15058 results:

3501. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 14 and 22 May, 2020. English Africa: Silence the guns from killing African journalists, says continental journalists’ body, Relief Web IFJ urges Sri Lankan authorities to investigate assault on regional journalist, Colombo Page IFJ Calls BBC Host's Replacement Over Remarks On Cummings' Lockdown Breach 'Unacceptable', UrduPoint WHO urged to seek end to internet shutdown in S. Asia, Anadolu Agency Do not retrench journalists: IJU, The…  
3502. Indonesia: Journalist subjected to death threats for Joko Widodo story  

A journalist from one of Indonesia’s largest digital media companies, DetikCom received death threats following their coverage of Indonesian president Joko Widodo’s plan to visit a shopping centre to prepare for easing Covid-19 restrictions. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia call on authorities to investigate the incidents. DetikCom published an article on May 26 looking at Widodo’s planned visit to a Bekasi city shopping centre in West Java to review the government plans to relax Covid-19 restrictions, termed the ‘new normal’ health protocols. The government later amended a statement in…  
3503. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

Wong Lee Kim is a journalist with the Sin Chew Daily. As part of the #MYMediaMatters campaign Wong says that journalists need to have a solid ethical core as it is their job to promote transparency and accountability. 1. What does it mean to be a journalist or media worker in Malaysia? Being a journalist means being able to promote transparency and accountability. 2. Do you see Media Freedom in Malaysia moving forward? At this moment, I haven't seen any improvement yet. For example, in Malaysia there are still restrictions and journalists continue to be slammed in our country. 3. What can we do to be better? Journalism can be an exciting and dramatic career that requires dedication…  
3504. La presse suisse romande perd deux journaux  

La presse suisse romande subit de plein fouet les conséquences du coronavirus. Deux hebdomadaires, Le Micro et le Régional, vont définitivement disparaitre à la fin du mois de mai. La FIJ et la FEJ se joignent aux syndicats de journalistes suisses, syndicom et impressum, pour demander aux autorités cantonales et fédérales d’accélérer les mesures d’urgence afin de sauver la presse écrite et le pluralisme des médias suisses. L’épidémie de coronavirus et ses conséquences sur le marché de la publicité n’ont fait qu’affaiblir encore un peu plus un secteur de la presse en grande difficulté financière. La situation est particulièrement inquiétante en Suisse romande où, en l’espace d’un mois,…  
3505. Pakistan: Murderers at large for the killing of KTN journalist  

Police registered a case against six suspects, accused of the murder of KTN news journalist, Zulfiqar Ali Mandrani who was shot by unidentified gunmen on May 26 in Jacobabad. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) demand the immediate arrest and prosecution of Mandrani’s killers. Senior superintended of police (SSP), Jacobadad, Bashir Ahmed Brohi announced four out of the six accused are at large on May 28, including Akbar Ali, Syed Imam Shah, Gluam Ali and policeman Mumtaz Daio. Currently, only Nazir Daio and Riaz Daio have been arrested, found carrying weapons allegedly used in the murder.  Mandrani's…  
3506. UK: IFJ backs criticisms by the NUJ of its handling of complaints against a high profile presenter  

Emily Maitlis was replaced as host of the BBC's Newsnight programme after bosses reprimanded her over her introduction to the previous night's show in which she attacked the government’s handling of the breach of lockdown rules by a government advisor.  Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary, said: "At a time of national crisis, frank and fearless journalism that scrutinises and holds this government to account is more necessary than ever. Emily Maitlis exemplifies those qualities - if she's been stood down and replaced as a result of her tenacious reporting, that is an act of shameful cowardice by our public service broadcaster. It is as clear as day that Dominic Cummings breached…  
3507. Hong Kong: Media associations appeal for police to not obstruct reporters  

Less than a week after Hong Kong’s commissioner of police promised to respect the right of journalists to report, police have continued to deliberately intimidate and obstruct journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association urge the commissioner to order police officers to allow journalists to carry out their work without harm or obstruction. On May 21, HKJA and two other media associations met with the commissioner of police, Tang Ping-keung after the Independent Police Complaints Council published the report into police conduct during the protests that began in June 2019. In the meeting, Tang said “(We will) make the…  
3508. México: repelen ataque a balazos contra la hija de una periodista asesinada  

María Fernanda de Luna Ferral, hija de María Elena Ferral, fue abordada por un comando en el distrito veracruzano de Gutiérrez Zamora. Sus custodios repelieron el ataque y pudo escapar ilesa. María Fernanda de Luna Ferral, hija de María Elena Ferral, fue abordada por un comando en el distrito veracruzano de Gutiérrez Zamora. Sus custodios repelieron el ataque y pudo escapar ilesa. Ante el frustrado intento de homicidio sufrido por la hija de la periodista María Elena Ferral —asesinada en marzo último en el estado mexicano de Veracruz—  la Federación Internacional de Periodistas condena los ataques contra la vida de lxs trabajadores de medios y reclama al Estado mexicano el…  
3509. Brasil: imprudencia sanitaria de Bolsonaro deja a la Casa de Gobierno sin cobertura periodística  
Bolsonaro, sin barbijo, estrecha las manos con sus seguidores (24/5)

Desde el inicio de la pandemia el mandatario daba discursos y declaraciones públicas sin cubrirse con tapabocas, permitía que sus seguidores se agrupen junto a lxs cronistas y tocaba a sus partidarios. Ahora los principales medios de Brasil prefieren no enviar a sus trabajadores a cubrir las actividades en el Palacio presidencial. A raíz de las constantes actitudes perjudiciales para la salud pública por parte del presidente de Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro, los cronistas de los medios más grandes de ese país no cubrirán las actividades que se desarrollen en la Casa de Gobierno brasileña, en Brasilia, y desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas apoyamos esta resolución y nos…  
3510. Paraguay: cae la red de espionaje ilegal más grande del país  
Periodistas se manifiestan en Asunción

A partir de la denuncia de dos periodistas sobre intromisiones en sus teléfonos, la Unidad de Delitos Informáticos del Ministerio Público de Paraguay reveló que una red ilegal de espías trabajaba espiando comunicadores, políticos, empresarios y más. Desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas condenamos de espionaje los periodistas Clari Arias y Jorge Torres exigimos que se investigue esta grave violación a la libertad de expresión y la intimidad de lxs personas. Arias y Torres, según reveló la investigación del Ministerio Público Fiscal de ese país, vivieron con sus teléfonos intervenidos al menos desde marzo hasta hace unos días, cuando la Justicia puso al descubierto una de las…  
3511. Sri Lanka: Regional TV correspondent assaulted by thugs  

Bimal Shyaman, a journalist with Hiru, Derana and Swarnavahini television channels, was harassed and assaulted while reporting the Eid celebrations in the Atulugama area of Kalutara on May 24, 2020. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lanka affiliate, Free Media Movement (FMM), regret the incident and urge authorities to investigate this assault and harassment case. The journalist was assaulted when he was finishing up his assignment at a venue in the Atulugama area where Muslims were celebrating the end of the holy month of Ramadan (Eid-ul-Fitr). Bimal had received an invitation from the governing body of a local mosque to report on how a community, that was…  
3512. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

SS Yoga is a freelance editor and reporter, and committed media freedom advocate. He outlines the challenges facing journalists in Malaysia as part of the #MYMediaMatters campaign. He says that commercial concerns of the media must not override journalist ethics and the code of conduct. 1. What does it mean to be a journalist or media worker in Malaysia? It means operating in an environment which has many challenges for the media. Let me outline a few of the challenges:             1) The media landscape is changing rapidly and the challenge is to operate while making a profit and paying salaries and…  
3513. Pakistan: Journalist shot and killed in Sindh  

Zulfiqar Ali Mandrani, a senior journalist with the Sindhi newspaper Daily Koshish was shot dead by two assailants in Jacobabad on Tuesday, May 26. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalist (PFUJ) condemn the murder, which is the second in Sindh in 2020. Police arrested two suspects in connection to Mandrani’s murder. One of the suspects, identified as Riaz Dayo, confessed to killing Mandrani as a matter of ‘honour’. The exact nature of the motive is still being investigated though Mandrani’s family have claimed the attack was related to his work. On February 16, Aziz Memon, associated with the Daily Kawish and Sindhi…  
3514. South Asia: Governments of India and Pakistan among top requesters of Facebook user data  

The governments of India and Pakistan are stand-outs in terms of asking Facebook to reveal information related to user accounts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), its Pakistan affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalist (PFUJ) and Indian affiliate the Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU) express serious concern regarding their government’s increasing number of requests to access Facebook data of individual users. According to Facebook’s Transparency Report, published on May 12, India is second only to the United States to request such data from Facebook. India sent 26,698 requests to Facebook in the July- December 2019 period, an increase of 28 per cent…  
3515. Zulfiqar Mandrani  

The reporter associated with KTN Group was gunned down in Jacobabad District of Dodapur city. According to media reports, police arrested six suspects in connection with his killing, including a police officer named Mumtaz Daio .The others were named as Akbar Ali, Syed Imam Shah, Ghulam Ali, Riaz Daio and Nazeer Daio while four other suspects were at large with police looking for them. Police recovered guns used in the killing from Nazeer Diao and Riaz Diao, media reports added. Mandrani’s father was quoted in media as accusing Mumtaz Daio of threatening his son for running stories against them. According to him, Mandrani was attacked by the policeman and his accomplices at the…  
3516. India: Government intensifies clampdown to media over Covid-19 reporting  

As arrests, attacks and harassment of journalists continues over their reports on the government’s administrative failures in handling Covid-19, the National Union of Journalists( India) (NUJ-I) has sent a letter to the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi requesting authorities respect journalists’ rights. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses solidarity with its Indian affiliate and demands the Indian government stop these undemocratic attacks. IFJ has documented a spate of arrests and cases of harassment against journalists in different states of India over their coverage of the pandemic and exposing administrative failures in dealing with the health crisis. In…  
3517. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 14 and 22 May, 2020 English Cease Harassment of Journalists for Reporting on Pandemic, Demand Unions (THE WIRE) Iran Jails Critical Journalist For 'Spreading Propaganda (RFERL) Iran Jails Critical Journalist For 'Spreading Propaganda' (BIG NEWS NETWORK) Iranian journalist Nejat Bahrami begins 1-year jail term (CPJ) Rival dailies join forces to condemn threats against journalists (HTFP) Threats against NI journalists broadly condemned (THE…  
3518. Africa: Silence the guns from killing African journalists, says continental journalists’ body  

On the occasion of the Africa Day, 25 May 2020, to mark the formation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) on 25 May 1963 and the African Union (AU) in 2002, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Pan-African Organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), commemorates the historic struggles of African peoples for independence, justice and peace, and particularly commends the working journalists of Africa for their dedicated service of informing the citizens of Africa whilst enduring the worst forms of abuses and exploitations. As the African Union’s theme for this year is “silencing the guns − owning the future”, FAJ is celebrating this Africa Day to…  
3519. España: Agreden a periodistas mientras cubrían una manifestación contra el gobierno  

Periodistas de distintos medios de comunicación fueron agredidos e intimidados mientras cubrían las manifestaciones contra el gobierno por su gestión de la crisis del coronavirus en varias ciudades españolas. La FIP se une a sus afiliados FAPE, FeSP y FSC-CCOO en condenar estos ataques contra la libertad de información. Varios periodistas fueron atacados y privados de hacer su trabajo en el transcurso de las manifestaciones contra el gobierno. El reportero gráfico del diario La Razón fue agredido mientras grababa imágenes de la manifestación. Según ha denunciado el propio periódico, dos personas le asaltaron por la espalda mientras gritaban consignas contra la prensa y tiraron su cámara…  
3520. Myanmar: Chief editor jailed for false Covid-19 report  

A Karen state court sentenced Zaw Ye Htet, the chief editor of online news agency Dae Pyaw to two years in prison for an article alleging there had been a Covid-19 death in eastern Karen state. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the unjust prosecution of Zaw Ze Htet. On May 21, the court sentenced  Zaw Ye Htet for publishing an article that erroneously stated there had been a Covid-19 death in eastern Karen state. The day the story was posted on May 13, the editor was charged and arrested under section 505(b) of Myanmar’s Penal Code for allegedly publishing information that could “cause, fear or alarm to the public or to any section of the…  
3521. India: The Telegraph lays off 35 employees after Covid-19 pressures  

Kolkata-based English daily The Telegraph announced the shutdown of its Guwahati edition, asking staff to resign by May 31, citing the economic pressures of Covid-19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concern over the mass layoffs and urge management to reconsider the decision. The Telegraph editor, R Rajagopal told editorial and non-editorial staff of their redundancies over the phone on May 20 without a prior formal notice of their dismissal or closure of the Guwahati edition. As a result of this decision, 35 employees, including both journalists and non-journalists, will lose their jobs in the Guwahati bureau in Assam and the Jamshedpur and Ranchi bureaus in…  
3522. Hong Kong: Proposed national security laws could extinguish dissent  

Beijing’s intention to pass new Hong Kong national security laws sparked demonstrations beginning on May 22, potentially jeopardising the future of Hong Kong’s democracy. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses grave concern over the implications of the proposal on press freedom and the reported attacks on journalists covering the protests. The vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), Wang Chen shared the NPC’s plan to legislate national security mechanisms for Hong Kong, targeting “separatism, subversion of state power, terrorism and interference” on May 21. Once the NPC endorses the law, it must be approved by the Hong Kong…  
3523. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

Tehmina Kaoosji is an independent broadcast journalist and an advocate for gender equality and social justice. As part of the #MYMediaMatters campaign she sees a critical need for journalists to be better protected in order for them to continue their work to uphold democratic processes. 1. What does it mean to be a journalist or media worker in Malaysia? Being a journalist in Malaysia is challenging, lowly paid frontline work, especially during the ongoing Covid-19 infodemic. At the same time, job security continues to be extremely precarious with media organisation closures and downsizing. There’s a critical need for journalists to be better protected legally, financially and socially in…  
3524. COVID-19: "We don’t want the crumbs from the Google and Facebook table. We want them to pay their fair share"   

The IFJ has recently launched the "IFJ Global Platform for Quality Journalism" to call for concrete steps to save independent journalism during and after the COVID pandemic. In the last two months, many of our affiliates' members have had to face massive layoffs, media closures and threats against media freedom. Among the different recommendations listed in the Platform, the IFJ urges governments to immediately open negotiations with the GAFAM– Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft - to collect a tax on revenues generated within their national territory. This strategic taxation should be used to support journalism in the aftermath of the pandemic. Jeremy Dear is the deputy general…  
3525. US: Journalist assaulted in Minneapolis “over perceived sexual orientation”  

American journalist Matt Belanger was assaulted and physically attacked by a man who “perceived he was homosexual”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this cowardly homophobic attack against a journalist and expresses all its solidarity with the victim. According to media reports and local police, KSTP-TV journalist Matt Belanger was walking across a light-rail station in Minneapolis on May 12 when an object hit him in his left eye. The police arrested the man who threw the object, Vennie Jerome Williams, shortly after officers viewed surveillance footage that clearly showed the assault. The complaint filed by the police said that the “defendant made statements…  
3526. North America: Unions to the rescue of media workers  

IFJ’s North American Region met on May 13, to discuss and coordinate our response to the Covid/financial crisis facing our members and our industry. The meeting included the participation of Unifor (Canada), NWU (US), TNG-CWA (US), NUJ (UK and Ireland), and the Deputy General Secretary of IFJ. To underline the gravity of the situation, the representative from TNG-CWA Canada, was called away from the meeting by a new round of layoffs. The pandemic and financial collapse have devastated an industry already in crisis long before these recent events unfolded. In the US, more than 25% of newsroom employees have lost their jobs over the past 10 years as hedge funds have taken over the industry,…  
3527. Philippines: Local government harasses radio journalists  

The local government has repeatedly harassed Radyo Natin Guimba (RNG) radio station reporters in Guimba for covering their response to Covid-19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of the Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) urge authorities to allow journalists to report unobstructed. On May 11 the municipal council approved a resolution allowing the mayor to file charges against RNG for breaching the Bayanihan Heal as One Act, an act legislated to give the government power to implement reforms to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. At the May 11 meeting, councillor Bonbon Dizon and the son of mayor Jose Dizon stole the press credentials of…  
3528. Portugal: Union demands further support for media sector  

The Portuguese Journalists' Union (SJ) has strengthened its call on the government for increased support for the media sector and denounced the fact that the 15 million euros package announced on April 17 has not yet been implemented. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Portuguese affiliate in calling for urgent support measures to support the media sector and freelance journalists. The SJ has claimed that more than a month has passed since the Secretary of State for Cinema, Audiovisual and Media pledged to discuss structural and comprehensive support measures for the media sector with media and journalists’ organizations. However, no action or decision has…  
3529. COVID-19: Women workers in the front lines  

Nine global unions have joined forces for a gender equal new normal in a series of webinars addressing women workers in the context of the Covid-19 outbreak. The first one took place on 19 May and addressed women workers in the frontlines. Women trade union leaders across the world have joined the conversation on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women workers in a webinar held on 19 May. Discussions were held in 5 languages and gathered over 350 participants. Nine global unions are involved in this world debate - the International Trade Union Confederation, IndustriALL, UNI Global, International Transport Workers' Federation, Public Services International,…  
3530. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

Wan Noor Hayati Wan Alias is an award winning journalist and union activist who writes for a number of publications including the Malaysia Gazette. She takes an honest look at the role of journalists, publishers and government in this interview that is part of the #MYMediaMatters campaign. 1. What does it mean to be a journalist in Malaysia?  It means that I am working to make the country better through my writings, to be the voice of the people and the sight of the government. It means that I stand in the middle, not choosing sides, that I am after the truth and the truth only. It means that I will write without bias, without favouring anybody and stand as the pillar of the…  
3531. Mozambique: SNJ organizes training on COVID-19 coverage  

Journalists in Mozambique have been trained on how to cover the Covid-19 outbreak safely, thanks to the National Union of Journalists of Mozambique (SNJ). The union-organized special training workshop, held in Maputo on 14 May, was the first in a series of training programs for journalists on the pandemic. Organized in collaboration with the World Health Organization, UNESCO and the Ministry of Health the training brought together 19 journalists from various Mozambican public and private media. The training was conducted by specialized personnel from the National Health Institute. Future training programs will target journalists in the remaining eight provincial capitals. The course aims…  
3532. India: Kashmiri police summons digital magazine’s founding editor  

A day after publishing an article on a Srinagar gunfight, Fahah Shah, founding editor of The Kashmir Walla was summoned to Srinagar cyber police station. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concern over police arbitrarily summoning journalists as a form of intimidation. Police summoned Shah to the station without reason on May 20. Only two hours after arriving did police inform Shah they were inquiring about his news coverage. Shah said police rejected his coverage of the shooting and accused him of “maligning the police reputation”. After four hours Shah was allowed to leave the police station. The Kashmir Walla’s article covered the…  
3533. Iraq: MBC Arab broadcaster assaulted by a crowd of protesters  

On 18 May, dozens of protesters stormed the premises of MBC broadcaster in Baghdad following its airing of a show critical of the Iraqi militia leader, Abu Mahdi Al Muhandi. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Iraqi Government to investigate the attack and guarantee the safety of MBC workers. According to media reports, the MBC “Malek Beltawila” broadcast a debate about the killing of the wife of Nizar Qabbani, a famous Arab poet, in the 1981 attack on Iraq’s embassy in Beirut by the Iraqi Shi'a Islamist group al-Dawa. The programme alleged that Al-Muhandis, the militia's leader, was involved in the attack. The angry protesters denounced as an “insult”…  
3534. Philippines: Presidential spokesperson accuses CNN journalist of a misleading report  

Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque accused CNN Philippines journalist Triciah Terada of misquoting him despite never writing the report containing the alleged misquote. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) express disappointment at Roque's conduct and call on the government to resolve disputes professionally. During an online press briefing on May 19, Roque blamed Terada for quoting him ‘out of context’ in the CNN Philippines’ report on mass testing titled “Up to private sector to carry out mass testing, Roque says amid limited testing capacity”. Contradicting Rogue, CNN…  
3535. Asia Pacific: Journalist unions speak out against ABS-CBN shutdown  

Journalist unions and representative organisations in the Asia Pacific are disturbed by the “cease and desist” order that forced Philippines broadcaster ABS-CBN broadcast to shut down in early May. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates across Asia-Pacific this week called on the Philippine government to urgently restore operations at ABS-CBN in a series of letters to the country’s ambassadors. Journalists across the region expressed their objections at the closure of ABS-CBN on May 5 in a number of letters to Philippine embassies in Pakistan, Australia, Hong Kong, India Indonesia, Bangladesh and New Zealand. In the letters, journalist unions questioned…  
3536. Malaysia: Journalists demand equal access to cover parliament  

Journalists from non-government owned media outlets were barred from covering Malaysia’s lower-house parliamentary proceedings May 18. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists Malaysia (NUJM) urge the parliament to give equal access to all journalists. As a result of the media ban, journalists from organisations other than the national news agency Bernama and Radio Television Malaysia were forced to wait outside the Malaysian Parliament in Kuala Lumpur, in the heat.  After the two-hour sitting, journalists approached members of parliament for their response. At around 11.30 am a journalist from Kwong…  
3537. Philippines: Government plays a dangerous game with ABS-CBN  

ABS-CBN news in the Philippines has been ordered off air in yet another attack on press freedom, writes Nonoy Espina. The May 5 shutdown of ABS-CBN, the Philippines’ largest broadcaster, by the government of President Rodrigo Duterte couldn’t have happened at a worse time. At 7:46 pm, the network, which had been served a cease and desist order by the National Telecommunications Commission earlier in the day, signed off. Just like that, as they battled a deadly pandemic, the Filipino people lost a major source of information, as well as entertainment to ward off enforced homestays. More worrisome, in places where ABS-CBN is the only free TV channel they can access, residents there…  
3538. Australia: Proposed wage freeze stifles broadcaster’s independence  

The Australian federal government’s communications minister Paul Fletcher requested ABC employees to go without a pay rise for the next six months. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Australian affiliate, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) urge the government to abstain from intervening in a matter between media workers, ABC management and the unions. On May 20, Paul Fletcher warned the ABC’s national director David Anderson, the government was expecting the organisation to defer employee’s wage increase scheduled for October. Anderson suggested this would be consistent with practices across government agencies that started with the…  
3539. China: Beijing expels prominent New York Times reporter  

New York Times correspondent Chris Buckley was expelled from China earlier in May, the same day as the United States (US) announced new visa restrictions on Chinese journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the expulsion and urge China to reconsider the removal of journalists employed by US media. Chris Buckley’s forced removal from China, after the government refused to renew his visa on May 8, makes him the 19th foreign correspondent to be expelled from China in the last 12 months. Buckley, an Australian citizen, and his wife left China on May 8 bound for Sydney, Australia. For the last 24 years, Buckley has been based in China and investigated…  
3540. Malaysia: Journalists call for media reform and greater press freedoms  

Journalists in Malaysia are concerned at increasing controls on press freedom as they advocate for much-needed reforms to protect media workers from political power changes in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together with its Malaysian affiliate, the National Union of Journalists Malaysia (NUJM), today launched the media advocacy campaign #MYMediaMatters to highlight the ongoing challenges faced by journalists in Malaysia. The IFJ and NUJM campaign is the launch action out of a major multi-year media development project, funded by the European Union. Strengthening Malaysia’s Media for Change is a five-year project aimed at strengthening the capacity of media…  
3541. México: Solicitan medidas de protección para periodista amenazado  

La Secretaría de Gobernación solicitó a la Coordinadora de la Comisión Ejecutiva de Atención a Víctimas del Gobierno del Estado de Chihuahua (CEAVE), que brinde medidas de protección para el periodista Osbaldo Salvador Ang, quien denunció ser víctima de amenazas por parte de funcionarios públicos. Desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) repudiamos toda acción que vulnere la libertad de expresión y ponga en riesgo la vida lxs periodistas. Manuel Osbaldo Salvador Ang, periodista y Director del medio digital La Opción, denunció que el pasado 5 de mayo, fue amedrentado en su casa por parte de funcionarios públicos, quienes se presentaron reclamando al periodista por una…  
3542. Suisse: Axel-Springer supprime des postes après avoir bénéficié d'aides de l'état pour le COVID-19  

L'éditeur Ringier Axel-Springer suisse SA (RASCH) a annoncé le 19 mai le licenciement de huit personnes au sein du magazine L’Illustré, dont quatre départs à la retraite anticipée. La FIJ et la FEJ rejoignent leurs affiliés suisses Syndicom et Impressum pour condamner une décision inacceptable compte tenu des aides publiques reçues par le patron de presse. Conformément aux mesures offertes par la Confédération suisse pour sauvegarder l'emploi, l'éditeur Ringier Axel-Springer a eu recours au chômage partiel pour ses rédactions afin d'atténuer le choc de la crise du coronavirus. L'éditeur a décidé de procéder au licenciement de huit personnes au sein de l'Illustré, soit un tiers de la…  
3543. Northern Ireland: Death threats against journalists must stop immediately  

Media industry, trade union, political and civic society leaders have today come together to demand the "immediate withdrawal" of paramilitary death threats against Northern Ireland journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is joining its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in demanding that threats against journalists be put to an end immediately. This public campaign was launched in response to an escalation of threats and intimidation of NUJ members by loyalist and republican paramilitaries over the last 12 months.  On 19 May, a public statement of solidarity appeared on the front page of 3 regional daily newspapers,  the Belfast…  
3544. Indonesia: Journalists and media companies call for stimulus package  

Journalist organisations together with media company associations and the Indonesian Press Council have called on the government to support the media, which has been adversely affected by the pandemic. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia in calling for a relief package to ensure the viability of media companies in the global health crisis. AJI is part of a task force, consisting of 12 other organisations, which issued a statement on May 15 outlining different ways to support media companies in this crisis. The statement called on central and local governments to allocate funds to media…  
3545. Cambodia: Radio station owner arrested for allegedly spreading fake news  

Sok Oudom, the owner of Rithysen radio station and website, was arrested and charged with broadcasting false news on a local land dispute in Kampong Chhnang, central Cambodia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) regrets the arrest and calls for Sok Oudom’s immediate release. Authorities in Kampong Chhnang charged Oudom on May 14 under Article 495 of the Criminal Code for a story published on May 12, accusing the report of inciting villagers to encroach on state land in the Aural Wildlife Sanctuary. Oudom faces between six months and two years in prison and fined one million to four million riel (US$250 to US$1,000) if found guilty. As the investigation continues, the…  
3546. India: Journalist charged for reporting mismanagement of quarantine centre  

The Uttar Pradesh (UP) government has filed a First Information Report (FIR) against Today 24 news journalist Ravindra Saxena for his report highlighting the mismanagement of a quarantine centre in the Sitapur district. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Journalists- India condemn the FIR on false accusations and call on the UP government to withdraw the criminal proceedings against the journalist. Journalist Ravindra Saxena  was sued on May 18 under the Prevention of Atrocities Act and  the Disaster Management Act  in an order from Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for a video report on the  mismanagement of a…  
3547. Le droit à l'information dans le Monde Arabe et au Moyen Orient  

A l'occasion de la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession, a publié un rapport sur les législations encadrant le droit à l'information et la cybercriminalité dans le Monde Arabe et au Moyen-Orient. Le rapport de la FIJ publié le 3 mai dernier présente des recommandations pour les États, les syndicats de journalistes et les médias afin de créer l'environnement nécessaire à la prospérité et à la qualité de la presse indépendante. Intitulé "Pour un environnement organisationnel et législatif en faveur de la liberté de la presse et de l'information dans le monde arabe :…  
3548. India: Protesting migrant workers attack journalist  

A group of protesting migrant workers attacked ABP Gujarati correspondent Hardik Joshi in Gujarat’s Shapar area, injuring him critically. The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) condemns the attack. The migrant workers turned violent following the re-scheduling of the train to take them to their hometowns of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. They attacked  the ABP News team on May 17 while the television crew were filming the migrant workers’ protest. When most crew members managed to escape the attack, the mob beat Joshi severely, striking his head and critically injuring him. The journalist was immediately taken to hospital where he received five stiches to his head. The protesting…  
3549. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

Radzi Razak is a journalist with the Malay Mail. As part of the #MYMediaMatters campaign he emphasises the importance of being part of a journalist fraternity that values truth. 1. What does it mean to be a journalist in Malaysia? Being a journalist means to be a part of a fraternity that values truth and resourcefulness in an interesting setting, culture and time. 2. Do you see media freedom In Malaysia moving forward? It does and it will, as long as more and more journalists adhere to journalism more than politics. 3. What can we do to be better? Ensure that editors and journalist are bound by principles and journalism ethics and rather than not other things. 4. What can we do to…  
3550. Egypt: Editor in Chief arrested amid new media crackdown campaign  

Lina Attalah, Editor in Chief of the Egyptian investigative media outlet Mada Masr, was arrested on 17 May when she was interviewing a human rights activist outside Cairo's Tora Prison complex before being released a few hours later. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this act of intimidation against independent media and urges the authorities to stop the crackdown on media. Lina Attalah was interviewing Laila Soueif, mother of imprisoned activist Alaa Abd El Fattah, when security officials arrested her, confiscating her phone and denying her legal counsel. According to media reports, she was released…  
3551. Pakistan: Unsafe health reporting amid Covid-19  

The situation confronting health journalists in Pakistan has made them fearful amid concerns of inadequate protections writes Lubna Jerar Naqvi. Reporting has become a dangerous task during the Covid-19 pandemic in Pakistan with at least 50 journalists infected and one death. The situation reveals how vulnerable the media is in a country where the government remains confused whether to soften the lockdown or maintain tough controls. The positive cases and death reveals how media workers, particularly those in the field, remain vulnerable to protect themselves from the deadly virus. The few reporters who cover health-related stories in Pakistan struggle to get them into headlines or…  
3552. Australia: Government plans to circumvent protections on journalists’ data  

The proposed International Productions Order law will allow Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) to access the telecommunications data of journalists without a warrant. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) warn of the dangers of the proposed law to press freedom in Australia. If passed, the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (International Productions Order) Bill 2020 would give ASIO access to the public’s personal information that is stored by technology companies including Google, Facebook, Apple, Youtube and Microsoft. The bill would also allow US government agencies to access…  
3553. Myanmar: Journalist assaulted in Rakhine State  

Kyaw Lin, a journalist who reported for online independent news outlets, Myanmar Now and Development Media Group was assaulted and threatened by two unknown perpetrators on May 13. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemn the incident and call on authorities to investigate the incident. In Kyaw’s hometown of Sittwe, Rakhine state, two people on a motorcycle approached him and fired a rock using a slingshot while shouting death threats at the journalist. After hitting Kyaw, the men drove off. Kyaw sustained minor injuries to his chest. In the past, Kyaw Lin has reported on the conflict between the Rakhine Arakan army and Myanmar’s military. In 2017, an unknown attacked…  
3554. Philippines: Red-tagging of female journalist  

Photographs of Rowena “Weng” Carranza-Paraan at the first all-women media safety training in the Philippines have been maliciously twisted in a red-tagging. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) condemn the harassment and the blatant disregard of a journalists’ right to be safe at workplace. A social media account under the name Aram dela Cruz on May 13 shared photographs of Paraan, a former NUJP national chair and head of citizen journalism arm of the ABS-CBN broadcasting network which was forced off the air earlier this month. The photos depicted Paraan at a training organised by NUJP, where Paraan…  
3555. Jorge Miguel Armenta  

The director of the ObSon group, which includes the newspapers El Tiempo and the weekly Última Palabra, was shot dead in the city of Obregon, located in southern Sonora state, Mexico, as he was leaving a restaurant with two officers of the local police. According to the Sonora State Attorney General's Office, quoted by media, witnesses identified at least two people travelling in a white van as the perpetrators of the fatal shooting. Armenta was under state protection because of threats to his media from various organised crime groups. A protection officer was also killed in the attack, while a police commander was injured. Journalists' safety, Mexico, Impunity, IFJ  
3556. México: asesinan a un director de medios en Sonora  

Jorge Miguel Armenta, a cargo del grupo ObSon, salía de un restaurante en Ciudad Obregón cuando le dispararon desde una camioneta. En el ataque también murió un agente de la Policía Municipal y resultó herido un comandante de esa fuerza. Desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas condenamos el crimen de Jorge Miguel Armenta, director del grupo ObSon, que incluye a los periódicos El Tiempo y el semanario Última Palabra. Armenta fue ultimado el sábado en Ciudad Obregón, un distrito ubicado al sur del estado de Sonora, en México, mientras salía de un restaurant junto a dos integrante de la Policía Municipal. Según la Fiscalía General de Justicia del Estado de Sonora, testigos…  
3557. Myanmar: Planned layoffs and salary cuts at the Myanmar Times  

The English-language newspaper, Myanmar Times announced plans to lay off 70 employees, including 30 journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concern over the job insecurity and inadequate information given to staff at the Myanmar Times. On May 13, employees from the Myanmar Times went public after being told their salaries would be cut 50% in May, followed by forced unpaid leave throughout June. Wai Lin, the chief operating officer of Myanmar Times said: “At the end of June, we’ll make a decision on whether or not to call them back in.” The paper has not elaborated on the reason for the layoffs.  Employees expressed…  
3558. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

Alyaa Alhadjri, a senior reporter at Malaysiakini, describes the situation for journalists in Malaysia as part of the #MYMediaMatters campaign, supported by the European Union. She says that archaic legislation and new rules continue to restrict press freedom in Malaysia. 1. What does it mean to be a journalist in Malaysia? Being a journalist in Malaysia means to be subjected to at times discriminatory practices by the government which is biased against certain media outlets. There also remains to be archaic legislation and new rules that restricts press freedom. These limitations have forced journalists to be more creative in carrying out our duties. Being a journalist in Malaysia also…  
3559. LGBTI rights are a union issue  

Today is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Council of Global Unions, a group of independent trade union organizations that represent over 200 million workers around the world, to reaffirm our commitment to building respect and dignity for all workers. We believe every worker is entitled to work free from discrimination and violence regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex characteristics. 30 years ago today, the World Health Organization removed homosexuality as a mental disorder from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health…  
3560. Brasil: Asesinan a comunicador popular en Río de Janeiro  

Se trata de Leonardo Pinheiro, un hombre de 39 años que reportaba desde Facebook y también había incursionado en la política de su ciudad. Al menos dos personas le dispararon mientras hacía una entrevista en la calle. En la Federación Internacional de Periodistas lamentamos profundamente el asesinato del comunicador popular brasileño Leonardo Pinheiro, atacado por sicarios mientras realizaba una entrevista en las calles de Araruama, estado de Río de Janeiro. Pinheiro, de 39 años, solía reportar sobre la situación social de su distrito en la página de FB “A voz da Araruamense y estaba haciendo una entrevista cuando fue baleado por al menos dos personas que llegaron en auto, se bajaron, y,…  
3561. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 8 and 15 May, 2020 English Latin American journalists face mass layoffs and lack of health protection to cover the COVID-19 pandemic (KNIGHT CENTER) Journalists at two newspapers threatened by paramilitaries (ITV NEWS) IFJ insists on the release of Mozambican journalist (POLITICAL ANALYSIS SOUTH AFRICA) 'Democracy will crumble' - IFJ blasts media restrictions on Parliament sitting (MALAYSIA KINI) Journo arrested for reporting on palm oil…  
3562. Global unions launch webinars on women workers and COVID  

Global unions are joining forces for a gender equal new normal in a series of webinars to address #ALLwomen workers in the #COVID19 outbreak. These webinars are being organized with the participation of unions representing workers from all sectors and regions. 1st Webinar: Covid 19: Working Women in the frontlines, to be held on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 from 2:00 pm CEST to 3:30 pm CEST. 2nd Webinar: Ending Gender-Based Violence in the Midst of the Pandemic, to be held on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 from 14:00 CEST to 15:30 CEST. 3rd Webinar: A World Ahead Based on Gender Equality, to be held on Tuesday 16 June 2020 from 14:00 CEST to 15:30 CEST. Interpretation will be provided in:…  
3563. Hong Kong: Police attack and detain journalists as protests resume  

Over the last weekend, protests in Mong Kok returned alongside the erosion of Hong Kong’s free press as police harassed journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) urge authorities to end the harassment of journalists and provide them with a safe platform to report on protests. According to HKJA there were multiple reports on May 10 of police pepper spraying, intimidating and disrupting journalists who were attempting to cover the protests. In particular, two student journalists with Student Depth Media aged 12 and 16 were detained by police while dispersing the Mong Kok protest. The two were taken to Tsim Sha…  
3564. Sweden: Union welcomes new support package for the media industry  

The Swedish government announced on May 8 an expanded aid package for the media to cope with the financial losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Swedish Union of Journalists, Journalistförbundet, welcomed these substantial support measures for the media sector and workers. On 3 April, the Swedish government announced a media aid package of 200 million SEK (around 18 million €), an amount that the Journalistförbundet claimed to be insufficient to protect the whole media sector. Following the Swedish union’s action, the Minister of Culture Amanda Lind announced on May 8 further measures to support the media industry and the…  
3565. Kenya: Union mobilises journalists for support to colleagues affected by the COVID-19 crisis  

Journalists in Kenya are mobilising resources to support their colleagues who have been affected by the crisis of Covid-19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes this act of solidarity launched by its affiliate, the Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ), and urges the authorities to support the media sector. In recent weeks, nearly all media houses in Kenya have either applied pay cuts or suspended certain work benefits temporarily, leaving dozens of journalists jobless or with a substantial financial loss. Journalists participating in the KUJ's initiative and contributed to a fund to be used to buy food and other essential products for journalists in need. So far,…  
3566. Philippines: National Police restrict a reporter’s access to information  

The National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) barred a Rappler journalist from access to the press corps’ Viber group after the journalist published a story critical of NCRPO chief major general Debold Sinas. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) express concern over the removal of a journalists’ access to information. Rambo Talabong, a journalist for Rappler was removed from the “NCRPO Press Corps” Viber group channel on May 13 by the NCRPO public information officer (PIO) after covering a story on Debold Sina’s alleged breach of the government’s physical distancing rules. Rambo’s article reported on Debold’s failure to comply with the government’s physical distancing…  
3567. Norway: Government presents Coronavirus aid package for media  

The Norwegian government presented on May 12 a proposal for a media aid package to address the financial situation of the country’s media during the coronavirus crisis. The Norwegian Union of Journalists (NJ) welcomed the package but warned that the initial amount of 300 million NOK (27 million euros) will not be enough to save the whole industry and maintain the media plurality in the country. The package is estimated to cover up to 60 per cent of the financial loss suffered by the media industry due to the pandemic. It can be used by national media organisations which have a turnover drop of at least 20 per cent from 1 March until June 15 as a result of…  
3568. Yemen: IFJ urges investigation into fate and whereabouts of missing journalist  

Yemeni journalist Assil Mustapha Swid was abducted at dawn on Friday 1 May as he was leaving his home in Taez heading to the city of Aden, according to his brother who informed the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (JYS) about the kidnapping. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), together with its affiliate the Yemeni Journalist Syndicate (YJS), today urged Yemeni authorities to find the missing journalist and punish those responsible for his abduction. Assil Mustapha Swid, an independent freelancer and video-photographer, had received several threats due to his reporting.  The journalist's enforced disappearance is a reminder of the safety crisis facing Yemeni journalists…  
3569. India: Gujarati editor slapped with sedition charge for Covid-19 report  

Dhaval Patel, the editor of Gujarati Face of Nation news website, was arrested on May 11 and charged with sedition for publishing a report that alleged Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani may be replaced for mishandling the Covid-19 response. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates; the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists- India (NUJ-I) condemn the arrest and call on authorities to drop all charges against him. Dhaval Patel, the editor of Gujarati Face of Nation news website, was arrested on May 11 and charged with sedition for publishing a report that alleged Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani may be replaced for…  
3570. Descubren una campaña de fake news contra lxs trabajadores de Notimex  

Un equipo de especialistas nucleadxs en la Universidad de Guadalajara constató la utilización de cuentas falsas para difundir información tendenciosa y fraudulenta sobre lxs trabajadores despedidxs por la actual administración. Lxs periodistas mantienen un acampe en las puertas de su lugar de trabajo desde hace más de 80 días. Frente a las denuncias y posteriores comprobaciones académicas de una campaña de desprestigio en redes sociales hacia lxs más de 200 periodistas despedidos de la agencia estatal de noticias mexicana Notimex, desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas manifestamos nuestro repudio a cualquier tipo de ataque a trabajadorxs que están actuando en defensa de sus…  
Search results 3501 until 3570 of 15058