15063 results:

10571. IFJ Joins IFEX Community to Denounce Violence Against Women of Courage  

In a statement released today to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expressed its solidarity together with the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) with women who have been the victims of violence for speaking out for their rights."Like all media people female journalists often live and work in a pressurized atmosphere, but many of them face additional threats because of their gender," says IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. "We condemn always the violence against journalists and we particularly deplore the bullying, physical intimidation and sexual, verbal and judicial…  
10572. IFJ Fears for Media Staff in Philippines Danger Zone As Massacre Toll Grows  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today pledged its full support to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in an urgent campaign on news safety as reports emerged that up to 20 media people died in yesterday’s massacre of journalists and political campaigners in the Philippines.   Some 46 people were killed in the atrocity in the troubled Maguindanao province in the south of the country, among them at least 12 journalists and around eight media staff, according to the latest information from the NUJP branch in Mindanao. It is reported that 22 bodies have been recovered so far.   The NUJP is sending an immediate mission to…  
10574. Baghdad Shooting of Journalist Sparks Anger Over Iraqi Failure to Combat Impunity  

The International Federation of Journalists has condemned the attempted assassination of a leading Iraqi television journalist and accused the Iraqi Government of ‘scandalous negligence' over its failure to challenge impunity in the killing of journalists in Iraqi media.According to local reports Imad al Ibadi, director of Al Diyar TV, was yesterday shot three times in the head, the neck and the chest. He is in a stable but critical condition in hospital. Al Ibadi is a strong critic of the American occupation of Iraq and has exposed financial corruption in the presidential office as well as taking aim at the Iraqi security apparatus, which he has claimed often acts…  
10575. China Website Founder Jailed for Three Years  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns a sentence of three years’ jail imposed against cyber dissident Huang Qi today by the Court of Wuhou in China’s Sichuan Province.   Huang, 46, the founder of the 64 Tianwang website (www.64tianwang.com), was detained in June 2008 after posting an article online which criticised the Government’s handling of the Sichuan earthquake disaster in May.   Local reports said the judge found Huang guilty of “illegal possession of state secrets” on the basis that Huang had disclosed confidential information from two municipal governments considered to be “state…  
10576. IFJ to Investigate Role of UK Press Complaints Body in Telephone Tapping Controversy  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is to investigate the actions of the Press Complaints Commission (PCC) in the United Kingdom over its handling of an inquiry into a report of improper telephone surveillance by a leading national newspaper. The PCC, the watchdog for the newspaper industry, conducted an inquiry into methods used by the News of the World's reporters two years ago after the paper's royal editor, Clive Goodman, and a private investigator, Glenn Mulcaire, were jailed for illegal interception of messages. The News of the World, Britain's biggest-selling Sunday title, denied that other reporters were involved in similar activities, but in July The…  
10577. IFJ Denounces “Disproportionate” Sanctions against Media in Gabon  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today denounced the disproportionate sanctions imposed by the National Council of Communication (CNC) in Gabon on November 10, 2009 against eight private newspapers which have been struck with temporary prohibition of publication as well as the suspension of a very popular television program. “The increasingly degradation of the working conditions of media practitioners in Gabon is very worrying.  In addition to numerous threats to journalists, Government wants to further muzzle the free and independent press,” declared Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office.  “These sanctions are disproportionate…  
10578. IFJ Condemns Abduction of Broadcaster in Tunisia and Makes Fresh Call for Unity Congress to Heal Divisions in Journalism  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the abduction of Omar Mestiri, director of Radio Kalima, a private radio station based in Tunis. Mestiri was attacked by unidentified assailants in Tunis around midday, Monday, before being bundled into a car and driven to an unknown location. "We are appalled that a leading voice of independent journalism has been assaulted and abducted," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "The inaction of the authorities over this increasingly violent campaign against independent journalism is intolerable and suggests strongly that the government is implicated in the attacks." According to the Syndicat National des…  
10579. IFJ Demands Release of Foreign Journalists in Sumatra  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) in demanding the immediate release of two foreign journalists detained without explanation in Sumatra, Indonesia, yesterday.   AJI, an IFJ affiliate, reported that Kumkum Dasgupta, senior assistant editor of the Hindustan Times, and Raimondo Bultrini, a correspondent for Itallia L’Espresso, were detained in Pelalawan, Riau Province, yesterday afternoon alongside Greenpeace activists.   The pair were making a documentary on illegal logging, and were filming at the location of forest fires, in the company of environmental activists.   The journalists and…  
10580. China Enforces New Restrictions as Obama Speaks Out  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges China’s authorities to lift all restrictions on the media, after the Central Propaganda Department issued new restrictions as US President Barack Obama conducted a State visit.   The department ordered all media in China to run reports issued by the government news agency, Xinhua, during Obama’s visit, while also ordering the deletion of any news or other articles referring to questions raised at a forum at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, during which Obama answered questions.   The department further forbade anyone from organizing questions to be relayed over the internet and put to…  
10581. IFJ Executive Committee Speaks Out against Media Repression in Iran  

The Executive Committee of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), meeting in London on 14-15 November, called on Iranian leadership to release detained journalists, open the office of the Association of Iranian Journalists and lift all restrictions to journalists' freedom of movement in and out of Iran. In a letter to the highest authorities in Tehran, the IFJ Executive Committee members expressed their concern over the violations of press freedom in the country and denounced arbitrary arrests and detentions of journalists which reached unprecedented levels in the wake of the disputed presidential elections in June. The Committee's letter followed the IFJ campaign…  
10582. IFJ Seeks Obama Support for Press Freedom in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has written an open letter to the US President, Barack Obama, urging him to use his upcoming dialogue with China’s President Hu Jintao to stress the social significance of freedom of the media and to urge China’s highest authorities to uphold these rights.   The  letter  refers President Obama to Article 35 of China’s Constitution, which enshrines respect for freedom of the press, and notes President Hu's repeated public statements that China will uphold the right of people in China to freedom of the press and freedom of expression.      However, the letter notes that…  
10583. Magazine Staff Take Stand Against Editorial Interference in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned about editorial integrity and managerial interference at Caijing business magazine in China after its editor-in-chief resigned on November 9.   Hu Shuli, 56, resigned after 70 employees from the magazine’s marketing department, including nine executives and general manager Wu Chuanhui, quit last month.   According to local news reports, the magazine’s managing editor, Wang Shuo, and 30 writers and editors also tendered resignations. More resignations of editorial staff are expected.   Chinese authorities reportedly reprimanded the magazine for at least eight articles this year and…  
10584. Cambodia Urged to Use Civil Law for Media Complaints  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is dismayed by a decision of the Phnom Penh Court in Cambodia to overlook the country’s civil Press Law in dealing with a complaint against freelance journalist Ros Sohket.   According to the Cambodian Association for the Protection of Journalists (CAPJ), an IFJ affiliate, the court applied an outdated law from the interim United Nations Transitional Authority of Cambodia (UNTAC) to sentence Sokhet to two years’ jail for disinformation on November 6.   UNTAC was instituted by a United Nations peacekeeping mission to Cambodia in 1992-93 to support the country’s democratic transition.   In 1995, Cambodia’s National…  
10585. Defiant Journalists Back Ethical Campaign for Palestinian Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today concluded the launch of its programme to support ethical journalism in Palestine with a series of proposals to strengthen independent media even in the face of political difficulties. The launch conference of the IFJ Ethical Journalism Initiative, held in Ramallah on the West Bank, adopted a programme that includes fresh initiatives to help improve media standards and to carve out an independent role for journalists who face an enormous range of political problems caused by the Israeli occupation and infighting between Palestinian political groups in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. "This meeting hammered home a strong…  
10586. Stand up for Journalism Campaign 2009  

ARCHIVES 2009 BelgiumThe EFJ and the Belgian Association of Journalists (AGJPB/ABVV) have unveiled a banner in the International Press Center in Brussels calling for ‘Ethical Journalism, Quality Information, Real Democracy'.http://www.agjpb.be/ajp/journalistes/actus.php#051109id1 BulgariaThe Union of Bulgarian Journalists (UBJ) chose the eve of the "Stand up for Journalism" day to hold its official ceremony for awarding the prestigious annual prizes of the Union for best  professional achievements. AustriaThe Austrian Journalists Union (Journalistengewerkschaft in der GPA-djp) sent a petition to Federal Chancellor Werner Faymann, Vice Chancellor Josef Pröll…  
10587. IFJ Endorses Joint Russian / Georgian Demand to End Media Restrictions  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today endorsed a joint declaration by the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) and the Independent Association of Georgian Journalists (IAGJ) that demands an end to all restrictions to reporting of the Georgian/ Russian conflict. They call for an end to war propaganda and concrete actions to promote dialogue and confidence between Russian and Georgian journalists. "This joint declaration is a major step towards ending the unjustified and enduring restrictions on journalists," said Aidan white, IFJ General Secretary. "In the face of government obstruction, the professional journalists' communities are leading the demands for mutual…  
10588. IFJ/EFJ Authors' rights newsletter, November 2009  

Download the newsletter (PDF)  
10589. Journalists Seek Check on 'Cash for Coverage' Abuse in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its solidarity with Indian colleagues who have been engaged in an effort to uncover the full dimensions of the “cash for coverage” practice that came to light during recently concluded general elections in the country.   The practice was first noted during the extended campaign for the general elections to India’s parliament, between March and May this year. Further instances of cash payments being used to secure favourable media coverage for particular candidates and parties were recorded during the general elections to three state legislative assemblies in October.   The IFJ notes that…  
10590. Dire Conditions and Insecurity Confront Balochistan Journalists  

Journalists and media workers operating in Balochistan, Pakistan’s largest province, operate in an extremely difficult and tense environment. A persistent long-running separatist movement in the province is focused on securing local control of the area’s rich natural resources and defending the identity and rights of the Baloch community. Even as the province is considered by some as “Taliban Central”, the province’s difficulties do not attract international headlines in the same way as insurgencies in North-West Frontier Province and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas.   Yet media personnel in Balochistan contend with alarmingly…  
10591. IFJ Concerned for Safety of Danish Journalism Student in Iran  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed deep concern about the whereabouts of Niels Kroghsgaard, a Danish journalism student, who went missing on Wednesday in Tehran. Witness reports say he was arrested by government security forces during the demonstrations marking the 30th anniversary of the storming of the US embassy in Tehran. Three Iranian journalists, Farhad Fooladi, Behnam Nikzad, and Nafiseh Zare Kohan are also reported arrested. "We are deeply concerned about Kroghsgaard and the three Iranian journalists," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "We call on the authorities to identify their whereabouts and to release them immediately."…  
10592. IFJ denounces the adoption of a new law threatening freedom of expression in Togo  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) denounced today the vote on Friday October 30, 2009 by the National Assembly of a legislation reinforcing  the powers  of the High Authority of Audio-visual and Communication (HAAC) and which seriously threatens press freedom and freedom of expression in Togo. “This new law is   a serious setback for democracy in Togo, because its only objective is to muzzle the private media in this country” declared Gabriel Baglo Director of IFJ Africa Office. “This new law is inappropriate in the current context as it does not conform to internationally recognized standards” he added. The Togo Union of the…  
10593. Tel Aviv Agreement Opens Door to Return of Israeli Journalists to IFJ Membership  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Federation of Israel Journalists (NFIJ) have reached an agreement to end a split between the two groups. An agreement on a package of measures to improve relations, including a proposal to end a dispute over non-payment of fees to the international, was reached in talks in Tel Aviv on Monday evening. "A damaging and difficult period is behind us," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Both sides are committed to work together to bring Israeli journalists back into the centre of IFJ work." The meeting was attended by leaders of two major journalists' unions in Europe, including Franco Siddi, General Secretary…  
10594. IFJ/EFJ, SEEMO and WAZ Demand Justice after Attack on Albanian Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) and WAZ Media Group today jointly condemned the attack on Albanian journalist Mero Baze yesterday evening in Tirana."This is a brutal and vicious attack on a professional journalist that demands a thorough and independent investigation to punish the perpetrators", declared IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "The evidence strongly suggests he has been assaulted for his work. Those who committed and ordered this crime need to be brought to justice. Failure would sustain the culture of impunity that forces journalists to…  
10595. IFJ Condemns Unprovoked Police Attack on Ukraine Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the Ukraine police assault against Maxim Kasyanov, a journalist and member of the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine, IMTUU, on Saturday on 24th of October. The journalist, who was organising a charity action delivering supplies to an orphanage at the time, was beaten and arrested after showing the police his journalist card.  "This is an outrageous attack on a union member provoked apparently for no other reason than being a card carrying journalist" said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "The authorities must conduct an immediate investigation into these events and prosecute those responsible."…  
10596. IFJ Urges Pakistan Courts to Act on Wage Award for Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in demanding that Pakistan’s judiciary delay no longer in enforcing implementation of the long-stalled wage award for journalists and media workers in Pakistan’s print media.   Leaders of journalists’ unions and media workers from throughout Pakistan staged a big demonstration in front of the Sindh High Court last week as the court was due to deal with a petition challenging the 2000 Seventh Wage Board Award.   The petition, filed by the All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS), representing newspaper owners, claims the award is discriminatory,…  
10597. IFJ Condemns Government over Attack on Journalist in Tunisia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the kidnap and assault of Slim Boukdhir, a freelance journalist and correspondent of Al Arabya newspaper in Tunisia, who was abducted by unidentified men on Wednesday evening in Tunis. The journalist, who was later dumped near a park stripped of his clothes by his attackers, sustained serious injuries. "This is a shameless attack on a journalist who has shown great courage in denouncing the repressive regime in Tunisia," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "It is part of a shocking campaign targeting independent journalists and opponents of the government." According to reports, Slim was attacked by four men,…  
10598. India Denies Visas to Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned to learn that journalists from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, assigned to participate in a workshop on environmental journalism in the Indian port city of Tuticorin, were denied visas by the Indian Government.   According to information from IFJ partner organisations, four journalists from each of these countries had to cancel their participation in the workshop at the last minute after being told that they would not be granted visas to travel to India.   The workshop was scheduled to be conducted between October 26 and November 6 in the Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute (SDMRI) in Tuticorin,…  
10599. IFJ Calls on Writers to Demand Their Rights from Google  

In a letter addressed to journalists' unions around the world, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on all journalists who have had their books scanned by Google through its Google Book Search to claim their rights to payment under a settlement in which Google has agreed to compensate authors whose rights have been violated. A dispute over Google scanning millions of books led to a class action launched by United States authors and publishers' groups for violation of US copyright law. The action resulted in a settlement which was challenged in front of a US tribunal and a new settlement will be proposed on 9 November. "Journalists who wrote books or…  
10600. IFJ Calls on Writers to Demand Their Rights from Google  

In a letter addressed to journalists' unions around the world, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on all journalists who have had their books scanned by Google through its Google Book Search to claim their rights to payment under a settlement in which Google has agreed to compensate authors whose rights have been violated. A dispute over Google scanning millions of books led to a class action launched by United States authors and publishers' groups for violation of US copyright law. The action resulted in a settlement which was challenged in front of a US tribunal and a new settlement will be proposed on 9 November. "Journalists who wrote books or…  
10601. "WAZ-IFJ Prize for Courage in Journalism" Awarded to Bulgarian Journalist  

ESSEN / BRUSSELS, 29 October 2009. The WAZ Media Group and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will present the Bulgarian journalist Lidiya Pavlova (40) with the "WAZ-IFJ Prize for Courage in Journalism". The international prize is endowed with 10,000 Euros and will be awarded for the first time this year.The sponsors say the award highlights the exemplary role of independent media in scrutinising and exposing the abuse of power. The winning report reveals corruption and illustrates courage and professionalism in its presentation of evidence concerning intimidation and pressure. Lidiya Pavlova, journalist of the Bulgarian regional newspaper "Struma", will receive…  
10602. Call for Swift Action Against Torturers of Journalist in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked that personnel of an elite Bangladeshi armed guard raided the home of journalist F.M. Masum in Dhaka on October 22, brutally assaulted him and then took him to their headquarters and continued the torture for close to 10 hours.   “The IFJ condemns this inhuman act by the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB). We begin to suspect the battalion has been consistently abusing the special powers it has for fighting organised crime and terrorism to crush all dissent and critical opinion,” IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park said.   According to media reports and information from IFJ partners, Masum was…  
10603. IFJ Condemns Arrest of Editor in Tamil Nadu State  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arrest of A.S. Mani, editor of the weekly magazine Naveena Netrikan, in Madurai city in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu.   According to reports from IFJ partners, Mani was arrested on October 25 following a complaint about an article alleging a close nexus between a Madurai businessman and the local Member of Parliament, M.K. Azhagiri, who also holds a cabinet position in India’s Union Government.   The article published in Mani’s weekly alleged that the businessman had a decisive influence in the award of public works contracts in Madurai and nearby districts, and was involved in…  
10604. Organisations say EU should provide more support for media freedom  

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) - 23 October 2009 - On the occasion of the European Development Days, ARTICLE 19 joins with the Africa Forum for Media Development, the African Media Initiative, the Global Forum for Media Development, the International Federation of Journalists and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers in calling for stronger dedicated European Union support to media freedom in Africa."Everyone agrees that media freedom and development are central to democracy and sustainable development," says Dr Agnès Callamard, ARTICLE 19 Executive Director. "The EU needs to do more to support this central pillar of human progress." In their Statement to European…  
10605. IFJ Welcomes Saudi Withdrawal on Decision to Flog Female Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the decision of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz decision to cancel a Saudi Court sentence ordering a female journalist to receive 60 lashes over a controversial sex broadcast. The IFJ says laws in the country should now be reviewed to protect journalists.A Saudi Arabian court judgment had sentenced journalist Rozanna al-Yami to 60 lashes, a two- year travel ban and ordered her not to work for unlicensed media agencies, after she was involved in preparing a television show in which a Saudi man publicly talked about sex on the Lebanese channel LBC, which is partly owned by a member of the Saudi royal family.Following the King's…  
10606. IFJ Welcomes Saudi Withdrawal on Decision to Flog Female Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the decision of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz decision to cancel a Saudi Court sentence ordering a female journalist to receive 60 lashes over a controversial sex broadcast. The IFJ says laws in the country should now be reviewed to protect journalists. A Saudi Arabian court judgment had sentenced journalist Rozanna al-Yami to 60 lashes, a two- year travel ban and ordered her not to work for unlicensed media agencies, after she was involved in preparing a television show in which a Saudi man publicly talked about sex on the Lebanese channel LBC, which is partly owned by a member of the Saudi royal family.…  
10607. Discharge of Magazine Publisher and Partner in Sri Lanka Welcomed  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes a decision by a court in Sri Lanka to order the release of magazine publisher Vetrivel Jasiharan and his partner Vadivel Vallarmathy, after 19 months’ detention on charges of terrorism.   Yesterday’s summary judicial order discharging Jasiharan and Vallarmarthy was issued after the state attorney reportedly informed the court that there was no evidence linking them with any terrorist act or organisation.   Jasiharan and Vallarmathy were arrested by Sri Lankan police from their office premises in March 2008. Jasiharan was the owner of OutreachSL.com, a website edited by…  
10608. IFJ Condemns "Brutal and Inhumane" Saudi Action Against Woman Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists(IFJ) today condemned a Saudi Arabian Court judgement sentencing a woman journalist to 60 lashes as “brutal, inhumane and unjust” and called for the punishment order to be overturned. Rozanna al-Yami was convicted on Saturday of involvement in a television show, in which a Saudi man publicly talked about sex. According to reports she is the first Saudi woman journalist to be given such a punishment. In the programme, which was broadcast by the Lebanese LBC satellite channel in July this year, the man, Mazen Abdul-Jawad, appears to describe an active sex life and shows sex toys that were blurred by the programme-makers. He was arrested and…  
10609. European Parliament Fails to Defend Free Journalism, Says EFJ  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today deplored the failure of the  European Parliament to stand up for journalism and press freedom in Europe after it narrowly threw out a resolution calling for action to protect media pluralism. The debate focused on the crisis for media freedom in Italy where Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi - the country's leading private media owner - has used his political power to try to stifle independent journalism at home and abroad. The EFJ says silence over the crisis in Italy gives a green light to other governments to put undue pressure on media. …  
10610. IFJ Calls for Unity and Condemns Somali Attacks on Journalism Community  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for a united front among Somali journalists - both inside the country and in exile - in the fight for justice, democracy and press freedom. The IFJ does so while confirming its full solidarity and support for the National Union of Somali Journalists, the legitimate and representative organ and voice of journalists in Somalia. The IFJ is seriously concerned at recent exchanges between different groups claiming to represent and speak for Somali journalists, some of whom have political links. "Attempts to discredit NUSOJ, its leadership and some media houses have no other impact but to assist and encourage the…  
10611. IFJ Honours Courage and Integrity of Samoa Journalists  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) honours the courage and professionalism of local and foreign journalists reporting on the tsunami that struck Samoa and nearby Pacific Islands on September 29 killing 119 people.   A trauma debriefing mission to assist local media personnel in dealing with the impacts of reporting wide-scale disaster will be conducted in Samoa this week by the Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma, at the request of the Journalists’ Association of (Western) Samoa (JAWS) and IFJ Asia-Pacific.   JAWS Secretary Cherelle Jackson said many local journalists had reported the devastation of the tsunami to the international…  
10612. UK: Photographer won court case over copyright infringement  

On 16 October 2009, freelance photographer Alan Grisbrook working for MGN won court case over copyright infringement by publisher MGN Ltd. In 1998, Mr Grisbrook had already attempted to sue MGN Ltd for the unlicensed use of his pictures after he stopped working for the Daily Mirror. In 2002, they ended the dispute by signing a Consent Order, whereby MGN undertook, amongst other things, to return all physical copies of the images and to delete all electronic copies from their systems. In the 2002 Consent Order, Mr Grisbrook expressly reserved his rights to take legal action against MGN for future infringements of his copyright. In 2008, Mr Grisbrook found that the publisher MGN…  
10613. African Journalists Protest Attacks against Union leader in Tunisia  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African Regional Organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), has expressed its strongest protest against the attack and intimidation against Zied Elheni, member of FAJ Steering Committee and the executive board of National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT), an affiliate of FAJ.   Zied Elheni was attacked and beaten by a man on Thursday, 15 October 2009, around 18:30 local time in Tunis. The blog of Zied was shutdown. He was also intimidated and treated disrespectfully at the airport as he came back from IFJ regional conference in Amman.   “FAJ firmly condemn this attack against Zied Elheni and…  
10615. IFJ Condemns Media Witch Hunt as Journalists Flee Iran  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused the Iranian authorities of a media witch hunt as journalists flee the country or are in hiding after the closure of several newspapers and the continued shutdown of the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ). "There is no let-up on the harassment of media in Iran," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Independent journalists are in flight for their own safety and the independent media sector is under siege." According to reliable reports, up to six newspapers have been closed since controversial presidential elections in June and at least 18 journalists remain in prison. Many more continue to flee the…  
10616. For Free and Fair Media in Belarus  

"For Free and Fair Media in Belarus" is a report calling for far reaching reforms of the media in Belarus. The report provides an overview of the current media situation and is the result of a joint fact-finding mission to Belarus in September 2009 where delegates representing international media support and freedom of expression organisations met with media and the Belarus authorities to discuss press freedom and the media situation. This report calls for a set of reforms dealing in particular with economic conditions for non-state media, access to information, accreditation of media and journalists as well as broadcasting licensing The mission group prepared the report…  
10617. International Report Demands Radical Reform of Belarus Media  

Today, international media and press freedom organisations issued " For Free and Fair Media in Belarus",  a report calling for far reaching reforms of the media in Belarus. "In the current environment neither Belarus journalists nor media outlets can properly operate to investigate and report freely on events in Belarus," said IFJ European Co-Director Marc Gruber, who led a fact-finding mission to Belarus between 20 and 24 September. "A thin veneer of limited and symbolic reforms  in recent months  cannot conceal the fact that Belarus continues to operate a highly repressive media environment." A delegation from the mission is presenting today the report to the…  
10618. Police Must Respect Rights of Journalists in Chattisgarh State  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) fully supports the union of working journalists in the central Indian state of Chattisgarh in its effort to uphold media rights when these are under increasing pressure as security forces escalate operations against  a long-running Maoist insurgency.   According to IFJ sources, three journalists in the state were recently issued notices by police in, ordering them to reveal the sources of reports either published or broadcast.   Two journalists working for widely circulated Hindi-language dailies – Anil Mishra of Nai Duniya and Yashwant Yadav of Navbharat – were asked to reveal their sources by…  
10619. Arrest of Journalist in Chennai Deplored  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) deplores the arrest of the news editor of a Tamil daily in India after his newspaper published an article containing offensive information about several prominent figures in the Tamil film industry.   B. Lenin, of Dinamalar, was arrested in Chennai in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu reportedly for publishing on October 4 a purported statement by a part-time Tamil actor who had earlier been arrested on suspicion of running a prostitution ring.   The actor reportedly named several prominent figures in the Tamil film industry as her clients and as players in the prostitution racket.   Dinamalar…  
10620. Fiji Wages Council Must be Independent and Consult Workers  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is pleased to learn that the labour and employment minister in Fiji’s military regime has drawn attention to dire working conditions for media personnel in Fiji and highlighted a significant role for unions in positively addressing the urgent need to improve conditions.   It was reported on October 6 that the cabinet of Fiji’s military government approved a proposal by the minister for Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, Filipe Bole, to establish a Wages Council to introduce regulations on the terms and conditions of employment in the media industry.   Bole reportedly told the Cabinet that…  
10621. Europe Award Winner Donates Prize Money to IFJ Safety Fund  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the decision of a prize-winning European Union spokesman to donate his award money of 1000 EUR to the safety of journalists - through the IFJ International Safety fund. Alessandro Butticé, head of communications of the European Anti Fraud Office (OLAF) has been selected as winner of the "career" prize for the "international journalism: press attaché" 2009 competition. He will receive the prize next month in Italy and he has directed that the funds be used to "provide support to journalists and media who require legal support in the face of violence and intimidation for the exercise of their work."…  
10622. Police Attack Media Personnel in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes efforts by its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), to engage in constructive dialogue with Afghanistan’s Interior Ministry after a series of attacks by police on journalists this week.   Wahkt News Agency (WNA) cameraman and photographer Mohammad Naeem was brutally assaulted by police from Kabul’s district four on October 5 while he was documenting the murder of a businessman and two security personnel by unidentified gunmen wearing military uniforms, AIJA sources said.   The police reportedly confiscated Naeem’s camera and deleted all images related…  
10623. IFJ Condemns Campaign against Independent Media in Morocco  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins today its affiliate the Syndicat national de la presse marocaine (SNPM) in condemning the Moroccan government's campaign to muzzle critical journalists. Last week, the campaign took a turn for the worse when the offices of the daily Akhbar al Youm, were cordoned off by the police and staff and management prevented from entering their offices in Casablanca. Editor Tawfiq Bouachrine and cartoonist Khaled Kadar were interrogated for 48 hours following the publication of a cartoon depicting the wedding of a member of the royal family, prince Moulay Ismail. The SNPM, an IFJ affiliate, organised a demonstration last Friday to…  
10624. IFJ Condemns Death Threats and Violence against Journalists in Guinea  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned firmly today, the violence and death threats by the military junta against journalists in Guinea. Mouctar Bah, the Conakry correspondent of Agence France-Presse and Radio France Internationale, Amadou Diallo, the BBC’s correspondent and Mamadou Ba journalist of the satirical newspaper Le Lynx are roughed up by soldiers covering the violent dispersal of an opposition meeting in which more than hundred persons died in September, 28 2009. “It is unacceptable that these journalists who witnessed manhandling are taken for scapegoats” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “We condemn all kinds…  
10625. IFJ Unions in Arab World Focus on Freedom and Rights of Journalists  

Unions of journalists from the Middle East and the Arab world meeting in Jordan next week plan to send a powerful message to regimes in the region with calls for repeal of laws that target journalists, action on rights of women and more protection for independent media.The unions, all members of the International Federation of Journalists, are meeting in Amman to review programmes designed to transform the information landscape in a region where governments are sensitive to critical journalism and where media are constrained by legal and economic pressure."Across the region journalists are increasingly frustrated," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "They see the value…  
10626. European Journalists Support Demonstration for Freedom of Information in Italy  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), today called for a broad support to Italian journalists, civil society groups and individuals who will demonstrate in Rome on Saturday to defend press freedom and freedom of information against continuous attacks by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. "Enough is enough", said IFJ President Jim Boumelha, who will also take part to the demonstration. "The condition of journalists and media in this country has been threatened for years, but the recent use of Mr. Berlusconi's economic and political power to intimidate journalists and muzzle the media goes simply…  
10627. Journalists Confront Daily Hazards in India’s Conflict Zones  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has issued two new situation reports on the difficulties confronting journalists, their organisations and media outlets in India’s conflict areas of Jammu and Kashmir and the states of the North-East.   While conditions vary between regions and conflicts, the reports detail the multiple ways in which media personnel in these regions are restrained from going about their jobs, the security risks they deal with while reporting in a volatile environment, state restrictions on content and broadcasting, and a “blame the messenger” attitude when media reporting on controversial issues puts pressure on…  
10628. IFJ Urges Australian Travel Writers to Rethink Meeting in Fiji  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly urges the Australian Society of Travel Writers (ASTW) not to accept a bid for its annual general meeting to be hosted in Fiji next year, in view of the Fiji military regime’s strict censorship and hardline in controlling news reporting.   The IFJ wrote to the ASTW on September 23 calling for it to reconsider any meeting in Fiji while restrictions continue against local media.   The IFJ said that ASTW members would be compromising their integrity to accept the hospitality of the regime in the current circumstances.   The letter from IFJ Asia-Pacific Steering Committee member Christopher Warren,…  
10629. ITUC Spotlight Interview with Diatou Khady Cissé (SYNPICS -Senegal)  

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION ITUC OnLine152/28909 Spotlight Interview with Diatou Khady Cissé (SYNPICS -Senegal)"We need to build bridges to mobilise men to fight for equlity too"Brusssels, 28 September (ITUC OnLine):  Diatou Khady Cissé, editor-in-chief of Senegal's national television station, is president of the Senegalese journalists' union(SYNPICS), and vice-president of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ*), the first African woman to hold such a post.  She believes the media can still be very male chauvinist, like the society she comes from. She emphasises the need to target training at decision-makers in the media, and…  
10630. ITUC Spotlight Interview with Diatou Khady Cissé (SYNPICS -Senegal)  

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION ITUC OnLine152/28909 Spotlight Interview with Diatou Khady Cissé (SYNPICS -Senegal)"We need to build bridges to mobilise men to fight for equlity too"Brusssels, 28 September (ITUC OnLine):  Diatou Khady Cissé, editor-in-chief of Senegal's national television station, is president of the Senegalese journalists' union(SYNPICS), and vice-president of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ*), the first African woman to hold such a post.  She believes the media can still be very male chauvinist, like the society she comes from. She emphasises the need to target training at decision-makers…  
10631. Sri Lankan Government Must Reverse Anti-Media Actions  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins press freedom defenders in Sri Lanka in calling on President Mahinda Rajapakse and the Government of Sri Lanka to put an immediate end to the climate of impunity that has allowed a long campaign of intimidation and violence against independent journalism in Sri Lanka.   The IFJ stands in solidarity with the movement of press freedom organisations and Sri Lankan civil society in demanding that the Government allow space for free public debate, for plurality of opinions and open discussion in Sri Lanka. These conditions are essential for Sri Lanka’s return to peace and democracy.   The IFJ urges Sri…  
10632. No Safe Place for Media in Mexico after latest Murder of Journalist, Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its deep consternation and shock following the murder of Mexican Journalist Norberto Miranda Madrid, Director of Radio Vision's Web page, who was gunned down in the Mexican town of Casas Grandes, in Chihuahua State. The Federation says the killing confirmed that Mexican journalists are no longer safe from violence, not even inside the newsrooms.  Norberto, a crime reporter, was shot dead, execution style, on Thursday 24 September in his radio's newsroom in the town of Casas Grandes on the Mexican border with United States, by a commando group of five heavily armed men who station around ten in the evening.…  
10633. Journalists in India Endangered by Police Tactics  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply disturbed over the implications of a security operation in the Indian state of West Bengal, in which the leader of a political group reportedly aligned with the banned Maoist party was arrested by police masquerading as journalists.   According to IFJ sources, Chhatradhar Mahato was arrested on September 26 by police personnel who set up an interview with him posing as journalists.   Mahato had established a body under the title “People’s Committee against Police Atrocities” in the town of Lalgarh in Paschim Medinipur district of West Bengal last November.   He has been in hiding…  
10634. IFJ Condemns Arrest of Journalist in Niger  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the arrest of Ibrahim Soumana Gaoh, editor of the weekly independent newspaper, Le  Temoin, on   September, 20th 2009 by judicial police in Niamey.   “We denounce threats against press freedom and freedom of expression in Niger,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “Freedom of expression is an essential component of democracy as it provides the forum for pluralism in views. Journalists must be allowed to do their job safely,” he added. Gaoh’s arrest followed a complaint for defamation lodged by the Nigerian Minister of Communication and Government’s…  
10635. Statement by International Mission to the Republic of Belarus  

A group of international media and press freedom organisations today called upon the Belarus authorities to bring the country's media environment into accordance with international standards, following the visit of a joint delegation to Minsk from 20 to 24 September 2009. The group welcomes recent changes and recognises that pressure on media and journalists has eased. However, this must be translated into a lasting commitment to ensure the rights of journalists and to undertake much needed reforms of the media environment. Such changes need to be far reaching and irreversible. The delegation met with media organisations and with authorities of Belarus in Minsk to exchange…  
10636. The IFJ Condemns Murder of Journalist in Colombia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today strongly condemned the murder of Diego Rojas Velásquez, reporter and cameraman of Supía TV, who was shot dead on 22 September in Caramanta-Antioquía, Caldas province. "We condemn this appalling killing of the journalist in Colombia, the fifth since the start of this year," said Eduardo Márquez, president of the Colombian Federation of Journalists (FECOLPER) and vice-president of the Federation of Journalists from Latin American and the Caribbean (FEPALC).  "It is a sad reminder to us and Colombia journalists of the distance we still have to travel until all media workers can exercise their…  
10637. IFJ Backs Palace Protest as Journalists Demand Action Over Abducted Editor in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today gave its backing to Yemeni journalists who staged a sit in at the presidential palace to demand news of the whereabouts and the release of Mohammed al Maqaleh, editor of the opposition Socialist Party's website, Al Eshteraki, who was abducted last Friday and has not been seen since.   “The Government must end the cloak of secrecy over Almagaleh’s abduction,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “His family and colleagues have genuine concerns about his safety while he remains out of official custody.” The Yemeni Journalists Syndicates, an IFJ affiliate, today organised a sit…  
10638. RTHK Loses Fight for Independence in Hong Kong  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses regret at a decision by Hong Kong’s Commerce and Economics Development Bureau against reshaping Hong Kong’s public broadcaster, Radio and Television Hong Kong (RTHK), as an independent media outlet.   The bureau announced on September 22 that RTHK would remain in its current structure as a government department. The decision follows more than two decades of campaigning by RTHK and the public for the broadcaster’s independence.   The bureau’s announcement said the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Donald Tsang, would be responsible for appointing…  
10639. Journalists Blocked from Reporting China's National Day Preparations  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on China’s Central Government to ensure that local and foreign journalists are permitted to report on all events in the lead-up to China’s National Day on October 1.   According to news reports in Japan, three journalists from Kyodo News were assaulted by unidentified people for taking photographs on September 18 of rehearsals for the National Day military parade. The group reportedly stormed the journalists’ Beijing hotel room without warning, physically assaulted the journalists and destroyed their computers by throwing them onto the ground.   The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China…  
10640. IFJ Welcomes Court Dismissal of Libel Charge against Indonesia Journalist  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the decision on September 14 by a  district court in Makassar in Indonesia to dismiss charges of criminal defamation laid against journalist Upi Asmaradhana (Upi). According to the Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI), an IFJ affiliate, Upi was charged with criminal libel for organising public demonstrations protesting statements by General Sisno Adiwinoto, former commander of the South Sulawesi Regional Police Office. In June 2008, General Sisno had publicly advised people with complaints against the media to file police reports rather than use the complaint and resolution procedures available under…  
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