15063 results:

8261. Journalists Covering Ukraine & Russia Must Have Free and Open Reporting Access  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have appealed for all sides involved in the ongoing Ukraine crisis to ensure that journalists reporting on events are given free and open reporting access at all times. Mindful of the precarious situation for journalists covering events, the IFJ and the EFJ have also advised journalists covering developments to take every precaution necessary to ensure their safety. The calls follow reports that several journalists have been detained in Russia and eastern Ukraine in recent weeks, while Ukrainian journalists are said to have been denied access to eastern Ukraine by the information…  
8262. Palestinian Journalist and Teenage Daughter are Latest Victims of Israeli Attacks  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has issued a renewed demand for the safety and freedom of journalists in Gaza to be upheld following news of today’s latest media violations, including the killing of a Palestinian journalist and his daughter. According to IFJ affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), Baha Edeen Gharib, 55, who worked as Israeli affairs editor for Palestinian TV, and his 16-year-old daughter Ola, were killed by an Israeli rocket attack this morning in Rafah, in the southern Gaza strip region, while they were travelling home. In another media attack, at dawn this morning Israeli war jets are reported to have bombed the offices of the…  
8263. 27 Journalists Now Detained in Iran, says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has issued a renewed appeal for the government of Iran to show its commitment to press freedom and human rights by releasing the ever increasing number of journalists being held in the country. According to statistics from IFJ affiliate, the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ), there are now 27 journalists imprisoned in Iran – making it one of the worst jailers of journalists in the world. A number of those journalists have been imprisoned over the course of the last few months as the country’s government has stepped up its clampdown on freedom of expression and press freedom.  “President Rohani promised reform and change when…  
8264. IFJ and SAMSN condemn threats to Sri Lankan journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) join the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) in strongly condemning the death threats issued to Sunil Jayasekara, the convener of Free Media Movement (FMM) over recent days. The IFJ has also questioned the role of government agencies in sabotaging a media workshop in Colombo during the weekend and called on the Sri Lankan government to probe these serious threats against Mr Jayasekera as an utmost priority or risk further regional and international condemnation on its human rights record. Jayasekara has received continuous death threats from anonymous numbers since the FMM…  
8265. IFJ condemns dismissal of respected Indian journalist and activist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins affiliates the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists (India) in condemning the illegal dismissal of respected union leader Geetartha Pathak from the Assam Bani on June 19. The IFJ and its affiliates say the action is a direct and deliberate attack against Pathak’s trade union activity and have called for his immediate reinstatement. Pathak, also the secretary of IJU and the President of Journalists Union of Assam, has  worked in the newspaper published by the Assam Tribune Group of Publications for 27 years and was assistant editor when his services were terminated. The media house had issued…  
8266. Call for Investigation on Indian journalist’s death  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates the National Union of Journalists (India) and the All India Newspaper Employees Federation (AINEF) call for investigation on the mysterious death of a 31-year-old Indian journalist Milita Dutta Mandal on Monday July 21. According to reports, Mandal, a producer at Rajya Sabha TV, mysteriously fell to death from the balcony of her eighth floor flat at a housing society in Vaishali. Her neighbors heard her scream late night, discovered her body in the basement and rushed to hospital with her husband where she was declared brought-in dead. Mandal lived with her husband, a three-year-old daughter and mother-in-law in…  
8267. Call for release of jailed Pakistani journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joints its affiliate Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in urging the Afghanistan government to pardon the Pakistani journalist jailed for crossing the border into Afghanistan without complete documentation. Faizullah Khan, a reporter with ARY News, was arrested in April by Afghan security forces in Nangarhar province and on July 12 was sentenced to four years in jail for ‘entering without travel documents and communicating with militant sources’. The IFJ and the PFUJ have condemned the arrest and called for his release in view of his professional right to collect information and report freely. The Government of Pakistan…  
8268. SAMSN 2014: Impunity, Gender and Digital Safety key focus areas for South Asia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN), a network of IFJ affiliates and partners in the region, in its commitment to work towards ending the environment of impunity and minimizing attacks on journalists as well as in addressing gender issues in media. The 13th annual meeting of the SAMSN, held in Kathmandu from July 18 to 20 with journalists, human rights activists and union leaders of seven nations of South Asia discussing regional issues and challenges to media freedom, unanimously passed on a 13-point resolution which focuses on impunity, gender and digital safety. The SAMSN took serious note of the widespread culture of…  
8269. Serbia discuss Media Reform and Protection of Journalists’ Rights  

With the financial support of Swedish based labour organisation LOTCO, the EFJ affiliate, the Journalists Union of Serbia (SINOS), organised a workshop called “media reform and protection of journalists’ profession" in Belgrade on 22-23 July.  ”Journalists have been the main victims of the still lasting transformation period in Serbia,” said Dragana Cabarakapa, President of SINOS. She gave examples from journalists working for private media, who had not been allowed to participate in this workshop. Especially in private local and regional media, journalists hardly have a written contract; they have to bring their own equipment, they have no media  insurance, many of them…  
8270. EFJ writes to the Serbian Prime Minister to Defend Journalists' Working Conditions  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) together with the Journalists Union of Serbia (SINOS) writes to Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, about new Labour Law and Media Reform legislations - drafted by the Serbian authorities without any proper consultation procedures - which will have a major negative impact on the working conditions of Serbian journalists and media workers. The letter urges the Serbian Prime Minister to consult trade union representatives on legislation affecting journalists' working conditions, freedom of the press and access to information. ------------------------ To : Aleksandar Vucic Prime Minister of the Republic of SerbiaDear Prime…  
8271. EFJ recommends the Turkish Prime Minister to « Unfollow » Journalists  

The Brussels-based European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), representing over 320.000 journalists in 40 countries, has been informed that Turkish journalists working for media outlets (like Zaman and Taraf newspapers) are under regular harassment, threats or judicial attacks made by the Turkish authorities. Those media are suspected of being too close to the transnational religious movement called « Hizmet » led by the US-based Turkish preacher Fethullah Gülen . Following a request for information introduced by the EFJ Brussels Office to the Zaman newspaper headquarter, at least eights cases have been reported where  those journalists have been the target of Turkish officials : On…  
8272. FAJ Mourns Two Journalists in Zimbabwe  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) today mourns the death of two journalists in Zimbabwe. The FAJ affiliate, the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) announced yesterday the death of Mernart Mafirakureva, the business editor of The Chronicle and Zecheaus Nemadire a freelance journalist.  Mafirakureva was involved in an accident while travelling to Harare on July 24th while Nemadire was found dead apparently after being murdered by suspected robbers on his way home. Journalist Roberta Katunga of The Sunday News who was travelling with Mafirakureva sustained injuries and is admitted at a Harare hospital. ''This is sad news from Zimbabwe, we express our sincere condolences to…  
8273. Israeli Forces Must Be Held accountable for Attacks on Journalists in Gaza, says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined increasing international calls for the Israeli government and its forces to be held accountable for the atrocities that are being carried out against journalists covering events in Gaza. IFJ affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), has published a list detailing the attacks that Israeli forces have carried out against journalists reporting on the crisis, including the four media workers who have been killed since the conflict began, the many media workers who have been injured, and the three media outlets that have been targeted. “We join the international demand for an end to impunity for attacks against…  
8274. South Asia Media Solidarity Network Bulletin  

Welcome to the e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on August 15, 2014, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know what you are doing; to seek solidarity and support from other SAMSN members; and to find out what others are doing in the region. To contribute, email: [email protected] SAMSN is a group of journalists’ trade unions, press freedom organizations and journalists in South Asia that have agreed to work together to support freedom of expression and association in the region. SAMSN was formed at a meeting of these groups in Kathmandu, Nepal, in September 2004. The group agreed to stand in…  
8275. IFJ urges Facebook to reject outside influence  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges social media platform Facebook to uphold freedom of expression and say no to outside influence, after many Hong Kong account holders expressed anger at perceived interference.  Dr Benny Tai Yiu-Ting, one of the organisers of the Occupy Movement in Hong Kong, said Facebook suspended his account without explanation. Dr Tai, an associate professor of law at the University of Hong Kong, has pushed for public nomination of candidates and universal suffrage for the 2017 elections of Hong Kong’s new Chief Executive and Legislative Council.  Dr Tai said Facebook notified him that, according to company policy, an account must list…  
8276. Detail  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) today has insisted to Ethiopian Authorities that journalists are not terrorists following the warning by the Prime Minister to journalists to operate free from terrorists. According to the Ethiopian National Journalists Union (ENJU) a FAJ affiliate, Prime Minister Haile-Mariam Desalegn told a press conference Friday 18 July 2014 that Ethiopian Journalists should practice professional journalism and make sure they are not parroting the agenda of some terrorist groups. "We call on the Prime Minister to understand that journalists are neither criminals nor terrorists. Their role is to collect, process and disseminate news and information to…  
8277. Pelo fim imediato do massacre de Gaza  

A Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ), entidade máxima de representação dos jornalistas brasileiros, vem a público denunciar e rechaçar o verdadeiro massacre de não combatentes, principalmente mulheres e crianças, que vem ocorrendo nos últimos dias na Faixa de Gaza.A FENAJ reconhece a complexidade da situação e identifica as motivações históricas, mas também não ignora os interesses econômicos e geopolíticos presentes na região. A Federação brasileira de jornalistas, na sua histórica política internacional, defende a autonomia dos povos e a soberania das nações. Além disso, reafirma o princípio da defesa da vida, da liberdade e da paz.Por isso, a FENAJ lamenta a perda de vidas e os…  
8278. European Commission publishes report on copyright consultation  

The European commission released a report on its public consultation on the EU copyright review. This consultation launched in December 2013 is part of the European Commission's objective to "review and modernise" the EU copyright rules. The consultation invited stakeholders to share their views on areas identified in the Communication on Content in the Digital Single Market (IP/12/1394) including on limitations and exceptions to copyright and remuneration of authors and performers. The report on the responses to the copyright review consultation to which the EFJ responded is now available…  
8279. New Laws Passed in Somalia and Puntland will Destroy Press Freedom, says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its deep concern about two new laws which have been passed in Somalia and its Puntland region that will damage and undermine press freedom and freedom of expression across the country. According to IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), yesterday, 22 July, the Puntland Parliament gave its sudden approval to a draft media law which outlines penalties, fines and suspensions for work from journalists. The law legalises closure of media houses and restricts the editorial independence of media outlets, as well as giving the ministry of information the power to withhold or revoke media house…  
8280. The challenges of a female reporter in Pakistan  

Nadia Sabohi, one of the first female TV journalists in the north-west Pakistan province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, tells of her life as a lone woman reporter in the most challenging of beats The horrible morning of Sunday, November 22, 2013, the Christian community of Peshawar was targeted by two consecutive suicide blasts at the All Saints Church Kohati, Peshawar. I arrived there within 10 minutes of the incident. The scene in the church was very horrible. The walls and floor were coloured with human blood. Body pieces of victims were scattered within the church premises – men, women, elders and children were among them. Being a mother, I almost fainted when I saw the body pieces of little…  
8281. Journalist displaced after threats in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in condemning the incidents leading to displacement of journalist Ramesh Rawal from Kalikot district of remote Karnali, mid-west Nepal two weeks ago. Rawal informed the FNJ that he was forced to move out of his home district after receiving continuous threats from various officials regarding news he reported for Karobar economic daily in Kathmandu and local daily Hamro Karnali Khabar. The displaced journalist, who moved to remote district from capital Kathmandu earlier this year, believes that he became subject of threats for writing news on corruption by government agencies. Rawal decided…  
8282. IFJ & EFJ Appeal to Russian Authorities to Immediately Release Ukrainian Journalist Yevgeny Agarkov  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have called for Russian authorities to ensure that Ukrainian journalist Yevgeny Agarkov is immediately released following his prolonged and disproportionate period in detention. According to IFJ affiliates the National Union of the Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) and the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU), Agarkov, a reporter for the “Spetskor,” programme which is broadcast by Ukrainian channel 2+2, was arrested by Russian immigration officials near Voronezh, in southwestern Russia, last Friday, 18 July, for not being accredited with the Russian foreign ministry. Agarkov is…  
8283. La FAJ demande la libération de deux journalistes arrêtés à Madagascar  

La Fédération des journalistes africains (FAJ) a aujourd’hui demandé la libération de deux journalistes arrêtés à Madagascar pour diffamation et délit de presse.   Selon des sources indépendantes, le directeur de la publication du journal Madagascar Matin, Jean-Luc Rahaga, et son rédacteur en chef, Didier Ramanoelina, ont été arrêtés le lundi 21 juillet pour diffamation et délit de presse. Ils encourent de six mois à deux ans de prison ferme et le journal risque un mois de suspension. Le procès des deux journalistes doit avoir lieu ce mercredi.   « L’emprisonnement des deux journalistes donne un mauvais signal pour la liberté de la presse et la liberté d’expression à…  
8285. ‘Journalists are Not Terrorists’, Says FAJ to Ethiopia  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) today has insisted to Ethiopian Authorities that journalists are not terrorists following the warning by the Prime Minister to journalists to operate free from terrorists.   According to the Ethiopian National Journalists Union (ENJU) a FAJ affiliate, Prime Minister Haile-Mariam Desalegn told a press conference Friday 18 July 2014 that Ethiopian Journalists should practice professional journalism and make sure they are not parroting the agenda of some terrorist groups.   ``We call on the Prime Minister to understand that journalists are neither criminals nor terrorists. Their role is to collect, process and disseminate news and…  
8286. Proposed media laws endangering journalism  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Timor Leste Journalists Association (AJTL) call upon Taur Matan Ruak, the President of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste, to refrain from signing off new media laws that may endanger the practice of journalism in the region. AJTL has called on the President use his power to influence parliament to remove these articles, and says the current provisions are more in line with protecting political interests yet restrict the rights of the media. The IFJ has been following the progress of the laws since a draft version was approved by the Council of Ministers on August 6, 2013. One of the main concerns of the…  
8287. Attacks Against Media in Gaza Must End Now, says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has reiterated its call for Israeli forces to end attacks against journalists and media organisations in Gaza following the latest spate of violent incidents today, Tuesday 22 July. According to media reports, an Israeli war jet fired shots at the Aljazeera office based in Al-Jala' Tower in Gaza City Centre. Media workers were forced to evacuate the building. IFJ affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), has also today reported that cameraman Sami Thabet, who works for Palestine TV, was injured in an Israeli raid on Al-Aqsa Hospital in the centre of Gaza, while journalists Ahmad Al Bodeiri and Sarah Al-Athra, from…  
8288. Guangdong Propaganda office forces media group to fire journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Guangdong Propaganda Department for pressuring a media group to fire a journalist because he wrote a commentary for a Hong Kong outlet. On July 18, Song Zhibiao was forced to sign an agreement terminating his contract with Nan Fang Media Group after he wrote an article for a Hong Kong-based online platform, Oriental Daily. Several journalists said Song was forced to leave Nan Fang because of the piece. They said the Guangdong Propaganda Department accused Song of violating the latest rules governing journalists. These rules were announced by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT)…  
8289. FAJ Calls on Sudan to Investigate Raid of a Newspaper  

Authorities in Sudan must investigate and put an end to the attacks against journalists and an independent newspaper, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) said today. <u1:p></u1:p>   According to FAJ group in Eastern Africa, an unknown group of people, on Friday 19 July 2014, raided on the premises of Al-Tayar newspaper and attacked the editor in chief Osman Merghani and three journalists. They were injured and their laptops and mobile phones taken away. <u1:p></u1:p>   The Eastern Africa Journalists Association (EAJA) reported that  the raid and the attacks followed the comments made by the editor during an interview, on Arab-Israeli…  
8290. Freedom and Safety of Journalists in Gaza Must be Upheld, says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today demanded that Israeli forces respect the rights of journalists in Gaza and has issued a renewed appeal for journalists in the region to take all necessary safety precautions. The call comes as the Israeli army intensifies its invasion of the Gaza region, with the latest reports saying that Israel is prepared to significantly widen its ground offensive. Last night, Thursday, 17 July, international journalists joined Gaza residents in a frightening evacuation after the Israeli military warned that its offensive was poised to enter the area. According to IFJ affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), this…  
8291. Khalid Agah Yaqubi  

According to the Afghanistan Journalists Centre (AFJC), the radio journalist was gunned down at his home by unidentified assaillants who knocked at his door. When one of his children opened the door, the gunmen opened fire on Yaqubi who was hit in the head and killed instantly. He became the fourth journalist to be killed in Afghanistan since the start of the year and the Afghanistan Independent Journalists' Association (AIJA), an IFJ affiliate, said his killing was a disturbing decline in journalist safety in the lead-up to and following the country’s presidential elections earlier this year.  
8293. Eight journalists assaulted in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Bangladesh Manobodhikar Sambadik Forum (BMSF) condemn the assault of eight journalists during a football match in Dhaka on Monday night, July 14. According to reports, the journalists were allegedly assaulted by a group of the Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) activists of Dhaka University during a football match at the campus. The journalists allegedly approached the students about joining in a game to which the students replied that they were leaving the ground in 10 minutes. The BCL students, belonging to Surya Sen Hall, left the ground but returned a short time later, armed with machetes and iron rods and began attacking the…  
8294. FAJ Commends KUJ for Repositioning as Journalists and Press Freedom Defender  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) today commended the Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ) on the tremendous efforts that it has made to reposition itself as the voice of Kenyan journalists and defender of press freedom in Kenya.<u1:p></u1:p>   Speaking during a ceremony unveiling the rebranded KUJ, on Tuesday 15 July in Nairobi, KUJ Chairman, Oscar Obonyo, assured members that the union had addressed its internal challenges and will not disappoint them, while calling for greater collaboration between journalists and media owners.<u1:p></u1:p>   FAJ President, Mohamed Garba said that issues concerning the freedom of the press and the freedom of…  
8295. Afghan radio journalist assassinated at home  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) have called for a thorough investigation into the shooting murder of radio journalist Khalid Agah Yaqubi this week. He is the fourth journalist to be killed in Afghanistan this year and marks a disturbing decline in journalist safety in the lead-up to and following the country’s presidential elections earlier this year. The Afghanistan Journalists Centre (AFJC) reported that Yaqubi answered a knock on the door in the late afternoon on Saturday, 12 July. As one of his children opened the door, they opened fire on Yaqubi and shot him in the head. Lahza FM confirmed…  
8296. Afghan radio journalist assassinated at home  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) have called for a thorough investigation into the shooting murder of radio journalist Khalid Agah Yaqubi this week. He is the fourth journalist to be killed in Afghanistan this year and marks a disturbing decline in journalist safety in the lead-up to and following the country’s presidential elections earlier this year. The Afghanistan Journalists Centre (AFJC) reported that Yaqubi answered a knock on the door in the late afternoon on Saturday, 12 July. As one of his children opened the door, they opened fire on Yaqubi and shot him in the head. Lahza FM confirmed…  
8297. European Commission launches call for tender for study on remuneration of authors  

Today the European commission launched a call for tender to complete a study assessing the remuneration of authors. This study forms part of the ongoing review of the EU copyright/authors’ rights 'acquis'. A study on the remuneration of authors and performers for the use of their works in the audio-visual and the music sectors is already underway. This study should analyse the applicable legal framework and collect data on the remuneration of authors for the use of their works, including the mechanisms and terms of contracts that have an impact on their remuneration and their bargaining position in the following sectors: books, journalism (written press and audiovisual) ,…  
8298. EFJ Slams UK for Pushing through Data Retention Law  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today has criticised the UK government’s hasty move to rush through a controversial data retention law that will allow the government to have greater control of personal data of citizens and journalists. “It is shocking that the UK government is pushing through a law that has just been invalidated by the European Court of Justice (ECJ),” said Ricardo Gutierrez, EFJ General Secretary. “We are extremely concerned that such an intrusive law will violate the privacy of citizens as well as those of journalists whose duty to protect confidential sources could be compromised.” The EFJ is backing the call by its affiliate in the UK, the National…  
8299. Step Up Protection for Media Workers in Iraq, Demands IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on Iraqi authorities to carry out an immediate and thorough investigation into a vicious attack on the Baghdad office of the Al Ta’khi newspaper on Monday evening, 14 July. IFJ’s affiliates, the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate (KJS) and the Iraqi Journalists’ Syndicate (IJS), have strongly condemned the attack on the paper which has been running for over 60 years. The IFJ has fully backed their stance and called on the Iraqi government to step up protection for journalists and media workers amid the escalation of violence and disorder in the country, while repeating its call for journalists to take all necessary safety…  
8300. FAJ Steering Committee Meets in Nairobi  

The Steering Committee of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) held its first meeting this year in Nairobi on Friday 11 July, 2014.  The meeting brought together all  elected members of the Steering Committee to deliberate on issues concerning the campaigns and advocacy work of FAJ, the FAJ Mission to Central Africa Republic, fundraising, developments in the IFJ,  relationship with the African Union and with regional associations. In his statement to members of the Steering Committee, FAJ President, Mohamed Garba, said that within the past year, FAJ had occupied itself with the safety and protection of journalists across the continent.  “Impunity against…  
8301. FAJ Steering Committee Meets in Nairobi  

The Steering Committee of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) held its first meeting this year in Nairobi on Friday 11 July, 2014.  The meeting brought together all  elected members of the Steering Committee to deliberate on issues concerning the campaigns and advocacy work of FAJ, the FAJ Mission to Central Africa Republic, fundraising, developments in the IFJ,  relationship with the African Union and with regional associations.<u1:p></u1:p>   In his statement to members of the Steering Committee, FAJ President, Mohamed Garba, said that within the past year, FAJ had occupied itself with the safety and protection of journalists across the…  
8302. VACANCY: Apply for Role of IFJ Author's Rights Officer - based in Brussels  

Authors’ Rights officer (4 months part-time position for maternity leave replacement) The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is hiring a part-time authors’ rights officer for 4 months (October 2014- January 2015) for maternity leave replacement. This position is based at the IFJ headquarters in Brussels. Job description The authors’ rights officer will be responsible for the International and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ)’ authors’ rights work, under the direction of the IFJ and EFJ General Secretaries and in close co-operation with the EFJ Authors' Rights Expert Group (AREG).  The officer will be responsible for: - Managing the IFJ/EFJ authors’…  
8303. IFJ/FAJ Hold Conference on the Media and Climate Change  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in collaboration with the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) held a two - day Conference on the Media and Climate Change  in Nairobi, Kenya from 9-10 July, 2014. The Conference brought together 25 journalists union leaders across the continent. Representatives from the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of Kenya, UNESCO, Ford Foundation and the Institute of Law and Environmental Governance (ILEG) also addressed the Conference aimed at drawing strategies on how the African media can report more effectively on climate change. Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Environment Secretary, Dr. Alice Kaudia, speaking on…  
8304. Afghan court jails Pakistani journalist for four years  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in its criticism of the harsh prison sentence imposed on TV journalist Faizullah Khan and is demanding the Afghan government immediately review the case with a view to granting Khan early release. On July 12 Khan, a reporter for ARY News TV based in Karachi, was sentenced to four years jail for entering Afghanistan without proper documentation. A local court in Jalalabad dropped espionage charges that had also been made against him. Khan was on an assignment to interview a Taliban leader when he was arrested. The PFUJ has condemned the court’s sentence and urged the Afghan government…  
8305. TGS Reaches Second Collective Agreement at BirGün  

The EFJ congratulated the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS) on signing a second new collective agreement for journalists at the newspaper BirGün. According to this new agreement, staff will receive an annual salary increase of 12% (to counter the high inflation rate - 9.66% in 2014), holiday for female journalists on the International Women's Day on 8 March, 18 weeks paid maternity leave, 1-day paid leave per month on request for female workers during their mensturation, holiday for all journalists willing to participate to the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia on 17 May, child allowance of 500 TRY (equivalent to 175 EUR), marriage or…  
8306. Nepal court sentences journalist’s murderers to life imprisonment  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in welcoming the court verdict on the case of murder of journalist Yadav Poudel on July 10, 2014. A joint bench of Justices Udaya Prakash Chapagain and Gunaraj Dhungel at the Appellate Court handed over life imprisonment to Yubaraj Giri, Somnath Dhakal and his wife Manju Dhakal. The court also sentenced Madan Rai six months in jail for his involvement in 2012 murder of Poudel. On April 4, 2012, Poudel was pushed off the roof of the hotel owned by the Dhakal couple. Poudel was in talks with Giri to begin publication of a local daily newspaper when the incident happened. Police…  
8307. Nine journalists imprisoned and detained in Myanmar  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is distressed at the recent imprisonment of five journalists from the Yangon-based Unity weekly news and current affairs magazine and the arrest and detention of four more journalists from the Bi Mon Te Nay (Midday Sun) newspaper in Myanmar. On July 10 reports said the Pokokku District court had sentenced four journalists and the CEO of Unity to 10 years’ hard labour after publishing reports claiming the existence of a chemical weapons factory linked to China. Unity had published two reports about a secret facility had been built in 2009 in tunnels near Pakokku, in central Myanmar's Magway region. The journalists were found guilty of…  
8308. Nineteen Kurdistan Journalists Benefit from IFJ Safety Training in Irbil  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has completed a hugely positive safety training workshop for Kurdistan journalists based in the city of Irbil. Held in Irbil in collaboration with the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate from 26 - 28 June, 19 journalists and photographers from the city took part in the training which was run by trainer Mohamed Aqrawi. The training covered a number of prominent themes including the practical steps to support the security and safety of journalists, cyber security and the security of women journalists. The workshop was held as part of the IFJ’s Building a Culture of Safety for Journalists in the Middle East and Arab World and was…  
8309. Hamid Shibab  

According to IFJ affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), Shihab, who worked as a driver for Media 24 agency, was killed by an Israeli rocket that hit his car when he was driving in the Gaza Strip area.  
8310. IFJ and FAJ Give Support to Palestinian Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Federation of Arab Journalists (FAJ), having met in Ramallah on 21-22 June at a conference in support of Palestinian journalists, have developed a declaration in support of Palestinian journalists. The declaration states:   Their full solidarity with the Palestinian journalists who are continuously subjected to frequent violations at the hands of the Israeli authorities in breach of International laws. Their support for the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate's efforts to defend journalists, their professionalism, and to enhance their financial and moral rights and their commitment to independence from commercial or…  
8311. IFJ Strongly Condemns Killing of Palestinian Media Worker Hamid Shihab  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly condemned the killing of Palestinian media worker Hamid Shibab in Gaza last night, Wednesday 9 July. According to IFJ affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), Shihab, who worked as a driver for Media 24 agency, was killed by an Israeli rocket that hit his car when he was driving in the Gaza Strip area. “We join our affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) in condemning the appalling killing of Hamid Shihab and we send our condolences to his family, friends and colleagues,” said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. “We demand that Israeli authorities carry out a thorough investigation into…  
8312. IFJ urges China’s media regulator to withdraw new rules  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges China’s major media regulator to withdraw new rules which will interfere with journalists’ right to work and prevent media workers from properly exercising their duties to report in the public interest. On July 8, state-owned news agency Xinhua reported that the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT) issued the new regulations governing journalists on June 30. The rules have far-reaching implications which ban all local media workers, including anchor-men, editors and “others who aid media personnel” from reporting “state secrets, commercial secrets, unpublished information, and so on”. The…  
8313. IFJ / EFJ Welcome Release of Belarusian Journalist & Human Rights Defender Ales Bialiatski  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have welcomed the release of prominent Belarusian journalist and human rights activist, Ales Bialiatski, but have condemned the long and unjust period he has endured in prison. According to IFJ/EFJ affiliate, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), Bialiatski, head of the human rights center Viasna and a member of BAJ, was released from prison on 21 June. He was informed that he was released under an amnesty in the country. He served more than two thirds of his sentence – in all 1052 days. “We welcome the release of our colleague Ales Bialiatski and we join his family, friends and…  
8314. True freedom of expression depends on independent, sustainable authorship  

IFJ Speaks at WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related rights IFJ/EFJ Authors' Rights Expert Group's chair Mike Holderness spoke at the last World Intellectual Property Organisations' Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, calling in particular for fair compensation int he copyright exception debate. Read speech here  
8315. IFJ Condemns Attack Against Israeli Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned an attack on two Israeli journalists by a group of Palestinian protestors, but has acknowledged the Palestinian journalist who stepped in to help them. According to the National Federation of Israeli Journalists (NFIJ), Gal Berger, from IBA radio, and Elior Levy, from the Yedioth Ahronot newspaper, were harassed and threatened by a group of Palestinian protestors while reporting on clashes in the Shuafat Refugee Camp, near Jerusalem, on Wednesday morning, 2 July. The NFIJ says the reporters were stripped and bullied by the protestors and were only saved when a Palestinian journalist intervened to end the attack. “We…  
8316. Sri Lanka muzzles NGOs and bans media-related activities  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) and Free Media Movement (FMM) in condemning the decision of the Sri Lankan government to ban civil society non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from having any dealings with the media, including organising and conducting legitimate and necessary media-training activities. On July 7 2014, the National Secretariat for NGOs, under the Ministry of Defence and Urban Development, issued a circular to all NGOs preventing them from “conducting press conferences, workshops, journalism training and dissemination of press releases”. The authority claimed such activities are beyond the…  
8317. Cooperation Agreement Regarding Author’s Rights between the SPA in Portugal and the UNAC in Angola  

The Portuguese Society of Authors (SPA) has signed an agreement with the National Union of Artists and Compositors (UNAC) in Angola. The agreement means they will collaborate together on the “essential areas of author’s rights management”. Among the different sections in the agreement is a promise from the Portuguese collective management organisation to help create an informatics system which should allow their Angolan colleagues to keep a better inventory of their author’s rights. It should also ease the task of covering and distributing author’s rights. Training for author’s rights management is also planned. The UNAC, created 29 years ago, currently represents over 6, 000 artists in…  
8318. SPA and YouTube come to an agreement concerning the compensation of author’s rights  

A month later than it was previously announced, a new agreement between the Portuguese Society of Authors (SPA) and YouTube has been implemented. According to SPA’s President, José Jorge Letria, the annual remuneration YouTube used to pay to Portuguese artists will be increased by 120%. Thus, the agreement defines a fixed amount the American company will have to pay every three years for making musical clips available on its platform, independently of the money the artists already receive through advertisements. “Portuguese artists are now better protected” declared Letria to the media Lusa.  
8319. European Court Slams Turkey on Pre-trial Detention of Journalists  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today has welcomed the European Court of Human Rights’ (ECHR) preliminary decision over the detention of two investigative journalists by the Turkish authorities without prior trial for over a year. The Court says the preliminary findings show that there is a breach of human rights. The case concerned the on-going detention of investigative journalists, Nedim Sener and Ahmet Şık, who were accused of aiding and abetting the alleged criminal organisation Ergenekon”. Sener and Şık were detained without trial since 3 March 2011 on the above alleged charges for more than one year. They were released on 12 March 2012. The Court held that the…  
8320. IFJ Press Freedom in China Campaign Bulletin: July 2014  

Welcome to IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly Press Freedom in China Campaign e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent in mid-August 2014, and contributions are most welcome.  To contribute news or information, email [email protected]. To visit the IFJ’s China Campaign page, go to www.ifj.org You can download the traditional Chinese version of this bulletin here. You can download the simplified Chinese version of this bulletin here. Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. 1) Chinese media and intellectuals ordered to “strictly follow party political discipline”2) Media regulator forbids publication of “critical reports”3) Propaganda…  
8321. Journalist escapes abduction attempt in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sambadik Forum (BMSF) in condemning the attempted abduction of journalist Shahed Chowdhury in Dhaka on the evening of Sunday July 6, 2014. Chowdhury, editor of the Bengali daily Samakal and president of Dhaka Reporters’ Unity (DRU), was traveling by public bus to attend a dinner hosted by former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia. Two unidentified youths in a white car forced the bus to stop and tried to drag Chowdury out and put him in their car. Passersby stepped forward to help him, and the attackers quickly left the scene. Dhaka Metropolitan Police say they will investigate the case once a formal complaint…  
8322. Romania launches a consultation on public right lending  

Click here for further information about the Romanian consultation on public right lending.  
8323. Detained Liberian Journalist Must be Released, FAJ Says  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) today has called on authorities in Liberia to immediately and unconditionally release a journalist detained since July 2, 2014. According to the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) a FAJ affiliate, journalist Octavin Williams, Publisher of the Nation Times newspaper is being continuously and unjustified detained by authorities of the Liberia National Police. Deputy Police Inspector General Colonel Abraham Kromah on Wednesday 2 July ordered the arrest and subsequent detention of the journalist for what was initially referred to as “driving a vehicle with an American license plate”. Subsequent claims against journalist Williams have been…  
8324. IFJ Demands Respect for Journalists in Venezuela  

The Executive Committee of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), meeting in Brussels on 28 and 29 June, has demanded an end to attacks against journalists in Venezuela and called on the government and media companies in the country to ensure the printing and circulation of newspapers in the country is carried out.  The IFJ Executive Committee has issued the following statement:-  Considering: - That so far this year , according to our affiliate, the National Union of Press Workers, there have been 205 assaults - including fisical attacks, detentions and theft of equipment – against local  journalists and foreign correspondents in Venezuela - That the rate of…  
8325. La FIP demanda respeto por los periodistas en Venezuela  

El Comité Ejecutivo de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), reunido en Bruselas los días 28 y 29 de junio, ha exigido el fin a los ataques contra los periodistas en Venezuela y pidió al gobierno y a los medios de comunicación en el país que aseguren la impresión y circulación de periódicos en el país El Comité Ejecutivo de la FIP ha emitido el siguiente comunicado: Considerando Que en lo que va del año, según informa nuestro afiliado, el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa se han registrado 205 agresiones -entre ellas agresiones físicas, detenciones y robos de equipos- contra periodistas nacionales y corresponsales extranjeros en Venezuela Que la tasa de…  
8326. Macedonia Must Secure Journalists Working Conditions  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is highly concerned for the safety and working conditions of journalists in Macedonia following the ongoing inter-ethnic violent protests taking place in the capital city of Skopje. The recent life sentences pronounced by the Skopje Criminal Court against six alleged Albanian muslim radicals for the killing of five ethnic Macedonians at Orthodox Easter in 2012 is mentioned by media reports as the possible cause of the rising  ethnic tensions in the country. BalkanInsight reports that the Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said « the state won’t let these protests escalate to an extent where they can jeopardise the interests of the…  
8327. IFJ and Hydara Family Win Court case against Gambia for Murdered Journalist  

The Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West Africa States (Ecowas) has ruled that the Government of Gambia failed to properly investigate the murder of prominent journalist Deyda Hydara who was killed in 2004. In a judgment rendered on 10 June 20914, the Court further found Gambia in breach of its obligations to enforce the right to life and the right to press freedom which entrenched impunity by failing to investigate attacks by the State’s operatives on journalists. The case was brought in 2011 jointly by representatives of the Hydara family and the Dakar- based Office of the International Federation of Journalists for Africa. The victim was a respected…  
8328. Special Branch collecting data on Myanmar’s private media outlets  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned about the state of press freedom in Myanmar as police continue to probe news publications even after the country’s Interim Press Council has called for the Ministry of Home Affairs’ Special Branch police to drop their investigation. The Special Branch intelligence unit has summoned editors of news publications to inquire about their business procedures, including financial records. At least seven privately-owned weekly journals were questioned last week. The government insists that these meetings are merely about collecting basic information and that it is nothing to worry about. Despite this, Myanmar’s Interim Press…  
8329. IFJ condemns Ming Pao senior manager for violating editorial independence  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), and the Ming Pao Union in condemning a senior executive of Ming Pao newspaper for deleting, without consultation, key words from headlines about the July 1 rally for democracy. According to a statement by the Ming Pao Union, the editorial director of Ming Pao, Lui Ka-Ming, bypassed procedures for getting approval from the executive editor-in-chief and the assistant to the executive editor-in-chief. Lui unilaterally stopped the printing process and replaced “Fighting for universal suffrage” with “Police clearance action”. The rally supported calls for genuine universal…  
8330. Journalist’s home bombed in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in strongly condemning the bomb attack on the home of a journalist in Peshawar, Pakistan on July 2, 2014 – the third attack on the journalist’s home this year. This week’s incident saw unidentified attackers placed a bomb in the home of Jamshed Baghwan, the bureau chief of the Express News. Both the house and a car were damaged when the device exploded. The journalist and his family escaped the attack as Baghwan had seen unidentified men on a motorcycle planting the bomb. He and his wife took cover as the bomb exploded. Police have begun an investigation into the attack…  
Search results 8261 until 8330 of 15063