and blind, was a union leader in Hunan who had served 22 years in prison for his involvement in the Tiananmen Square protests that took place in Beijing around June 4,1989.   After his release, Li received 8,000 Chinese Yuan (approximately USD 1,300) from the foreign non-governmental organisation Human Rights in China. During…  
9592. Letter to Danish Presidency on the recast on Access to EU Documents regulation  

Letter to Danish Presidency on the recast on Access to EU Documents regulation:   Redline trilogue amendments Regulation 1049-2001 6 June.pdf  
9593. Netizen in China’s Xinjiang Province Detained for ‘Spreading Rumours’ Online  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for the release of a netizen, from China’s western Xinjiang province, who was detained by authorities for allegedly ‘spreading rumours’ about the death of a young boy on June 5, 2012. According to a Global Times report, on June 5, the unnamed netizen was detained for 15 days after forwarding information about a 12-year-old boy found dead in Korla, a city in China’s western Xinjiang province. A spokesperson for the Xinjiang Provincial Government said that after the information was posted online, subsequent comments on the post attacked the Communist Party and the Chinese Government. The spokesperson claimed that the post had caused…  
9594. IFJ Presses US and Gambia over Whereabouts of Missing Gambian Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the governments of the United States of America and The Gambia to disclose information about the whereabouts of missing Gambian journalist Chief Ebrima Manneh who has not been seen since his arrest on 11 July 2006 by the Gambia Police Force of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA). His disappearance followed the murder of another prominent journalist Deyda Hydara who was killed on 16 December 2004.   “The fact that six years on, The Gambia government has failed to resolve the disappearance of Chief Ebrima Manneh and the murder of Deyda Hydara is a bad sign,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director.…  
9595. Serbian and Macedonian journalist unions in joint protest  

On 1st June, the employees of Avala TV and the Macedonian Pink 15 TV were protesting in front of the Pink Television building in Belgrade due to unpaid wages. They left the owner of Pink TV, Željko Mitrovi?, a birthday present - an empty box, and requested that he immediately settle his debts to his employees and pay them adequately. Aleksandar Šubarevi? from TV Avala said that the employees of the media house had not been paid their last four wages. The employees of TV Avala had already been on strike for two months of this year, and had been promised to be paid in due time. The meeting in which this agreement was sealed was also attended by representatives of the RRA,…  
9596. Chinese Editor Dismissed for Online Comments  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the decision to suspend, and later dismiss, the Editor of a newspaper in southern China for online comments deemed critical of the government.   Yu Chen, 39, the Editor of the in-depth investigative news desk of the Guangdong-based national newspaper, Southern Metropolitan Newspaper, was suspended, and later forced to resign, from his position because of online comments he made using the newspaper’s microblog account.   A journalist told IFJ that Yu had mistakenly used the official account of the newspaper’s Sina microblog to comment via his cell phone. Yu’s comment was made in…  
9597. IFJ Calls for Probe into Stabbing Attack on Journalist in Russia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today called on Russian authorities to investigate the attack in which a journalist was assaulted and stabbed several times outside his home. Media reports say that Sergei Aslanyan, a presenter at Mayak radio station, was stabbed by an unidentified attacker who called at his home, requesting to talk to him. When the journalist stepped out, the caller hit him on the head before stabbing him in the chest, the neck and on his arms. "This is a vicious attack which must be investigated to ensure that the culprit faces the full force of the law," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "We are relieved…  
9598. IFJ Outraged by Murder of Witness to Philippines Journalists Massacre  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in expressing its outrage at the murder of yet another witness to the November 23, 2009 Ampatuan massacre of 58 people, including 32 journalists and media workers, in the southern Philippines island of Mindanao.   Lawyer Nena Santos, who represents the family of Maguindanao Governor Esmael Mangudadatu, who lost his wife, sister and other relatives in the carnage that also claimed the lives of 32 media workers, said the brutalized body of witness Esmail Enog had been found in Mamasapano town, two months after he had gone…  
9599. EFJ Responds to European Commission Mediator on Private Copying and Reprography Levies  

Download the statement (PDF) here  
9600. EFJ Responds to European Commission Mediator on Private Copying and Reprography Levies  

Download the statement (PDF) here  
9601. EFJ Responds to Irish Government’s Copyright Review Committee Consultation  

The EFJ expresses its concerns about proposals to change Ireland's copyright system because journalists (including photojournalists) throughout Europe licence works to publishers and broadcasters based in Ireland. The EFJ feels that the proposals may affect the evolution of EU regulations and believes that  changes to Ireland's copyright system will inevitably affect the market or markets for licensing journalists' work throughout Europe. The EFJ strongly rejects any attempt to introduce a fair use regime in the Irish legal system.Read more here  
9602. EFJ Concerned by Attacks on Trade Union Rights in Slovenian Media  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the biggest group of journalists in Europe, today raised its concerns over recent developments taking place in Slovenian media with the abusive sacking of a trade union leader. "We consider that this measure will create a precedent which represents  a serious threat to legal certainty and that it will  endanger the constitutional right to trade union activities and journalists' duties arising from the professional autonomy," said EFJ President Arne König.A union official for the Union of Slovenian Journalists and Editor-in-Chief of Obrazi magazine, Alma Maruška Sedlar, was dismissed on April 2012 by her employer,…  
9603. EFJ Responds to Irish Government’s Copyright Review Committee Consultation  

The EFJ expresses its concerns about proposals to change Ireland's copyright system because journalists (including photojournalists) throughout Europe licence works to publishers and broadcasters based in Ireland. The EFJ feels that the proposals may affect the evolution of EU regulations and believes that  changes to Ireland's copyright system will inevitably affect the market or markets for licensing journalists' work throughout Europe. The EFJ strongly rejects any attempt to introduce a fair use regime in the Irish legal system.Read more here  
9604. IFJ Condemns Failure to Protect Journalists in Pakistan’s Balochistan Province  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in strongly condemning the killing of another journalist, Abdul Qadir Hajizai, in Pakistan’s Balochistan province on May 28, 2012.   Abdul Qadir Hajizai, who had been working with a private Balochi language TV channel, WASH TV, for the last two years, was reportedly heading home when armed men on a motorcycle opened fire on him in the Basima area of Washik district in Balochistan. He was taken to a local hospital where he died.   In another incident, the house of the President of the Turbat Press Club, Irshad Akhtar was fired upon the…  
9605. IFJ Urges Free Reporting of Expenditure of Donated Funds in China  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned by reports that an order was issued by Chinese authorities to stifle media reporting of the demolition of a school, rebuilt after the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan with funds from the Hong Kong Government, and replaced with a commercial development.   On May 22, 2012, a mainland Chinese newspaper, Southern Metropolis Daily, reported that a rebuilt school in the city of Mianyang, in China’s southern Sichuan province, was demolished and replaced with a dual-purpose commercial and residential complex.   According the report, the Hong Kong Government was one of the donors for the school’s…  
9606. IFJ Condemns Suspension of a Journalist in DR Congo  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemned today the suspension of Désiré Kyakwima, journalist at DR Congo’s National Radio Tv (RTNC in French), in Bukavu, in the East, for having put an embarrassing question to a Government official.  “We call on authorities in Congo to immediately restore all rights of this victimized journalist. The RNTC’s decision is a serious violation of the editorial independence of journalists of the public service,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ regional Africa Office. According to the National Union of Media professionals (SNPP in French), an IFJ affiliate, Desiré Kyakwima who attended…  
9607. IFJ Condemns Sixth Murder of Journalist in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned another brutal assassination of Ahmed Addow Anshur, 25, a Radio Shabelle journalist who was shot dead by unidentified gunmen yesterday in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. “We are outraged by the continuous killings of journalists in Somalia recently,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director. “There seems to be open season on journalists in Somalia and the African leaders should do something about this situation.” According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate, “Ahmed Addow Anshur, 25, was murdered on Thursday, 24 May 2012, by four men armed with pistols in…  
9608. Pakistan’s Journalists Protest Rising Insecurity  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), on behalf of international partners and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN), extends its support and solidarity to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) as it launches a nation-wide series of protests today against targeted killing of journalist and growing professional insecurity. According to the PFUJ, Pakistan’s already tattered reputation for journalists’ safety has been further damaged by a tide of retrenchments and job losses in major media organisations, coupled with many months of default on the payment of salaries. The PFUJ has called on its affiliates all across the country to…  
9609. Journalists and Media Targeted by Agitators in Nepal’s Political Turmoil  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on all Nepal’s political parties to publicly disavow and condemn the wave of violence directed against journalists and media over the last five days, coinciding with a nation-wide agitation launched by a newly formed political alliance seeking to push their case for a federal political order.   On behalf of all international partners and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN), the IFJ has earlier expressed its strong sense of outrage at the targeted attacks on journalists on the first day of the campaign launched by the Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN). Despite worldwide…  
9610. IFJ Condemns Censoring of Court Reporting in PNG  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its partner the Pacific Freedom Forum (PFF) in condemning the actions of Papua New Guinean police officers and soldiers, who ordered local journalists out of the Supreme Court and forced others to delete their images and recordings, on Thursday May 24, 2012.   According to a PFF report, the intervention of the police and soldiers into the court room of Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia was directed by Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah.   A court reporter for radio station PNG FM was among those ordered out of the court house, and at least one photographer reported being forced to delete images he was…  
9611. Journalists' Safety Is Back on Top of World Community's Agenda, Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) made a crucial contribution to a debate on safety of journalists at the 12th Doha Forum which closed yesterday.  Bringing together over 600 international participants, including political leaders, decisions makers, academics, media figures as well as representatives of civil society and regional and international organisations, the Forum held a two-day debate focussing on the Arab Spring and the global financial and economic crisis. One of its major sessions led by IFJ president Jim Boumelha and the General Secretary of the National Union of the Philippines, Nestor Burgos Jr, built on the momentum created last January by an…  
9612. IFJ Urges Respect for Media Independence in PNG  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its partner the Pacific Freedom Forum (PFF) in urging both sides of Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) current leadership clash to respect the independence of the media and national public broadcasting laws   According to a PFF report, Papua New Guinea’s ousted former Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare visited the office of the national broadcaster, NBC, late at night on Monday May 21 and demanded that they broadcast him delivering a public statement. He spoke on-air uninterrupted for approximately 15 minutes, before leaving the station.   Earlier the same day, three PNG Supreme Court judges had ruled…  
9613. Canon Female Photojournalists Award  

Since the year 2000, the Association des Femmes Journalistes and Canon France, in partnership with the international Visa pour l'Image festival, and with the support of Figaro Magazine, have awarded an annual prize for women photojournalists. Women photojournalists worldwide are welcome to enter the competition, for which there is no age limit. The 8,000-euro award enables the winners to finance their projects and have their work exhibited at the festival in Perpignan and later in Paris at the Cosmos Galery. Apply here  
9614. Eurovision Must Shine Light on Mistreatment of Journalists in Azerbaijan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)  today called for Europe's media to shine the spot-light on the state of media freedom and the mistreatment of Azerbaijan journalists in the build up to this month's Eurovision Song Contest.‘Europe's journalists and broadcasters descending upon Baku to report on Europe's most popular music competition, should also focus the media spotlight on the host's treatment of their Azeri colleagues,' said Beth Costa, IFJ General Secretary.With the unsolved murder of journalists Rafig Tagi in November 2011 and up to six journalists currently in jail or facing prosecution, the IFJ's affiliate, the Journalists Trade Union of Azerbaijan…  
9615. IFJ and EFJ Saddened by Death of Ukraine Journalists' Leader  

The International Federation of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists send their condolences to Ukraine journalists following the death last week of Igor Lubchenko, the recently retired Chair of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU). "The NUJU has lost a great leader and one of its most committed fighters. Igor struggled all his life for the cause of journalists in the Ukraine. I stand here to show on behalf of the global family of journalists my respect to a great champion, and express our deep sorrow to the bereaved family and NUJU members and wish them courage to bear this irreparable loss," said IFJ President, Jim Boumelha."I am saddened to hear of the…  
9616. IFJ Outraged as Another Journalist Murdered in Pakistan’s Balochistan Province  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and its affiliates and partners within the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN), are shocked and outraged by the murder of Razzaq Gul, senior journalist and reporter with Express News in Turbat city in the Kech district of Pakistan’s Balochistan Province.   According to information received from IFJ-affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), Gul was seized from near his home on the evening of May 18 and soon afterwards reported missing with local police. His body was discovered in a part of the city close to the Old Civil Hospital the next day. It bore marks of severe torture and…  
9617. IFJ Condemns Unprecedented Arrests of Journalists in Mali  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned the unprecedented arrests of journalists by the security forces in Mali.    According to media professionals' associations affiliated to the Maison de la presse  in Mali, including the National Union of Journalists which is an IFJ affiliate, two journalists have been arrested and detained for several hours by State Security agents within the past week.    In a press statement issued by the Maison de la presse, Makan Koné, President of the press centre, reaffirmed the commitment of Malian journalists to respect and safeguard press freedom in Mali, while condemning the tapping of…  
9618. Journalists Attacked, Injured in Bangladesh’s Intensifying Political Conflict  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) notes with concern the increasing hazards faced by journalists in Bangladesh as political strife intensifies.   On May 16, police baton charged a protest organised by the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) in the capital city of Dhaka, injuring several participants and at least five journalists.   The demonstration was staged to protest the arrest of a number of senior leaders of the opposition alliance led by the BNP that day. All of the injured journalists were either reporters or camera-persons for local news channels.   On May 14, the nephew of a leading politician and minister in the…  
9619. IFJ Supports Industrial Action by Korean Journalists  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Journalists’ Association of Korea (JAK) in supporting the industrial action of staff from five Korean media organisations in response to alleged political interference in media operations.   Staff from MBC, KBS, YTN, the Yonhap News Agency and Kukminilbo, are currently on strike, demanding the restoration of unbiased reportage and the resignation of government appointed company presidents.   The Kukminilbo and MBC unions commenced their action approximately 100 days ago, and were joined by the KBS and Yonhap News Agency unions 30 days later.   The KBS and MBC unions…  
9620. IFJ Disappointed by Sri Lanka’s Supreme Court Decision on Internet Restrictions  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its partner organisations in Sri Lanka in expressing disappointment at yesterday’s decision by a three-member bench of Sri Lanka’s Supreme Court, to decline leave to proceed in a case filed under the country’s fundamental rights provisions against the blocking of certain websites.   The petition was moved by the Free Media Movement (FMM), an IFJ affiliate, and by two of its elected office-bearers in their individual capacities, after the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) introduced a requirement in December 2011 that all websites that carry news and current affairs content on the country be…  
9621. IFJ Condemns Killing of Television Journalist in Uganda  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned the killing of  Amon Thembo Wa’ Mupaghasya, a director of Mupaghasya Community Television Centre in Uganda.   “We are deeply shocked, and condemn in the strongest terms this cold blooded killing in the strongest terms,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Office Director. “We call on authorities to quickly investigate and bring the culprits to book.”    According to the Uganda Journalists' Union (UJU),  Mr. Amon Thembo Wa’ Mupaghasya ( 42) , director of Mupaghasya Community Television Centre in Kasese Town, Western Uganda, was killed by unidentified attackers…  
9622. Chinese Authorities Delay Issuing Visas to Foreign Journalists  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned by reports that a foreign journalist was warned by China’s Foreign Ministry that they had breached unspecified regulations by writing three articles on topics considered sensitive by the Chinese Government.   The foreign journalist, who wished to remain anonymous, told IFJ that they believe the warning from the authorities was related to the deliberate delaying of the decision as to whether or not their working visa would be granted. The journalist has been living in Beijing, China for a number of years, and prior to 2011 had encountered no delays in securing a working visa.   The…  
9623. IFJ Shocked as Another Journalist is Murdered in Pakistan  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates are shocked at the brutal murder of Tariq Kamal, a reporter with a Sindhi language daily published in Pakistan’s southern city of Karachi. Reported missing on May 7, along with a friend who runs a small business in Karachi, Tariq Kamal reportedly had his last telephone conversation with his family the following day. His body, bearing multiple bullet wounds and marks of torture, was found along with his friend’s on May 9.   Kamal’s family reports that he had left Karachi for another town in Sindh province on May 3 to follow up what he described as an “exclusive” news…  
9624. IFJ Condemns Increase of Violence Against Journalists in DRC  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemned today the assaults by police and violent arrest of Sebastien Mulamba and Mbuyi Mukadi, of the daily  « Kisangani News », in the course of their work in Kisangani, Eastern region of  Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).   ‘’We vigorously condemn the arrest and the increase of police violence against journalists and the media in DRC since the last November elections,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director.   « We call on authorities to stop the violence against journalists and free the two arrested journalists, » he added.   According…  
9626. Office of Television Station Attacked in Pakistan  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the attack by armed persons on the local office of leading Pakistan television channel Kawaish Television Network (KTN) in Lalu Ranwak Village, in the country’s Qambar District, on May 11, 2012.   According to a PFUJ report, the attack resulted in the murder of a local journalist, Aurengzeb Tunio, his brother Rustom Tunio and their friend Deedar Khaskheli.   Aurengzeb’s colleagues allege that the attacks were retaliation for his reporting, which had angered certain local tribal groups.   Police are currently…  
9627. IFJ Slams Life Sentence Against a Journalist in Burundi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the life sentence request by the prosecution against Hassan Ruvakiki a broadcaster in Burundi, who was arrested in November 2011 by security forces following the broadcasting of an interview with a rebel leader.   “We are extremely appalled by the prosecutor’s request. We remind Burundi authorities who have been pressurising journalists since last year that giving the floor to a rebel leader should not be criminalized. We call for a fair and civil trial, and the release of Ruvakiki”, said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director.   Ruvakiki works for local Radio Bonesha FM was last Monday presented…  
9628. IFJ calls for release of a detained journalist in Sudan  

The International Federation of Journalist today called for the release of Faisal Mohamed Saleh, a Sudanese journalist arrested by the country’s National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS). Saleh is a columnist and contributor to several independent and opposition publications. According to Eastern Africa Journalist Association (EAJA), Saleh was arrested today, May 9, 2012, by security forces of the National Intelligence and Security Services. He was taken to an unknown destination without access to a lawyer or a member of his family. The Security forces did not give any reason for his arrest. “We condemn this unwarranted arrest and call on the authorities in Sudan to…  
9629. Another Philippines Journalist Killed  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the killing of another journalist in the Philippines, on May 8.   Nestor Libaton, and a news reporter for Roman Catholic church-owned radio station DXHM, was shot and killed by gunmen at approximately 2 pm on May 8 in Mati City, Davao del Sur, in the southern Philippines.   Libaton was shot while riding a motorcycle on a local highway by gunmen also on a motorcycle, according to regional police commander Chief Superintendent Jaime Morante. Libaton was shot seven times.   According to reports from the NUJP, the…  
9630. Far-right party's restrictions on journalists condemned  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today expressed its great unease with the completely unacceptable treatment of journalists by the Greek far-right "Chrisi Avgi" party at a press conference on Sunday (6 May). The party imposed restrictive conditions on journalists attending the press conference, organised by its leader Furrer N. Michaloliakos after the party secured 21 seats in the Greek parliament. The restrictions included the exclusion of some journalists from the press conference, including those who refused to stand up when Mr Michaloliakos entered the room. Arne König, EFJ President, said: "This is a new precedent of an extremely alarming nature. I am very…  
9631. Philippines Journalist Killed  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the killing of a journalist in San Pablo City, Laguna Province, approximately 30 km south of Manila, in the Philippines, on April 24, 2012.   Michael Calanasan, 36, a columnist for local daily newspaper The Laguna Courier, was shot and killed by two gunmen riding tandem on a motorcycle at approximately 7am in San Pablo City’s Santa Monica suburb. Calanasan also worked as a city traffic enforcer. Calanasan and his wife, who witnessed the shooting, were reportedly on their way to San Pablo City Hall when the…  
9633. IFJ Condemns Expulsion of Foreign Correspondent by Chinese Authorities  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed by reports that a foreign correspondent was expelled by Chinese authorities without formal explanation on Monday May 7, 2012.   Melissa Chan, a correspondent for Al-Jazeera English and board member of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China (FCCC), had been reporting sensitive cases of human rights violations in China since 2008.   According to a statement by the FCCC, Chinese officials had expressed anger at a documentary about the use of prison labour, which was aired on Al-Jazeera in November 2011. The report states that Chan was not involved in the production of the documentary.…  
9636. World Press Freedom Day 2012 – Asia and the Pacific  

World Press Freedom Day came about twenty years ago in response to a vision of a group of journalists that gathered together at Windhoek, in Namibia. The Windhoek Declaration was a call to arms to protect the fundamental principles of the freedom of expression that is enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On May 3 each year, World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is an opportunity to commemorate the fundamental principles of press freedom, to celebrate the press and to honour journalists who have demonstrated courage in standing up for media ethics and free expression around the world.    The theme for WPFD 2012 is ‘New Voices: Media…  
9637. World Press Freedom Day in Greater China  

    May 3 is World Press Freedom Day, a day which reminds the world of people’s rights to hold opinions, and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas and thoughts as stated in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.   The media has an important role in this regard, as they hold a duty to disseminate information of great public concern to society.   However, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) continues to receive many complaints from media all over greater China — Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China — that they have been subject to various kinds of pressure which impede the fulfilling…  
9638. IFJ Condemns Police Attack against Journalist in Togo  

  The International Federation of Journalists has today condemned the police attack against a freelance journalist Noel Tadegnon in Togo who was assaulted by security forces and had his camera confiscated.   « We strongly condemn the attack against journalist Noël Tadegnon and call on the police to give back his working equipment. We also urge the authorities in Togo to thoroughly investigate the case so as to hold those responsible for this aggression accountable, » said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office.   The victim Noel Tadegnon who works for Reuters Television and TV7 witnesses that on April 27th he was covering in…  
9639. EFJ Slams French President-candidate over Attack on Freedom of information in France  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today expressed its deep concern following numerous attacks by President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is seeking a second term, against several French media outlets which undermine freedom of information in the "homeland of human rights".   The outgoing French president has, for the first time since the start of his five-year term, decided to lodge a complaint against the website Médiapart, following claims of Libyan funding for his presidential campaign in 2007. The candidate labeled the website " a nest" and accused its director of " making up stories". Mr. Sarkozy also took a swipe at AFP for no obvious reason, saying he…  
9640. New Frontiers, New Struggles: SAMSN Announces Report on Press Freedom in South Asia, 2011-12  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has this year, as in the past, collaborated with a range of partners in South Asia to produce a report which reviews developments in the region that have had a bearing on press freedom and quality journalism.    The report has been published with the generous financial support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).   Like the nine that have preceded it, this year’s report is part of the continuing effort of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) to build foundations for united action across borders by the region’s journalists.   World…  
9641. IFJ Condemns Brutal Attacks on Media Personnel in Malaysia  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins our affiliate the National Union of Journalists Malaysia (NUJ) in calling for a thorough investigation of the attacks by police on more than twelve media personnel covering a public rally in Malaysia’s capital, Kuala Lumpur, on April 28, 2012.   According to various media reports, more than 12 photographers and journalists from at least 13 media outlets were intimidated, assaulted and/or detained by police while reporting on the ‘Bersih 3.0’ public rally for electoral reform.   Victims include personnel from Sin Chew Daily, Guang Ming Daily, The Star, Oriental News Daily, The Sun,…  
9642. IFJ Backs Journalists' Call for Release of Media Executive in Jordan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its full support for Jordanian journalists who have been protesting the arrest of a news websites editor. Reports say that Jamal Muhtaseb was detained on the orders of the general prosecutor of the State Security Court following publication on his website of an article over alleged involvement of the Palace in blocking action against a former minister who has been criticised in a housing scandal.   "Journalists in Jordan are rightly concerned over this outrageous abuse of power by the prosecution services," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "This litigation only serves to intimidate journalists and we urge the…  
9643. IFJ and FAJ Condemn Attacks on Newspaper Offices in Nigeria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) today have condemned in the strongest terms the attacks against the premises of ThisDay newspaper in Abuja the capital, and a Media house in Kaduna, northern Nigeria.   “We strongly condemn these awful attacks on the media and press freedom in Nigeria. It is unacceptable and there can be no justifiable reason for any group of individuals to attack media houses and kill innocent people. We urge the Federal government to end violent attacks against journalists and media houses and address the deteriorating safety and security situation of journalists in…  
9644. IFJ condemns violence against journalists during electoral period in DRC  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed today its concerns over the situation facing journalists in Democratic Republic of Congo since the beginning of the electoral process last October.   «We condemn the violence against journalists during the electoral process. Journalists have been attacked and their equipments destroyed either by police or by political leaders’ supporters, while they were reporting », said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Office Director.   According to the National Union of Media Professionals of DRC (SNPP), an IFJ affiliate, 10 radio and television stations and 2 newspapers were shut down by authorities who…  
9645. EFJ Presses EU Member States on Regulations for Access to Information amid Concerns over Public Scrutiny  

On the eve of the meeting of EU member states on the recast of the Regulations concerning public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, the European Federation of Journalists today urged member states to rethink current proposals for the recast of the EU's access to documents rules (EC No. 1049/2001), which would completely undermine its original purpose of more transparency and better access to EU documents.   Since February this year, the Council under the Danish Presidency has resumed the discussion on access to documents, and according to minutes, member states are seeking to exclude entire categories of information because of their…  
9646. Detail  

EFJ Focus is a monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced by the Secretariat in Brussels. The newsletter is now available in English, German and French. Further Information: Tel: 32-2-235.22.15/02 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19 E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]  
9647. IFJ condemns arrest of reporter in Somaliland, and shooting of editor in Mogadishu  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned the arrest on 24 April of Abdullahi Hussein Darwish, reporter for Royal TV and Waaheen newspaper in northern Somalia.   “We strongly protest against this arrest and all persistent measures to suppress journalists by Somaliland authorities”, said Gabriel Baglo IFJ Africa Director. According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), IFJ affiliate, Darwish was arrested in Erigabo town of Sanag region in northern Somalia and accused of spreading “false news”. Somaliland did not specify the nature of alleged news.   “Somaliland must end current trend of arresting and…  
9648. AU Rights Body Urged to Press Member States to guarantee safety of Journalists  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African Regional Organization of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), has urged the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) to press its member States to urgently free all imprisoned journalists and end the use of anti-terror laws against journalists. “We urge the Commission to demand that its member States end violent repression against journalists and urgently address the deteriorating safety and security situation of journalists in the continent”, said Omar Faruk Osman, President of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) in his address to the African Commission in Banjul, The…  
9649. EFJ Backs Spanish Journalists Protesting Against Government Attack on RTVE Impartiality  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today expressed its total rejection of a Spanish government executive law that changes the way the director general of national public broadcaster RTVE is appointed. The decree implies that a simple majority, and not the two-thirds majority previously required, will be sufficient for appointing the main manager of RTVE.  The controversial decree has to be confirmed by parliament, but Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is counting on the conservative majority of his party (Popular Party, PP) to impose his decision.  "Impartiality has to be protected in all European public broadcasters and this decree of Rajoy goes against European…  
9650. Journalism and the Challenge of Intolerance Conference, May 3  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is to hold a conference on World Press Freedom Day, 3 & 4 May 2012, in Brussels highlighting the challenge of balancing racial, cultural and religious sensitivity with the right to freedom of expression, in partnership with ARTICLE 19 and Media Diversity Institute. A study on Getting the Facts Right: Reporting Ethnicity and Religion will be launched during this occasion. Prominent speakers include: Mr Nils Muižnieks, Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of Europe; Arne König, President of European Federation of Journalists; Annika Nyberg Frankenhaeuser, Media Director, European Broadcasting Union; Milica…  
9651. Attempts to Intimidate Media in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in expressing its concern over reports that copies of the Nagarik Daily Newspaper were reportedly burned by activists in Koteshwar, Kathmandu (Central Region of Nepal) on April 20, 2012.   The group of activists, reported to be affiliated with the student wing of the Communist Party of Nepal (UML), allegedly vandalized a promotional booth for the Nagarik Daily and burnt copies of the paper that were at the booth.   The student activists were reportedly protesting news that had been published in the Nagarik Daily on April 19, which implicated members of the…  
9652. IFJ/EFJ Calls for Actions to End Unfair Contractual Practices  

SIGN UP TO THE PETITION NOW!   To mark the International Copyright Day 2012 on 23 April, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), join forces with songwriters, composers, film directors, screenwriters, illustrators, photographers and visual authors across Europe to launch a public campaign aiming to bring an end to the unfair contractual practices facing creators.  "On this occasion, we recall the UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist (1980) and urge national governments and social partners to commit to the aim of the Recommendation in providing the necessary…  
9653. IFJ Condemns Media Restrictions in Bahrain ahead of Controversial Grand Prix  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused the authorities in Bahrain of deliberately obstructing the work of foreign reporters who sought to cover the anti-government protests ahead of the Formula One race which took place in the country yesterday. Bahrain denied visas to non-sport journalists and arrested those who were working in the country without journalists' visas."This selective approach to media accreditation is arbitrary and totally unacceptable," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "The authorities were only too happy to tout the return of the Grand Prix to Bahrain as a sign that the situation is normal. Yet, they deliberately set out to deny independent media…  
9654. IFJ Condemns Arbitrary Arrests of Journalists in Northern Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the arrest and detention of two broadcast journalists and persistent acts of intimidation of media professionals in northern Somalia.   “We deeply condemn the continued arbitrary arrests and sustained acts of intimidations of journalists in Somalia, especially disputed regions of Sool and Sanaag,” said Gabriel Baglo IFJ Africa Office Director.   According to National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate, Mohamed Shaqale, a reporter for Somalisat TV in Las Anod city in Sool region, was arrested by Somaliland police on 19 April in armored vehicle in the centre of the district of Las…  
9655. IFJ/EFJ Calls for Actions to End Unfair Contractual Practices  

SIGN UP TO THE PETITION NOW!   To mark the International Copyright Day 2012 on 23 April, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), join forces with songwriters, composers, film directors, screenwriters, illustrators, photographers and visual authors across Europe to launch a public campaign aiming to bring an end to the unfair contractual practices facing creators.  "On this occasion, we recall the UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist (1980) and urge national governments and social partners to commit to the aim of the Recommendation in providing the…  
9656. IFJ Condemns Assault of Journalist in PNG  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its associate the Pacific Freedom Forum in condemning the brutal attack by a unit of Papua New Guinea’s uniformed police officers on local journalist Mark Kayok on the evening of Saturday April 21, in the country’s capital, Port Moresby.    Kayok, a crime reporter with Papua New Guinea’s National Broadcasting Corporation, reportedly sustained a broken nose and other injuries in the attack. He is currently at home recovering.   Kayok had been on assignment on Saturday evening before meeting up with a friend – an off-duty but uniformed police officer.   While…  
9657. Chinese Journalist Removed for Voicing Food Safety Fears  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges China’s national broadcaster, China Central Television (CCTV), to explain the apparent disappearance of one of its journalists in April 2012.   The IFJ has learned that Zhao Pu, 40, a host of CCTV’s news bulletin program, was suspended from his position after forwarding a message using his Weibo microblog account which advised parents in China not to feed their children unsafe food products on 9 April.   According to various Mainland Chinese media reports, the message told parents not to give their children frozen yoghurt or jelly. Zhao did not provide further reasons for forwarding the…  
9658. European Commission Publishes Progress Report on Gender Equality in 2011  

The report shows that women employment rate is 62.1%, compared to 75.1% for men, meaning the EU can only reach the overall Europe 2020 target rate of 75% employment with a strong commitment to gender equality. The gender pay gap has narrowed slightly across the EU. On average, women earn 16.4% less than men for every hour worked. Finally, to fight gender-based violence the Commission proposed a package of measures to strengthen the rights of crime victims. This included a series of measures specifically aimed at helping women who fall victim to domestic violence.Read more: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/newsroom/gender-equality/news/20120416_en.htm  
9659. European Commission Publishes Progress Report on Gender Equality in 2011  

The report shows that women employment rate is 62.1%, compared to 75.1% for men, meaning the EU can only reach the overall Europe 2020 target rate of 75% employment with a strong commitment to gender equality. The gender pay gap has narrowed slightly across the EU. On average, women earn 16.4% less than men for every hour worked. Finally, to fight gender-based violence the Commission proposed a package of measures to strengthen the rights of crime victims. This included a series of measures specifically aimed at helping women who fall victim to domestic violence. Read more: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/newsroom/gender-equality/news/20120416_en.htm    
9660. Journalist Threatened in Nepal  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in its concern over reports that a journalist was threatened by security officers in Banke, in Nepal’s central west, on April 17, 2012.   Dinesh Gautam, a correspondent for the Nagarik Daily newspaper in Nepalgunj municipality, in Nepal’s Banke District, was allegedly threatened by Raju Nepali, Nepal Army Colonel based in Imamnagar Barreck, in response to stories he had written for the paper.   The Nagarik Daily had published a report that seven local people had been assaulted by Colonel Raju Nepali on April 17, 2012.   In…  
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