583 results:

421. Sri Lanka Media Union Demands End to Political Intervention in State Media  

… dramatic shifts in job responsibilities, recruitments and dismissals have been heavily influenced by successive governments. “Independent media is essential in Sri Lanka, particularly as the Government has shown a consistent lack of respect for free media and the rights of journalists across the island,” said IFJ Asia-Pacific Director…  
422. Journalist Detained 24 Days in Sri Lanka Without Charge  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands the immediate release of journalist J.S. Tisseinayagam, who has been held without charge by Sri Lanka’s Terrorism Investigation Division (TID) for 24 days. According to the Free Media Movement (FMM), an IFJ affiliate, Tisseinayagam, the editor of www.outreachlk.wordpress.com and a columnist for the…  
423. Stop the War on Journalists in Sri Lanka says World Press Freedom Community  

… More than 45 journalists' associations, press freedom and human rights organisations have voiced their concerns in the IFJ-led joint letter to the President of Sri Lanka calling for the safety of journalists from the island nation. Addressed to Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of the Socialist Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka, the letter demands an immediate…  
424. Sri Lanka Minister Verbally Abuses Journalists  

… The International Federation of Journalists is appalled by a brutal verbal attack on Sri Lankan journalists by Government MP and Minister of Labour Mervyn Silva on March 20. IFJ affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM) reports Silva threatened MTV/MBC journalists covering the opening of a flyover bridge in his electorate. According to FMM reports, the Minister…  
425. Three Journalists Released in Sri Lanka as Military Man Appointed to SLRC  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned that Sri Lanka’s Government has appointed a recently retired army Major General to a senior position at the troubled state broadcaster, Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (SLRC). The appointment came as authorities released three journalists who had been held without charge for almost two…  
427. Family of Threatened Journalist Seriously Injured in Attack in Sri Lanka  

… horrendous treatment of Munusami Parameshwari and her family as a result of Parameshwari’s efforts to uphold press freedom as a much-needed democratic value in Sri Lanka is appalling. The Sri Lankan Government must act immediately to ensure the perpetrators of this vile attack are brought to justice,” said IFJ Asia-Pacific Director…  
428. “Threat to Life” of Journalists in Karachi Sparks IFJ Call for Urgent Action over Political Intimidation  

… to justice. “There is a clear duty of care here and the state must protect our colleagues,” said White. The mission also includes Sunanda Deshapriya, from Sri Lanka, and Mike Dobbie, from Australia. Over the past few days they have met with members of the caretaker government, leaders of the new coalition government, journalists’…  
429. Musharraf Backs IFJ Calls for Change as Journalists Demand a Fresh Start for Media in Pakistan  

… as well as civil society representatives, public officials and elected representatives will also participate.” The IFJ mission, which includes Sunanda Deshapriya from Sri Lanka, also representing the International News Safety Institute and Mike Dobbie, from the IFJ-affiliate the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance in Australia, also used their…  
431. Pakistan’s New Government Pledges to IFJ – Media Freedom Will Be Secure in “100 days of Reform”  

… a National Forum on Media and Democracy involving the authorities, civil society, and media. Earlier in the day the IFJ delegation, which includes Sunanda Deshapriya from Sri Lanka, also representing the International News Safety Institute and Mike Dobbie, from the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance in Australia, will meet with President Pervez…  
432. Sri Lanka Needs Independent Free Media Policy  

…  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) rejects the Sri Lankan Government’s proposed national media policy in favour of a self-generated, self-regulated and independent framework that encompasses journalists from all sides of the nation’s conflict. According to the Free Media Movement (FMM), an IFJ affiliate, Media and Information…  
434. Journalists Hauled In for Questioning in Sri Lanka  

…   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Government of Sri Lanka to uphold the legal rights of seven journalists who were taken in for questioning by Sri Lanka’s Terrorist Investigations Department (TID) between March 6 and 8. The journalists were not permitted to notify their families of their whereabouts. The Free Media…  
435. International Women's Day - Women Get Short Shrift in Sri Lanka's Media  

Sri Lanka’s media does not pay sufficient attention to issues of special concern to women, according to civil society representatives surveyed as part of a media and human rights project conducted by the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The survey of 40 non-government organisations found that almost all…  
436. International Women's Day - Women Get Short Shrift in Sri Lanka's Media  

Sri Lanka’s media does not pay sufficient attention to issues of special concern to women, according to civil society representatives surveyed as part of a media and human rights project conducted by the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The survey of 40 non-government organisations found that almost…  
437. Another SLRC Employee Attacked in Sri Lanka  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is outraged at reports that a librarian at the state-controlled Sri Lanka Rupavahini Cooperation (SLRC) television station was cut with a razor knife while travelling on public transport on March 5. Ranjani Aluthge was attacked on a bus by a young person who stabbed her back and shoulder twice before getting off…  
438. Threats Against Journalists After Sri Lanka Government Minister's Brawl  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is appalled at another attempt to intimidate journalists working for the state-owned television broadcaster Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (SLRC) since a violent altercation at the SLRC offices was instigated by a government minister in December. According to the Free Media Movement (FMM), an IFJ affiliate, the…  
439. IFJ Condemns Police Inspector for Attack on Journalist in Sri Lanka  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) unequivocally condemns actions by senior Sri Lankan police to intimidate, abuse and humiliate journalists who report in the public interest. The Free Media Movement (FMM), an IFJ affiliate, reports that a senior police officer, Inspector Mahesh Perera, abused and assaulted Sugath Dharmapriya, a news producer of…  
440. IFJ Condemns Unsubstantiated Accusation Against Murdered Journalist in Sri Lanka  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply disturbed by the Sri Lankan police’s allegation that journalist Sampath Lakmal de Silva was a paid military informant at the time of his murder in 2006.   Deputy Inspector General H. W. Prathapasinghe made the allegation to an English-language newspaper on February 17. The allegation…  
441. IFJ Calls on Sri Lanka Police to End Harassment of Journalists  

…  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on Sri Lanka’s Inspector General of Police, Victor Perera, to investigate cases of harassment of journalists by members of the police and the Civil Defence Committees (CDC) and to prohibit authorities’ interference in the professional duties of journalists. In a letter to Mr Perera today,…  
442. Suspicious Watch On TV News Director in Sri Lanka  

… said IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park. “As the conflict between the Government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) intensifies, the people of Sri Lanka are relying on journalists to provide accurate and balanced information that is in the public interest. “Threats and intimidation tactics used against individual…  
443. Journalists in Sri Lanka Take to the Streets in Act of Solidarity  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly supports the thousand strong protest march for press freedom in Colombo on February 14 and urges the Government of Sri Lanka to hear their demands. Organised by the Movement Against Media Suppression, hundreds of journalists were joined on the march by a broad cross section of Sri Lankan society including…  
444. Journalists' Leaders Launch IFJ Asia-Pacific  

… the group said in a statement. The inaugural members of the Steering Committee will be Norila Daud (National Union of Journalists, Malaysia), Sunanda Deshapriya (Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association), Christopher Warren (Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, Australia) Jun Yamakoshi (Nipporo, Japan) and Michael Yu (Association of Taiwan…  
445. IFJ Asia Pacific Regional Leaders Joint Statement to President and Government of Sri Lanka  

…, the representatives of journalists’ unions and associations across the Asia-Pacific region, meeting in Kuala Lumpur, appeal to President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Government of Sri Lanka to protect the safety of journalists in Sri Lanka and uphold the rights of the media to report freely. As Asia-Pacific affiliates and partners of the International…  
446. IFJ Asia Pacific Regional Leaders Joint Statement to President and Government of Afghanistan  

… (India) (NUJI) National Union of Journalists, Nepal (NUJN) National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) For further information contact IFJ Asia-Pacific on +612 9333 0919 The IFJ represents over 600,000 journalists in 120…  
447. Concerns Rise For Safety of Journalists in Sri Lanka  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) warns that the safety of journalists in Sri Lanka is in serious jeopardy as several serious attacks and anti-media statements by government officials demonstrate a lack of respect for the value of media freedom in the country. The IFJ joins the Free Media Movement (FMM), the Sri Lankan Working Journalists’…  
448. IFJ Report 'Deadly Stories 2007' Confirms Pattern of Enhanced Risk for Journalists around World  

… accounted for more than 250 media killings according to the IFJ’s affiliate the Iraqi Syndicate of Journalists. Conflict areas like Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka also had high numbers of casualties as well. In all of these countries, and it the rest of the world, local reports are the ones most vulnerable to violence. In Iraq all…  
449. Attacks Continue On Journalists In Sri Lanka  

…he International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is angered by the attack of US journalist and correspondent for Sinhala language TV channel SIRASA, U.S.A. Bandara, on January 16, by a Sri Lankan politician. The Free Media Movement (FMM), an IFJ affiliate, reports that Mr Bandara was threatened a ruling party politician and a village officer at around 7:00am while…  
450. Concerns mount for Safety of Journalists in Sri Lanka  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned by reports of disturbing details surrounding threats made by a group of people against the general secretary of the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) and Silumina provincial news editor, Poddala Jayantha, at his home. The registration number of one of the vehicles used by members of…  
451. Worsening Conflict Puts All Journalists in Sri Lanka At Risk  

…   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on Sri Lanka’s Government and its President, Mahinda Rajapaksa, to take urgent action to protect the safety of journalists and uphold the rights of the media to report on issues of public interest. A serious deterioration in the press freedom environment and safety of journalists in Sri Lanka  
452. Sri Lanka's Army Commander Denounces Journalists as Traitors  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed by comments attributed to the commander of Sri Lanka’s Army, Major General Sarath Fonseka, who labelled some journalists and sections of the media as “traitors”. In an interview published in the state-controlled Sinhala daily Dinamina on January 2, 2008, Foneska said the…  
453. Sack Sri Lankan Minister for Assault on Media Personnel  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), to call for the prompt dismissal of Sri Lanka’s Labour Minister, Mervyn Silva, following his physical and verbal abuse of officials of the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (SLRC). According to news reports, Dr Silva assaulted SLRC’s news director,…  
454. “Tragedy Unlimited” Says IFJ as Killings of Journalists in 2007 Maintain Record Levels  

… targeting particularly in combat zones like Iraq continue unabated. As well as the heavy toll in Iraq, there were multiple media killings in Somalia and Afghanistan. Unrest in Sri Lanka and Pakistan also led to journalists’ deaths. In Africa violent attacks on journalists have continued and the brutal repression of free expression in Eritrea has…  
455. IFJ Condemns Air Strike on Sri Lanka Radio Station  

… of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the bombing of the Voice of Tigers (VOT), the official radio station of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), near Ki’linochchi, in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province of Vanni, on November 27. According to the Free Media Movement (FMM), an IFJ affiliate, five editorial staff and four civilians, including a…  
456. Media Terror in Sri Lanka's Jaffna  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is extremely concerned about the continuing and increasing attacks and prohibitions faced by media workers in Sri Lanka’s Jaffna region. Jaffna’s Uthayan newspaper and its staff have been reportedly harassed by military and paramilitary organisations aligned to the Government, which has been engaged…  
457. Arsonists destroy printing house in Sri Lanka  

… in 2005, the Sunday Leader printing press was set on fire in the run up to the presidential election. "This vicious attack underscores the dangers faced by the media in Sri Lanka," said IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park. "The authorities must take immediate action to locate and punish the attackers. Journalism cannot flourish as long as this…  
458. Journalists Join Global Protest to Defend Press Freedom in Pakistan  

… the media workers of Pakistan. Representatives of SAMSN members personally delivered letters of protest to Pakistan ambassadors and high commissioners in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. In India, the National Union of Journalists issued a protest condemning the suppression of the Pakistani media in the wake of President Musharraf’s emergency…  
459. Difficulties in Provincial Reporting Impede Press Freedom in Sri Lanka  

… Press freedom in Sri Lanka is seriously impeded by myriad obstacles to serious and independent news reporting in the country’s provinces, according to a fact-finding report issued by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the International Press Institute on November 12, 2007.  The report highlights the great difficulties faced by media…  
460. Photo-Journalists Denied Access to Sri Lanka Parliament  

…            The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed at the latest attack on press freedom in Sri Lanka, in which photo-journalists were banned from covering a budget speech in Parliament on 7 November. All media institutions were invited to cover the budget announcement, but only…  
461. Journalist arrested on uncorroborated statement by Sri Lankan Minister  

… Leader, Arthur Wamanan, who was arrested yesterday and is still being held by police. This kind of action could set a dangerous precedent for silencing journalists in Sri Lanka. Wamanan was arrested last night over a news item published in The Sunday Leader relating to Minister Mano Wijeratne. According to IFJ affiliate the Free Media…  
462. State Security Forces bar media access in Sri Lanka  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the censorship of photographers and journalists by security forces in Sri Lanka. The Free Media Movement (FMM), an IFJ affiliate in Colombo, has reported that on recent occasions military forces prevented the media from covering incidents in the public interest. On October 12 security officials…  
463. Sri Lanka Television Suspends Journalists for Distributing Leaflet  

… State-controlled Sri Lankan television station Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (SLRC) has sent four of its journalists on compulsory leave after they submitted a letter stating that their professional rights had been disrespected and damaged. According to IFJ affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM), SLRC Producers' Union Chairman Kanchana Marasinghe, Organizer…  
464. Rumoured defence regulations threaten press freedom  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today supported a call from its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM) for the Sri Lankan government to deny it is planning restrictive new regulations for the coverage of defence matters. The new regulations purportedly attempt to prohibit investigative reporting about all matters relating to defence…  
465. Journalists' source confidentiality under threat  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its immense disapproval at the way the Sri Lankan Criminal Investigations Department (CID) handled its investigation of a Sri Lankan reporter. Indika Sakalasooriya, reporter for Sri Lankan publication The Nation, was questioned for over two hours at his offices about an article published on the new…  
466. Sri Lankan Defence Journalist in Danger After Exposing Government Corruption  

… politicians who accused Athas of abusing freedom of expression and exposing national security issues. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), in a letter to the Sri Lankan President, report that a provincial politician of the ruling Sri Lankan Freedom Party, Upali Kodikara, was identified at the demonstration and is believed to have been…  
467. Attacks Against Sri Lankan Journalists Signal Choking Press Freedom  

… of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its anger and called upon the government to act immediately in relation to the recent reports of several attacks and threats made against Sri Lankan journalists over the space of a week. “So long as journalists continue to be subjected to fear and attacks on their personal security, Sri Lanka cannot be assured…  
468. IFJ and Vintu Foundation grant humanitarian aid to family of murdered Colombian journalist  

… of intolerance, on May 3rd, World Press Freedom Day. The selected recipients come from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq (3 families), Philippines (3 families), Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Zimbabwe and Colombia. “I thank the kindness of the IFJ to contact me and give us a voice of encouragement”, expressed Hilda on a letter sent to…  
469. IFJ Welcomes Compensation for Sri Lankan Journalist  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka’s decision to award compensation to Sivanathan Sivaramya, a Tamil journalist arrested in May last year on suspicion of being involved in a terrorist activity aiming to kill a government minister. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), the Supreme…  
470. IFJ Concerned by Sri Lankan Journalist’s Assault  

… the Aralaganvila Children’s Park. Wijerathna had reported previously on the sale of the park. IFJ Asia Pacific Director Jacqueline Park said the incident highlights Sri Lanka’s contempt for journalists’ work and safety, reinforced by a culture of impunity that protects those who commit violence against media workers. “This is…  
471. IFJ Urges Sri Lankan Government to Acknowledge Wider Issues on Press Freedom  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse’s recently reported comments on the government’s commitment to press freedom reform, but fears that independent journalism will still be compromised. According to IFJ affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM), state media reports have trumpeted comment…  
472. IFJ Slams Government Plans to Reintroduce Criminal Defamation Laws in Sri Lanka  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is appalled by reports that the Sri Lankan government intends to reintroduce criminal defamation laws. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), an emergency cabinet paper, backed by the Sri Lankan president, on the reintroduction of criminal defamation was submitted to a cabinet meeting on…  
473. Sri Lankan Government Blocks TamilNet.com, as Minister Advocates its Demise  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has grave concerns for the future of media independence in Sri Lanka after the government blocked access to one of the country’s popular internet news sources TamilNet, and a government minister publicly advocated its demise. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), the BBC’s…  
474. IFJ and Vintu Foundation grant humanitarian aid to family of murdered Colombian journalist  

… of intolerance, on May 3rd, World Press Freedom Day. The selected recipients come from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq (3 families), Philippines (3 families), Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Zimbabwe and Colombia. “I thank the kindness of the IFJ to contact me and give us a voice of encouragement”, expressed Hilda on a letter sent to…  
475. Sri Lankan Opposition Leader Tries to Force an Agenda  

… 30/5/2007 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has criticised comments from Sri Lanka opposition leader Ranil Wickramasinghe which argued that Sri Lankan editors should be summoned before Parliament and questioned under the Parliamentary Privileges Act. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), Wickramasinghe’s comments…  
476. IFJ Calls for Action on Behalf of Assaulted Journalist  

… wanted him to report only on their side of the argument. IFJ President Christopher Warren said the incident reflected a disturbing escalation in targeted violence on the Sri Lankan media. Ramsan’s media identification, camera and tape recorder were reportedly taken in the attack. “Journalists are independent observers, and have an…  
477. IFJ and Vintu Foundation Join Hands to Provide Humanitarian Aid to Victims of Violence in Journalism  

… work as a journalist. The selected recipients come from all parts of the world: Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq (3 families), the Philippines (2 families), Sri Lanka, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. “We see this fund as a way to help families get back on their feet after devastating loss,” said Cristian Unteanu,…  
479. Set Journalists Free on May 3rd Says IFJ as Impunity and Kidnapping Crisis Threatens Media Freedom  

… media. Many of the Iraqi journalists have been killed by their abductors. In other parts of the world as well media kidnappings have also become frighteningly routine. In Sri Lanka there have been numerous abductions of journalists, and only some of them have been released. Pakistan is also well known as the site of the kidnapping and murder of Wall…  
480. IFJ Calls for Full Investigation into Murder of Sri Lankan Editor  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on the Sri Lankan government to immediately address the issue of journalist safety, following the murder of Subash Chandraboas, editor of Tamil monthly magazine Nilam, on April 19. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), Chadraboas, who also freelanced for London-based magazine…  
481. Sri Lankan Government Official Threatens Editor, as Political Interference in Media Worsens  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has slammed the actions of Sri Lanka’s defence secretary, who threatened a newspaper editor, as a shocking example of increasing political interference in Sri Lankan media. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), defence secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa threatened Daily Mirror editor…  
482. The “Government Can No Longer Turn a Blind Eye” to the Terrible Situation in Sri Lanka  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned by more reports of kidnappings, threats, intimidation and newspaper closures, which indicate Sri Lanka is sliding further away from a free, safe and open society. “Every day there are more reports of terrible incidents occurring in Sri Lanka,” IFJ President Christopher Warren…  
483. IFJ hails release of Parameshawary as a “triumph for justice” in Sri Lanka  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its relief at the news that Sri Lankan journalist Munusamy Parameshawary has finally been released from custody. The IFJ has been campaigning for the 23-year-old Mawbima reporter’s release since she was arrested on November 21, 2006, by the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) of the Sri  
485. IFJ-PFUJ Mission Calls for Action in Response to “Crisis of Safety” in Pakistan  

… Telegraph (India) Editor Bharat Bhushan, Iqbal Khattak, bureau chief of The Daily Times and Pakistan’s representative to Reporters Sans Frontiers, Free Media Movement (Sri Lanka) convener Sunanda Deshapriya, and Pervez Shoukat, president of PFUJ, unanimously passed two resolutions. One of the resolutions stated: “The right to press and…  
486. Government Comments “Disturbing”, and Journalist Still Missing in Sri Lanka  

… The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its growing concern over the worsening situation in Sri Lanka, which has seen another journalist disappear, and the government make particularly disturbing statements on the state of the media.             Grave fears for missing…  
487. IFJ–PFUJ Mission for Press Freedom and Journalist Safety in Pakistan  

… and Ireland; Iqbal Khattak, bureau chief of The Daily Times and Pakistan’s representative to Reporters Sans Frontiers; Sunanda Deshapriya of the Free Media Movement in Sri Lanka; and Pervez Shoukat, president of PFUJ. The mission has been arranged in response to continued media oppression and increasing numbers of attacks on journalists and their…  
488. IFJ Demands Swift Investigation into Kidnapping of Sri Lankan Journalist  

… death threats against Hiru’s editor Rohitha Bhashana which forced him to flee the country out of fear for his safety. “These are all further indications that Sri Lanka is slipping further away from a safe and open society, and the government must take serious steps to ensure the basic rights of journalists are protected, and that…  
489. IFJ Demands Full Investigation into Death Threats Against Journalists  

… the FMM, seven media workers, including two journalists, were killed last year, and this latest episode is only further evidence of the terrifying working environment Sri Lankan journalists face “We demand that the government and all parties involved put an end to this atmosphere of fear and violent retaliation that has engulfed Sri  
490. Journalism Put to the Sword in 2006: IFJ Reports 155 Murders and Unexplained Killings in Year of Unprecedented Brutality  

… continuing violence in Latin America, particularly Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela, claimed the lives of 37 media staff while in Asia relentless attacks in the Philippines and Sri Lanka pushed the total of killings to 34. The only positive sign came in the final days of the year, says the IFJ, when the United Nations, for the first time ever, issued a…  
Search results 421 until 490 of 583