15060 results:

5881. Intimidation des médias en Tunisie  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale avec 600.000 membres, se joint à son affilié le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) qui refuse catégoriquement la décision du ministre de l’Intérieur du 3 avril 2017 d’interdire la parution du journal « Ethawra news » et ce en application des dispositions du décret de l’état d’urgence. Le Syndicat estime qu’un tel grave précédent est à même de permettre au ministère de s’immiscer dans les affaires du secteur, d’intimider les journalistes et de s’approprier les prérogatives de la justice. Le Syndicat rappelle qu’il a dénoncé dans le passé l’approche journalistique du journal pour ce qui…  
5882. Opposition TV in Maldives reeling under fine for alleged defamation  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) in expression serious concerns on the April 6 decision of the broadcasting authority to impose a heavy fine on Raajje TV for alleged defamation. The IFJ demands immediate review of the decision in order to ensure that the media is provided an environment to freely report. The Maldives Broadcasting Commission (MBC) slapped the opposition-aligned TV channel with a fine of MVR 1 m (US$ 64,850) for content that it deemed defamed President Abdulla Yameen. The content in question is a speech by a speaker at a rally held by Maldivian United Opposition on October 26, 2016 which the TV…  
5883. Maharashtra passes landmark journalist protection law  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the National Union of Journalists, India, (NUJI) in welcoming the passing of a law in Maharashtra state on April 7 aimed at protecting journalists. The IFJ demands effective implementation of the law in Maharashtra and urges other state governments to pass similar legislation to ensure journalists’ safety. The Maharashtra Media Persons and Media Institutions (Prevention of Violence and Damage or Loss to Property) Act, 2017 was passed in the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council on April 7. Any incident of violence against media persons or damage or loss of property of media persons or media institutions is now punishable…  
5884. Kuwait: Journalists unions launch new drive to establish media freedom mechanism  

Journalists unions from across the Arab World met in Kuwait on 5/6 April to step up their campaign to establish a regional media freedom mechanism. The initiative, launched in 2014, seeks to establish a special regional mechanism including an office for a media freedom rapporteur, in line with other international and regional mechanisms. Part of the initiative has included lobbying governments to adopt the Declaration on Media Freedom in the Arab World drawn up by unions, media organizations, national human rights commissions and civil society groups from across the region. Four countries have already signed the Declaration with a number of other countries expected to follow suit…  
5885. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 31st March to Friday 07th April: Press freedom conf. to open in Kuwait Wed. How to Cover a President Who's Literally Willing to Go to War With the Media Maharashtra Government clears draft bill on Journalists protection Act Kirkuk to Dunkirk: Kurdish journalist fights to stay in UK after fleeing assassins (RT EXCLUSIVE) Damas: 25 journalistes syriens formés à la sécurité Periodistas bloquean Autopista del Sol, para exigir justicia por compañeros asesinados Impunidad constante:…  
5886. Chile: Sindicato pide al Parlamento que investigue práctica antisindical de El Mercurio  

El Sindicato de Trabajadores N° de Empresa El Mercurio S.A.P. ha solicitado a la Cámara de Diputados de la República de Chile que designe una Comisión Investigadora para indagar en torno a la práctica antisindical que representa el súbito despido de 122 trabajadores producido el último 27 de febrero en El Mercurio. El Sindicato de Trabajadores N° de Empresa El Mercurio S.A.P., perteneciente a la Federación Nacional de Trabajadores de los Medios de Comunicación de Chile (FENATRAMCO), miembro de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), ha presentado una demanda en la justicia el 28 de marzo y, más recientemente, una solicitud al Poder Legislativo para que, mediante una…  
5887. Colombia: FIP y FECOLPER se reúnen con el Gobierno para garantizar condiciones laborales dignas  

Lea el informe completo de nuestro enviado especial en Bogotá, Marvin del Cid. El presidente de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), Philippe Leruth, y la presidenta de la Federación Colombiana de Periodistas (FECOLPER), Adriana Hurtado, organización asociada a la FIP, se reunieron ayer con el Ministerio del Interior de Colombia para que garantice unas condiciones laborales dignas para los trabajadores de la información en el país.  Leruth y Hurtado se reunieron con Dña. Edga Morales y d. Juan Jaimes, representantes de los Derechos Humanos del Ministerio del Interior y de la Fiscalía General de la Nación, para discutir un borrador de Política…  
5888. Trial against Montenegrin journalist Martinovic to continue on April 11  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of Montenegro expressing their grave concerns on the ongoing trial against investigative journalist Jovo Martinovic. “Together with our affiliate the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG), we wish to recall our letter of 2 September, in which we raised our concern over the arrest of detention of Mr. Martinovic for membership of a criminal organisation and drug offences, despite compelling evidence which shows he was only doing his job as an undercover investigative journalist.” At the beginning of the year Martinovic received a conditional release, while the trial will…  
5889. México: cierra medio donde trabajaba periodista asesinada  

El periódico Norte de Ciudad Juárez, donde trabajaba la periodista asesinada Miroslava Breach, anunció este domingo que da por terminada su edición impresa, debido a la inexistencia de garantías y a la ausencia de libertad para ejercer el periodismo crítico. El pasado 23 de marzo fue asesinada en el estado de Chihuahua Miroslava Breach, periodista que había denunciado recientemente la infiltración del narcotráfico en listas partidarias de cara a las elecciones municipales del próximo 5 de junio. También, la comunicadora había visibilizado la persecución y asesinato de campesinos e indígenas, la existencia de cementerios clandestinos, e investigaba actividades ilegales vinculadas al…  
5890. Germany: IFJ/EFJ express condolences following death of dju in ver.di leader  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) express their deepest condolences to their German affiliate dju in ver.di. after the death of its Chairman Ulrich Janßen who died at the age of 61 on March 31 following a serious illness. Ulrich Janßen was a committed fighter for the social and professional rights of journalists. He was an excellent trade union leader and a committed works council representative. As Chairman of the works council of the Nordwest-Zeitung publishing house in Oldenburg, Ulrich Janßen supported and inspired his colleagues. He had been involved in trade union activities since 2007 and became the dju in ver.di Chairman in 2008. In…  
5891. Colombia: La FIP presente en juicio contra torturadores de la periodista Claudia Julieta Duque  

La periodista de investigación colombiana Claudia Julieta Duque declaró ayer en la capital Bogotá contra dos de sus nueve victimarios, antiguos funcionarios del desaparecido Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS), por el delito de tortura psicológica agravada. Durante el juicio, realizado en el Juzgado Segundo Penal Especializado, la reportera declaró contra Ronal Rivera Rodríguez y Rodolfo Medina Alemán, ex detective y exjefe de la Contrainteligencia del extinto Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS), temido organismo que cumplía funciones de policía secreta, sobre la tortura psicológica de la que fue víctima desde finales de los años noventa. La FIP se…  
5892. Our letter to CoE Secretary General: Include Belarus to the Platform  

Partners of the Council of Europe Platform for the Promotion of Journalism and the Protection of Journalists are deeply concerned by the aggravating current situation in Belarus regarding mass detention of journalists. They urge Council of Europe to include Belarus to the list of the countries addressed by the Platform. Since the beginning of March 93 journalists were detained by the police, while covering protests across the country. While the majority was released the same day, at least 8 journalists were sentenced to 5-15 days in jail. The Association of European Journalists (AEJ), Article 19 (A19), the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), the European Federation of Journalists…  
5893. Damas : 25 journalistes syriens formés à la sécurité  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession avec 600.000 membres, organisait avec l’Unesco du 27 au 29 mars dernier à Damas (Syrie) une formation dédiée à la sécurité pour 25 collègues syriens. Parce que la Syrie fait partie des pays les plus dangereux du monde pour les journalistes – 80 d’entre eux ont été assassinés depuis 1990, la FIJ et l’Unesco ont organisé une formation spéciale dédiée à la sécurité dans le centre de formation de la télévision et de la radio à Damas du 27 au 29 mars. « Je tiens à remercier chaleureusement l’Unesco, dont la FIJ est membre associée, pour son aide précieuse dans l’organisation de cet…  
5894. IFJ responds to US Copyright office study on moral rights  

In its response to US Copyright Office Study on the Moral Rights of Attribution and Integrity the IFJ urges to strengthen those rights for journalists and other authors. The term “moral rights” is taken from the French phrase "droit moral" and refers to  non-economic rights that are considered personal to an author. They include the right of an author to be credited as the author of his or her work (the right of attribution) and the right to prevent prejudicial distortions of the work (the right of integrity). Moral rights are recognised by the International Berne Convention  in its Article 6 bis. Recalling that unwaivable, enforceable moral rights of attribution…  
5895. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 24th to Friday 31st March: Pictures of Iraq: Photojournalists bear witness to horror in ISIS-occupied Mosul IN MEMORIAM: Legendary journalist Ahmad Taufik dies at 51 Another Mexican journalist has been killed — the third one this month Prominent Indonesian journalist Ahmad Taufik dies Hong Kong's Pro-Democracy Activists Remain Defiant Ahead of Election Under China's Influence Van tres periodistas asesinados en 2017; todos en marzo Fotos | México, “cementerio para…  
5896. IFJ pushes for accountability with social media policy for media houses  

Today, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) along with the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) and the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) released an Online Harassment Social Media Policy for Media in a bid to make media companies and editorial managers more accountable for online abuse and harassment faced by journalists. The IFJ policy was formulated for Byte Back, an IFJ campaign across Asia and the Pacific which explores the extent of online harassment and particularly the impact on women in media. The IFJ said: “As news media goes digital, it is increasingly part of a journalist’s job to have a strong and visible presence online. But this exposure…  
5897. México: continúa la ola de ataques a la prensa  

El periodista Armando Arrieta Granados fue gravemente herido con armas de fuego en las primeras horas de este miércoles, cuando se encontraba en la puerta de su domicilio en el estado de Veracruz. Otro periodista fue atacado este martes, en un hecho donde murió su custodio. En marzo, tres periodistas mexicanos han sido asesinados. Armando Arrieta, jefe de redacción del periódico La Opinión de Poza Rica, fue atacado a tiros por desconocidos cuando se hallaba en la puerta de su hogar, en la localidad de Poza Rica (donde el año pasado fue asesinado el periodista Manuel Torres), perteneciente al estado de Veracruz, uno de los sitios más peligrosos para el ejercicio del periodismo. El…  
5898. Kazakhstan: campaigners call for end to persecution of jailed journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) backed international calls on the Kazakh authorities to stop the persecution of journalist Zhanbolat Mamay. Mamay, editor-in-chief of Kazakh opposition newspaper Tribuna – Sayasi kalam, was arrested on 10 February and accused of laundering money allegedly embezzled by opposition leader Mukhtar Ablayazov. He now faces a major fine or being jailed for up to seven years. Mamay was detained on 11 February and is awaiting trial. During all this time the journalist, known for his opposition to proposed land reforms, has categorically denied his guilt and claimed the accusations against him are “politically motivated”. His first hearing was…  
5899. Byte Back: IFJ launches guide to combat cyber harassment in South Asia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) today launched Byte Back: A Journalists’ Guide to Combat Cyber Harassment in South Asia, as part of a wider strategy to counter abusive behavior online, largely documented and directed at women journalists. The IFJ’s Byte Back Campaign is drawing attention to the extent of online harassment faced by women journalists in South Asia as well as its subsequent impacts on press freedom and freedom of expression that has a consequence of driving those targeted from online spaces. This includes trolling, doxing, stalking, cyber bullying and threats of physical and sexual violence. “Online…  
5900. Newspapers forced to close down in Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concerns over the act of the regional authorities that has forced the closure of all local newspapers in the remote, mountainous Gilgit-Baltistan territory. On March 21, all local newspapers in Gilgit-Baltistan suspended publication for an indefinite period as a protest against nonpayment of advertisement bills by the regional authorities and changes in rules which amounted to gagging the press. The newspapers in the remote northern-most part Pakistan largely depend on government advertisements for survival. The newspapers said they would remain shut until their dues were cleared and changes introduced in the rules…  
5901. Bangladesh court convicts six for photojournalist's murder  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) welcome the verdict of a Bangladesh court to convict six accused in the murder of photojournalist Aftab Ahmed in 2013. The IFJ demands that justice is delivered as soon as possible to all victimized journalists in Bangladesh, ending the culture of impunity. Judge Abdur Rahman Sardar of 'Dhaka Speedy Trial Tribunal 4' sentenced five accused to death and another accused to seven years in jail for his involvement in the murder of award-winning photojournalist Ahmed. Ahmed, 79, was murdered at his residence during a robbery in Dhaka’s Rampura on December 25, 2013. Those awarded death…  
5902. IFJ Q&A: we found that trolling had forced many female journalists out of the industry  

Tracy Spicer is the co-founder and national convenor of Women in Media and well-respected Australian journalist. We interviewed her on her experiences with online harassment of women journalists: IFJ: What are you experiences with online harassment and trolling from your work? TS: I have had repeated and sustained online harassment and trolling for the past five years. Followers of A Voice for Men in the US have threatened to kill and rape me and my young children. It’s been terrifying. IFJ: How important an issue is online harassment of women journalists? Has technology made it easier to harass women journalists, shame them and silence them? TS: It’s a huge issue, which media…  
5903. Petrol bomb hurled at photojournalists in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in condemning the attack targeting journalists covering a students’ election in Kathmandu, Nepal on March 28. The IFJ demands an investigation to punish those involved in the attack. Students protesting against the election of the Free Students Union at the Ratna Rajya Laxmi College on Exhibition Road in Kathmandu, hurled a petrol-based Improvised Explosive Device targeting photojournalists Shreedhar Paudel of OnlineKhabar.com and Keshav Thapa of The Kathmandu Post daily. The photojournalists were taking photographs of the protests and documenting scuffle between the police and protesters…  
5904. Cameroun : le correspondant de RFI en haoussa entendu par les juges pour la première fois  

Le journaliste Ahmed Abba correspondant de RFI en langue haoussa au Cameroun comparaissait devant le tribunal militaire de Yaoundé vendredi 24 mars 2017 pour la 15ème fois. C’est la première fois qu’il a pu s'exprimer lors de cette audience sur le fond de son procès. Depuis le 30 juillet 2015, Ahmed Abba est privé de sa liberté. Il a été inculpé pour non dénonciation d'acte terroriste, apologie du terrorisme et blanchiment d’argent. Des chefs d'accusation pour lesquels il plaide non coupable, en maintenant qu’en couvrant des faits de terrorisme, il n'avait fait que son travail de journaliste. Selon la direction de RFI, les productions d'Ahmed Abba diffusées sur son antenne en langue…  
5905. Russia: 13 journalists detained, more beaten during protests  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have today condemned the detention of at least 13 international and local journalists by Russian authorities during nationwide anti-corruption protests on 26 March. The demonstrations were not officially authorised in many Russian cities including Moscow and Saint-Petersburg which led to the detention of hundreds of people. Six journalists – among them 2 international correspondents - were detained in the capital Moscow, 3 in Saint-Petersburg and 4 more in other Russian cities. Reports added that the police also threatened and hit some reporters to prevent them from covering the demonstrations. Journalist Alec Luhn,…  
5906. Malaysian journalists banned from parliament lobby  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the National Union of Journalists, Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) in condemning the ban issued by Dewan Rakyat (Parlianment) Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia prohibiting journalists from entering the lobby of Parliament.  The IFJ calls for the ban to be immediately lifted. As of March 21, journalists are now to be confined to the press room for official media conferences at the Dewan Rakyat (Malaysia’s Parliament). Originally journalists have been allowed to access the lobby of the parliament, seeking out politicans for short, impromptu interviews, outside official press conferences. The ban was issued by Pandikar Amin…  
5907. Draft broadcasting law put before Mongolia parliament  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Confederation of Mongolian Journalists (CMJ) in welcoming the decision by the Mongolian government to place the draft Broadcasting Law before parliament. The IFJ calls on the government to ensure thorough consultation with stakeholders on the law and potential implementation. In early March, the draft Broadcasting Law was put forward to the Mongolian parliament after several years of debate and numerous versions. Mongolia’s media has flourished in recent years, boosting 400 media outlets for a population of just three million. Although the law is welcomed to help regulate the media, concerns have been raised about…  
5908. Nepal reintroduces restrictive online media directives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in expressing serious concern over the issuing of the revised Online Media Directives by the Nepal Government on March 20, 2017. The IFJ demands immediate withdrawal of the Directives. The Directives, a revised form of an earlier version, were published in the Nepal Gazette without consultations with stakeholders. It is restrictive in nature and gives arbitrary powers to the Department of Information to restrict and harass online media, thus threatening freedom of expression and press freedom. The FNJ has questioned the intention of the…  
5909. Nepal reintroduces restrictive online media directives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in expressing serious concern over the issuing of the revised Online Media Directives by the Nepal Government on March 20, 2017. The IFJ demands immediate withdrawal of the Directives. The Directives, a revised form of an earlier version, were published in the Nepal Gazette without consultations with stakeholders. It is restrictive in nature and gives arbitrary powers to the Department of Information to restrict and harass online media, thus threatening freedom of expression and press freedom. The FNJ has questioned the intention of the…  
5910. Women lag behind in US news media  

Women journalists remain outnumbered by men in US news. These are the results of a study commissioned by the Women’s Media Centre (WMC) across 20 leading national news outlets as part of its annual report on the Status of Women in U.S. Media 2017. The WMC, a non-profit organisation advocating for making women more visible and powerful in the media, noted that there had been a growth in disparity between men and women in many journalistic spheres. According to Julie Burton, WMC President “Men still dominate media across all platforms – television, newspapers, online, and wires – with change coming only incrementally, and in the case of broadcast news, regressing at the three major…  
5911. Colombia: La incesante lucha de Jineth Bedoya, periodista torturada y abusada por paramilitares  

Por Marvin Del Cid, enviado especial a Bogotá Una gran cantidad de periodistas esperaba en la entrada principal de los Juzgados Especializados de Bogotá, Colombia, la mañana del pasado 1º de marzo. Ese día la periodista Jineth Bedoya Lima declaraba una vez más en contra de sus secuestradores, torturadores y violadores, y tendría que recordar de nuevo los peores momentos de su vida. Pasadas la nueve de la mañana Bedoya Lima llegó acompañada del Procurador General de Colombia, Fernando Carrillo Flórez, quien manifestó su respaldo hacia ella y su lucha por la búsqueda de justicia. De inmediato la periodista se dirigió al nivel 4 del edificio en donde se llevaría a cabo la…  
5912. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 17th to Friday 24th March: Insurance plan offers protection for freelancers and fixers in dangerous environments Kuwait- IFJ condemns arrest of three journalists in Iran IFJ condemns arrest of three journalists in Iran NUJ urges Government to oppose Murdoch take-over of Sky as 'significant threat to media plurality and standards' Criticism of arrests of journalists in Belarus during anti-government protests Int'l press body condemns abduction of two journalists by Houthis in Yemen…  
5913. Online harassment and threats for Indian journalist exposing illegal sand mining  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concern over the online harassment and threats over the telephone to independent journalist Sandhya Ravishankar over her reporting of illegal beach sand mining in Tamil Nadu, India. In January, the Chennai-based freelancer had written a four-part series in The Wire that implicates Tirunelveli-based mining baron S Vaikundarajan in illegal sand mining. It triggered a spate of abusive calls and threats of violence on Twitter and Facebook by his supporters. Ravishankar approached the city police commissioner on March 14 with a complaint about the harassment and threats and has since been provided police…  
5914. México: tercer crimen contra el periodismo en marzo de este año  

Miroslava Breach, periodista de 54 años, fue asesinada a disparos este jueves 23 de marzo en la ciudad de Chihuahua. Cubría casos de crimen organizado, narcotráfico y corrupción. Miroslava, corresponsal de La Jornada y del periódico Norte de Ciudad Juárez, se encontraba esta mañana frente a su domicilio, en el interior de su vehículo, cuando uno o más desconocidos a bordo de otro automóvil abrieron fuego contra ella, quien minutos más tarde perdería la vida camino al hospital. La politóloga y periodista llevaba más de dos décadas trabajando para diversos medios, y sus notas se centraban en temas de crimen organizado, narcotráfico y corrupción política. Este elemento vuelve probable que…  
5915. Ahmed Al Jaber: the face of the forgotten war in Yemen  

UPDATED 23.03.17 Ahmed Al Jaber, former deputy editor-in-chief of Yemen’s state-owned SABA news agency, has received a French visa as a refugee thanks to the international solidarity and the efforts of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)’s French affiliates. Ahmed was forced to flee Yemen in October 2015 after being threatened with an arrest warrant by the Houthi rebels, who took control of the capital Sana’a in September 2014. Now he is waiting for his wife and 4 children to join him in France and hopefully, to return to his country as a journalist once the war is over. In the IFJ headquarters in Brussels, Ahmed gently tells his story, half in French, half in Arabic.…  
5916. Afghan journalist assaulted by police covering New Year celebrations  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Afghan Independent Journalist Association (AIJA) in condemning the assault on TV journalists in Balkh Province, Afghanistan by a police officer on March 22. The IFJ demands immediate action against the police officer. Ahmad Bashir Attayee, a news reporter for Ariana News TV, was assaulted by a police officer while he was covering Nowroz (Persian New Year) celebrations in Balkh around 8 pm. Cameraman Ahmad Waled Sediqi was also beaten for recording the assault on the reporter and his camera was broken. AIJA had contacted the authorities to investigate the issue and publicly report on the findings . Hujatullah Mujadidi, the AIJA…  
5917. Nepalese journalist attacked for timber smuggling report  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Nepal Press Union (NPU) and the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in condemning the attempted attack of a journalist by government employees in Bara district of Nepal on March 21. The IFJ urges the Nepal government to investigate the incident and punish those responsible. Officials of the District Forest Office (DFO) at Simara, Bara tried to attack Upendra Yadav, a journalist with Nagarik national daily, when he reached the office seeking information regarding an incident of timber smuggling. Yadav reached the office seeking information regarding wood seized by the police that was being smuggled out of district. The…  
5918. Belarus: IFJ/EFJ concern over detention of three more journalists  

UPDATE (28.03.2017): More journalists were prosecuted in Belarus today: Dzianis Ivashyn was sentenced to 5 days in jail, Kanstantsin Mardzvintsau to 15 days in jail, Syarjuk Kijko to 12 days in jail and Viktar Stukau was fined. UPDATE (24.03.2017): Hanna Dus’ and Viktar Kachan were detained yesterday in Babruysk, when they tried to report on a trial, the journalists were taken to the prosecutor’s office for a talk and later released. Sviatlana Tsishko, the editor of the website Kraj.by, was fined for approximately €200 for publishing a story about a protest on the grounds that the article can be interpreted as an invitation to the unsanctioned event. UPDATE (23.03.2017): Two more…  
5919. Are you insured? We seek your opinion!  

Have you ever sought an insurance? Are you planning to use 'Insurance for journalists' supported by the IFJ? Take part in the insurance survey! Take part in Insurance for Journalists' Survey here and help them improve and deliver the best insurance services tothe community of news professionals around the world deserves. Insurance for Journalists provides affordable insurance at home, abroad and in hostile regions. Their cover includes accidental death and disablement including sickness and emergency medical evacuation back to your home country if required. Unlike other insurance, they cover journalists being transported in military vehicles including aeroplanes and helicopters. This is…  
5920. Ricardo Monlui  

The 57-year-old director of the El Politico magazine and columnist for El Sol de Córdoba and el Diario de Xalapa was shot dead in the Mexican state of Veracruz while he was with his family. Monlui served as President of the Association of Journalists and Photographers de Córdoba and was the leader of a national union for sugar cane farmers, whose members have been victims of attacks in recent years.  
5921. Yemen: IFJ condemns arrests of two journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly condemned the arrest and detention of two journalists in Yemen while working on a report covering social and humanitarian issues. The two - reporter Ali al-Saqqaf, and photographer Abdul Hakim Abad – were arrested alongside two cooperators Alaa al-Shafi and Kamal al-Shawash in the city of Al Hudaydah. The pair were detained for more than a week after the al-Houthi group entered the campus of Al Hudaydah University, and abducted them from the Faculty of Arts in the Department of Media on Sunday 12 March. The journalists were working on producing a humanitarian social programme for the Al Ghad Al Mushreq channel in…  
5922. México: segundo periodista asesinado en 2017  

Ricardo Monlui, periodista y dirigente gremial de 57 años, fue asesinado a disparos este domingo 19 en el estado de Veracruz. Monlui, director del periódico El Político y columnista en El Sol de Córdoba y el Diario de Xalapa, murió en la mañana de este domingo al ser atacado a tiros por desconocidos, cuando se encontraba en el municipio de Yanga en compañía de su familia. El comunicador, a su vez, presidía la Asociación de Periodistas y Reporteros Gráficos de Córdoba, y se había desempeñado como responsable de prensa de la Unión Nacional de Productores de Caña de Azúcar, un sindicato víctima de múltiples ataques contra sus dirigentes en el transcurso de los últimos años. Veracruz es uno…  
5923. Iran: three journalists arrested in one week  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ), in condemning the arrest of three journalists in just one week ahead of the presidential election in May. The recent arrest of journalists Morad Saghafi, Hengameh Shahidi and Ehsan Mazandarani was the latest in a major crackdown on media in the lead up to the presidential election, scheduled for 19 May. The AoIJ reported that well-known journalist and owner of Goftegoo magazine Morad Saghafi was arrested on 15 March in his house. The journalist was allowed just one phone call and told his family that he didn’t know the likely duration of his detention. No reason…  
5924. Police assaults photojournalists in Kashmir  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the police action against photojournalists in Srinagar, Kashmir, on March 16. The IFJ demands action against the police personnel assaulting and abusing photojournalists on duty. According to reports, the police assaulted Tauseef Mustafa, a photojournalist for Agence France Presse (AFP), and manhandled others photojournalists outside the Hyderpora residence of politician Syed Ali Geelani where they had gone to cover a press conference. Media persons were not allowed to cover the conference and when the leaders tried to reach the journalists, they were forced into a police vehicle and journalists were assaulted. A police officer…  
5925. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 10th to Friday 17th March: 18 journalists and bloggers arrested while covering mass protests in Belarus 'Hard-hitting' journalist slain in Philippines Garnishee orders: Media freedom is a fundamental right but EU 'has no power to intervene' Media role stressed for female workers' safety ­ IFJ calls to defend women's voices online in Asia-Pacific  LuxLeaks. Les syndicats de journalistes dénoncent l’acharnement de la justice du Luxembourg Maroc : lancement d’un annuaire…  
5926. Myanmar journalist harassed following critical reporting  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the harassment of a Myanmar Now journalist in Yangon on Tuesday, March 14, 2017. The IFJ demand an immediate investigation into the incident. On Tuesday evening, Myanmar Now chief correspondent, Ko Swe Win, was leaving dinner with the US Ambassador, Scot Marciel, when three assailants approached him. They said: “Hey you, are you Swe Win?” and then tried to punch him in the face. One of the assailants stopped the attack and Swe Win returned to his house. He called police and has since registered a case the assailants. In 2016, Swe Win revealed the abuse of two maids at the Ava Tailoring Shop, which has since become a…  
5927. IFJ Blog: “I tweet but am very selective and very careful”  

If technology has made it easier to harass women in general and journalists in particular, it has also given women space to break the silence and talk about it. They will find they have a whole army behind them to back. For example, the #shoutingback or Everyday Sexism Project. Tanzeela Mazhar, who recently went public about her ordeal of sexual harassment at PTV and then resigned, took to social media when she was couldn't find herself being heard. Digital Rights Foundation has also started a cyber harassment helpline. Unless someone carries out a survey in Pakistan, it would be difficult to say whether women journalists are targeted more than men. But we do know that no one is…  
5928. IFJ Blog: “Online threats are as dangerous as those in real life”  

“I was just doing my job,” Indonesian journalist Febriana Firdaus said, recalling a difficult situation she experienced in early June 2016 when her Twitter feeds were suddenly flooded with tens of angry comments. Ms. Firdaus was covering an “anti-communist symposium” where retired senior military officials and leaders of Islamic hard-line groups had gathered to block efforts made by several civil society groups to push for resolution and justice for the victims of the 1965-66 massacre.  The killings, following a coup attempt in September 1965, had claimed the lives of at least 500,000 alleged communists.  The government blamed Indonesia’s Communist Party for the coup attempt…  
5929. UK: IFJ calls for action to stop the Murdoch media takeover  

The International and European Federations of Journalists are calling for action to stop the proposed merger of 21st Century Fox Inc and Sky plc, claiming it would ”undermine media plurality and be against the public interest”. The IFJ and EFJ joined forces with the National Union of Journalists in the UK and Ireland and the UK Trades Union Congress and the European TUC to welcome the decision of the European Commission to examine the bid and urged it to consider the impact on media diversity and plurality in the UK. In its submission to the investigation the IFJ called for action to oppose the merger. Anthony Bellanger, IFJ general secretary, said: “Media plurality is a…  
5930. Photojournalist detained in Odisha, India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Journalists (India) condemn the police detention of a photojournalist in Bhubaneswar in Odisha, on March 6. The IFJ demands an inquiry into the detention and urges the Indian government to ensure that journalists are not harassed. Subhendu Kanungo, a photojournalist with leading Odia-language daily Prayabekhyak, was arrested from the Sailashree Vihar area on the charge of ‘misbehavior’ with Ayub Khan, a Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) from the ruling party, during a telephone call on February 14. The police didn’t inform his family or his employer about his detention. The Odisha Union of Journalists, an NUJI…  
5931. Exposing police corruption gets Bangladeshi journalist arrested  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) express serious concern over the arrest of Binoy Krishna Mallik, the former vice-president of the Jessore Press Club and a rights activist in Bangladesh on March 13. The IFJ demands a fair probe and the end of harassment to Mallik. Police arrested Mallik from his home eight hours after he held a press conference at Jessore Press Club where he raised an allegation of corruption and misuse of power by Superintendent of Police. The police claimed that he was arrested in connection with a case of fraud. He was produced in the court on March 14 where he was granted bail after a hearing.…  
5932. South Asia Media Solidarity Bulletin: MARCH  

Welcome to the monthly e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on April 15, 2017, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know your activities; to seek solidarity and support from SAMSN members for your campaigns and activities. To contribute, email Ujjwal Acharya at: [email protected] Please feel free to distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. This e-bulletin and South Asia related content are available at the SAMSN Digital Hub: https://samsn.ifj.org                               In this…  
5933. Joaquin Brinoes  

The columnist for the tabloid Remate was killed by assailants on a motorbike who shot him four times in the back. Brinoes, popularly known as ‘Dos por Dos’ after the radio show he used to host, was a hard-hitting journalist, having also published the local Masbate Tribune. In 2000, Brinoes was sentenced to 12 years in jail after been found guilty of six libel charges. He served five year of the sentence, after which he was released on parole in 2005. Following his release, he was harassed and intimidated by the local authorities, including in 2009 when the Masbate provincial vice governor brought a lawsuit against him. The vice governor filed libel allegations against the then editor…  
5934. Columnist shot dead; second journalist killing under President Duterte  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the brutal murder of a tabloid columnist in Masbate, in the central Philippines on March 13, 2017. The IFJ and NUJP demand an immediate investigation into the murder. On Monday, at 8.45 am, Joaquin Brinoes, a columnist for the tabloid Remate was killed when he was shot four times in the back by assailants on a motorbike. Brinoes, who was popularly known as ‘Dos por Dos’ after the radio show he used to host, was a hard-hitting journalist, having also published the local Masbate Tribune. In 2000, Brinoes was sentenced to 12 years in jail after been…  
5935. LuxLeaks : journaliste acquitté, peines réduites pour les deux lanceurs d’alerte  

Les syndicats SNJ, le SNJ-CGT, la CFDT Journalistes, les trois affiliés français de la Fédération internationale des journalistes, première organisation mondiale de la profession, se félicitent de l’acquittement du journaliste d’investigation Edouard Perrin dans l’affaire Luxleaks prononcé mercredi 17 mars 2017 par la Cour d’appel luxembourgeoise, tout en dénonçant l’acharnement de la justice du Grand-Duché contre les lanceurs d’alerte, Antoine Deltour, condamné à une peine de 6 mois de sursis et 1500 euros d’amende et Raphaël Halet qui a écopé d’une amende de 1000 euros. Les trois hommes comparaissaient devant la justice luxembourgeoise, accusés d’avoir révélé les pratiques financières…  
5936. Belarus: 18 journalists and bloggers arrested while covering mass protests  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have condemned the arrest of 18 journalists and bloggers on March 12 while covering mass protests in several cities, as reported by the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), an IFJ/EFJ affiliate. BAJ also reported that four of them - Katerina Bakhvalava, Halina Abakunchyk, Siarhei Piatrukhin and Dzmitry Harbunou - were held overnight in a temporary detention facility. The following day the courts found Abakunchyk and Bakhvalava guilty of breaching the administrative law concerning freelance journalism and authorisation to participate in public events, a decision which BAJ described as “unlawful,…  
5937. Palestine: IFJ backs union’s “uncompromising stand” over police attacks on journalists  

The Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), an IFJ affiliate, called on journalists to boycott the coverage of Palestinian Authority (PA) news following a police attack on four journalists on 11 March. The PJS’s action prompted the government to establish an investigation committee with a majority of independent members following attacks on journalists Ahmad Melhem, Hafez Abu Sabrah, Mohamed Shousheh and Jihad Brakat by the Palestinian police in Ramallah. They were covering a demonstration against the on-going trial of a group of Palestinian men arrested by the Israeli army, one of whom was killed during clashes last week. The PJS also called on the journalists’ community to…  
5938. Somalia: IFJ urges new government to protect journalists following savage attack  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today joined its Somali affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in urging the new federal government of Somalia to respond strongly to crimes against journalists and other media workers following a targeted car bomb blast on 12 March in the capital Mogadishu. Reports said that Abdihamid Mohamed Osman, a Somali cameraman and video editor with London-based privately owned Universal TV, was seriously wounded on Sunday morning when a bomb attached to his car exploded in Mogadishu’s Hamar-weyne district while heading to work. He was taken to hospital immediately. The culprits are yet to be identified. “This latest…  
5939. France: National Union of Journalists publishes 10 requirements to save the information  

If journalism has just become a combat sport, trade unionism has always been so. On the occasion of the 10th annual Symposium of Journalism and Information that will take place in Tours, France, from the 15th to 17th of March, the National Union of Journalists (SNJ), an affiliate of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), has published ten essential steps to help boost journalism, to provide the conditions for high quality information, and to rebuild trust and confidence between journalists and citizens. Read the full article in French.  For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140…  
5940. President Sirisena urged to expedite probes and end impunity  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM) Sri Lanka, in expressing its dismay over the statement made by President Maithripala Sirisena discouraging investigations into crimes against journalists by the security forces. The IFJ urges the Sri Lankan government to ensure that crimes against journalists are thoroughly investigated and the perpetrators speedily prosecuted. President Sirisena on March 4 while referring to the allegations made against the security forces, stated that he would protect them. While speaking at the Palali Air Force Base, the President said such allegations are made by NGOs, referring to the latter in a…  
5941. Italy: IFJ/EFJ support strike of Il Sole 24 Ore newspaper workers  

The International and European Federation of Journalists, (IFJ and EFJ) have backed calls by striking workers at one of Italy's top financial newspapers for the editor to resign. The IFJ joined its affiliate, the Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana (FNSI), in supporting the stoppage by Il Sole 24 Ore workers which started today. The indefinite strike, backed in a vote on Friday by 90% of union members, is demanding the resignation of the paper’s editor, Roberto Napoletano, following a police raid on the paper's headquarters last Friday and claims senior managers, including Napoletano, issued false statements about the company's position. Reports said that Napoletano and…  
5942. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 03th to Friday 10th March: The New Media World Order Solo un 21% de mujeres participa en los consejos de administración de los grandes medios españoles Gambian police launch probe into journalist's beating Gambie: enquête policière sur l'agression d'un journaliste par des pro-Barrow Call for action to defend women’s voices online in Asia-Pacific Pakistan Press Foundation calls on media to promote safety of female staff Women still unable to break glass ceiling in media…  
5943. IFJ Blog: Sexually Explicit Abuses Land in my Inbox - Neha Dixit  

In this extract from her hard-hitting speech* delivered while accepting the Chameli Devi Award for Outstanding Woman Journalist for 2016, Neha Dixit describes how she has been harassed by trolls over the years. "After being called ‘antinational’ for months on end, it is nice to receive an award that is named after a freedom fighter! On July 29, last year, I published an investigative story in Outlook magazine called ‘Operation #Beti Uthao (Babylift),’ that exposed how 31 tribal girls, between three and eleven years of age, from five border districts of Assam in Northeast India, were illegally taken to Punjab and Gujarat by three outfits affiliated to the right-wing…  
5944. Media cooperate in two more televised “confessions”  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concerns that two media outlets appear to have acted as propaganda outlets for the Chinese authorities by reporting televised “confessions” by two human rights lawyers. On March 1, the state-owned Global Times, sister newspaper of the People’s Daily, and Phoenix TV, a Mainland-funded Hong Kong outlet, exclusively reported “confessions” by two detained lawyers, Xie Yang and Jiang Tianyong. Xie and Jiang are seen as human rights lawyers because they have defended many grass root activists and politically sensitive cases in the past. The pair were detained in 2016, Xie for inciting subversion of State power and disturbing the order…  
5945. Xinjiang police say media have no right to ask questions  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) deplores a statement by Xinjiang police that denies the media’s right to ask questions. Radio Free Asia reported on March 2 that it tried to follow up information that a netizen in Xinjiang had been placed in detention for 15 days because he used a virtual private network (VPN) to listen to Radio Free Asia and other supposedly “anti-government” websites. An RFA reporter called the Police Bureau for further information, but the police replied: “You have no right to ask.” The RFA said Meng Juntao was punished with 15 days’ administrative detention, starting on February 18. The charges said Meng used a VPN called “Super VPN” on his cell…  
5946. The Gambia: IFJ Condemns Attack on Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemned the attack on journalist, Kebba Jeffang of the Foroyaa newspaper by party militants of the United Democratic Party (UDP), the Gambia Moral Congress (GMC) and the National Reconciliation Party (NRP), during a press conference at the UDP Manjai Bureau on Sunday, 5 March, 2017. According to the Gambia Press Union (GPU), an IFJ affiliate, the attack on Kebba Jeffang “is both regrettable and unfortunate and should not have happened. The attack, perpetuated by parties who form part of the government that promised a new dawn of freedom for the press corps in the Gambia, is a violation of constitutional provisions that…  
5947. Fiji Times staff facing possible sedition charges  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticizes the latest move by Fiji’s Public Prosecutor with the charges against staff at the Fiji Times. The IFJ calls for all charges against the four staff members to be immediately dropped. In August 2016, Nai Lalakai newspaper editor Anare Ravula, The Fiji Times editor-in-chief Fred Wesley, publisher and general manager Hank Arts, Fiji Times Ltd and contributor Josaia Waqabaca were charged with inciting communal antagonism over an article which was published by the newspaper’s i-Taukel language Nai Lalakai paper in April 2016. According to reports, the article accused Muslims of invading foreign lands, and killing, raping and…  
5948. IFJ calls for action to defend women’s voices online in Asia-Pacific  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Asia-Pacific affiliates today demanded meaningful action against the growth of online harassment of women journalists in the region. Using the occasion of International Women’s Day (March 8), media unions and journalist groups jointly launched a campaign emphasizing a critical media need to protect women’s right to voice freely and safely in the online space. “Today we celebrate the great gains made by and for women around the Asia-Pacific, but we also recognize that a lot more work is needed to support journalism on digital platforms,” the IFJ Asia-Pacific said. “The internet is a vital space of opportunity for gender equality,…  
5949. IFJ calls for global action for gender equality  

Journalists around the world will take part in a global day of action to stand up for women workers’ rights on 8th March  to tackle the gender pay gap, eradicate media sexism and stop gender-based violence in newsrooms and workplaces. Members of IFJ - affiliated unions and associations will use International Women’s Day to highlight key challenges facing women journalists in every continent. As part of the UN’s International Women’s Day - “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030” – IFJ affiliates will be demanding: ·         Equal access to leading newsroom positions for women and…  
5950. Georgia: IFJ/EFJ urge reinstatement of victimised union leader at GPB  

The International and European Federation of Journalists, (IFJ) and (EFJ), have backed calls by the Georgian Trade Union Confederation (GTUC) to reinstate a Georgian Public Broadcaster (GPB) journalist they claim has been victimised. Lasha Meskhi, chairman of the Georgian Media Trade Union representing workers at the Georgian Public Broadcaster (GPB), was the only journalist out of 13 on short-term contracts who was dismissed after management announced on 28 February they would not renew his contract. He had recently been moved from a 3 month to one month contract. The GTUC described the dismissal as “discrimination because of his trade union activities”. Meskhi had been…  
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