15063 results:

11831. IFJ calls for release of second journalist held in Morocco  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the release by the Moroccan authorities of Abderrahim Ariri, managing director of the Moroccan Arab-language weekly Al Watan Al An (The Homeland Now), arrested last week following the publication of a feature entitled “The Secret Reports Behind the State of Alert in Morocco” quoting military intelligence documents. Ariri and the author of the article Mustapha Hurmatallah were arrested last Tuesday in Casablanca and their detention later extended by 96 hours by the Casablanca prosecutor on Saturday. “We are delighted that Ariri has been released and the serious charge of undermining state security…  
11835. IFJ Calls for Moroccan Journalists to be set free after Prolonged Detention  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has renewed its call for the release of director Abderrahim Ariri and reporter Mustapha Hurmatallah of the Moroccan publication Al Watan Al An who was arrested in Casablanca last week. The IFJ earlier appealed for the two men to go free while investigations continue, but their detention was extended for a further 96 hours by the Casablanca prosecutor on Saturday. “It is clear to us that these journalists were performing their role of informing the public in reporting a story of public interest and depriving them of their liberty can only overshadow plans by Moroccan government to reform press freedom laws”, said Jim Boumelha,…  
11837. EFJ Welcomes European Court Victory Over Greek Defamation Case  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists, today welcomed the decision of the European Court of Human Rights to challenge the application of the Greek law on libel and defamation. “The Greek interpretation of a law making journalists responsible for the declarations and opinions of people taking part in controversial programmes poses a serious threat to freedom of expression in Greece”, said the EFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “Some media will refrain from hosting topical and important debates for fear of being held liable. The decision of the European Court of Human Rights is a victory for press…  
11838. BBC Editorial Crisis Highlights Case for Global Ethical Journalism Campaign Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on media organisations across the industry to join a global campaign to reinforce ethical journalism following the news that the BBC, one of the world’s most trusted broadcasters, has committed serious breaches of its own editorial standards. “There is a massive problem of falling standards across the media industry that needs to be addressed urgently,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “When an industry leader like the BBC stumbles, there can be little doubt that the crisis of quality is deep and widespread.” The BBC is facing a major internal review following a scandal over fake phone-ins and editorial breaches.…  
11842. IFJ Condemns Raid and Calls for Release of Moroccan Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the arrest in Casablanca this week of director Abderrahim Ariri and reporter Mostapha Hurmatallah of the publication Al Watan Al An. They were detained for questioning by police after the publication at the weekend of a report entitled "The Secret Reports Behind the State of Alert in Morocco" dealing with classified documents from the country’s intelligence services (DGST) which contained information about threats involving Al-Qaeda's North African branch. More than 20 Moroccan secret service agents stormed the Al Watan Al An offices, in search of evidence. Many documents and some equipment were taken away.…  
11844. IFJ Calls for DRC Government Action for Workers Arbitrarily Dismissed by Media Group  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to put pressure on the board of the private media group Raga SPRL so that 9 arbitrarily dismissed union delegates can return to work as agreed a month ago with the mediation of the Labour Minister. “This move by the board of Raga SPRL is unacceptable and will only deepen the crisis in the company,” said Gabriel Baglo Director of IFJ Africa office. “We call on the Labour Minister Marie-Angel Lukiana Mufwankolo, who obtained this agreement, to pressure the board to reinstate the nine employees.” On June 8, 2007, under the initiative of the…  
11845. IFJ Calls on Ethiopian Prime Minister to Take Action Against Life Sentences for Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the life prison sentences delivered to six Ethiopian journalists convicted of “outrage against the constitution”, along with opposition members and activists in relation to anti-government riots that took place after national elections in 2005. “We strongly condemn these unjustified and arbitrary sentences resulting from a political trial,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa office. “We call on the Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to take immediate action for the unconditional release of all the imprisoned journalists. This would be a huge step towards the national reconciliation that the…  
11846. IFJ Concerned Over Continuing Attacks on Journalists in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists urges the government of Nepal to increase protection for media workers following recent attacks on journalists and their property. “Journalists face challenges from various fronts in Nepal. A concerted effort is needed to encourage freedom of expression in the country so that members of the press can report without fear of violence,” IFJ Asia Pacific Director Jacqueline Park said. Journalist attacked According to an IFJ affiliate, the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ), Gyanendra Khadka was attacked by a group of about six armed police on the evening of July 10 in Bhojpur, an eastern district of Nepal. Khadka, who…  
11847. Missing Nepalese Journalist Feared Dead  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed by the disappearance of a Nepalese journalist and subsequent reports of his death. According to an IFJ affiliate the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ), Kanchanpur-based freelance journalist Prakash Singh Thakuri was abducted from his home on July 5 and has not been seen since. On July 8, a group calling itself the National Republican Army Nepal (NRAN) sent an email to a Kailali-based newspaper taking credit for Thakuri’s abduction and revealing they had killed him as he was trying to escape, the FNJ reports. The email reportedly said Thakuri was abducted for his involvement in pro-monarch activities and…  
11849. IFJ Says Ethiopian Court Must Reject Death Penalty Demand for Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on an Ethiopian court to reject the prosecutor’s demand for the death penalty for four journalists who have been convicted, along with opposition members and activists, of attempting to overthrow the government, treason and inciting violence. “We condemn this cruel and unreasonable demand by the prosecution who wants journalists sentenced to death merely for doing their job,” said Gabriel Baglo Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We call on the Court of Kaliti to reject this demand and drop all the charges against the journalists and all the other prisoners of conscience jailed in Ethiopia.”…  
11850. IFJ Calls on Côte d’Ivoire Government to Take Urgent Actions after 4 Media Groups Robbed  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today urged the government of Côte d’Ivoire to take urgent actions to put an end to newsrooms robberies after four media companies have been raided in a period of two months by armed groups who stole office equipment and documents. “We condemn these attacks, which are creating an environment of fear and panic in the press,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We call on the government to take urgent actions to put an end to these attacks, which seemed to be aimed at destabilising the new peace process in the country.” In the last two months, four media groups, including three…  
11855. IFJ Condemns "Climate of Intimidation" as Iran Attacks Independent Press  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused Iran of "creating a climate of intimidation against press freedom" after the authorities in Tehran banned a pro-reform newspaper and a news agency. Ham Mihan, a pro-reform newspaper, and the ILNA online news agency were both shut down by the authorities last Tuesday. At the weekend Culture Minister Hossein Saffar Harandi accused media of a "creeping coup" in a new attack on reformist and liberal media that have been critical of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for failing to deliver on promises to improve the economy. "It is outrageous for the government to interpret critical reporting as proof of a plot," said Aidan…  
11858. Live News Africa -- A Survival Guide for Journalists  

The increasing number of journalists killed in Africa because of their work is a source of grave concern. The International News Safety Institute recorded 199 journalists and support staff who have died at work in Africa between 1990 and 2006. Eighteen have died in just the first six months of this year, the worst situation since 1999. In this context, INSI, in association with the International Federation of Journalists, today launched Live News Africa, a guide to help journalists and other news professionals anticipate danger and to reduce risk during hazardous assignments on the continent. The 100-page manual deals with themes such as covering wars and other conflicts,…  
11860. Thai Website Promoting Former Primer Minister Blocked  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has voiced its continuing concern about internet censorship in Thailand, after the recent ratification of new cyber crime legislation. According to IFJ sources, under the newly passed Computer-Related Offences Commission Act, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) has been given the authority to apply for judicial review in order to shut down websites. It is expected that such reviews would be merely a rubber-stamp process. The Act reportedly lists 12 kinds of cyber crimes, for which punishment can range from fines to up to 20 years in jail. Internet service providers must keep traffic data for 90 days,…  
11864. Framework Agreement between WAZ and EFJ/IFJ  

Framework Agreement Between Westdeutsche Algemeine Zeitung Mediengruppe (WAZ) And International Federation of Journalists/European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) On the defence and the promotion of press freedom, quality journalism and sound industrial relations in WAZ Mediengruppe operations 1. PREAMBLE 1.1 WAZ is the German-based publishing and media company with business operations in several countries in Europe. The EFJ represents trade unions of journalist that organise workers in the media industry of Europe. 1.2 WAZ and the IFJ/EFJ WAZ record their mutual interest in the developments and sustainability of media and publishing enterprise in Europe…  
11865. Decision to Send Israeli Whistleblower Back to Jail “Senseless and Inhumane” Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned as “senseless and inhumane” the decision by an Israeli court to send Mordechai Vanunu, the man who told the world that Israel has developed nuclear weapons back to jail – three years after he ended an 18 year sentence for the original offence. “Mordechai Vanunu has served his sentence and now he is being victimised for the crime of speaking to journalists,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “It is senseless and inhumane to return him to prison because he acts according to conscience.” Vanunu received his original sentence after telling the British Sunday Times about his work…  
11866. At Summit for African Leaders, IFJ Calls for Release of Imprisoned Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the leaders of Africa meeting for their annual summit to free all journalists imprisoned on the continent as part of its ‘African Journalists out of Jail Campaign.’ “We are extremely worried about the situation of our colleagues in Ethiopia, Eritrea and The Gambia,” said IFJ Africa Office Director Gabriel Baglo just before the start of the African Union Summit in Ghana. “It’s time for urgent action, not more empty promises. We call on the Heads of State of Africa to free all the journalists imprisoned without delay.” The IFJ said that 13 journalists are languishing in jail in…  
11869. IFJ Slams Government Plans to Reintroduce Criminal Defamation Laws in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is appalled by reports that the Sri Lankan government intends to reintroduce criminal defamation laws. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), an emergency cabinet paper, backed by the Sri Lankan president, on the reintroduction of criminal defamation was submitted to a cabinet meeting on June 27. The paper is reportedly on hold as three ministers opposed bringing back the laws. “The IFJ is firmly opposed to criminal defamation laws, which are so often abused by those in power to silence journalists and stifle dissent,” IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park said. “Re-introducing…  
11872. IFJ Says Mali “Taking Huge Step Back” on Press Freedom after Journalist, Editors Sentenced to Jail  

The International federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the jail sentences imposed on one Malian journalist, four editors and a teacher over charges of offence or complicity in offence against the head of state after several newspapers published a story about a school assignment on a sex scandal involving a fictional president. “This decision is an unacceptable attack on independent journalism,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa office. “Mali is taking a huge step back in its commitment to press freedom.” A criminal court in Bamako convicted Seydina Oumar Diarra, the journalist who wrote the article, and sentenced him to 13 days in prison.…  
11874. IFJ Condemns “Obscene and Shocking” Video of Kidnapped BBC Reporter in Suicide Vest  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the latest video showing BBC correspondent Alan Johnston wearing a suicide bomber’s vest, which his captors have threatened to detonate if Palestinian or British forces try to free him. “We are deeply angered by this,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “It is an obscene and shocking video that shows utter disregard for Alan’s physical and emotional well being. His captors should release him immediately to ensure that he does not come to any harm.” On Monday a new video was posted online showing Johnston with what he says are explosives strapped to his body. In the video he…  
11876. Australian Journalists Convicted of Contempt of Court for Doing “Nothing More Than Their Jobs”  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has voiced its concern that the conviction of two Australian journalists of contempt of court for not revealing their sources is indicative of a retreat from a free and open society. According to IFJ Australian affiliate, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (Alliance), Herald-Sun journalists Michael Harvey and Gerard McManus were convicted of contempt of court on June 25, and each fined $7000, for refusing to reveal the key source of a leaked story which had embarrassed the federal government. “For a country that is placed as an open and free democracy, this conviction raises grave concerns about the future for press…  
11880. WIPO SCCR S2- IFJ Statement on the Proposal for a WIPO Broadcasting Treaty, June 2007  

The International Federation of Journalists represents 500 000 journalists in the world. It promotes strong authors’ rights protection for journalists and their need to be recognised as authors of the work they create irrespective of the media they work for. The IFJ fully supports the non-paper’s endeavour to led full recognition to the signal-based approach. We believe that the scope of the future treaty should only extend to the protection of the broadcasting signal. To grant rights going beyond this protection would compromise the rights of other rightholders. In particular, the IFJ welcomes the exclusion of post-fixation rights from the treaty. Such rights would…  
11883. IFJ Calls for Release of Journalists Detained in Mali for Article on Fictional Presidential Sex Scandal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the court in Mali’s capital city of Bamako to immediately release from jail and drop charges against four editors, a journalist and a teacher for “offence against the head of state” after the publication of an article about a school assignment on a sex scandal involving a fictional president. The journalist and the teacher have been detained since last Thursday, 14 June. The four editors were arrested yesterday after they republished the article in question. According to sources, the editors are accused of “complicity of offence against the head of state.” “We condemn this…  
11888. European Journalists Join Demonstration Demanding Labour Rights in European Union  

An EFJ delegation joined the demonstration organised by the European Trade Union Confederation in Brussels in support of the Charter of Fundamental Rights being included in any new European constitutional treaty. About 3000 trade unionists gathered in front of the headquarter of the European Commission on the eve of the Council of Ministers meeting where member states will decide over the content of the EU constitutional treaty. While union activists protested in front of EU headquarters, trade union leaders, led by ETUC General Secretary John Monks, met with José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission.  
11889. Stand Up for Journalism Says EFJ as Unions Prepare Action over Jobs and Media Quality  

November 5 will be Day of Protest in European Media Other languages: - ITALIANO [PDF] Tens of thousands of journalists are planning a co-ordinated day of protests in every European capital to highlight a dramatic media crisis over political pressure, falling standards and poor working conditions across Europe. “It’s time to stand up for journalism,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) at a national conference of German journalists on 13 June, announcing that leaders of the EFJ have nominated November 5th for the first ever Europe-wide action day by journalists’ groups across the continent. “Journalists are frustrated and angry…  
11890. Detail  

November 5 will be Day of Protest in European Media Other languages: - ITALIANO [PDF]  Tens of thousands of journalists are planning a co-ordinated day of protests in every European capital to highlight a dramatic media crisis over political pressure, falling standards and poor working conditions across Europe. “It’s time to stand up for journalism,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) at a national conference of German journalists on 13 June, announcing that leaders of the EFJ have nominated November 5th for the first ever Europe-wide action day by journalists’ groups across the continent. “Journalists are frustrated and angry…  
11893. Journalists Condemn Closure of Croatia’s Pioneering Feral Tribune as “Massive Blow”  

The European Federation of Journalists has deplored the closure of Croatia’s satirical weekly Feral Tribune calling it a “massive blow to media pluralism.” “The closure of a paper that has for years been a flagship for press freedom in the region is a massive blow to media pluralism”, said EFJ Chair Arne König. “In a time of increasing financial pressure, the impact of punitive taxation policies can have a devastating impact. For years Feral Tribune has been a symbol of the challenging and independent journalism upon which democracy relies. We call on the Croatian authorities to do more to safeguard pluralism in this hostile commercial…  
11895. World Journalists Condemn Armed Raid on Offices of Palestinian Journalists’ Union in Gaza  

The International Federation of Journalists today renewed calls for urgent action to protect Palestinian journalists after an armed raid at the weekend on the Gaza offices of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate by militants linked to Hamas. Gunmen entered the offices of the Syndicate, which is affiliated to the IFJ, on Saturday and seized documents and computers according to a statement issued by union leaders yesterday. “The targeting of Gaza’s journalists only reinforces fears for the safety of media staff and underscores the threat to free reporting in the turmoil that is overwhelming the region," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. Earlier the IFJ…  
11897. The June 2007 issue of the IFJ/EFJ Authors' Rights Newsletter is available for download  

Download here the June 2007 issue  
11899. Colombian Federation of Journalists condemns aggression of students against El Nuevo Dia daily  

The event which began as a peaceful protest of professors and students in the city of Ibagué and took part in the national mobilizations throughout the country, generated acts of vandalism against the offices of El Nuevo Día daily. Around noon, when protests against a proposed law of transferences to shift financial sources of the nation to the regions were coming to an end at Manuel Murillo Toro park, at least 200 students of the University of Tolima and other institutions, gathered outside el Nuevo Día and shouted the daily was “sensationalist” and “facist pro uribe”. The students did not allow the…  
11900. IFJ Condemns Conviction of Journalists, Publishing Houses in Ethiopia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the conviction of four journalists and three publishing houses in Ethiopia on charges they attempted to “dismantle the constitutional system” after they published articles about the anti-government riots in November 2005 that came after elections in the country six months earlier. “We are shocked by this case and the fact that two of our colleagues now face life imprisonment or the death penalty simply for their reporting on public demonstrations,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We call on the judges to drop all the charges against the journalists and the publishing…  
Search results 11831 until 11900 of 15063